The Collapse of Bend, Continues...
Well, it's coming fast & furious now, Folks.
A seeming swarm of layoffs from all corners. Epic Aircraft & Jeld-Wen should come as no surprise. But Cascade Heatlhcare? That stuff is supposed to be immune, right?
No, seems when you do not have money, that visit to the doctor that used to be required can become "elective" pretty quick. You won't see a lot of folks out China Hat Road way clogging St Chas waiting rooms.
Nope, nothing is immune, not healthcare, not recreation, nothing. We've seen store closings of little guys (Westside Video, Bond Street Market, childs clothing seller Bonkerz), big guys (Office Depot, Linens N Things), and we'll see more in the near future of all kinds (Gottschalks, Cessna, City of Bend, The Bulletin, Les Schwab).
Retail is just the "face" of a slowing economy. There's plenty of "back office" type businesses closing; little public face, but quite a few jobs lost just the same. Even our little local Gubmint is in a constant state of layoffs.
We're at 10% unemployment, businesses are closing so fast it's hard to keep count, we've watched our local medians drop from $396,000 to $226,000. OK, this is the shit storm this blog has been yammering on about for 2 years as INEVITABLE. It's here. This is it. And NO, it is not even close to ending. The damage is not even close to being done.
So what would you do, if your own personal life looked this shaky? Do you fall back on (hopefully) saved up reserves? Do you keep piling up the money in a Federally Insured bank account, if you're lucky enough to still have a job? Do you scale back your eating out? Do you scale back the wine from $40/bottle to $15? Do you actually, God forbid, start cutting some of this stuff out entirely?
Or, do you borrow to the last of your ability and buy a new SUV? Do you expend the last of your reserves on building a fence around your back yard? Do you go for broke, and throw it all down on a new investment house with negative cash flow for as far as the eye can see?
See, to me, the answers to these questions are just ridiculous. It's pretty obvious. You STOP spending. OK, you do that whether you still have an income source or not. There are some people who do this innately. They're called Rich People. Well, they are at least financially insulated. People I know who are doing well right now have been saving their pennies. And I mean pennies. They don't make a King's Ransom. But they do save, quite a bit more than most people. They aren't really "cheap", they just have "lean" tastes.
But not our City Council. Not our local Paper. No.
No, they are advocating that we all spend as much as we can as fast as we can.
Yeah, we'll get great stuff, like a shed to house our broken down bus fleet. Or some blown up rock out in the Juniper Ridge badlands.
Costa is trying to convince us that we should run out and BUY cars with incentives that actually don't exist West of the Rockies. And by gum, with medians in the low $200's, "Some interest rates also at historic lows, could drive buyers back into Bend market".
Uh huh. Read the piece, and you'll find that "Some" interest rates applies to Bill Gates' FICO, not yours. Costa just doesn't get it.
Brucey posted in the comments that we're getting 100+ NOD's a week. That's 100 people (well, maybe not quite, but you get the idea) who will not be able to buy shit on credit for 7-10 years. You can lower the rates to ZERO (or less), and these people WILL NOT get extended one cent.
The Fed can (and has) pushed the interest rate/monetary policy string as far as it can (rates at 0%), and nothing has changed. What's funny is that this country is simply returning to "normal". We're returning to fairly "normal" credit restrictions.
But there's the rub. For about 7-8 years we extended credit to "non-normals", people who could NOT afford it. No income to afford the debt service. So how did it go on for all those years? Easy, simply "co-mingle funds", ala Summit 1031. Make "refi" money your New Income Stream. All that nasty old loan debt, is replaced by an even bigger loan, and what's great, is I Get Paid To Do It! Old $350K loan replaced by $500K refi loan and 2 years from now with a crooked appraisers help, I get another $175K, ad infinitum. Presto, Huge Income, No Work, Forever.
Well, the Minsky Moment arived on this Enormous Teetering Edifice, and the whole thing began toppling the middle of last year. And NO WHERE did it stand taller, grander, more magnificently than Bend Oregon. No where. It literally DEFINES this place. Scam piled on graft piled on deceit piled on fraud piled on schemes.
No where in the USA is the local economy more exposed to the crushing forces overwhelming our national economy than right here. I've said it before, Sit Back And Witness The Horror, Ladies And Gents. You are about to see an entire small city rip itself to pieces.
The Hollern/Moss/Costa Triad is crumbling. Hollern drank the Kool-Aid and bought Ironhorse & Yarrow. Moss financed that, and much, much more. Costa is in a 100% Dead industry, and is desperately trying to hold the buggy-whip edifice that is The Bend Bulletin together.
Again, you are about to witness a town completely implode on itself like nothing that has happened to any major town in the USA in 80 years. It's going to happen right here. This town will be the stuff of Legendary Collapses. This town will be the stuff of future editions of "Extraordinary Popular Delusions & the Madness of Crowds".
You're seeing it now. Our unemployment rate is at 9.9%. That's just amazing, but it will get Far Worse. It's going to get worse than you or I thought possible. The Viscious Cycle of the Great Deleveraging will take down HALF this town.
Of course, Costa will tell you with the Last Dying Breath of The Bulletin that Aspe... errrr uh, sorry, Bend is made up almost completely of multi-millionaire transplants from Saudi Arabia, Dubai or somewhere, and so employment doesn't really apply to this place.
Ummmm, OK, a little test. I work for a living. Do you work for a living? Do most of the people you know work for a living? Of course, I do know retirees around here. But not many, certainly not many in proportion to the number of people I know who Have To Work For A Living. This is a WORKING TOWN. Employment DOES matter.
And Bend has NEVER had a decent employment base. This place is built on low-wage shit jobs. And those are being lost in waves. No big deal, it's always been that way. But now we're losing the small, core base of family-wage level jobs. Fuck Gottschalks, we're losing jobs at St Chas & Les Schwab corporate.
Head over to BendBB (anon proxy ONLY!), and check out recent price changes. Used to be that you'd see only a few price cuts in the double digits. Now their practically ALL double digit percentage cuts in price. And it's worse than it appears. Some of those homes have been flipped between Realtors like the crack-whores of RE that they are. Desert Skeeze listings can be counted on to have changed hands several times.
When you look at the DOLLAR CHANGE in prices, you are looking at INCOME REDUCTIONS. These reductions USED to be INCOME GAINS, and these gains fueled Deschutes County growth for the better part of 30 years. This place slowly but surely went from one of the most undervalued to The Most Overvalued RE market in the country. The whole REFI-AS-INCOME game was played NOWHERE more intensely than it was here. And it was played far, FAR longer. In fact, a very precious few can attest to even pretend to remember the Bad Old Days of the laste 70's. This Game has been going on for 3 DECADES in Deschutes County. Not 5 years. Not 10 years. 30 YEARS.
Don't think the Great Unwinding will be over here when the rest of the USA is done, it won't. Here's the point:
There won't be a recovery here. Not in the way you think about it.
Remember last year, early, when the market started cracking here? People who dodged the bullet renting (Timmy, etc) started talking about buying at fantastically lower prices? Like "$250K"?
OK, so we all know NOW that is a suckers game. It's become clear. But that Speculative Mindset is STILL HERE. The idea that I will BUY AT THE BOTTOM in Bend.
And what? What comes after? It's unspoken, but it's there...
Yes. That little SPECULATIVE VOICE that tells you that YOU will make a great deal on a house... and then... the market will recover... AND YOU WILL GET RICH! Yeah!
OK, this very vague and almost unspoken mindset subtley infects EVERYONE HERE. Everyone reading this blog probably has some deep-seated desire to scoop up the bargain of a lifetime at what seems to be a ridiculous bargain prices.
BEWARE. OK. This is NOT going to happen.
Here's a little chart from the Jap Bubble:
You can see that once the collapse began, it was still going strong 17 YEARS later. Bend is going to have a Hockey Stick decline. It'll fall for years & years. And then it'll just flatline. Dead as a doornail, no Big Recovery, no Return to Normal, no Speculation, no Good Times.
The malls will be half empty, as will downtown. Most of the STD's ringing the Eastside will have been sold off piecemeal, and will have weed-infested half-built shitshacks sitting on them. HALF the retail will CLOSE. HALF the restaurants will close, at least. Cascade Business News is GOING TO CLOSE. The Bulletin is GOING TO CLOSE. Either Lowes or Home Depot will close. All these consumerist fueled nightmares are going down.
There isn't going to be a recovery here. It'll be like living in a depressed little version of Detroit, where the Heyday is over. Never to return. You will need your little shit job to pay for the little shit house on your little shit lot. And you will not make any money EVER on it. EVER.
I'm telling you folks, you will NOT recognize Bend in 10 years. Many, if not most won't be able to recognize it, cuz you'll have left.
OK, if you are thinking of buying RE, I ask you to think again. We're NOT EVEN CLOSE to fair value. Values are PLUMMETING. Rent-to-own ratios are STILL ridiculous. This town is going to go bankrupt. Industry & retail are being GUTTED as we speak. We're in a precarious period where it looks like a place you'll "want to be" for the long haul. But it's not going to be for long. Would you want to live in inner city Detroit at any price?
Because that's what Bend is becoming. And medians BOUGHT at $225K will seem like a HORRIBLE, TERRIBLE ERROR in judgement 7-10 years from now. Medians aren't going to $125K for no reason. They are going there, and they will STAY THERE, for abundant reasons.
No local incomes to support anything more. Burns-style entertainment. No restaurants. No fun places. Completely uncertain job prospects. No opportunity. Just straight depression. You WILL NOT want to be here.
What to do:
Speculative Bend is done. Over. We're in Survival Bend now. No one makes DEALS anymore. No sexiness, no flash. What 's befallen Summit 1031 will BEFALL THIS TOWN. Utter collapse, with NO HOPE OF RECOVERY EVER.
A seeming swarm of layoffs from all corners. Epic Aircraft & Jeld-Wen should come as no surprise. But Cascade Heatlhcare? That stuff is supposed to be immune, right?
No, seems when you do not have money, that visit to the doctor that used to be required can become "elective" pretty quick. You won't see a lot of folks out China Hat Road way clogging St Chas waiting rooms.
Nope, nothing is immune, not healthcare, not recreation, nothing. We've seen store closings of little guys (Westside Video, Bond Street Market, childs clothing seller Bonkerz), big guys (Office Depot, Linens N Things), and we'll see more in the near future of all kinds (Gottschalks, Cessna, City of Bend, The Bulletin, Les Schwab).
Retail is just the "face" of a slowing economy. There's plenty of "back office" type businesses closing; little public face, but quite a few jobs lost just the same. Even our little local Gubmint is in a constant state of layoffs.
We're at 10% unemployment, businesses are closing so fast it's hard to keep count, we've watched our local medians drop from $396,000 to $226,000. OK, this is the shit storm this blog has been yammering on about for 2 years as INEVITABLE. It's here. This is it. And NO, it is not even close to ending. The damage is not even close to being done.
So what would you do, if your own personal life looked this shaky? Do you fall back on (hopefully) saved up reserves? Do you keep piling up the money in a Federally Insured bank account, if you're lucky enough to still have a job? Do you scale back your eating out? Do you scale back the wine from $40/bottle to $15? Do you actually, God forbid, start cutting some of this stuff out entirely?
Or, do you borrow to the last of your ability and buy a new SUV? Do you expend the last of your reserves on building a fence around your back yard? Do you go for broke, and throw it all down on a new investment house with negative cash flow for as far as the eye can see?
See, to me, the answers to these questions are just ridiculous. It's pretty obvious. You STOP spending. OK, you do that whether you still have an income source or not. There are some people who do this innately. They're called Rich People. Well, they are at least financially insulated. People I know who are doing well right now have been saving their pennies. And I mean pennies. They don't make a King's Ransom. But they do save, quite a bit more than most people. They aren't really "cheap", they just have "lean" tastes.
But not our City Council. Not our local Paper. No.
No, they are advocating that we all spend as much as we can as fast as we can.
Yeah, we'll get great stuff, like a shed to house our broken down bus fleet. Or some blown up rock out in the Juniper Ridge badlands.
Costa is trying to convince us that we should run out and BUY cars with incentives that actually don't exist West of the Rockies. And by gum, with medians in the low $200's, "Some interest rates also at historic lows, could drive buyers back into Bend market".
Uh huh. Read the piece, and you'll find that "Some" interest rates applies to Bill Gates' FICO, not yours. Costa just doesn't get it.
Brucey posted in the comments that we're getting 100+ NOD's a week. That's 100 people (well, maybe not quite, but you get the idea) who will not be able to buy shit on credit for 7-10 years. You can lower the rates to ZERO (or less), and these people WILL NOT get extended one cent.
The Fed can (and has) pushed the interest rate/monetary policy string as far as it can (rates at 0%), and nothing has changed. What's funny is that this country is simply returning to "normal". We're returning to fairly "normal" credit restrictions.
But there's the rub. For about 7-8 years we extended credit to "non-normals", people who could NOT afford it. No income to afford the debt service. So how did it go on for all those years? Easy, simply "co-mingle funds", ala Summit 1031. Make "refi" money your New Income Stream. All that nasty old loan debt, is replaced by an even bigger loan, and what's great, is I Get Paid To Do It! Old $350K loan replaced by $500K refi loan and 2 years from now with a crooked appraisers help, I get another $175K, ad infinitum. Presto, Huge Income, No Work, Forever.
Well, the Minsky Moment arived on this Enormous Teetering Edifice, and the whole thing began toppling the middle of last year. And NO WHERE did it stand taller, grander, more magnificently than Bend Oregon. No where. It literally DEFINES this place. Scam piled on graft piled on deceit piled on fraud piled on schemes.
No where in the USA is the local economy more exposed to the crushing forces overwhelming our national economy than right here. I've said it before, Sit Back And Witness The Horror, Ladies And Gents. You are about to see an entire small city rip itself to pieces.
The Hollern/Moss/Costa Triad is crumbling. Hollern drank the Kool-Aid and bought Ironhorse & Yarrow. Moss financed that, and much, much more. Costa is in a 100% Dead industry, and is desperately trying to hold the buggy-whip edifice that is The Bend Bulletin together.
Again, you are about to witness a town completely implode on itself like nothing that has happened to any major town in the USA in 80 years. It's going to happen right here. This town will be the stuff of Legendary Collapses. This town will be the stuff of future editions of "Extraordinary Popular Delusions & the Madness of Crowds".
You're seeing it now. Our unemployment rate is at 9.9%. That's just amazing, but it will get Far Worse. It's going to get worse than you or I thought possible. The Viscious Cycle of the Great Deleveraging will take down HALF this town.
Of course, Costa will tell you with the Last Dying Breath of The Bulletin that Aspe... errrr uh, sorry, Bend is made up almost completely of multi-millionaire transplants from Saudi Arabia, Dubai or somewhere, and so employment doesn't really apply to this place.
Ummmm, OK, a little test. I work for a living. Do you work for a living? Do most of the people you know work for a living? Of course, I do know retirees around here. But not many, certainly not many in proportion to the number of people I know who Have To Work For A Living. This is a WORKING TOWN. Employment DOES matter.
And Bend has NEVER had a decent employment base. This place is built on low-wage shit jobs. And those are being lost in waves. No big deal, it's always been that way. But now we're losing the small, core base of family-wage level jobs. Fuck Gottschalks, we're losing jobs at St Chas & Les Schwab corporate.
Head over to BendBB (anon proxy ONLY!), and check out recent price changes. Used to be that you'd see only a few price cuts in the double digits. Now their practically ALL double digit percentage cuts in price. And it's worse than it appears. Some of those homes have been flipped between Realtors like the crack-whores of RE that they are. Desert Skeeze listings can be counted on to have changed hands several times.
When you look at the DOLLAR CHANGE in prices, you are looking at INCOME REDUCTIONS. These reductions USED to be INCOME GAINS, and these gains fueled Deschutes County growth for the better part of 30 years. This place slowly but surely went from one of the most undervalued to The Most Overvalued RE market in the country. The whole REFI-AS-INCOME game was played NOWHERE more intensely than it was here. And it was played far, FAR longer. In fact, a very precious few can attest to even pretend to remember the Bad Old Days of the laste 70's. This Game has been going on for 3 DECADES in Deschutes County. Not 5 years. Not 10 years. 30 YEARS.
Don't think the Great Unwinding will be over here when the rest of the USA is done, it won't. Here's the point:
There won't be a recovery here. Not in the way you think about it.
Remember last year, early, when the market started cracking here? People who dodged the bullet renting (Timmy, etc) started talking about buying at fantastically lower prices? Like "$250K"?
OK, so we all know NOW that is a suckers game. It's become clear. But that Speculative Mindset is STILL HERE. The idea that I will BUY AT THE BOTTOM in Bend.
And what? What comes after? It's unspoken, but it's there...
Yes. That little SPECULATIVE VOICE that tells you that YOU will make a great deal on a house... and then... the market will recover... AND YOU WILL GET RICH! Yeah!
OK, this very vague and almost unspoken mindset subtley infects EVERYONE HERE. Everyone reading this blog probably has some deep-seated desire to scoop up the bargain of a lifetime at what seems to be a ridiculous bargain prices.
BEWARE. OK. This is NOT going to happen.
Here's a little chart from the Jap Bubble:

The malls will be half empty, as will downtown. Most of the STD's ringing the Eastside will have been sold off piecemeal, and will have weed-infested half-built shitshacks sitting on them. HALF the retail will CLOSE. HALF the restaurants will close, at least. Cascade Business News is GOING TO CLOSE. The Bulletin is GOING TO CLOSE. Either Lowes or Home Depot will close. All these consumerist fueled nightmares are going down.
There isn't going to be a recovery here. It'll be like living in a depressed little version of Detroit, where the Heyday is over. Never to return. You will need your little shit job to pay for the little shit house on your little shit lot. And you will not make any money EVER on it. EVER.
I'm telling you folks, you will NOT recognize Bend in 10 years. Many, if not most won't be able to recognize it, cuz you'll have left.
OK, if you are thinking of buying RE, I ask you to think again. We're NOT EVEN CLOSE to fair value. Values are PLUMMETING. Rent-to-own ratios are STILL ridiculous. This town is going to go bankrupt. Industry & retail are being GUTTED as we speak. We're in a precarious period where it looks like a place you'll "want to be" for the long haul. But it's not going to be for long. Would you want to live in inner city Detroit at any price?
Because that's what Bend is becoming. And medians BOUGHT at $225K will seem like a HORRIBLE, TERRIBLE ERROR in judgement 7-10 years from now. Medians aren't going to $125K for no reason. They are going there, and they will STAY THERE, for abundant reasons.
No local incomes to support anything more. Burns-style entertainment. No restaurants. No fun places. Completely uncertain job prospects. No opportunity. Just straight depression. You WILL NOT want to be here.
What to do:
- Keep renting. Do NOT buy.
- Pile up the cash. Don't BUY ANYTHING.
- Cling to a paycheck as long as you can. If it's already gone, YOU LEAVE town.
- List your EXCESS RE Now. And you mark it down BELOW MARKET. It'll be 20% lower in 12 months.
- Start looking for INCOME PROSPECTS outside of Bend. Keep your eyes open.
- Sell your cars. Sell your other toys. Sell your crap. Keep the money.
Speculative Bend is done. Over. We're in Survival Bend now. No one makes DEALS anymore. No sexiness, no flash. What 's befallen Summit 1031 will BEFALL THIS TOWN. Utter collapse, with NO HOPE OF RECOVERY EVER.
What, no funny pictures? I demand funny pictures when you delivery the bad news.
January 11, 2009 8:43 AM
Blogger IHateToBurstYourBubble said...
State economist: Double-digit unemployment likely
by Richard Read, The Oregonian
Friday January 09, 2009, 4:20 PM
Oregon's unemployment rate could easily exceed 10 percent as the recession deepens, state economist Tom Potiowsky told a sellout Portland City Club audience today.
Potiowsky, who directs Oregon's office of economic analysis, predicted Oregon job losses persisting through this year's third quarter, with probably no real economic upturn until mid 2010. Already, the state's unemployment rate reached 8.1 percent, seasonally adjusted, in November.
"Undoubtedly I think that rate is going to go up again," Potiowsky told the luncheon audience of 275 in a downtown Portland hotel.
The state and the nation are seeing a very rapid drop, he said, into a much deeper recession. He expects the state budget will take a bigger hit than expected as the economy deteriorates and tax revenues fall.
The state can't run a deficit, Potiowsky noted, as the federal government can. But it can borrow for capital projects and raise fees, as Gov. Ted Kulongoski favors.
Oregon could raise gas taxes, said Potiowsky, noting that the recent drop in oil prices could make a hike more palatable. And Oregon officials can ask the Obama administration for a healthy piece of the expected federal stimulus package, being that states face more pressing needs than automakers and deserve help more than Wall Street executives.
Potiowsky said Oregon's status as "the center for the green movement in the U.S." will ultimately help it pull out of the recession.
Potiowsky criticized U.S. Treasury Department officials for bailing out financial institutions without attaching sufficient conditions. He said the Federal Reserve would have to get more creative than just dropping interest rates. He said he worries that the U.S. pendulum could swing from inadequate financial regulation to "too much reregulation of industries."
If the Legislature decides to suspend corporate kicker-tax credits again, Potiowsky said, the state's rainy-day fund would be a perfect place to put the money. He said tax breaks for renewable-energy projects are costing the state far more than predicted, but he doubts legislators will decrease the subsidies during the upcoming session.
January 11, 2009 8:48 AM
Blogger IHateToBurstYourBubble said...
The Oregonian gives it to us straight, while The Bulletin tells us TO KEEP IT IN PERSPECTIVE:
Downtown Bend: Trying to keep it all in perspective
January 11, 2009 4:00 am
Walk around downtown Bend these days and it’s easy to feel alarmed about the health of Bend’s heart, not to mention the overall patient. It’s the locked doors and darkened....MORE
This link is BUSTED right now, but it's pretty easy to figure it out given Costa's record:
"Hey, sure, if you look around & pay attention to The Facts, it looks pretty bad.
But keep things in PERSPECTIVE:
I still have a job at The Bull. I still suck Hollern shlong daily. And Bledsoe will still jerk off a donkey on top of Volo for 50 cents. Bend is still a paradise."
January 11, 2009 8:53 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I think the guberment and Omabomba, after buying all the default loans on the books and foreclosing, will then employ people to bulldoze the shit shacks and thus create "housing demand" or just declare them public housing and ship in the section 8. In LA back in the 90's, section 8 housing was created in a place where there were lots of available land and those receiving welfare were bused in to get their checks from Palmdale/Lancaster.
January 11, 2009 8:55 AM
Blogger Duncan McGeary said...
You'll be coming for my head.
Ducks and runs.
Hey, I've always been a contrarian, and when he came in all doom and gloomy, I gave him the positives....
I DID say LONG run.
But, yeah, for my store, I'm still in better shape foot traffic wise that I was in the past, and I AM situated right where the new development will help.
Not to underestimate the downturn, but I feel like Pegasus is in a good place.
January 11, 2009 9:02 AM
Blogger IHateToBurstYourBubble said...
What, no funny pictures? I demand funny pictures when you delivery the bad news.
Done and done.
January 11, 2009 9:10 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Kids alone for days after Oregon murder-suicide
Madras, Oregon, (AP) 1-09
It had been two days since anyone had seen or heard from Hannah Crowe and Julian Wallulatum.
Three of Crowe’s children had been playing outside Jan. 1 and 2nd, so nothing seemed wrong, said Andrew Smith, a neighbor.
But on Jan 3, the kids knocked on his door, Smith said. The eldest, an 8-year-old girl, did the talking.
“The oldest one said, I can’t wake my mom up. I can’t wake my mom and dad up, ‘cause I think they’re still passed out, but I can see blood on my mom’s leg, under the door,” Smith said in an interview with KTVZ-TV of Bend.
Smith walked over to his neighbor’s apartment. He smelled something terrible and heard Crowe and Wallulatum’s 9-month-old girl crying. He kicked down the locked bedroom door to discover the couple dead in the same clothes they were wearing New Year’s Eve. The baby was beside them; her shirt stained with their blood.
“My knees, they wobbled,” Smith said. “It just took it out of me. I almost fainted.”
Officers were called to the apartment at about 6 p.m. Jan. 3.
Madras police Sgt. Dennis Schneider said Crowe, 26, and Wallulatum, 21, were fatally shot. Schneider declined to release more information about the apparent murder-suicide until the investigation is further along.
He said both victims were members of the Warm Springs tribe.
Smith said the state Department of Human Services took the baby into protective custody, and the other children are with relatives.
January 11, 2009 9:15 AM
Anonymous hbm said...
What 's befallen Summit 1031 will BEFALL THIS TOWN. Utter collapse, with NO HOPE OF RECOVERY EVER.
"Ever" is a long time. This town has had deep recessions before and has recovered.
I agree, though, that this one will be longer and deeper than any we have yet seen because the whole global economy is in the crapper. And we will never, EVER return to the "glory days" of the Bubble. And in the long run that's a good thing -- it could mean that working people once again will be able to afford to live here.
BTW your predictions of doom do not distress me -- my family has very little debt and our investments have been very conservative -- but it does distress me to see the evident relish with which you make them. Why do you rejoice at the prospect of seeing your town and your neighbors become paupers? Schadenfreude is an ugly emotion.
January 11, 2009 9:18 AM
Blogger bruce said...
Don't listen to Homer he's full of shit I see the ray of hope in Bend.
I see the BAT-BUS.
There will be jobs for everyone, good paying jobs. Jobs with Pensions. PERS pension, the best kind of pension.
Support the Bend Area Transit district and you will be taken care of until the day you drop dead.
Good paying jobs for all those who desire.
Ignore Homer he doesn't have the vision.
Bend will become a socialist paradise. We'll have a socialized Merenda, we'll force Denton to stay and run it and the city of Bend will subsidize good paying jobs for all.
The City will socialize the auto malls on I-97, we're gong to socialize the Bend Bulletin, the finest US newspaper.
Tomorrows Bend will be a beacon of hope to the world. "Change" is coming to Bend. Where everyone has a good paying public service job, with tier-1 benefits, and a PERS retirement package. We'll continue to retire at fifty, and get free medical care for life, and subsidized shopping at the BEND Metro CMX.
Ignore HOMER
January 11, 2009 9:22 AM
Blogger Marge said...
The good times are over...let the depression set in and make Bend into what it always should have been. Poverty with a view, is what Bend has been forever. A few scant years of greed and we return to the norm.
Hunkering down with the 4 B's is the only smart thing to do.
You can't say it loud enough for all to have it sink in..STOP THE MADNESS..STOP SPENDING...JUST STOP IT.
January 11, 2009 9:28 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Why do you rejoice at the prospect of seeing your town and your neighbors become paupers? Schadenfreude is an ugly emotion.
HBM, you have to understand that for ten years these newbies to BEND have been shoving down our ass this 'Bend is Exceptional' rhetoric.
Bend is like MT-B 100% perfection in Marketing, and 1% effort for delivery.
Thus it is exciting to see Hollern, Moss, Costa, Switzer grovel in the mud of debt, and impending suicide.
If all of you read "Grand Popular Delusions", you'll see that after the bubble's pop often those who were the loudest and most ostentatious, end up being town beggars.
HBM a beggar himself, is being sarcastic.
Let's remember that over 90% of the newbies in this town came here to get rich quick, and they got poor slow. Those that stick around MUST know it will take ten years just to stabilize the collapse.
All our BEAUTIFUL hustlers will be gone, certainly HOLLERN will be dead, from old age. Moss will not survive, Switzer will find a new fast growing town to hustle.
January 11, 2009 9:29 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Costa will retire and become exactly like HBM, he'll work for free at a local alt-paper ( alt to BULL ), until he drops dead.
HBM will retire for real, having turned the torch of opposition over to Costa.
January 11, 2009 9:32 AM
Blogger IHateToBurstYourBubble said... does distress me to see the evident relish with which you make them. Why do you rejoice at the prospect of seeing your town and your neighbors become paupers? Schadenfreude is an ugly emotion.
Huh? Rejoice?
Psychological projection
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In psychology, psychological projection (or projection bias) is a defense mechanism in which one attributes one’s own unacceptable or unwanted thoughts and/or emotions to others. According to Wade, Tavris (2000) projection occurs when a person's own unacceptable or threatening feelings are repressed and then attributed to someone else..[1]
An example of such simple behavior would be: blame for failure, making an excuse for your own faults by projecting the cause of said failure onto someone else, hence blaming them and not accepting the reality of the failure. One would argue that you are projecting the threatening feelings.
January 11, 2009 9:34 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Schadenfreude is an ugly emotion.
What your FUCK-HEADS @ the BULL&SORE have done to BEND in the last 20+ years is fucking BEND-UGLY.
Let's NEVER fucking forget the relentless 'bob woodward' over selling of bend mtn-biking and planting story's in Outside Magazine is what created the BUZZ in the first place.
The SORE&BULL were front and center in creating PR&MARKETING BUZZ that was BEND. All paid by COVA, e.g. Bend taxpayer.
Today HBM asks "why the self-hate", NO HBM we don't hate ourselves, we hate your masters, and yes we ENJOY watching them fall, we enjoy it very much.
January 11, 2009 9:35 AM
Blogger bruce said...
Huh? Rejoice?
My neighbors will not become paupers, everybody on my street ( I live near Newport Mkt ), has their house paid for, most of us are retired. Most of the kids on the street have good jobs. The average person paid $30k for their home 20+ years ago, and their paid off. Most people on my street didn't suck equity.
So HBM, its your CALIS that came to your BOB-WOODWARD siren that bought the bait, the people who bought and flipped in the last ten years, the people who played 1031 with the best CPA's & Lawyers in Bend, the people with BIG Suv's, and plastic surgery. The people who run all the Salons and gallery's and real-estate shops downtown,, ...
No HBM we don't hate our nieghbors, we hate YOU HBM, and the kind of people you while at the BULL, and SORE brought to BEND in the last 20 years.
The HOPE is that all these beautiful people the the paid pied pipers of Bend ( SORE&BULL ) brought to BEND will NOW leave, given that their is only SHIT & not fold at the end of the Bend rainbow.
January 11, 2009 9:41 AM
Blogger bruce said...
The HOPE is that all these beautiful people that the paid pied pipers of Bend ( SORE&BULL ) brought to BEND will NOW leave, given that there is only SHIT & not GOLD at the end of the Bend rainbow.
January 11, 2009 9:43 AM
Blogger IHateToBurstYourBubble said...
So, wht you think about those Summit 1031'ers, hbm? Huh? It's all good? They just playing the game & the game went bad?
No. No, I DO want THOSE fuckers to suffer. I got all kinds of SCHADENFRUEDE for those fuckers. I hope they go down so fucking hard, they never get up.
But towards "regular" folk? No. Towards people who held back on the insanity, toiled away in anonymity, saved their meager pennies and STILL GOT THEIR ASSES FIRED? No. No schadenfruede there. None.
But what about the GRAY AREA? What about those who bought 3-4 homes for fixer-upper or flipper purposes? I KNOW (and like) people who did this. Several, in fact. And I have NO ILL WILL towards them. I don't WISH ILL UPON THEM.
But "ILL" is what they're going to get. They are getting it now. You play, you pay. THEY did this to THEMSELVES. The signs were there & many decent people STILL decided to play.
Now they will pay.
THAT doesn't mean I WANT IT TO HAPPEN. This thing is going to happen whether I am here documenting it or not.
You accusations of SCHADENFREUDE are so far off, it's baffling. I am NOT gleefully CELEBRATING this collapse.
What am I doing? I am WAVING MY HANDS WILDLY, trying to get people to NOT COMMIT the last of their resources to a lost cause. They should SAVE & CONSERVE. Spending NOW is a HUGE MISTAKE. There's NO Schadenfreude here.
Your statement tells me more about you than me.
January 11, 2009 9:46 AM
Blogger IHateToBurstYourBubble said...
we hate YOU HBM...
Not true for me at least. You seem an OK dude. Confused on this particular issue & my feelings about it.
But an OK & relatively intelligent dude, nonetheless.
January 11, 2009 9:50 AM
Blogger Duncan McGeary said...
"It's time to HUNKER DOWN.
You left off "THE END IS NIGH!!"
Funny to see the two extremes this morning.
at the Bulletin:
DOWNTOWN BEND: Trying to keep it all in perspective.
January 11, 2009 9:52 AM
Blogger bruce said...
You notice that HBM hasn't said a FUCKING WORD about 1031? On the SORE, not a fucking word.
He's always bashing stupid fucking Pug's.
Neuman gave the RNC tons of stolen client money, "MAKE THE RNC RETURN THE MONEY", HBM has the story of the fucking year, does he run it?? HELL NO.
Cuz 1031 was a major part of the BEND-BUBBLE. These GUYS the ENTIRE TEAM-1031 were brought in all together in 1991, and setup shop, and by 2000 were up and running the 1031 exchange & reverse exchange and did 1,000's of deals, deals that would have NEVER sold all the fucking land on the fringes of the UGB.
Team-1031 are controlled by some of the BIGGEST players in BEND, TEAM-1031 brought tons of BUSINESS to BROOKS&MOSS.
You'll never see HBM do real reporting or investigation, he is incapable.
Bend-1031 is the fourth leg of the BEND-BUBBLE.
1.) Easy-Bush post 911 money (PUG)
2.) Defer SDC post 1998, hollern smart-growth
3.) taxpayer paid PR&MARKETING COVA, planted storys about BEND#1 in outside mag, ...
4.) Bend-1031, reverse exchange, brought 1031 money in from all over the world to 'invest' in BEND (HOLLERN) land.
(1) was common to everywhere, 2&3 to BEND, and (4) was Bend's secret weapon, this is why Neuman will NEVER spend a day in jail, BUSH will pardon all 1031 operatives nationally or OBAMA.
January 11, 2009 9:55 AM
Blogger bruce said...
Not true for me at least. You seem an OK dude. Confused on this particular issue & my feelings about it.
But an OK & relatively intelligent dude, nonetheless.
Just being silly homer is right, we love you hbm, as only a faggot can love.
January 11, 2009 9:56 AM
Blogger bruce said...
Your statement tells me more about you than me.
In many ways HBM is more adolescent than US, over at the source he called for jailing and imprisonment of bloggers who slander and call people child-molesters, and then over here on BB2 HBM calls rush-limbaugh a child molester.
Who is the real hbm, my guess is he's being sarcastic at both places.
But 'HBM' could do some good in town, but he chooses not to, instead, he just does funny's about dumb fucking PUGS (SMITH), over & over on his SORE-EYE, ...
January 11, 2009 9:59 AM
Blogger IHateToBurstYourBubble said...
Funny to see the two extremes this morning...
Yet between the two Alternatives, this blog & The Bulletin, who's been right?
The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow crowd?
Or the Fucking Crazy Clapboard Maniac?
You know what? You SHOULD BUY A HOUSE IN BEND RIGHT NOW... under the following conditions:
1) You can pay ALL CASH.
2) You can lose 50% of your purchase price WITH EASE, and sustain absolutely NO ILL EFFECTS to your own personal balance sheet.
3) You do not plan on selling EVER, or the next 25 years, at least.
I know NO ONE who fits these parameters. Not even real rich types.
January 11, 2009 10:00 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hate the ACT, but not the PERSON??
When I say 'hate' and HBM, I do hate the shit he's done as an employee of the BULL & SORE.
Had more people stepped up and called the bullshit, perhaps things wouldn't have been insane.
So we're to despise HBM for empowering the SORE&BULL for around 20 years, but love the man??
DUMB FUCKERS in BEND aren't to be despised, cuz that would be schaden-freud, ... something as bad as anit-semitism, ...
HBM is a master at playing the politically-correct CARD.
January 11, 2009 10:02 AM
Blogger tim said...
(carry over from old conversation)
The case I know about directly is that nurses who have an actual pension plan (defined benefit) were actually cashed out of that and given a replacement defined contributions plan (in this case maybe a 403(b)--not sure).
What did these nurses, who thought they had a pension that would last the rest of their lives know about a shitty defined contributions plan with a lousy set of choices and a bunch of high fees. They SHOULD have been given an annuity in the pension was shutting down, given their career-long expectation that they had a pension.
January 11, 2009 10:06 AM
Blogger tim said...
"(Timmy, etc)"
Yeah, I know, it's pretty clear we are ALL losers now.
Like buster warned, any one of us may make it to the other side with our money, but the great hulking collapse of everyone else pins us under their fetid corpses.
January 11, 2009 10:10 AM
Blogger tim said...
>>HBM, you have to understand that for ten years these newbies to BEND have been shoving down our ass this 'Bend is Exceptional' rhetoric.
Yeah, I'm with you there. These were not innocent victims. Bend was full of fakers and posers and schemers. People who didn't want to work. They have to fall. It's good that they fall. They were absolutely 100% guaranteed and doomed to fall. The sooner the better.
January 11, 2009 10:13 AM
Blogger IHateToBurstYourBubble said...
DUMB FUCKERS in BEND aren't to be despised, cuz that would be schaden-freud, ... something as bad as anit-semitism, ...
HBM is a master at playing the politically-correct CARD.
The only diff between Lib's & RePugs is that despite BOTH being reprehensible ASSHOLES, the gap between what Lib's are and what they think they are is HUGE. It's called The Hypocrisy Gap.
RePugs are ASSHOLES, and they know it.
Lib's accuse others of INTOLERANCE all the time, for example... and yet they are UTTERLY INTOLERANT OF DISSENT regarding that accusation.
hbm's statements here re RePugs act as innumerable proof, in his case. Libs are The Least Tolerant Human Beings on Earth. But they'll NOT HEAR OF IT. Never had a single LIB even consider the idea THEY ARE WRONG.
January 11, 2009 10:13 AM
Blogger tim said...
>>Had more people stepped up and called the bullshit, perhaps things wouldn't have been insane.
Are you the one that told me in no uncertain terms the other day that you can't stop a bubble?
January 11, 2009 10:14 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Are you the one that told me in no uncertain terms the other day that you can't stop a bubble?
No, APU, I think that was Ned Flanders, he goes on about bubbles being like fads, that just happen and can't be stopped.
I'm the one that says all bubbles are engineered.
That said bubbles are limited by the 'greater fool theory' bend has run out of fools.
Money is like water, it will find a way out, good money will always run from a bad situation.
I also wasn't the one who suggest that the city can or should privatize and provide public transportation.
What I said was that public transportation in ORYGUN only exists to build empires of good jobs, with good pensions, so that the elite can ride on the backs of taxpayers.
January 11, 2009 10:37 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
hbm's statements here re RePugs act as innumerable proof, in his case. Libs are The Least Tolerant Human Beings on Earth. But they'll NOT HEAR OF IT. Never had a single LIB even consider the idea THEY ARE WRONG.
Homer, I haven't ever heard you admit you were wrong, the other day when HBM demanded proof of your assertion that DUY had supported the bubble, and called you on that assertion there was silence, I stepped forward to confirm that HBM was right, and that I thought you had confused DUY of OR, with YUN of NAR.
I think that its good that we all learn from each other, but likewise I have never, ever seen HBM admit he was wrong about anything, ... I don't think for him its a lib/pug thing, I think that HBM is a real fucking elitist.
That's why he support HOLLERN, MOSS, Eckman, costa, switze, ... He really wants to be invited to the partys forever.
January 11, 2009 10:40 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
>>HBM, you have to understand that for ten years these newbies to BEND have been shoving down our ass this 'Bend is Exceptional' rhetoric.
Yeah, I'm with you there. These were not innocent victims. Bend was full of fakers and posers and schemers. People who didn't want to work. They have to fall. It's good that they fall. They were absolutely 100% guaranteed and doomed to fall. The sooner the better.
Let's remember here why HBM is frantic that we love these 'loser-fallers', these are the people who keep the BULL&SORE in business, ...
People like HBM don't want us to BASH calis, or to bash those that were 'fakers & posers', we're supposed to smile at our tourists, and say 'Bravo on that condo purchase'.
HBM&Switzer, fear and tremble that the word will get out that we're all laughing our ass off at all these posers and frauds that lost their life savings on blowing up the bend bubble.
But these people like the SORE/BULL team themselves are also responsible for turning BEND into a fucking nightmare of congestion and big-box stores.
January 11, 2009 10:44 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Like buster warned, any one of us may make it to the other side with our money, but the great hulking collapse of everyone else pins us under their fetid corpses.
I think HOMER has long said when we hit bottom, you'll not want to be here.
That said, folks like me&dunc will weather the storm, but staying home, and reading a book by a fire.
Just stay away from apartments, shopping malls at night.
The only advice I have for those who were smart not to play is don't display wealth, dress down, drive an old car, never display wealth, live in a simple house, don't draw attention to yourself.
I remember during the last recession a bunch of my friends were high spenders and got followed home and robbed while they were asleep. During bad times people watch for ostentatious spending.
It's essential to appear to be just another of the walking dead in public. If you wish to survive.
January 11, 2009 10:49 AM
Blogger Duncan McGeary said...
Of Course, you COULD stop a bubble. It's just that no one ever does. Too many people making money.
What I said is, you can't START a bubble. (Shit, Buster, they're trying ALL THE TIME! Every new business, every new product, thinks they are going to take over the world.)
What it comes down to, people think they can CONTROL a bubble, manipulate a bubble. The other guy will always be the last fool, not you.
And bubbles ALWAYS end badly, lower than where they started, with everyone at death's door.
Only a lucky few will escape before it all collapses, and a few others will get out intact.
And yes, I've equated fads with bubbles, that's my premise, if you don't buy it, I understand.
I've read POPULAR DELUSIONS. A more boring and dry book would be hard to find....
January 11, 2009 10:49 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The case I know about directly is that nurses who have an actual pension plan (defined benefit) were actually cashed out of that and given a replacement defined contributions plan (in this case maybe a 403(b)--not sure).
What did these nurses, who thought they had a pension that would last the rest of their lives know about a shitty defined contributions plan with a lousy set of choices and a bunch of high fees. They SHOULD have been given an annuity in the pension was shutting down, given their career-long expectation that they had a pension.
Well like I keep saying, post 1980's the private-pensions were liquidated, converted from defined benefits to 'managed plan'. The way it worked is public-unions (PERS) used KKR ( big junk bond funds ) as fronts to buy companys, take the pension cash, and replaces with paper IOU's. They had to convert the private pensions because the money is gone.
Today if you want a 'real pension' you got to get a government job, which is WHY they're going to BUILD a BUS-BAT empire here in METRO-BEND. The lucky beautiful people of bend will all get 'government jobs' high paying jobs with defined life time pensions.
The private sector pension of the USA is fucking BEND-GONE.
That's why I'm big on RE for retirement at least you can retire at 40 with a few houses and live off rental income. FUCK INVESTING!!! Its a SHAM played on baby-boomers TRILLIONS were saved and lost the biggest CON 1980-2008 was robbing the baby-boom on his self-managed 'pension' now the money is BEND gone.
Most americans will once again return to working until they die, or if they're lucking and connected, they'll get a government job, with a REAL retirement plan.
Trouble of course is its ALL a ponzi at FEDERAL level, not enough taxpayers to pay all these FED people, that's why the FED now prints money and hands it out. All off budget.
The last bastion of theft is of course city's this is why BEND is being robbed blind by MDU, and MOSS brazenly being paid $200k/yr for every $10M that MDU gets.
Something always gives eventually all of the cops & firemen in BEND will lose their pension, and the city-manager will be paid $300k/yr.
January 11, 2009 10:58 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
What I said is, you can't START a bubble.
Jeebus dunc, just let go, I could start a fucking bubble anytime I wish.
Let me tell a story as a kid I saw in EAST LA, back in the 50's at a park.
There was a guy playing cards, and if you picked the right card of three you got back $20 on a $10, and I was watching the winner(s) scream with joy, ... and soon there were 100 people around placing bets, ... when it was all over the card-guy handed a bunch of money to the original 2 or 3 'winners'. It turned out that the entire event had been orchestrated and in a 1-2 hour period they had taken in a ton of cash.
See the whole card game had been orchestrated and the early winners, had brought bystanders into the game.
Bubbles are created all the time in public. If you don't see this you are fucking blind.
Self-Sustained bubbles of an enormous magnitude are pure luck.
But HOLLERN knew after 1986, that there would be another bubble, all of us RE players in BEND know its 20 yr avg cyclic here, always been so, 1991 HOLLERN had everything in place, ... by 1998 'smart growth' was in place, folks saw the high-tech bubble in 1999, a lot of people knew that RE would be the next bubble.
Like I keep saying ... 1,2,3,4
(1) easy-money bush post 911
(2) deferred SDC's, pure profit for builders
(3) COVA: pr&marketing of bend paid by taxpayer
(4) 1031 exchange - reverse brought them in from all over
All of 1-4 above came together at the same time (1) of course was un-forseen but it just threw a ton of money on the table, everybody knew there was cyclic bubble, but nobody saw this magnitude with the easy-money.
That said, and I REALLY THINK THAT YOU BEING A DUMB FUCKING LIB, miss the point.
That HOLLERN lobbied the PUGS for easy money,
That NEUMAN lobbied the PUGS NOT to regulate 1031 ( allow commingled funds )
All these players in BEND that run the show MOSS,HOLLERN, COSTA, they're all PUGS they ALL lobbied for deferred or free SDCs, easy-money, non-regulated 1031's (TIC). None of this was a fucking accident or FATE.
January 11, 2009 11:10 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I've read POPULAR DELUSIONS. A more boring and dry book would be hard to find....
Well that's why you can't read science.
Pop-Del is dozens of chapters your telling me the chapter on burning witches in Salem wasn't fascinating?
Bullshit dunc, you haven't read the book, and if you did you skimmed, you were bored, ... you don't like reality.
Your a sci-fi guy, you like fake worlds truth bores the fuck out of you.
January 11, 2009 11:15 AM
Blogger Duncan McGeary said...
You and I are never going to agree on this, Bilbo. We have different world views. You see Evil Genius, and I see Chaos.
Ordinarily I'm a great believer in cause and effect, but when it comes to bubbles, I'm an agnostic.
I think they're a mystery.
I could be wrong about this, but even if it's true that bubble are created, who decides what becomes big and what doesn't?
So it becomes a moot point.
I'll give you this much. It is possible to recognize a bubble early, to promote it, to be part of the TIPPING POINT, and making it really happen.
The biggest benefiters to the bubbles, are people who were accidentally (on purpose? Luck goes to the prepared?) positioned.
In Bend, you have the Hollerns, the Coats, the Wards, the Miller, sitting on what had been, up until 15 years ago, fairly worthless property.
The other people who can profit are the few survivors of the last bubble who have no consciouses and are willing to screw people in the new bubble.
And you have a few survivors like me who are just trying to survive with their businesses and integrity intact.
But as Tim said, we'll be buried under fetid corpses....
January 11, 2009 11:15 AM
Blogger Duncan McGeary said...
Bullshit dunc, you haven't read the book.
I just told you, I did read the book.
Must be nice to ignore everyone elses reality.
January 11, 2009 11:19 AM
Blogger Duncan McGeary said...
I gagged my way through it.
The only interesting parts were the South Sea bubble, and the Tulip Madness.
It was like reading The Gangs of New York. You force your way through because there are some fascinating elements.
But you wish a modern writer would update the info in a more entertaining fashion.
January 11, 2009 11:23 AM
Blogger Duncan McGeary said...
"Jeebus dunc, just let go, I could start a fucking bubble anytime I wish."
Ummmm, go right ahead?
January 11, 2009 11:39 AM
Blogger Duncan McGeary said...
"Um, go right ahead?"
Spend a fortune of time and money trying to create a bubble.
If you succeed, you will be hailed a genius. If you fail, we'll never hear from you.
Like I said, it begs the point -- why do some things take off and not others? It can't be just brains, and money.
It's something more mysterious.
In your view, I'd have to say that the housing bubble inflaters were awfully nice to wait for the Nasdaq bubble inflaters to burst first.
One bubble at a time? Benefiting only one element?
Accident explains it more, fertile ground, maybe, but the EXPLOSION (not just 'hot' product, that can be created by advertising, but BUBBLE magnitude is way, way bigger.
Unaccountably hugely delusional.
January 11, 2009 11:46 AM
Blogger IHateToBurstYourBubble said...
"Jeebus dunc, just let go, I could start a fucking bubble anytime I wish."
I agree with the Dunc-ster & it's really a matter of semantics.
You've described The Short Con -- ripping off a few individuals with a Dog & Pony Show. THAT is easy.
A True Bubble has some sort of feed-back mechanism, whereby early participants make out extremely well & even later suckers. Large societal-scale bubbles almost always involve leverage, and the gains are structural in nature (home prices gains make riskier & riskier loans possible, and so prices go up, and so refi's make buying more possible, and prices go up...). So a large number of uncoordinated selfish individuals start acting largely in unison.
I would say Madoff was NOT a bubble, but a Short Con that evolved into a Long Grift by fortuitous nature of the economic circumstances.
Maybe a matter of semantics, but 3 card monte ain't a Bubble, to me. Madoff is 3 card monte gone parabolic. Jap RE, NASDAQ & US housing... those were bubbles.
January 11, 2009 11:53 AM
Blogger Duncan McGeary said...
If ten thousands monkeys set out to create a bubble, and one succeeds, is he lucky or a evil genius?
You could write a book about how this one evil genius monkey figured it all out, and find all the reasons in hindsight.
I guarantee you there are ten million monkeys out there right now, trying to create wildly successful, delusionally profitable trends or product.
General Mills right now is expending millions on product development and advertising, trying to create the hottest cereal ever.
Ford is trying to convince you their next model is the new Mustang.
And so on.
It's the "Sam Walton" is a genius school of thought.
If you start with 1000 stores 50 years ago, one will end up being the biggest. Then we can all go back and see why, and give it all kinds of importance.
But to me, it's like asking why Saturday is the busiest day of the week in retail. Oh, because people are off work, or whatever.
But what if the busiest day was Tuesday, then we'd find all the reasons.
And alternative explanation is:
It's simple statistics.
So, yeah, Walton did some things right, but if it hadn't been him, it WOULD'VE been someone else. And we'd be calling them, CHEAP SHIT FROM CHINA, either way.
And Target would be trying to position themselves as the classier Walmart, but it would still be, "WE ARE COOLER THAN WALMART, BUT WE HAVE CHEAP SHIT FROM CHINA, TOO"
January 11, 2009 12:10 PM
Blogger tim said...
The beginnings of the housing bubble were underway before the Nasdaq bubble popped. It just didn't really come to a head until investors had given up on stocks and focused on Real Estate as their next savior.
So, yeah, kinda one bubble at a time is the way it works, because you need lots of participants, and they can't be distracted by something else.
January 11, 2009 12:15 PM
Blogger IHateToBurstYourBubble said...
Ya know, hbm, what grinds my fucking cheese, is all these Johnny Come-Lately's who are now spouting the old, "I think we all knew it couldn't last..." bullshit.
What! The BULL was (and sometimes IS) FULL OF ARTICLES BY RE EXPERTS (and other interested parties) saying IT WOULD LAST FOREVER.
Bends entire media spectrum NEVER FOR ONE FUCKING SECOND ever stated that Bend MIGHT NOT BE EXCEPTIONAL. That we might succumb to the "slow down" elsewhere. Not a single person, not one time.
What really rolls my eyes, are these BULL interviews of RE EXPERTS who say, "I think everyone knew it couldn't last..." FUCK YOU! Fucking LIARS!
This town & its media were OVERWHELMINGLY POPULATED with RE-types, contractors, speculators, Editors In Chief, and other herd-following FUCKWADS who WENT ALONG WITH POPULAR OPINION.
BEM's original blog was pretty thin with commentary at the outset, that said this fucking thing was doomed. The VAST MAJORITY said IT'D GO ON FOREVER, AND IF YOU DIDN'T SEE WHY YOU WERE A DUMBFUCK.
The ACTUAL foretellers who got this DEAD FUCKING RIGHT FROM DAY 1, can be counted on one hand. The ones who got it 100% WRONG number in the THOUSANDS.
But Bend media has NO PROBLEM acting like the people they interviewed have been RIGHT ALL ALONG. What a load.
January 11, 2009 12:24 PM
Blogger IHateToBurstYourBubble said...
Ummmm... has there been ONE SINGLE DAY in the past 2 weeks when SKIING hasn't beenb on PAGE ONE of The Bull?
January 11, 2009 12:29 PM
Blogger bruce said...
Re: This town & its media were OVERWHELMINGLY POPULATED with RE-types, contractors, speculators, Editors In Chief, and other herd-following FUCKWADS who WENT ALONG WITH POPULAR OPINION.
And they just successfully took over the City Council.
On the housing bubble, you also have to remember Bush basically stopping all regulation and the constant push for more and more shakier and shakier mortgages to create all those derivatives that were being traded back and forth, along with the sidebets on them. That enabled the entire mess. And made a lot of Wall St. folks incredibly rich.
The fact that after their top level Ponzi scheme inevitably blew up they successfully pulled a couple of trillion out the the US taxpayer, with virtually no oversight, is simply fucking maddening. TARP and all of the related programs haven't done a fucking thing to help Main St.
January 11, 2009 1:02 PM
Anonymous hbm said...
Ummmm... has there been ONE SINGLE DAY in the past 2 weeks when SKIING hasn't beenb on PAGE ONE of The Bull?
Actually today's front page had lots of hard-hitting enterprise reporting. I especially liked the story about the birds that stay here in the winter. Pulitzer material!
January 11, 2009 1:39 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
The Talmud, the Stock Market and Bernie the Goniff
by Michael Hoffman
Copyright © 2008. All Rights Reserved
Bernard L. Madoff has run off with the store so to speak -- the store of cash that is, which Judaics from Steven Spielberg to Elie Wiesel had stashed with this agent of of the world's second oldest profession, whose patron is that hoary old rascal who Shakespeare dubbed Shylock and the am-haaretz on the Lower East Side call the goniff.
I hesitated writing this column because the acolytes of Wilhelm Marr are coming out of the woodwork pointing to the Judaic ethnicity of Madoff, as if there are not a legion of gentile crooks and con-men running amok in the stock market these days, fleecing peasantry and gentry from coast to coast. A crook is a crook, whether Catholic, Hindu or Talmudic, and in my view they should all be hanged with an equal length of rope.
Madoff's enormous heist (do my eyes deceive me when I grok the sum of $50 billion?!), interests this newshound precisely because it undercuts a stereotype of the Jew-haters: that Judaics are always the "smart money," evincing a fiduciary adhesion surpassing the strongest bonding agents in Das Kapital's marketplace: always robbing gentiles and profiting communally from the rip-off.
This sub-cellar stereotype is actually misdirection emanating from a resonance of rabbinic propaganda that has been covertly seeded in right wing ranks ever since Hitler chose the Protocols over Entdecktes Judenthum as his movement's signature reference work.
Contemporary professional anti-semites push a post-modern version of this disinformation when they maintain that Judaism, or its potent offshoots, Judaic culture and tribalism, always defraud gentiles while enriching Judaics. This is sheerest ignorance reflecting a sound-bite knowledge --of the little bit is dangerous variety -- of the posek's sacred Torah SheBeal Peh.
Contrary to the received opinion, Judaism is not good for Judaics. Any religion that inculcates cheating God is going to end up having its followers cheat each other. They may cheat the gentiles first, but sooner or later they'll give each other a haircut too, and not just on Lag B'omer.
Judaism runs the gamut from one-upmanship over God to the enslavement of married couples by the torturous and labyrinthine halachos of Niddah (laws on menstruation). S'iz shver tsu zayn a yid ("It's no fun being a Judaic" --my translation).
It is certainly true that Orthodox Judaism teaches that under certain circumstances, the Neshama HaElyonah-deficient subhumanity otherwise known as the goyim are fair game for every imaginable theft and deception.
Furthermore, Orthodox Judaism holds that even God can be fooled through the superior brain-power of the lawyer-like posek ha-dor. Kol Nidrei is but one of many institutionalized examples of a lawyer's loophole created so as to defraud God of promises that were made to be broken.
Business ethics are equally compromised. Honesty is not highly prized in Judaism if it threatens the standing of the rabbis or the fortunes of the tribe. The creepy Khazars who ran the kashrut slaughterhouse in Iowa are only the most recent example of this praxis.
In William N. Grimstad's magisterial, book-length flight of Celinean prose, Talk About Hate, (Colorado, 1994), he offers the world-historic insight that Judaism's "officially sanctioned covert practice" and "contempt for us gullible marks" leads to the "inevitable moral abasement that this sort of treachery fosters in its practitioners."
Judaism does not entail only deceiving non-Judaics; at its core it is deeply enmeshed in a gigantic web of self-deception. Shoel U'Meishiv: a Judaic defendant bribes a gentile judge not for the sake of evading a just sentence but only where a judge would otherwise pronounce "an incorrect ruling." BT Sanhedrin 54b and BT Ketubot 11b: when a Judaic male has intercourse with a little boy under the age of nine, it's not sodomy, because it's not a "significant" act since, by the Gemara's own definition, sodomy with a boy under the age of nine cannot be sodomy. Mishnah Nedarim 3:1: "He who desires that none of his vows made during the year shall be valid, let him stand at Rosh haShanah and declare, 'Every vow which I make in the future shall be cancelled."
The goniff Bernie Madoff is not a renegade. He is the terminal Talmudic man that the Jewish self-haters who created Judaism have constructed from the golden calf which they have worshipped in preference to Yahweh, for more than 3,000 years. Bernie's prodigious swindle proves a point which this writer has been making against intense opposition from the Henry Ford wing of the Right: the biggest victims of Judaism are not gentiles but Judaics themselves. That's why the world's most virulent Judaic-haters, the Protestant fundamentalists and the modern Vatican pontiffs, encourage Judaics to remain in their synagogues, while exalting Orthodox Judaism as truly representative of a divine and eternal covenant.
As a function of Judaism itself, Madoff has brought misery down upon the heads of his fellow Judaics. For those who have eyes to see: "anti-semitism" was borrowed from Wilhelm Marr in order to disguise the long history of this communitarian torment.
To understand this paradox will require a paradigm-shift away from everything the agents of the rabbis have seeded in our ranks for hundreds of years. The words of truth are often paradoxical: those who would save Judaics from the Madoffs of the world must necessarily save them from Judaism itself.
Contrary to the bubbe meises told to the bochurim, the Esau who hates Jacob for all eternity ("Halacha hi beyoduah she'Eisav soneh l'Yaakov"), is not the authentic follower of Yeshua the Nazarene; rather he is the authentic exponent of the Misheh Torah and the Mishneh Berurah.
Ethical behavior ("mitzvos bei Adam L'Chavero") is so often found lacking in Talmudic business practices contracted even between Talmudists. The man who will cheat God and the gentiles who sustain the nation that harbors him, will cheat his co-religionists with equal impunity, as Yeshiva University, the Elie Wisel Foundation for Humanity, Norman Levy, the UJA, Mortimer Zuckerman, the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington, the North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System, Rabbi Haskel Lookstein's Ramaz School, the Jewish Community Centers Association of North America, the Carl and Ruth Shapiro Family Foundation, the Jewish Federation of Palm Beach, SAR Academy, and Spielberg's Wunderkinder Foundation, are all learning to their dismay.
A ready means of destroying Judaics would be to suppress any violence or vandalism against them and leave them to rabbinic Judaism. Without an "anti-semitic" alibi to distract them from their religiously-institutionalized penchant for self-destruction, the Bernie Madoffs of their world would channel their inner-Esaus and reduce Judaism's adherents to a collection of feuding bankrupts.
Only a lover of Judaics would endeavor to dissuade them from their toxic and self-annihilating theology, society and culture which generates predators possessed of the dizzying manipulative skill, remorseless mercantilism and "inevitable moral abasement that this sort of treachery fosters in its practitioners" of a Bernard L. Madoff.
Michael Hoffman is a former reporter for the New York bureau of the Associated Press and the author of the underground bestseller, Judaism Discovered: A Study of the Anti-Biblical Religion of Racism, Self-Worship, Superstition and Deceit, now in its second printing, in spite having been banned by (the only book about Judaism which has that distinction).
January 11, 2009 1:45 PM
Anonymous hbm said...
I have never, ever seen HBM admit he was wrong about anything,
I was wrong to support the Wall Street bailout. Aside from that I can't remember anything I have taken a public position on that I was wrong about. If you can point some out to me I will admit I was wrong.
I have never been one who maintained that the RE bubble would go on forever; I have consistently said that the insane growth we had in Bend in the late '90s and early '00s was not sustainable.
January 11, 2009 1:46 PM
Anonymous hbm said...
These were not innocent victims. Bend was full of fakers and posers and schemers.
And many of those fakers and posers and schemers have been here for decades. It wasn't the newbies who really inflated the bubble -- it was the GOBs who own the local real estate firms and the appraisal firms and the mortgage brokerages and the construction companies -- and, of course, the land. Those people control the politics of Bend, always have, always will.
So the fury against "newbies" and "Calis" is somewhat misdirected.
January 11, 2009 1:51 PM
Blogger tim said...
Yes, but those Calis and Portland 2nd homers knew what they were going. And we had scads of local "little guys" buying multiple houses with nothing down. Huge impact on prices when the little idiot schemer will pay ANYTHING because he has a 0% down loan.
So blame all around, sure.
January 11, 2009 1:54 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
So blame all around, sure.
Yes, but blame the PUG's for lobbying the SHRUB to de-Regulate 1031, and MTG to the point that a hair-lip could buy 4 homes for nuttin down, where every hair-lip in Bend was a 'retired' flipper in 2004.
I remember 2004 like yesterday, and everyone at deschutes brew-pub had quit their job, and everybody was buying houses and selling them the next day for $50k profit, and it was going to happen forever.
But let's NOT forget it was Bend-1031, HOLLERN, and MOSS that lobbied BUSH post 911 to OPEN THE FUCKING easy-dumb-money floodgates.
January 11, 2009 1:58 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Contrary to the received opinion, Judaism is not good for Judaics. Any religion that inculcates cheating God is going to end up having its followers cheat each other. They may cheat the gentiles first, but sooner or later they'll give each other a haircut too, and not just on Lag B'omer.
Well its a lot like BEND, or any ponzi scheme, you can rob the goyim, but eventually you run out of suckers, so Jews started fucking Jews.
Who would have guessed?
January 11, 2009 2:01 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
On the housing bubble, you also have to remember Bush basically stopping all regulation and the constant push for more and more shakier and shakier mortgages to create all those derivatives that were being traded back and forth, along with the sidebets on them. That enabled the entire mess. And made a lot of Wall St. folks incredibly rich.
Don't BLAME SHRUB PUSSY, DUMBYA was only doing what the RNC told him to do, and MOSS, HOLLERN, NEUMAN all paid the RNC well to do gods work, and de-regulate 1031 (TIC) and MTG.
It's no fucking accident that Moss&Bend-1031 are all jeebus freaking bible thumps.
The lord in Bend works in strange ways.
January 11, 2009 2:03 PM
Blogger tim said...
Also blame mortgage deduction, capital gains tax breaks on houses, and every politician, Rep and Dem, who conspired to get minorities into houses with crazy-ass loans.
January 11, 2009 2:06 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
What was dunc's point I never know he says stupid shit then flips the next day.
Some stupid shit like fads and bubbles are same, that a bubble is like a hoola-hoop craze, ... then today dunc said that bubbles can't be stopped.
The class book on bubbles is 'grand pop and delusion'. In that book there is a bubble called 'salem witch hunts'. WTF kunts the witch deal was about burning witches? A bubble?
Ok, heres the story the accused died naturally but what they don't tell you is the accuser got a percentage of the estate. So it got wicked everyone was accusing everyone of being a witch, and lot of people died and a lot of people got rich.
Then one day some of the foaming at the mouth christians talking in 'tongues' started accusing the 'JUDGES' of being witches, see had witch had a trial in a court of law.
Well as soon as judges started being accused of being a witch the whole thing ended abruptly.
Imagine that.
Now it could have been the same with our Bubble. Someone could have sternly SAID STOP in 2002, no more zero-down loans to un-employed Mexcians, but NOPE didn't happen cuz everybody was making money.
Also it didn't hurt the ruling class, as they were going to make a fortune when all the cheap ARM's did the reset.
... So the bubble went on until it ran out of FOOLS like all bubble's but it could have ended at any time. Had a Judge, or PREZ, or SENATOR came out strongly against, but HELL all were having a good time.
Even the IRS knowing that TIC(1031) was fraud, stayed back, as they knew politically it was suicide to end a good thing.
To this fucking day Fannie&Freddie still refuse to release to the public all the cheap and easy loans they made to politicians and FUCKING JUDGES.
This bubble was a beauty cuz EVERY FUCKING PERSON could play.
Now dunc talks about fad's and hoola-hoops, but those a fad's and MOST of us don't play, but a true BUBBLE everybody plays, like the witch-hunts you were a player whether you wanted to or not.
To me, a bubble we're all players, sure I didn't play in the bubble but the aftermath will effect me, if I hang out at night at a Walmart parking lot. So I'm a player.
A fad doesn't hurt anyone except those stuck with the merchanise, and most don't play.
But a real bubble always hurts all,
Lastly there were no bubbles in human history prior to the printing press, all bubble for the past 500 years were orchestrated by the press, and sustained by the press.
January 11, 2009 2:15 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Also blame mortgage deduction, capital gains tax breaks on houses, and every politician, Rep and Dem, who conspired to get minorities into houses with crazy-ass loans.
MTG DED, is old and political.
Minority loans was Country-Wide MOZZILA(orwhatever) he had ran out of suckers and these PUGS lobbied to include all, and Sharpton loved that shit, it sold real good to make every mexican & obama into a home-owner, ...
But note the fucking silence, ... and everybody knew, hell these people were buying houses at 20X of their income, ...
In all bubbles the problem is getting new suckers and financing their entry, ... today with the FED printing $8T per quarter, its sure to start a new bubble, the money is out there, like they say, the USA has now entered a PERMANENT BUBBLE CYCLE.
I would love to see the MTG DED go away, but it will NOT, just like the IRS 1040 WILL NOT GO away, simply too many lobbyists make to much money with the status quo.
Things aren't that bad, hell stockton is today where we'll be next year, and Atlanta past the worst last year.
The wave is just starting to hit Bend, but its not hard to see what the wave does, just look at the damage done to places that are 2-3 years ahead of us in the cycle.
January 11, 2009 2:20 PM
Blogger LavaBear said...
>>>Done and done.
Thanks man...that's better.
January 11, 2009 3:43 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Who is the babe with the big tits? Is that your old lady?
Is that real? Or Bend?
January 11, 2009 4:24 PM
Blogger bruce said...
10,400,000 for gary fish
387,000 for drew bledsoe.
296,000 for jody denton.
Yep, there right as always, the fish wins.
Nada for Eckman.
January 11, 2009 4:30 PM
Blogger bruce said...
In Zimbabwe, bread costs Z$10 million
With inflation at 100,000 percent, few can afford even basic goods...
January 11, 2009 5:14 PM
Blogger IHateToBurstYourBubble said...
“I still get way more foot traffic than I used to get,” McGeary said of renovations and additions around his Minnesota Avenue store over the years that have landed him in the middle of a more vibrant city center. “So I actually am pretty positive about the long-term future of this area.”
Why not? The nearby Oxford Hotel, expected to be completed later this year, will deposit more people onto the streets, as will the new Putnam Pointe apartment/condominium complex behind the hotel. A new Bend-based bank, Crown Point, is forming and is remodeling the old Washington Mutual building on the corner of Bond and Oregon. A Subway sandwiches shop and Sisters Coffee Co. are opening a shared site. And you’ve got to believe the Merenda, Deep and Volo sites will generate ample interest. Their locations are too good. Even in very trying 2008, new businesses like Ciao Mambo and Bend Burger Co. quickly replaced Hans and Bluefish Bistro, for example.
Good Job Costa. Wait-ta Sell Out. You're supposed to TELL US those locations are TOO GOOD? Ya dumbass, of course they are good, but the rents BROKE the businesses there.
January 11, 2009 5:20 PM
Blogger tim said...
You know how much I love to hate the local TV news and their barely literate staff.
Well, I have new respect for them, because they make a hell of a lot more sense than The Source.
Try to read this HUGE RED PULL QUOTE out loud. (Page 4 Jan 8 09.)
It's important for me to push the envelope, but your really cant afford do push too far or you'll fall out.
Hello! Fire your damned drunk monkey copy editor. This is a friggin' pull quote!
One error per seven words in this pull quote, with a stunning three mistakes in a string of five words!
Absolutely amazing. January 8th and we already have a candidate for LAME-ASSNESS OF THE YEAR award.
I've seen better middle school papers.
January 11, 2009 5:26 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"Fire your damned drunk monkey copy editor"
You assume they can afford to hire one?
January 11, 2009 5:30 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I've seen better middle school papers.
You get what you pay for.
January 11, 2009 5:30 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
>>You assume they can afford to hire one?
Says "Polly Howard" in the mast head. I hope she tries harder next week.
January 11, 2009 5:33 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hey KUNTS forget about drinking the Bend kool-aide, today on Ned Flanders blog he has proved that the Bend Kool Aid Enema is the new SALON choice of Bend.
So everybody run over to Ned's site and read about how its the best time in 20 yrs to have a comic shop in downtown Bend.
The Salon next to Ned, has a deal, two-fer-one, bring a friend or HO, and you both can get kool-aid pumped up your ass.
I love Bend.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Homer I think I'm in love with your wife.
I love the pic.
January 11, 2009 6:38 PM
Blogger Duncan McGeary said...
I was beginning to think I'd gotten away clear.
It wasn't kool-aid, I swear. It was a....popsicle. Yeah, a purple popsicle.
January 11, 2009 6:42 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"best time in 20 yrs to have a comic shop in downtown Bend."
Duncan is sitting pretty because he's been driving the other game and comic shops out of business.
It must be all that coverage in the BULL.
January 11, 2009 6:59 PM
Blogger tim said...
>>Duncan is sitting pretty because he's been driving the other game and comic shops out of business.
"With heart, faith and steel. In the end there can be only one."
January 11, 2009 7:04 PM
Blogger Duncan McGeary said...
Someone has had the effrontery, the temerity to open in the next block over!
I shall crush him like a bug. Eat my dust! Why, I'll.........
Um, what I mean to say is, welcome to the neighborhood.
January 11, 2009 7:10 PM
Blogger IHateToBurstYourBubble said...
Homer I think I'm in love with your wife.
I love the pic.
Do your boobs hang low
Do they wobble to and fro
Can you tie them in a knot
Can you tie them in a bow
Can you throw them over your shoulder
Like a regimental soldier
January 11, 2009 7:53 PM
Blogger Marge said...
>>>Do your boobs hang low
Do they wobble to and fro
Can you tie them in a knot
Can you tie them in a bow>>>
Awe Jees boys been sayin this say line to me for 40 years..but they are not like that photo/fixed thing.
January 11, 2009 8:24 PM
Blogger Quimby said...
>> The beginnings of the housing bubble were underway before the Nasdaq bubble popped. It just didn't really come to a head until investors had given up on stocks and focused on Real Estate as their next savior.
I remember this phenomenon. After the Nasdaq crashed, that Rich Dad Poor Dad book was hot and it was all about Real Estate. It's so clear from hindsight, I wasn't plugged into this body of knowledge until 2007....THEN it was clear.
So boys, what's the next bubble? Green Energy and "infrustructure", blowing Obama's wad seems to be a decent bet.
January 11, 2009 9:00 PM
Blogger Quimby said...
>> It's so clear from hindsight,
For Timmy:
It's so clear in hindsight,
January 11, 2009 9:12 PM
Blogger bruce said...
Talking about hindsight.
You guys want a job, we're still looking for a few good men to drive BUS here at BAT.
Full benefits, living wage pay. if you want a BUS job @ BAT.
January 11, 2009 9:41 PM
Blogger bruce said... if you want a BUS job @ BAT.
Fuck you BP, I want a BP at D&D.
I don't want no bus job, and want the old fashion bp-job at D&D.
January 11, 2009 9:43 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
i read a piece that said dubai re is on hold these days - nothing moving there either. so I'm sorry, those people are stuck and can't come to bend until they sell.
January 11, 2009 10:07 PM
Anonymous hank said...
bruce said... (which one? the real pussy, I guess)
Re: This town & its media were OVERWHELMINGLY POPULATED with RE-types, contractors, speculators, Editors In Chief, and other herd-following FUCKWADS who WENT ALONG WITH POPULAR OPINION.
And they just successfully took over the City Council.
BP, hank here ... I just stopped by for your quarterly (hey, I got better things to do with the other 89 days of the quarter) Exec Session trashing.
The reason the City Council sucks in Bend is because they feel they can do whatever they want to do. No accountability. Nobody to hold their feet to the fire.
The Bend City Council can violate Oregon's Open Meeting laws in their Exec Sessions because nobody does anything about it (other than talk, BP, other than talk).
At least I (hank, also known as anonymous) never said I was going to file a complaint about it.
But Bruce, Bruce Pussy, Bruce E. can't say that, since he has bragged how his 10,000 page manifesto will soon be delivered to Judy Stiegler and the Ethics Commission, with a cc to the Gov.
BP will no doubt have many more excuses on why he still has not filed his complaint.
But they are only excuses .... and poor ones at that.
January 11, 2009 10:13 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Baltazar O. Chavez has been in the PN section of the Bull a couple times lately.
Same guy?
January 12, 2009 7:10 AM
Blogger bruce said...
Yep, OREO has ended war as we knew it.
Thousands of Oregonians to head for war
Last Update: 1/11 4:39 pm
SALEM, Ore. (AP) - Nearly half the Oregon Army National Guard will leave for war in 2009, the most since World War II, with more than 3,000 departing by summer.
They will include men who fight wildfires, search and rescue teams that rescue stranded climbers and help communities overcome floods and freezes.
This month, all 12 of the Oregon Guards medical evacuation Black Hawk helicopters and 100 soldiers, best known for their dramatic interventions, will leave.
Maj. Gen. Raymond F. Rees, the adjutant general who leads Oregons military and office of emergency management, said the state has reorganized emergency operations. Oregon also will turn to Washington, Idaho, Nevada and California for help.
"This is going to be a very demanding year for the Oregon Army National Guard," Rees said.
Those mobilized will include Lt. Col. Christian Rees, his youngest son.
About half of Oregon's 6,500 Army Guard troops will depart this year. State Senate President Peter Courtney wonders who will help Oregon in tough times.
"I feel my state and my people become more vulnerable," Courtney said. "Just last week, we needed you to go to Gresham when Mother Nature came our way. You take care of us."
On Monday the Capitol will be packed with judges, senators and representatives for the opening of the Legislature.
But this week, parents, wives, husbands and wide-eyed children filed into the hall with digital cameras and wistful smiles. The Rees family passed the newest member of the family, Lt. Col. Christian Rees 15-month-old, William Montgomery Rees, up and down the front row.
The conventional wisdom in military circles is that today's soldiers are very likely the parents of those serving tomorrow, said Shelley MacDermid, director of the Military Family Institute at Purdue University.
Four of Maj. Gen. Rees' uncles served in World War II. The son of eastern Oregon wheat ranchers, Maj. Gen. Rees said he knew by first grade that he also wanted to serve in the military. When he graduated in the class of 1962 at Helix High School outside Pendleton ("the senior class numbered seven and I wasn't even the valedictorian") he received an appointment to West Point and began a 40-year military career.
He led cavalry troops in Vietnam and served in the National Guard Bureau in Washington, D.C., as acting chief in 1994 but returned to Oregon to earn a law degree at the University of Oregon and to be close to his children.
His son Christian graduated from Bend High School and completed the ROTC program at Cornell University. The younger Rees also went to the University of Oregon, and earned a masters in architecture and works full time for the Guard as deputy director of installations, managing all of the Guards infrastructure around the state.
"The Guard is a family," Mary Len Rees said.
January 12, 2009 7:31 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Duncan is sitting pretty because he's been driving the other game and comic shops out of business.
It's actually quite brilliant soon Dunc will have all downtown to himself, as all else but his shop will be boarded up plywood.
He deny's the 'Bend Bubble' was orchestrated, and he was the conductor and soon his outcome will be complete.
January 12, 2009 7:38 AM
Anonymous hbm said...
So boys, what's the next bubble? Green Energy and "infrustructure", blowing Obama's wad seems to be a decent bet.
"Americans Demand New Bubble to Invest In" -- Onion headline
At least when you build highways and bridges and rail lines you end up with something of real value, not just pieces of paper.
January 12, 2009 7:41 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"Fire your damned drunk monkey copy editor"
Please don't fire HBM.
Where would he go?
January 12, 2009 7:42 AM
Anonymous hbm said...
I love the pic.
Me too. When I'm high-speed-scrolling through Homer's interminable post it lets me know when I'm at the end.
January 12, 2009 7:43 AM
Anonymous hbm said...
In many ways HBM is more adolescent than US, over at the source he called for jailing and imprisonment of bloggers who slander and call people child-molesters
I never said anything even remotely close to that. This illustrates my point that many blogs are not trustworthy sources of information. Any anonymous asshole can go on-line and post any bullshit he pleases without any consequences.
January 12, 2009 7:48 AM
Blogger IHateToBurstYourBubble said...
This illustrates my point that many blogs are not trustworthy sources of information. Any anonymous asshole can go on-line and post any bullshit he pleases without any consequences.
First, are you saying that The BULL IS a totally trustworthy source of information? I think that question answers itself.
Second, your acting like these comments are WORTHLESS, unless they are PURE FACT. What about the COMMENTS & Letters to the Editor of TSW & The Bull?
Third, there are PLENTY of Anon Assholes who went online and puffed this bubble to the sky with innuendo, half-truths, and opinion. Where were you then?
Dude, you know as well as I, this blog survives ONLY BECAUSE OF IT'S ANON NATURE. Half the people on here would be shot, lynched, fired, ostracized, and generally PUNCHED IN THE GROIN if anyone knew who they were.
If you're going to use the ravings of a whacko to denounce free speech, then go ahead. See, you can say VILE FUCKING SHIT like that here, cuz I don't DISCRIMINATE AGAINST ASSHOLES who "go on-line and post any bullshit he pleases".
January 12, 2009 8:06 AM
Blogger IHateToBurstYourBubble said...
hbm, you seem to want eople to be easily LULLED into a false sense of security viz some sort of TRUSTWORTHY SOURCE OF INFORMATION.
Like the LEGITIMACY of the printed word somehow allows people to completely dismiss critical thinking, or something.
Dude, we ALL KNOW Buster raves on attributing all sorts of WHACKED ASS SHIT to all of us. According to Buster, I was on the grassy knoll.
You DO have to use some measure of rational discrimination here... but that is true with the Bull & TSW. You ranted on about Smith ad nauseum, and it was PURE OPINION driven by a almost out-of-control LIB agenda. And that's OK. Cuz I KNOW have to approach EVERYTHING with some measure of critical thinking. I have to figure out what's true & what's bullshit, wheat from chaff. Same deal here.
Don't hold this blog to some sort of FALSE STANDARD that even you don't live up to. Does it have an agenda? Fuck man, check the title. BUT it is also 100% UNMODERATED.... anyone, including you can say whatever the fuck they want, pro or con. Can TSW or The Bull say THAT?
January 12, 2009 8:12 AM
Blogger Quimby said...
>> See, you can say VILE FUCKING SHIT like that here, cuz I don't DISCRIMINATE AGAINST ASSHOLES who "go on-line and post any bullshit he pleases".
Everyone who posts here is probably at least a 1/2 way decent fellow (or gal, sorry Marge). Most of what gets posted here is the outlet of one part of their psyche which can't be aired or discussed without serious repercussions in our society. A contrarian alter ego.
Thanks to Homer.
HBM, if you don't like what you see here, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. Anyone who reads here has to take what they read with a healthy grain of salt. I really don't need an editor to protect me.
January 12, 2009 8:20 AM
Blogger bruce said...
Oh, people will say, "Mean old scammer, they took advantage of my 82-year-old grandmother and duped her into sending her life's savings in a Nigerian Scam."
Dear Granny HB Miller,
I'm a son of a king here in Nigeria. I'm due to inherit $15M, but my trust account will not write checks in my name. I need a friend in ameriKKKa who can help me.
I can send you a check to ameriKKKa for $1M on my father's bank the most esteemed Bank of Nigeria, it would be cashiers check, in US funds of course directly in your name Granny HB Miller, Note it is I that is entrusting you with $1M of my money.
Upon receipt of the check, I only ask you to wire $900k to an Orphanage I'm running in Bend, Oregon. It might seem selfish of me to only offer $100k for your assistance, but please think of the Orphans in Bend who have lost their parents from Bend suicides.
Thanks for your consideration granny, and when I get the $900k acknowledged from the Orphanage, I'll send you pictures of the Orphans you have rescued.
Lastly, if this transaction works out, I may be able to give you 20% on future transactions.
Obama Mambo Jambo, his most trusted
January 12, 2009 8:23 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
So long, US dollar.
January 12, 2009 8:25 AM
Blogger bruce said...
I think we should have a discussion on who is going to fill that huge Merenda space.
I'm voting for a Bog Lots.
January 12, 2009 8:29 AM
Blogger bruce said...
Big Lots.
Coffee, please...
January 12, 2009 8:30 AM
Blogger bruce said...
100% UNMODERATED.... anyone, including you can say whatever the fuck they want, pro or con. Can TSW or The Bull say THAT?
Can't we all just get along, what is it exactly that buster did now?
I control him, cuz I control the Bruce-Pussy, and buster loves the BP.
Just tell us what we did and he'll be punished.
WRT to TSW, its even better than moderation, if you write anything that doesn't support the HBM world view of Bend reality he deletes you.
What is most interesting is that he is over in this world demanding that we operate at his standards.
That said, HBM is always full of shit. He has said horrible and vile things about Republicans for years, and nobody has called for his elimination.
In fact most people in Bend simply will not even touch a 'SORE' because it contains offensive and inflammatory materials about republicans, but blesses democrats for being perfect and gods chosen people.
Thus HBM is just having fun, the truth is he is censored over at the 'SORE' self censorship, and here he is not.
Here he can tell his readers they're fuck-tards, there he cannot.
What I'm saying is the VILE bullshit that comes from HBM is not directed to BB2 rock-pissers, but is in fact directed to SORE readers et-al, HBM hates all that is BEND, and this is the only forum he can be his true and real self.
January 12, 2009 8:31 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
In many ways HBM is more adolescent than US, over at the source he called for jailing and imprisonment of bloggers who slander and call people child-molesters
I never said anything even remotely close to that. This illustrates my point that many blogs are not trustworthy sources of information. Any anonymous asshole can go on-line and post any bullshit he pleases without any consequences.
Do I have to go back and POST what you wrote HBM are you going to NOW deny what you wrote??
It's in the SORE, about a month ago.
HOLY FUCK HBM, not a fucking thing you say is going to be forgotten, don't even try to fucking deny.
Over on the SORE-EYE blog last month you said "That bloggers should be sued and imprisoned, for saying things like 'child molester'", ...
Then a few days later your over on this site calling Rush Limbaugh a 'child molester', its YOU HBM that are fucked, at least we don't try to create diametrically opposite selves.
As you well know, we make fun of everyone including ourselves.
But YOU, dunc, Bruce, ... they all are liberals, who have a license to denigrate the 'right-wing' but protect the 'left'. That hypocrisy is what drives us fucking crazy.
So will somebody please post HBM's rant on the sore-eye he did last month about calling for 'lawsuits and prison' for bloggers.
January 12, 2009 8:38 AM
Blogger Quimby said...
One of the keys to success in life (and I mean respectable success, not bubble shit) is the ability to properly read people. Everyone's working an angle, even the preacher.
When reading, watching, or talking with someone, it helps to know what their worldview is and what angle they're working. If you accept shit hook-line-sinker, you'll be suckered all your life.
Propoganda. This is why Quimby doesn't like TV or movies. The shit comes at you SO fast, you don't know what the author's intent or worldview can't make logical decisions with the information that has just been dumped into your brain.
Over Christmas, I was forced to watch a movie about Saudi Arabia with some FBI people shooting up a Saudi village (The Kingdom??). The images and screenplay were powerful and I felt myself being tugged in the direction the producers/directors wanted to take me. It was irrational to follow their lead because only one view had been presented. At the conclusion of the propaganda piece....errr, "movie", Quimby's Father-in-law proclaims "We shouldn't be over there". WTF? You just watched a shoot em up movie about the middle east with some tear jerker scenes and you've made a political decision based on a fucking movie. No time or opportunity taken to critically think or discuss the movie, just make a judgment and move on.
Folks, this is how 90% of America operates, it is FUCKING SAD and it will be the death of us.
January 12, 2009 8:41 AM
Blogger bruce said...
But HBM LOVES HOMER ... 21sep08
The Eye has mixed feelings about the value of blogs like BendBubble2. They sometimes publish important information that the mainstream media can’t (or won’t) touch. For instance, BendBubble2 was predicting the bursting of the Bend real estate bubble long before The Bulletin woke up to the fact that it wouldn't go on forever.
But blogs give any anonymous loony with Internet access the chance to spew toxic rumors that are hurtful to the people they target and their families – and the victims have no way of fighting back under present libel law.
Meanwhile, after threatening a week ago to drop out of the blogging game, “I Hate to Burst Your Bubble” is back this Sunday at BendBubble2, and in his usual form:
“Just so you know, Portlandians, this f##king town is Bank-Mob Run. These f##kers killed themselves for reasons probably VERY SIMILAR to why that Buena Vista contractor was arrested: This ain't CIVIL anymore. Ain't a misdemeanor to lose money around here anymore, it's CRIMINAL. Your ass will SERVE TIME. Either that, or they will find you & shoot you. Or throw you over Benham Falls.”
January 12, 2009 8:43 AM
Blogger bruce said...
HEY KUNTS here's the article HBM wrote that he deny's he wrote, NOW note he says that people who accuse people of 'baby fucking' should be hung by their legal nuts until dead, ... yet the same HBM on many occasion here in this forum has called Rush Limbaugh & Friends 'baby fuckers'.
I really don't care what you say HBM, just fucking don't deny what your on record for having said, ... Now who is the REAL fucking HBM?? I don't know, but if you read the below carefully its FUCKING CLEAR that HBM is no liberal he's a FUCKING COSTA with a Janet Reno atrophied KUNT.
Judge Declares Open Season for Libel on Web E-mail
User Rating: / 1
Written by H. Bruce Miller
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
An Oregon judge has handed down a ruling that will make it easier for anonymous posters to libel people on-line – and make it just about impossible for people who are libeled to do anything about it.
As reported in The Oregonian, Clackamas County Circuit Judge Pro Tem James Redman ruled in October that Oregon’s reporters’ “shield law” protects those who operate Internet forums – such as this one – from having to disclose the identities of those who post on them. The judge also ruled that under federal law the proprietors of the forums can’t be held liable for what’s posted on them.
Redman’s ruling came in the case of Portland businessman Terry Beard, who sued the Portland Mercury, Willamette Week and Bikeportland over anonymous comments posted on their websites.
The posts about Beard “were mostly trash talk, comments that were probably more personally hurtful than materially damaging,” writes Oregonian reporter Steve Mayes. However, “Under the right circumstances in Oregon, even anonymous comments that destroy a career or drive a person to suicide potentially could be protected” thanks to Redman’s ruling.
The Eye’s considered opinion – and let us make it very clear that our opinions are our own, not necessarily those of the Source or its management – is that this ruling sucks big-time.
Web forums offer a venue for the most sick, twisted, bitter, vindictive and just plain crazy individuals in society to vent their hatred for other individuals – or the world in general – from behind a screen of anonymity. The ruling essentially means that whatever vileness somebody accuses you of on the Web – embezzlement, child abuse, mass murder – you have no recourse against him or against the business that allowed him to spew his lies.
The Eye can’t see what compelling public purpose is served by that. If Redman correctly interpreted the state and federal laws, then those laws need to be changed – ASAP.
January 12, 2009 8:46 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Yes, Quim, this is why I don't watch TV, all bullshit all the time,
But its not just the USA, BBC has TV 24/7, and China has the same, ...
The only solution is to KILL YOUR TV.
January 12, 2009 8:51 AM
Blogger bruce said...
Somebody please tell me that the following RANT is not from the likes of Adolf Hitler, or Mussolini, or Janet Reno
The Eye’s (HBM) considered opinion – and let us make it very clear that our opinions are our own, not necessarily those of the Source or its management – is that this ruling sucks big-time.
Web forums offer a venue for the most sick, twisted, bitter, vindictive and just plain crazy individuals in society to vent their hatred for other individuals – or the world in general – from behind a screen of anonymity. The ruling essentially means that whatever vileness somebody accuses you of on the Web – embezzlement, child abuse, mass murder – you have no recourse against him or against the business that allowed him to spew his lies.
January 12, 2009 8:52 AM
Blogger bruce said...
This is not just isolation with HBM, he has declared war in Bend on three things.
1.) Free speech on the net.
2.) Studded Tires ( MDU controls the US supply of road salt ).
3.) Republicans.
These three themes have gone on for years. The question of most interest is #1, why does he even bother to deny his position #1 on this board, its like over here he's an INDY, but at the SORE he's a NAZI-LIBERAL.
January 12, 2009 8:55 AM
Blogger bruce said...
The ruling essentially means that whatever vileness somebody accuses you of on the Web – embezzlement ( 1031, bend bubble,... ), child abuse, mass murder ( bank mob hits ... )
– you have no recourse against him or against the business that allowed him to spew his lies.
What I find interesting in HBM's accusal, is that it is him, that has called people 'child abusers', we say a lot of mean spirited shit about fraud, and suicide in Bend, but NEVER have we accused a BEND BOSS HOGG of child-fucking ... NEVER.
It's almost like HBM is making shit up to create a hysteria to demonize the free & open web.
This is all so strange, because like I have said, in BEND where media is controlled by TWO NAZI groups SORE&BULL, the COSTA-BULL is the bad-cop, and the HBM-SORE is the good-cop, but its fucking CLEAR here when it comes to 'free press' that FUCKING HBM is to the RIGHT of COSTA.
NEVER has COSTA written vile shit against freedom of expression, never, but HBM rants continuously about how he hates 'free speech', and hates judges to protect the first-amendment.
January 12, 2009 9:01 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
If you don't allow free anonymous speech, most people will not say what they think.
There is a grand history of anonymous speech going back centuries. It serves a purpose. Very difficult to have a revolution without it.
January 12, 2009 9:01 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
HBM and Costa both have good reason to hate the blogs.
The blogs regularly show these newspaper men to be suckers and fools.
If the papers did a decent job we wouldn't feel like we were getting more from the blog than from the paper.
January 12, 2009 9:09 AM
Blogger bruce said...
f you don't allow free anonymous speech, most people will not say what they think.
There is a grand history of anonymous speech going back centuries. It serves a purpose. Very difficult to have a revolution without it.
So, why does HBM despise people who say what they think? Why does he call for their imprisonment and criminalization of free speech??
January 12, 2009 9:10 AM
Blogger bruce said...
If the papers did a decent job we wouldn't feel like we were getting more from the blog than from the paper.
I'm glad someone mentioned that essential point.
I waste my fucking time blogging, cuz I learn more about what's going on in this town from the fellow rock pissers, than I would ever learn from the BEND PRESS.
I started doing this blog shit to toss ideas with like minded people, and I'm sure you all know that me&BEM all along have likened fixing BEND to AA and 12-steps, and step-1 is admitting you have a fucking problem.
Unlike HBMorCOSTA I want to fix BEND, I want BEND to be a better place.
BUT the BOSS HOGGS running this town are turning it into a fucking CALI prison with walmarts.
Yes, there is NO fucking doubt that HBM/COSTA are working side-by-side, remember HBM still gets his pension from the BULL, he needs the BULL to survive.
We just want a press to tell us what the fuck is BEND.
Who, what, where, when, and WHY, ...
But everyone in this town tells us "NEVER ASK WHY, NEVER DISCUSS WHY, and NEVER EVER ASK WHO", ...
Thus the print-media of BEND sucks dick.
We will continue to BLOG, until the BEND MEDIA hires writers who can write.
HBM talks of an agenda of the bloggers, hell I have no fucking agenda other than tired of seeing bend destroyed by greed.
Its HBM/COSTA that have an agenda, which is to rob the taxpayer blind.
January 12, 2009 9:16 AM
Blogger bruce said...
The blogs regularly show these newspaper men to be suckers and fools.
We really don't know much about Costa, as he keeps his cards close to his chest.
But we do know that HBM is stupid, bend stupid.
Protecting the status quo is all they can do, and in my years of politics, its usually just about being invited to the party's.
Seldes ( a real journalist ) once said "A real newspaper should have no friends".
That is the essential problem with BEND-MEDIA is that as we know COSTA golfs with the boss-hoggs, and HBM well who the fuck knows what he does with them, but they're definitely his 'friends'.
It's a New Year, and as you can see pre xmas, HBM had a declared a full on war since post labor day on BB2.
I'm sure the reason he's here is to be an agent provacateur, so somebody here really does slander a boss-hogg.
But let's all remember, that all our 'blogger-fodder' (dunc) comes from the bull&sore, all we know is what COSTA/HBM feed us, and a little that a few people Piss on this rock known as BB2.
January 12, 2009 9:25 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Your always safe, when you can hire the best lawyers money can buy with other peoples money.
The Wall Street Journal
Jan. 12, 2009
A judge has allowed Bernard Madoff to remain free on bail at his Manhattan penthouse, with additional restrictions on his and his wife's assets.
January 12, 2009 9:28 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Seldes ( a real journalist ) once said "A real newspaper should have no friends".
This is the reason why the Bulletin is so eternally suspect. Why should we trust them? What big player have they brought down through investigative journalism?
They appear to be merely shills for the builders and Realtors.
Really, there's nothing there but boosterism and local school sports. There's not even an impressive veneer of journalism.
"Wut's going up?"
January 12, 2009 9:29 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
So why is OREO trying to get the SHRUB to release the other 1/2 of the $700B before he starts?? Seems that this would be a bad move for PUG's.
Why is the Shrub going along??
In Quick Shift, Bush to Seek Second Half of Bailout Funds
New York Times - 1 hour ago
President Bush gave his final press conference in the White House briefing room on Monday. By BRIAN KNOWLTON and DAVID STOUT WASHINGTON - The White House said on Monday that President Bush, acting on the request of President-elect Barack Obama, ...
January 12, 2009 10:13 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
This is the reason why the Bulletin is so eternally suspect. Why should we trust them? What big player have they brought down through investigative journalism?
Let's not forget when the BULL is mentioned, that most 'events' that brought in the tourists to BUY condo's, were all ran by the SORE whose owner Aaron Swizter of Who-Is-Who in BEND EVENT LLC non-profit, ...
What is going on here is that the BULL&SORE are trying to come out of this collapse unscathed, and its the bloggers who will not tolerate the SORE&BULL's redefinition of Bend history.
On the subject of the SORE, regarding 'investigative journalism', they have never had a 1031 story, or a Suterra story, ... nothing, just storys about Smith losing a frozen pie in Pendleton.
January 12, 2009 10:16 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"Everyone's working an angle, even the preacher."
Gee, Quimby, you are now my guru.
Let the wisdom continue to flow from thy lips.
January 12, 2009 10:18 AM
Blogger Quimby said...
>> Let the wisdom continue to flow from thy lips.
Have you figured out my "angle"?
January 12, 2009 10:19 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Have you figured out my "angle"?
It's sort of an interesting thread, HBM-etal are forever bashing 'conspiracy theorists', a conspiracy requires secrecy everything we discuss is based on public record.
So HBM continually presents over at the SORE-EYE that BB2 is composed of a vast conspiracy of 'like-minded' bloggers with an angle or agenda.
That to me is a real conspiracy theory, because we are secret, by definition.
Dunc's Angle? He likes to write and is bored out of his mind.
I have been pissed for over 20+ years watching this town turn into a south-cali traffic shit-hole.
Homer? Who the fuck knows?
Marge? Certainly just wants like minded folks to chat with.
Lava? Quim? who the fuck knows.
But what we do know is the agenda of the BULL&SORE, which is to PIMP the bubble all the way up, and then deny there were a PIMP all the way down.
The preachers angle? These days it seems to be sex or cash, you never here about any thing else.
At the end of the day with we had a real newspaper with real news, these blogs would be redundant.
January 12, 2009 10:45 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
- The White House said on Monday that President Bush, acting on the request of President-elect Barack Obama, ...
What is the fucking hurry, bush boyz don't want to release the money, they want to blame the OREO for spending.
It's only one fucking week and then the OREO can give PAULSON#2 $10T/month if he so wishes.
What is the fucking hurry??
The last $350B was just used to BUY banks by bank-holding company's on the cheap. So what is the fucking hurry to more of the same??
Certainly PAULSON wants the money now, and not in a week.
All I can think is they want to blame BUSH, but why would BUSH go along with an OREO win??
January 12, 2009 10:49 AM
Blogger Quimby said...
>> What is the fucking hurry??
Maybe somebody BIG, too big to fail, is in deep trouble. Rescue!!!
January 12, 2009 10:55 AM
Blogger tim said...
People are not fond of the press. This is not new with the Internet.
People don't think that the interest of the press is aligned with the interest of the people.
Usually, the public distaste for the press baffles pressmen, who assume that they should be heroes or something.
January 12, 2009 12:32 PM
Anonymous hbm said...
So HBM continually presents over at the SORE-EYE that BB2 is composed of a vast conspiracy of 'like-minded' bloggers with an angle or agenda.
And when, exactly, did I say that?
Dates? Links?
Waiting ... waiting ...
January 12, 2009 12:44 PM
Anonymous hbm said...
I have been pissed for over 20+ years watching this town turn into a south-cali traffic shit-hole.
Well, that makes two of us.
When my wife and I first arrived here in 1984 we took a look at the Highway 97 strip and said "WTF??? We drove 600 miles and we're back in San Jose!"
But then we got a look at the rest of the town and decided it was pretty nice.
Now the strip-development crap has overrun pretty much the whole place.
January 12, 2009 12:50 PM
Anonymous hbm said...
Usually, the public distaste for the press baffles pressmen, who assume that they should be heroes or something.
It is frustrating because we think we're trying to serve the public.
The problem, of course, is that journalists -- if they're worthy of the name -- try to tell people what they need to know, not what they want to hear. This is not a formula for popularity.
January 12, 2009 12:52 PM
Blogger tim said...
>>try to tell people what they need to know, not what they want to hear.
To me the problem is how bad the attempt is.
January 12, 2009 12:54 PM
Anonymous hbm said...
One of the problems with the Internet as a source of news is that it's easy for people to screen out all the news and information they don't want by sticking to sites that pander to their prejudices, be they of the left and right.
If you subscribe to a newspaper or watch or listen to a newscast regularly you'll inevitably be exposed to information and viewpoints that conflict with your preconceptions. And that's a good thing. If we become over-dependent on blogs and websites for our news we can end up isolating ourselves in little echo chambers in which we hear only our own voices.
January 12, 2009 12:56 PM
Anonymous hbm said...
To me the problem is how bad the attempt is.
Yes, it's generally not well done. And many media seem to have given up the effort entirely, viz. The Bullshittin's happy-talk formula.
January 12, 2009 12:57 PM
Blogger tim said...
People can be just as selective with magazines, newspapers, radio, and TV. It's not a blog problem exclusively. In fact, you'll often get MORE diversity on a blog, as people fight back.
I quit journalism because the pay sucks.
Many of the people in the business sleep walk through it. Platitudes. Easy comparisons. Lousy craft. Often the reporters are innumerate and otherwise poorly educated. No sense of scale, probability, or statistics. Little knowledge of history.
The same damned metaphors over and over.
And, yeah, the Source has lousy copy editing, but I find errors in the WSJ and NYT all the time.
You can blame a lot of it on the business, but that excuse doesn't make the product any more attractive.
January 12, 2009 1:06 PM
Blogger tim said...
It's sad seeing the NYT go to hell (WSJ still pretty good). I guess what I want from the NYT is a something as good as The Economist EVERY SINGLE DAY. If you can't do that, just give me Sunday.
January 12, 2009 1:09 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
How do we know that the 'hbm' here is the real HB Miller of the SORE?
We know the real HBM, cuz only him can post at the SORE-EYE.
But here he deny's what he writes over at the sore-eye,
So is this the real hbm, but a hypocrite? Or is this a fake hbm in our midst?
January 12, 2009 1:14 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Judge Declares Open Season for Libel on Web E-mail
User Rating: / 1
Written by H. Bruce Miller
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
An Oregon judge has handed down a ruling that will make it easier for anonymous posters to libel people on-line – and make it just about impossible for people who are libeled to do anything about it.
As reported in The Oregonian, Clackamas County Circuit Judge Pro Tem James Redman ruled in October that Oregon’s reporters’ “shield law” protects those who operate Internet forums – such as this one – from having to disclose the identities of those who post on them. The judge also ruled that under federal law the proprietors of the forums can’t be held liable for what’s posted on them.
Redman’s ruling came in the case of Portland businessman Terry Beard, who sued the Portland Mercury, Willamette Week and Bikeportland over anonymous comments posted on their websites.
The posts about Beard “were mostly trash talk, comments that were probably more personally hurtful than materially damaging,” writes Oregonian reporter Steve Mayes. However, “Under the right circumstances in Oregon, even anonymous comments that destroy a career or drive a person to suicide potentially could be protected” thanks to Redman’s ruling.
The Eye’s considered opinion – and let us make it very clear that our opinions are our own, not necessarily those of the Source or its management – is that this ruling sucks big-time.
Web forums offer a venue for the most sick, twisted, bitter, vindictive and just plain crazy individuals in society to vent their hatred for other individuals – or the world in general – from behind a screen of anonymity. The ruling essentially means that whatever vileness somebody accuses you of on the Web – embezzlement, child abuse, mass murder – you have no recourse against him or against the business that allowed him to spew his lies.
The Eye can’t see what compelling public purpose is served by that. If Redman correctly interpreted the state and federal laws, then those laws need to be changed – ASAP.
January 12, 2009 1:16 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The Eye has mixed feelings about the value of blogs like BendBubble2. They sometimes publish important information that the mainstream media can’t (or won’t) touch. For instance, BendBubble2 was predicting the bursting of the Bend real estate bubble long before The Bulletin woke up to the fact that it wouldn't go on forever.
But blogs give any anonymous loony with Internet access the chance to spew toxic rumors that are hurtful to the people they target and their families – and the victims have no way of fighting back under present libel law.
Meanwhile, after threatening a week ago to drop out of the blogging game, “I Hate to Burst Your Bubble” is back this Sunday at BendBubble2, and in his usual form:
“Just so you know, Portlandians, this f##king town is Bank-Mob Run. These f##kers killed themselves for reasons probably VERY SIMILAR to why that Buena Vista contractor was arrested: This ain't CIVIL anymore. Ain't a misdemeanor to lose money around here anymore, it's CRIMINAL. Your ass will SERVE TIME. Either that, or they will find you & shoot you. Or throw you over Benham Falls.”
January 12, 2009 1:19 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
And when, exactly, did I say that?
Dates? Links?
Fess up to the vile & bile you have already written, then we can move on to your blogger conspiracy theory's.
January 12, 2009 1:23 PM
Anonymous hbm said...
David Carr of the NY Times thinks the key to the survival of newspapers depends on somebody inventing an iTunes for news (iNews?):
Remember that when iTunes began, the music industry was being decimated by file sharing. By coming up with an easy user interface and obtaining the cooperation of a broad swath of music companies, Mr. Jobs helped pull the business off the brink. He has been accused of running roughshod over the music labels, which are a fraction of their former size. But they are still in business.
Those of us who are in the newspaper business could not be blamed for hoping that someone like him comes along and ruins our business as well by pulling the same trick: convincing the millions of interested readers who get their news every day free on newspapers sites that it’s time to pay up.
For a long time, newspapers assumed that as their print advertising declined, it would be intersected by a surging line of online advertising revenue. But that revenue is no longer growing at many newspaper sites, so if the lines cross, it will be because the print revenue is saying hello on its way to the basement.
As a report by Craig Moffett of Bernstein Research stated last year, “The notion that the enormous cost of real news-gathering might be supported by the ad load of display advertising down the side of the page, or by the revenue share from having a Google search box in the corner of the page, or even by a 15-second teaser from Geico prior to a news clip, is idiotic on its face.”
Intriguing idea ... and there might be a fortune in it for whoever can bring it off.
January 12, 2009 1:24 PM
Blogger tim said...
>>Intriguing idea ... and there might be a fortune in it for whoever can bring it off.
Yeah, I like that idea.
January 12, 2009 1:26 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
hbm said...
So HBM continually presents over at the SORE-EYE that BB2 is composed of a vast conspiracy of 'like-minded' bloggers with an angle or agenda.
And when, exactly, did I say that?
Dates? Links?
Waiting ... waiting ...
January 12, 2009 12:44 PM
HBM, you love to be pussy-whipped by the crowd, doncha?
Man, bruce just nailed you to the wall earlier this morning, and you are back for more. You da loser!!!
See below for your last pussy-whippin'
" bruce said...
HEY KUNTS here's the article HBM wrote that he deny's he wrote, NOW note he says that people who accuse people...
Judge Declares Open Season for Libel on Web E-mail
User Rating: / 1
Written by H. Bruce Miller
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
January 12, 2009 1:33 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
hbm, you are bleeding from the rectum!!!
January 12, 2009 1:35 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
People I know who are doing well right now have been saving their pennies. And I mean pennies. They don't make a King's Ransom. But they do save, quite a bit more than most people. They aren't really "cheap", they just have "lean" tastes.
That's me. Doing fine, house 70% paid off and I bought in 2004 too. Then again, I never fell for the keeping up with the jones crap and I have no plan to sell. If you get a house for less than I paid, good for you at timing the market. I've stopped counting, other than counting down to zero mortgage payments.
January 12, 2009 2:03 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Well there is no doubt that the OREO will take USA socialist, even more than shrub.
So like everything else media will be come public.
China has Zinhua, Russia Pravda, and UK BBC, and USA NPR, .. That will be journalism.
People will always pay for info, rich people will pay for the WSJ, or Bloomberg, ...
The vast majority will be fed shit by their government.
Transportation, food, medical, ... everything will be socialized in the coming years.
The Shrub has made sure that 'free market' is dead for generations.
January 12, 2009 2:24 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The Eye (HBM@SORE) can’t see what compelling public purpose is served by that. If Redman correctly interpreted the state and federal laws, then those laws need to be changed – ASAP.
HBM is right, we must destroy the US constitution, we must nullify the first amendment. Then it will be easy for HBM to kill the 2nd amendment, ... Peace & Justus in our time, who would have guessed??
January 12, 2009 2:29 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Enough on HBM, poor bastard. Why oh why can't we all just get along?
I tried to find good news today, but this is all I found . . .
No Recovery for Real Estate as Speculators Dominate Sales
Jan. 8 (Bloomberg) -- As the U.S. housing recession enters its fourth year, there’s no sign of a recovery because speculators account for most of the rise in sales.
While the purchases are trimming the inventory of unsold properties, most of those bought by speculators will likely return to the market when prices rise again, hampering any recovery, said Nobel laureate economist Joseph Stiglitz and Yale University Professor Robert Shiller in interviews.
“We’re creating a shadow inventory of homes that will be right back on the market as soon as the economy and the housing market begin to improve,” said Stiglitz, a Columbia University professor of economics. “We could see a double-dip in the housing recession if that happens.”
Banks owned a record $11.5 billion of repossessed homes in the U.S. at the end of the third quarter, according to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Foreclosures accounted for almost half of all U.S. purchases in November and homes in default helped increase sales 83 percent in California.
There were an average 3,100 foreclosures per day in the U.S. in November, according to RealtyTrac Inc., an Irvine, California real estate data company. That’s triple the 1,000 per day average in 1933, the worst year of the Great Depression, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. The repossessed properties offer opportunities for investors, who typically buy homes at auction and rent them out until prices increase and they can sell.
‘Flippers’ Rule
“You don’t have it in strong hands, you have flippers,” said Shiller, who helped create the S&P/Case Shiller real estate price indexes. “These speculators are preventing the market from crashing now, and when they get out it could fall again.”
U.S. real estate prices and sales may begin to stabilize in 2010, said Stiglitz. A worsening economy and growing speculation will delay the recovery further, he said.
“Assuming we don’t overshoot, we could be back at equilibrium in 12 to 18 months, but there are reasons to believe we might overshoot,” Stiglitz said.
In November there were 4.2 million homes on the market, falling from an all-time high of 4.6 million in July, the National Association of Realtors said in a Dec. 23 report. The U.S. median home price plunged 13 percent from a year ago, the fastest pace since the 1930s, the trade group said.
January 12, 2009 2:36 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"“We’re creating a shadow inventory of homes that will be right back on the market as soon as the economy and the housing market begin to improve,” said Stiglitz, a Columbia University professor of economics."
In a place like Bend, the "shadow market" could be 2-3 times the size the number actually listed.
January 12, 2009 2:40 PM
Anonymous hbm said...
HBM is right, we must destroy the US constitution, we must nullify the first amendment. Then it will be easy for HBM to kill the 2nd amendment,
Okay, moron, here's my whole post:
An Oregon judge has handed down a ruling that will make it easier for anonymous posters to libel people on-line – and make it just about impossible for people who are libeled to do anything about it.
As reported in The Oregonian, Clackamas County Circuit Judge Pro Tem James Redman ruled in October that Oregon’s reporters’ “shield law” protects those who operate Internet forums – such as this one – from having to disclose the identities of those who post on them. The judge also ruled that under federal law the proprietors of the forums can’t be held liable for what’s posted on them.
Redman’s ruling came in the case of Portland businessman Terry Beard, who sued the Portland Mercury, Willamette Week and Bikeportland over anonymous comments posted on their websites.
The posts about Beard “were mostly trash talk, comments that were probably more personally hurtful than materially damaging,” writes Oregonian reporter Steve Mayes. However, “Under the right circumstances in Oregon, even anonymous comments that destroy a career or drive a person to suicide potentially could be protected” thanks to Redman’s ruling.
The Eye’s considered opinion – and let us make it very clear that our opinions are our own, not necessarily those of the Source or its management – is that this ruling sucks big-time.
Web forums offer a venue for the most sick, twisted, bitter, vindictive and just plain crazy individuals in society to vent their hatred for other individuals – or the world in general – from behind a screen of anonymity. The ruling essentially means that whatever vileness somebody accuses you of on the Web – embezzlement, child abuse, mass murder – you have no recourse against him or against the business that allowed him to spew his lies.
The Eye can’t see what compelling public purpose is served by that. If Redman correctly interpreted the state and federal laws, then those laws need to be changed – ASAP.
Could you please point out to me where I said anybody should be thrown in jail or shipped off to Gitmo or any of the other absurd bullshit you claimed? Or where I said the First Amendment (or Second) should be nullified? I'm only saying people should not be immune from the libel laws just because their libels appear on the Web.
Contrary to what you may have been taught when you were home-skuled, the First Amendment does NOT give everybody an unconditional right to say whatever he wants, whenever and wherever he wants.
This whole exchange proves (again) my point about ignorant and malicious assholes abusing the Web to anonymously publish any bullshit they want. And unfortunately people like that tend to drive away those who want to have rational, adult discussions. It's a kind of Gresham's Law at work.
January 12, 2009 2:59 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
'Flippers' continue to have our Bend RE valuations by the ball's, and FLIPPER's will not let go of their RE until they're all BankRupt. ...
Here's a good layout on defining the bubble, and what causes the bubble, like we know, but in engaging the debate it important to focus on the critical issues, and at this late point its not 'greater fool theory' or 'greed' damage is done, now the focus needs to be liquidity & herding. It was CACB that provided the liquidity to OUR BUBBLE, and it the BULL/SORE/COVA that created the 'herd' the FOUR essential elements of the RE PRICING BUBBLE.
An economic bubble (sometimes referred to as a speculative bubble, a market bubble, a price bubble, a financial bubble, or a speculative mania) is “trade in high volumes at prices that are considerably at variance with intrinsic values”.[1][2]
While some economists deny that bubbles occur,[3] the cause of bubbles remains a challenge to those who are convinced that asset prices often deviate strongly from intrinsic values. While many explanations have been suggested, it has been recently shown that bubbles appear even without uncertainty,[4] speculation,[5] or bounded rationality.[6] Most recently, it has been suggested that bubbles might ultimately be caused by processes of price coordination[7] or emerging social norms.[6] Because it is often difficult to observe intrinsic values in real-life markets, bubbles are often identified only in retrospect, when a sudden drop in prices appears. Such a drop is known as a crash or a bubble burst. Both the boom and the bust phases of the bubble are examples of a positive feedback mechanism, in contrast to the negative feedback mechanism that determines the equilibrium price under normal market circumstances. Prices in an economic bubble can fluctuate erratically, and become impossible to predict from supply and demand alone.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 2:45 pm Post subject: If a post contains some illegal issues you may abuse on it - just click Abuse and fill the form Reply with quote
Greater fool theory
Popular among laymen but not fully confirmed by empirical research,[5][6] greater fool theory portrays bubbles as driven by the behavior of a perennially optimistic market participants (the fools) who buy overvalued assets in anticipation of selling it to other rapacious speculators (the greater fools) at a much higher price. According to this unsupported explanation, the bubbles continue as long as the fools can find greater fools to pay up for the overvalued asset. The bubbles will end only when the greater fool becomes the greatest fool who pays the top price for the overvalued asset and can no longer find another buyer to pay for it at a higher price.
[edit] Greed
A related explanation is that economic bubbles are favored by the greed and irrational exuberance of overly bullish investors. The argument is that investors tend to extrapolate past extraordinary returns on investment of certain assets into the future, causing them to overbid those risky assets in order to attempt to continue to capture those same rates of return. Overbidding on certain assets will at some point result in uneconomic rates of return for investors; only then the asset price deflation will begin. When investors feel that they are no longer well compensated for holding those risky assets, they will start to demand higher rates of return on their investments.
[edit] Herding
Another related explanation used in behavioral finance lies in herd behavior, the fact that investors tend to buy or sell in the direction of the market trend. This is sometimes helped by technical analysis that tries precisely to detect those trends and follow them, which creates a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Investment managers, such as stock mutual fund managers, are compensated and retained in part due to their performance relative to peers. Taking a conservative or contrarian position as a bubble builds results in performance unfavorable to peers. This may cause customers to go elsewhere and can affect the investment manager's own employment or compensation. The typical short-term focus of U.S. equity markets exacerbates the risk for investment managers that do not participate during the building phase of a bubble, particularly one that builds over a longer period of time. In attempting to maximize returns for clients and maintain their employment, they may rationally participate in a bubble they believe to be forming, as the risks of not doing so outweigh the benefits.[12]
[edit] Liquidity
Others argue that the cause of bubbles is excessive monetary liquidity in the financial system, inducing lax or inappropriate lending standards by the banks, which then causes asset markets to be vulnerable to volatile hyperinflation caused by short-term, leveraged speculation.[11] According to the explanation, excessive monetary liquidity (easy credit, large disposable incomes) potentially occurs while fractional reserve banks are implementing expansionary monetary policy (i.e. lowering of interest rates and flushing the financial system with money supply). When interest rates are going down, investors tend to avoid putting their capital into savings accounts. Instead, investors tend to leverage their capital by borrowing from banks and invest the leveraged capital in financial assets such as equities and real estate.
Simply put, economic bubbles often occur when too much money is chasing too few assets, causing both good assets and bad assets to appreciate excessively beyond their fundamentals to an unsustainable level. Once the bubble bursts the central bank will be forced to reverse its monetary accommodation policy and soak up the liquidity in the financial system or risk a collapse of its currency. The removal of monetary accommodation policy is commonly known as a contractionary monetary policy. When the central bank raises interest rates, investors tend to become risk averse and thus avoid leveraged capital because the costs of borrowing may become too expensive.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 2:50 pm Post subject: If a post contains some illegal issues you may abuse on it - just click Abuse and fill the form Reply with quote
An 'economic bubble' the over-valuation of an asset.
Well we all know that BEND has been since 2004, and continues to be in 2008/2009 the MOST OVER-VALUED RE in the USA.
Bend is not a 'bubble' the asset value of BEND RE is in a bubble state.
What factors drove the prices of BEND RE to the highest in the USA? WHO? WHY? HOW?
These questions are the subject of this debate.
January 12, 2009 2:59 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Final nail in coffin, ... Coming soon.
Cessna to lay off 2,000 workers
13 Jan 2009
WICHITA: Cessna Aircraft Co. told workers Monday that it will lay off an additional 2,000 employees across its facilities, saying the job cuts are necessary to ensure its long-term stability and success.
The announcement was made in an e-mail from Cessna's head of human resources, Jim Walters, to employees. The work force reductions will be implemented across the Wichita, Kansas-based company's facilities and affect all pay categories, it said. Cessna is a unit of Textron Inc.
``These actions are regrettable, but necessary to ensure our long-term stability and success,'' Walters told employees in the e-mail. ``As always, we remain committed to keep you informed of the processes and next steps as we work through this difficult time.''
Workers will receive 60-day notices within the next few weeks, with the cuts occurring in March, Cessna spokesman Robert Stangarone said. As part of the cuts, the company will offer a voluntary layoff program, with details to be released later.
``These are particularly difficult times and it is very painful to lose so many great team members, and unfortunately we must take these steps to protect the future of our company,'' Stangarone said in a telephone interview.
The layoffs were not entirely unexpected. The company told its employees last week that it was planning a second round of cuts, a month after it issued 60-day layoff notices to about 500 Wichita employees and 165 workers in Bend, Oregon.
Cessna is Wichita's biggest employer, with 12,000 employees. The company also has 1,300 people working at its Independence facility and has manufacturing facilities in Columbus, Georgia; Bend, Oregon; and Chihuahua, Mexico.
Stangarone could not say exactly how many jobs might be cut at each location.
``Right now we are just saying across Cessna. We are not being any more specific than that,'' he said.
The company has been talking to its customers about their orders and trying to assess what production will be throughout the year, he said.
January 12, 2009 4:10 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
HBM, the following is your post from the google-cache, of course you have now gone and deleted the post and fixed outrageous SHIT, but your original stands on google-cache for all time, you fucking asshole.
Judge Declares Open Season for Libel on Web E-mail
User Rating: / 1
Written by H. Bruce Miller
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
An Oregon judge has handed down a ruling that will make it easier for anonymous posters to libel people on-line – and make it just about impossible for people who are libeled to do anything about it.
As reported in The Oregonian, Clackamas County Circuit Judge Pro Tem James Redman ruled in October that Oregon’s reporters’ “shield law” protects those who operate Internet forums – such as this one – from having to disclose the identities of those who post on them. The judge also ruled that under federal law the proprietors of the forums can’t be held liable for what’s posted on them.
Redman’s ruling came in the case of Portland businessman Terry Beard, who sued the Portland Mercury, Willamette Week and Bikeportland over anonymous comments posted on their websites.
The posts about Beard “were mostly trash talk, comments that were probably more personally hurtful than materially damaging,” writes Oregonian reporter Steve Mayes. However, “Under the right circumstances in Oregon, even anonymous comments that destroy a career or drive a person to suicide potentially could be protected” thanks to Redman’s ruling.
The Eye’s considered opinion – and let us make it very clear that our opinions are our own, not necessarily those of the Source or its management – is that this ruling sucks big-time.
Web forums offer a venue for the most sick, twisted, bitter, vindictive and just plain crazy individuals in society to vent their hatred for other individuals – or the world in general – from behind a screen of anonymity. The ruling essentially means that whatever vileness somebody accuses you of on the Web – embezzlement, child abuse, mass murder – you have no recourse against him or against the business that allowed him to spew his lies.
The Eye can’t see what compelling public purpose is served by that. If Redman correctly interpreted the state and federal laws, then those
January 12, 2009 4:13 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Web forums offer a venue for the most sick, twisted, bitter, vindictive and just plain crazy individuals in society to vent their hatred for other individuals – or the world in general – from behind a screen of anonymity. The ruling essentially means that whatever vileness somebody accuses you of on the Web – embezzlement, child abuse, mass murder – you have no recourse against him or against the business that allowed him to spew his lies.
- HBM 17dec2008
Surely your not talking about US BITCH??
January 12, 2009 4:14 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
See what HBM is trying to do is get people to visit the SORE-EYE site so he can log IP's, but we don't do that, us KUNTS only visit GOOGLE-CACHE.
Sorry HBM, you fucking asshole.
Lastly, I agree HBM, is boring I wish he would go away, as discussing him is like talking about genital-herpes after you have been cured, we already know everything we need to know about HBM, and his fucking views.
January 12, 2009 4:16 PM
Blogger Quimby said...
Citi taking a beating
Maybe this is why the next $350,000,000,000.00 bailout/rescue package is being requested.
January 12, 2009 4:20 PM
Blogger bruce said...
In a place like Bend, the "shadow market" could be 2-3 times the size the number actually listed.
In a place like BEND 'shadown' or dark-matter as we have always called it could be 10x-100x, god only knows, ...
All I do know is a ton of people have listed in the last 1-2 years, and NOT got one fucking offer, not even a lowball, so they just take the STD off the market and wait.
The real fucking issue with job-loss, is how fucking long can BEND's walking-dead ( I'm not talking aboug HBM ), how long can they feed these fucking STD's corpses?
This is why BEND-RE will be soft out til at least 2014 or later, at the very best we know resets end in 2012 the end of the worst, and then add Bends two year lag, and then add in dark-matter inventory, it could be 2018, which is what I have assumed all along.
Again, if you aren't going to stay here for the next ten years, get the fuck out now.
January 12, 2009 4:21 PM
Blogger bruce said...
God Damn quim thanks for reminding me, I had that all written, and noticed the same thing today on the tombstone of the DOW BA & C just got fucking hammered today.
I really wish we could quit talking about NAZI-HBM, and focus on debating the Bend econ.
Yes, it appears that Citi & BA, and a bunch of others are in a world of fucking hurt, and need the money NOW.
Still I think that BUSH gets pardoned in return, there has to be a deal here for BUSH doing so many things for OREO.
YOU know the lib's want cheney's head on a fucking plate, the give-away to lib's today is that OREO is shutting down GUANTANAMO, yeh we have heard that a million times, ...
So many things to talk about other than HBM,
HEY HOMER, CACB is back at the LOW now also, very close to breaking the BIG FIVE.
January 12, 2009 4:25 PM
Anonymous hbm said...
HBM, the following is your post from the google-cache, of course you have now gone and deleted the post and fixed outrageous SHIT, but your original stands on google-cache for all time, you fucking asshole.
What you posted is EXACTLY the same as what I posted, you fucking psychotic moron.
Surely your not talking about US BITCH??
Yes, you are PRECISELY who I am talking about.
And why are you afraid to put your name on your posts, asshole?
Oh, I know -- you're afraid Mike Hollern and I will order a "mob hit" on you. Fucking psycho.
I'm through with this blog -- too many psychotic trolls eaten up by hate and spite with nothing to do but vent it here on any target that offers itself.
I'll read it, but I'm done commenting on it. Good bye.
January 12, 2009 4:30 PM
Blogger hbm said...
And one last thing....
Fuck all you Repugs!!!!
January 12, 2009 5:34 PM
Blogger bruce said...
Please join Eurasia Group President Ian Bremmer and RGE Monitor Chairman Nouriel Roubini as they discuss the political and economic risks in the year ahead. As the world enters 2009 facing the first global recession, Bremmer and Roubini aim to identify a comprehensive view of the challenges ahead - bringing together their expertise on global politics and economics. There will be an opportunity to ask questions after the discussion.
Date and Time: 13 January 2009 10:00 (New York)
13 January 2009 15:00 (London)
Speaker(s): Ian Bremmer, President, Eurasia Group
Nouriel Roubini, Chairman, RGE Monitor
Topics: The top political and economic risks for 2009
* Who are the winners and losers from the first truly global recession?
* What are the political and economic forecasts for the world, and what impact do they have on each other?
* How will the Obama administration fare in its first year?
* What are the likely crisis points for the developed and developing world?
Call-in: +1 866.847.7860 (US, Canada, Puerto Rico)
+1 703.639.1427 (International)
Passcode: 1323113
Replay: +1 888.266.2081 (US, Canada, Puerto Rico)
+1 703.925.2533 (International)
Passcode: 1323113
(the replay will be available two hours after call through 20 January)
If you have any questions or need further information, please contact RGE Monitor at +1 212.645.0010 or
January 12, 2009 5:40 PM
Blogger Quimby said...
>> Fuck all you Repugs!!!!
Good to see ol' HBM back again. He really livens up the place. That's the spirit!
January 12, 2009 5:56 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
HBM always leaving in a huff. So pompous. So superior.
January 12, 2009 6:02 PM
Blogger bruce said...
Hey hb, I've been teaching all day. Fake bruce has been baiting you, not me. I'm a Pug hating progressive, too.
On another note, it sounds like Obama has different plans for the rest of the TARP money. Only time will tell. Paulson needs to be fucking reined in, before he bankrupts us trying to save the banks. Rogers had it right when he said that giving money to the weakest banks run by the stupidest people is just plain wrong.
January 12, 2009 6:04 PM
Blogger tim said...
The stories say Obama wants the rest of the TARP to "help" people avoid foreclosure. This just stretches out the slump, in my opinion. Let the people lose the houses. I'd rather have the money go to new jobs.
January 12, 2009 6:40 PM
Blogger bruce said...
Re: I'd rather have the money go to new jobs.
Hopefully, both. Obama wants another $800M to go towards new jobs, too.
If people can just get into a mortgage they can afford, instead of getting reset to a much higher payment, that's good. If they simply can't afford the house no matter what, I agree--let them get foreclosed. But I've heard plenty of horror stories of unscrupulous mortgage brokers putting people into resetting loans because the broker made more money from them.
January 12, 2009 6:42 PM
Blogger tim said...
January 12, 2009 7:15 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
HBM always leaving in a huff. So pompous. So superior.
Yes, hbm allways leave in a hissy fit, almost like he was a fem gay pussy who got her feelings hurt.
But then she always comes back, even after she promises to leave for good.
I'll read it, but I'm done commenting on it. Good bye.
January 12, 2009 4:30 PM
So, who wants to start a betting pool on when she comes back?
I bet that hbm can't stay away from commenting on this (okay buster, pissing on this) rock for more than 10 days.
I bet hbm (the real hissy fit hbm, not the faux hbms) writes a comment before Jan 22nd, 4:30pm. hbm can't stay away for more than 10 days.
January 12, 2009 7:30 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Learned Helpness - BEND ORYGUN -
It's in the kool-aide,
January 12, 2009 7:55 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
See I have a different take on HBM,
Sure he hates the US Constitution, 1&2, and sure he hates the USA,
But he also hates the PUG's, but the PUG's feed the bitch, they fed him at the BULL, and they feed him at the SORE,
He could never defame, and insult the SORE readership, so he comes over and tosses insults at us 'indys'. Go figure.
That said, its one SORE son-of-a-bitch.
He knows that Bend has been destroyed by the KUNTS he has been pimping for, for over 20 years, ...
So at his twilight he does all he can do, living in fear, one of the broken men, one of the walking dead of orygun, cuz if he pisses the BULL, they pull his retirement, ...
Living in Fear, welcome to Bend.
January 12, 2009 7:58 PM
Blogger bruce said...
Hopefully, both. Obama wants another $800M to go towards new jobs, too.
OREO will spend the last $750 on PAULSON aka citi/BofA before Jan 20, 08, then he'll say, there ain't no more for da little fucks, ... imagine dat, ...
Imagine? Where does the PUSSY pull these figures? The $750B was authorized, and OREO will have it spent by PUG's on PUG-SHIT before taking orifice, by the time the OREO bring's legislation the PUB minority will be opposed to all socialism.
Get with the POGROM BP.
January 12, 2009 8:01 PM
Blogger bruce said...
>> Fuck all you Repugs!!!!
The trouble with this rhetoric is NOT a single one of US is a PUG, we're all INDY's.
It's the FUCKIN HBM that is a incarnate of GAY EDGAR HOOVER, read the shit that HBM writes, that is J. Edgar. Hoover Rhetoric. FACT.
HBM is no liberal, he is a NAZI.
January 12, 2009 8:04 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Web forums offer a venue for the most sick, twisted, bitter, vindictive and just plain crazy individuals in society to vent their hatred for other individuals – or the world in general – from behind a screen of anonymity. The ruling essentially means that whatever vileness somebody accuses you of on the Web – embezzlement, child abuse, mass murder – you have no recourse against him or against the business that allowed him to spew his lies.
- HBM The Sore-Eye 17dec2008
January 12, 2009 8:06 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The ruling essentially means that whatever vileness somebody accuses you of on the Web – embezzlement, child abuse, mass murder – you have no recourse against him or against the business that allowed him to spew his lies. - hbm
Note the freudian slip, a true Nazi would have said 'they', but HBM always falls back to the 'him' or 'his', obviously a male fetish.
I ask you KUNTS was HBM fucked by a male as a child? How else can you account for this anger??????
January 12, 2009 8:08 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
BEND SORE/BULL learned-helplessness
He's No Longer Doctor Doom. Now He's Doctor Death.
Nouriel Roubini is one of "them". He has become a doctor of death.
When people take on increasing amounts of debt, they begin to feel hopeless. In fact, an increasing debt load with no way to pay it off is indicative of hopelessness. The overwhelming majority of folks who take on increasing amounts of debt know that they will not, in fact, win the lottery or have some other financial windfall which will allow them, at some point in the future, to get out of debt. And so with this reality bearing down on them, why do so many people nevertheless run up credit card debts into the tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars?
The most widely accepted argument is that people need to employ debt in their struggle to survive: Individual or familial deficit spending as a way to pay the bills and put food on the table. Another argument points to our culture of addiction: that people use spending, and hence ever-increasing credit card debt, in the same way they would use alcohol or heroin---to ease the pain.
I do not disagree with those who posit the two aforementioned hypotheses with regard to the seemingly insane act of putting oneself further and further into slavery. But I think we’re missing one key factor: Utter hopelessness.
We in the West are a society of the hopeless. We search desperately for ways to feel OK, and our answers remain exogenous: spend, accumulate, possess. This lack of contentedness, of inner peace of mind, makes us anxious, and so we seek to mitigate our anxieties in the short term by spending money that we, in fact, do not have to buy stuff that we, in fact, do not need. And we feel OK for a moment, but the moment quickly passes and our anxiety grows because not only are we still totally empty and unfulfilled, but we now owe yet another thousand dollars to the man. And our slavery deepens. And eventually our anxiety morphs into depression, and our depression into hopelessness. And we max out our credit cards without a care, because in our hopelessness and despair we have become ready to die.
And so I would posit that, in our world, increasing levels of debt are not simply predictive of rising suicide rates, but in fact that taking on increasing amounts of unserviceable debt is actually a form of suicide. And so then isn’t it fair to paint the purveyors of this debt machine---the banks and the Obama’s with their trillion dollar stimulus plans and the Paulson’s and the Madoffs and the Greenspans---as financial Jack Kevorkian’s of a sort? Of course there is a major difference between Kevorkian and Paulson et al. In our current situation there are tens of thousands of folks who are suicidal, but none of them actually have a terminal incurable illness! In fact, the illnesses that they have could be cured by the very people who are assisting in their suicides?!?
And so when I hear Barney Frank and Barack Obama and Henry Paulson and Ben Bernanke and Paul Krugman and Nouriel Roubini promote increased governmental spending---trillions of dollars in deficit spending, thus exponentially increasing the common man's future debt burden---to try and loosen credit markets so that all of the people in debt “choose” to go deeper into debt, I simply see these men as I see the guy who sells the daggers upon which the Juliet’s of the world impale themselves. Dealers in death, no better.
And so Nouriel Roubini, in his calls for trillions in spending to "save" the economy, is no different from the other doctors of death who populate Wall Street and Capitol Hill. No different.
January 12, 2009 8:10 PM
Blogger bruce said...
Deep in my worthless drunk on Abyss (deschutes) heart of fuck darkness (Conrad) I still believe that HBM is one of us.
He can't tell the BULL what he feels, he can't tell Bend what he feels, and he can't tell the SORE what he feels.
What your seeing is the tremendous pain and suffering from a fellow human being.
Please be nice to HBM. When this is all over, you'll then see that he was one of us.
January 12, 2009 8:13 PM
Blogger bruce said...
We in the West are a society of the learned helpless & hopeless.
Hell yes, for once in your fucking lives just open up, and tell the fucking truth.
Life is short KUNTS.
On your final death bed nobody will care either way, so tell the truth today, rather than die in a bed of lies.
January 12, 2009 8:16 PM
Blogger bruce said...
I'm a Pug hating progressive, too.
What does that mean? Your a PUG that hates progressives? Or a progressive that hates Pug's??
Everytime I hear somebody say 'progressive' I see an asshole that doesn't have the balls to call himself what he is, a 'progressive' is by definition somebody with 'new ideas', there are no fucking 'new idea's, unless your fucking ignorant of all human history.
January 12, 2009 8:18 PM
Blogger Quimby said...
>> Obama wants another $800M to go towards new jobs, too.
To hell with that idea, just run the presses and get C130s to fly over cities and dump cash out the back. THAT will solve the problem (rolling eyes)
January 12, 2009 8:19 PM
Blogger bruce said...
Fuck Pug's
Yes, Yes, and Yes, ...
But even Marge, the most right-wing of all of US deny's being a PUG, even she calls herself an indy.
It's easy to fuck Pug's, but why not go to a pug blog???
This is an indy blog, certainly you can google 'go palin' and find a pug blog? Can't you??
January 12, 2009 8:21 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Fuck all you fucking progressives.
A Progressive is a Liberal who is too chickenshit to admit it.
January 12, 2009 8:32 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"hbm can't stay away for more than 10 days"
I'll take 8 days.
In fact, since he cried his pussy, puss-filled tear-streaked face outta here, he probably has been reading all of our hbm insults.
He left (rather Nixonesque, by saying "You won't have hbm to kick around anymore") in his emotional pity party, but he admitted that will continue to read this blog, just not comment.
I bet his fingers are burning right about now, just itching to get on the keyboard and spout his hbm wisdumb-shit all over this blog.
January 12, 2009 8:38 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I bet his fingers are burning right about now, just itching to get on the keyboard and spout his hbm wisdumb-shit all over this blog.
I'll buy a Abyss double pint to the first person who outs hbm posting here as an "anonymous".
hbm is a fool who loves the sound of his foolish voice (oaky, loves the sight of his foolish written words) here on this blog. He can't stand to not be part of the dialogue, so he will insert himself, maybe even in the next TWO (2) days, but not as hbm (too much humiliation to go back on his word to leave this place) via an anonymous comment.
Again, a double Abyss to the first dude who out's his anonymous comment.
hbm will be back... his word is as trustworthy as the pussy's word on filing the Exec Session complaint!!!
January 12, 2009 8:45 PM
Blogger Quimby said...
>> hbm will be back... his word is as trustworthy as the pussy's word on filing the Exec Session complaint!!!
ROFLMAO! God we're some sick fucks, eh?
January 12, 2009 8:59 PM
Blogger bruce said...
A Progressive is a Liberal who is too chickenshit to admit it.
Yes, but a 'progressive' is a new liberal, he wears condoms when he fucks you.
January 12, 2009 9:03 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Mrs. Bend 2009, has been picked, and homer has already had his way with her.
January 12, 2009 9:25 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I found homer's site by searching for big-tit bikiny girl, ... name of homers jpg
What's interesting is that it appears this shit is real, real fucking big tits, its obvious our homer is a kind-of-sewer of natural 'big women'.
January 12, 2009 9:34 PM
Blogger bruce said...
Re: Mrs. Bend 2009
That's funny. Get your Butter out, rub it all over her, and roll her in the flour.
January 12, 2009 9:36 PM
Blogger bruce said...
When an auto writer starts sounding like Marge, you know we're fucked. By Jeremy Clarkson, of one of my favorite Brit shows, Top Gear.
I was in Dublin last weekend, and had a very real sense I’d been invited to the last days of the Roman empire. As far as I could work out, everyone had a Rolls-Royce Phantom and a coat made from something that’s now extinct. And then there were the women. Wow. Not that long ago every girl on the Emerald Isle had a face the colour of straw and orange hair. Now it’s the other way around.
Everyone appeared to be drunk on naked hedonism. I’ve never seen so much just being drizzled onto so many improbable things, none of which was potted herring. It was like Barcelona but with beer. And as I careered from bar to bar all I could think was: “Jesus. Can’t they see what’s coming?”
Ireland is tiny. Its population is smaller than New Zealand’s, so how could the Irish ever have generated the cash for so many trips to the hairdressers, so many lobsters and so many Rollers? And how, now, as they become the first country in Europe to go officially into recession, can they not see the financial meteorite coming? Why are they not all at home, singing mournful songs?
It’s the same story on this side of the Irish Sea, of course. We’re all still plunging hither and thither, guzzling wine and wondering what preposterously expensive electronic toys the children will want to smash on Christmas morning this year. We can’t see the meteorite coming either.
I think mainly this is because the government is not telling us the truth. It’s painting Gordon Brown as a global economic messiah and fiddling about with Vat, pretending that the coming recession will be bad. But that it can deal with it.
I don’t think it can. I have spoken to a couple of pretty senior bankers in the past couple of weeks and their story is rather different. They don’t refer to the looming problems as being like 1992 or even 1929. They talk about a total financial meltdown. They talk about the End of Days.
Already we are seeing household names disappearing from the high street and with them will go the suppliers whose names have only ever been visible behind the grime on motorway vans. The job losses will mount. And mount. And mount. And as they climb, the bad debt will put even more pressure on the banks until every single one of them stutters and fails.
The European banks took one hell of a battering when things went wrong in America. Imagine, then, how life will be when the crisis arrives on this side of the Atlantic. Small wonder one City figure of my acquaintance ordered three safes for his London house just last week.
Of course, you may imagine the government will simply step in and nationalise everything, but to do that, it will have to borrow. And when every government is doing the same thing, there simply won’t be enough cash in the global pot. You can forget Iceland. From what I gather, Spain has had it. Along with Italy, Ireland and very possibly the UK.
It is impossible for someone who scored a U in his economics A-level to grapple with the consequences of all this but I’m told that in simple terms money will cease to function as a meaningful commodity. The binary dots and dashes that fuel the entire system will flicker and die. And without money there will be no business. No means of selling goods. No means of transporting them. No means of making them in the first place even. That’s why another friend of mine has recently sold his London house and bought somewhere in the country . . . with a kitchen garden.
These, as I see them, are the facts. Planet Earth thought it had £10. But it turns out we had only £2. Which means everyone must lose 80% of their wealth. And that’s going to be a problem if you were living on the breadline beforehand.
Eventually, of course, the system will reboot itself, but for a while there will be absolute chaos: riots, lynchings, starvation. It’ll be a world without power or fuel, and with no fuel there’s no way the modern agricultural system can be maintained. Which means there will be no food either. You might like to stop and think about that for a while.
I have, and as a result I can see the day when I will have to shoot some of my neighbours - maybe even David Cameron - as we fight for the last bar of Fry’s Turkish Delight in the smoking ruin that was Chipping Norton’s post office.
I believe the government knows this is a distinct possibility and that it might happen next year, and there is absolutely nothing it can do to stop Cameron getting both barrels from my Beretta. But instead of telling us straight, it calls the crisis the “credit crunch” to make it sound like a breakfast cereal and asks Alistair Darling to smile and big up Gordon when he’s being interviewed.
I can’t say I blame it, really. If an enormous meteorite was heading our way and the authorities knew it couldn’t be stopped or diverted, why bother telling anyone? Best to let us soldier on in the dark until it all goes dark for real....Right now, there are two paths you can go down. You can either adopt the Irish attitude to the impending catastrophe and party like it’s 1999. In which case you are better off ignoring the Vauxhall and buying a 24ft Donzi speedboat instead.
Or you can actually start to make some sensible preparations for the complete breakdown in society. In which case you don’t want a Vauxhall either. Better to spend the money on a pair of shotguns and an allotment.
January 12, 2009 9:45 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Quimby said...
>> hbm will be back... his word is as trustworthy as the pussy's word on filing the Exec Session complaint!!!
ROFLMAO! God we're some sick fucks, eh?
No, just straight shooting truth tellers who shit on bullshitters and the bullshit they shit.
January 12, 2009 9:57 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"Yes, but a 'progressive' is a new liberal, he wears condoms when he fucks you."
Aha. Splains everything.
January 12, 2009 9:59 PM
Blogger bruce said...
O.C. lender with $1 billion in assets files bankruptcy
January 9th, 2009, 4:11 pm · 4 Comments · posted by Mathew Padilla, Reporter
BNC Mortgage, an Irvine-based subprime lender, filed for bankruptcy today to wind down its assets along with its parent Lehman Brothers, which also is bankrupt, reports Bloomberg.
The lender listed assets and debt of more than $1 billion each in its Chapter 11 petition in Manhattan. Here’s more from Bloomberg:
Lehman bought the unit, which specialized in subprime loans, in 2004, bringing it into the business which eventually led to the company’s demise. Lehman filed the biggest bankruptcy ever on Sept. 15, listing debt of $613 billion.
BNC joins another Lehman unit, Luxembourg-based Luxembourg Residential Properties Loan Finance, which filed for court protection in New York on Jan. 7. Both units want their bankruptcies consolidated with Lehman’s, according to court documents.
Consolidation is necessary “to experience a smooth transition into Chapter 11 with a minimum of delay, cost, and expense for the benefit of all parties in interest,” lawyers for BNC Mortgage said in court documents.
BNC Mortgage, along with another acquisition, Aurora Loan Services LLC, were used by Lehman to create a steady flow of debt to package into bonds. In the first quarter of 2006, BNC was lending more than $1 billion a month.
Lehman closed the unit on Aug. 22, exiting the subprime business as it declared that the U.S. housing recession was far from over. Subprime loans, made to homebuyers with weak or limited credit histories, were cited by Lehman in its bankruptcy filing.
Luxembourg Properties and BNC Mortgage will seek consolidation with the Lehman case at a hearing Jan. 14.
Read the full story HERE.
January 12, 2009 10:07 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I heard a rumor yesterday that gottchaulks was closing,but no offical anouncement.can anybody confirm?
January 13, 2009 6:52 AM
Blogger IHateToBurstYourBubble said...
All I do know is a ton of people have listed in the last 1-2 years, and NOT got one fucking offer, not even a lowball, so they just take the STD off the market and wait.
True. I see this everywhere. There are so many people waiting in the wings to sell, it's hard to know when we can possibly burn thru the current inventory & all the Dark Matter.
Layoffs at Cessna should add another 1-200.
January 13, 2009 6:59 AM
Blogger tim said...
>>I heard a rumor yesterday that gottchaulks was closing,but no offical anouncement.can anybody confirm?
I'm sure there are rumors because they are almost out of money.
January 13, 2009 7:01 AM
Blogger IHateToBurstYourBubble said...
Note that a little chunk of Bull Credibility has been lost by SPECULATING that BEND IS DIFFERENT, BEND IS IMMUNE.
Bend may escape Cessna’s next ax
Wichita, Kan.-based Cessna Aircraft Co. plans a second round of layoffs, but Bend may survive further cuts because the company is focusing on ways to trim costs related to diminishing demand for business jets, Cessna spokesman Doug Oliver said.
Cessna to lay off 2,000 workers companywide
Cessna is Wichita's biggest employer, with 12,000 employees. The company also has 1,300 people working at its Independence facility and has manufacturing facilities in Columbus, Ga.; Bend, Ore.; and Chihuahua, Mexico.
Stangarone could not say exactly how many jobs might be cut at each location.
"Right now we are just saying across Cessna. We are not being any more specific than that," he said.
hbm, note that SPECULATION about the "positive" Cessna news came out Bend medias ASS en masse.
NEVER THE OPPOSITE. Always GOOD NEWS thrown out when the TRUTH is unknown. NEVER BAD.
THIS is why blogs serve a purpose that traditional LIAR MEDIA doesn't. But by God when WE throw out SPECULATIVE BAD NEWS, well then, it's VILE, BITTER AND VINDICTIVE.
Web forums offer a venue for the most sick, twisted, bitter, vindictive and just plain crazy individuals in society to vent their hatred for other individuals – or the world in general – from behind a screen of anonymity.
Hypocrisy Dude, that's what that is.
January 13, 2009 7:08 AM
Blogger IHateToBurstYourBubble said...
ktvz is throwing it out there that the current layoffs may well exceed the last round that saw about 1/3rd of Bend's plant laid off.
January 13, 2009 7:13 AM
Blogger IHateToBurstYourBubble said...
It’s back to work - if you’re lucky, that is
Central Oregon has the highest unemployment rate in the state, and local temporary employment agencies are struggling to keep up with the flood. In this economic climate, many who thought they were done with the workaday world have discovered ...
Central Oregon has the highest unemployment rate in the state; Crook County and Jefferson County have 12.4 and 12 percent unemployed, respectively, while Deschutes County comes in at just under 10 percent unemployed.
Just the beginning, folks. We'll do 15-20% unemployment before it's done.
Sorry hbm, about the sick/twisted/bitter/vile/vindictive SPECULATIVE LIES in the preceding prediction, and my horrible HORRIBLE schadenfreude since I obviously so badly WANT it to happen.
January 13, 2009 7:19 AM
Blogger tim said...
It's hard to make anything out of the ktvz report.
January 13, 2009 7:20 AM
Blogger tim said...
Saw something somewhere that we don't calculate unemployment the way we did in the 30s. According to the old methods, we're already very close to Depression unemployment.
I can't find the article now. Anyone else see it?
January 13, 2009 7:22 AM
Blogger Quimby said...
Tim: Offshoot of you depression level unemployment idea....I don't see folks in bread/soup lines yet so it doesn't look as bad.
If a new CCC is formed by Obama, how will he handle illegals?
Is this an end of an era for illegals in the USA as more whitey's are willing to do jobs that fat/HELOC-rich Whitey's formerly didn't want to do? Now they gots to eat.
January 13, 2009 8:28 AM
Blogger Quimby said...
Offshoot of YOUR.... grrrrr
January 13, 2009 8:28 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
We used to 'calc' un-employed by # of people out of work, who should have been working,...
Today we calc by the number of people collecting un-employment insurance, or looking for a job, most notable now, ...
1.) Those who give up looking are not counted,
2.) Those who work under the table are not counted ( Hello Bend )
3.) Those who are old/young are not counted, for instance a college student is not counted.
It's sort of a joke now, hell the DEFN of a depression is 10%, even using the 'Orwellian' methods today, we're already in a depression in the tri-county area here.
#1 above is the national joke, but #2 is Bend as most people in construction worked for cash.
January 13, 2009 8:36 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The Wall Street Journal
Jan. 13, 2009
Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke said the stimulus package being crafted by Barack Obama and Congress could provide a "significant boost" to the sinking economy. But he warned that such a recovery won't last unless other steps are taken to stabilize the shaky financial system.
Bernanke's statements marked the first time he has referenced the roughly $800 billion recovery plan now being worked on by Obama. Obama envisions a blend of tax cuts and increased government spending, including on big public works projects.
January 13, 2009 8:36 AM
Blogger bruce said...
Re: Gottschalks
Word is that employees are being told to cash their paychecks ASAP.
They had an ad in the paper a couple of days ago stating today is their last day.
January 13, 2009 8:41 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Sorry hbm, about the sick/twisted/bitter/vile/vindictive SPECULATIVE LIES in the preceding prediction, and my horrible HORRIBLE schadenfreude since I obviously so badly WANT it to happen.
This must be hard for HBM,COSTA,COVA,COBA,MOSS,.. They used tax payer money, the most beautiful PR&MARKETING people money can buy, and still they can't put the Bend Humpty Dumpty back together again.
Pay no attention to the 'bend economic RE bubble' ( price over-valuation ), just a fluke nothing to do with Bend, OR, ...
Econ Bubble - Econ Over-Valuation - Ingredients Required
1.) Fools tons of fools, limiting factor 'greatest fool'.
2.) Greed, nothing like Bend for Greed.
3.) Herding: Ah the secret of BEND RE over-valuation, cheap SDC's, PR&MARKETING, COVA/COBA,CORA,... endless city-paid plants in Outside Mag ( hbm/woodward ). Summit-1031 herd flippers from all over the country who want a tax-shelter, and unlimited ROI.
4.) Liquidity: Ah, another secret ingredient ala MOSS easy, cheap, money to anybody with a breath for four flippers each, ... Summit-1031 more cash, ...
So, here we are 2009, we have run out of 'fools with money' (1), Greed has turned to Fear, the 'HERD' is now leaving via UHAUL quicker than entry, and the Bank-of-Bend has 'texas ratio' that only the mother of a downs child could love.
So now what? Life support for 'humpty'?? Speculative-Bubbles never end well for those who bought the ITEM at top. Sad fact is Humpty hasn't even hit the fucking pavement yet, he's still in free-fall, Costa/HBM only now acknowledging he is off the wall.
January 13, 2009 8:47 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anything killer deals for the home? Kitchen? Going to be cooking a lot more the next few years, need some new shit, ... Are they going to give SHIT away, like they did at Linens and Things??
January 13, 2009 8:49 AM
Blogger tim said...
>>They had an ad in the paper a couple of days ago stating today is their last day.
They did? Wow.
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Blogger bruce said...
That's a big number--from Barney Frank's new H.R. 384 - TARP Reform and Accountability Act of 2009:
Section 14(a) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1814(a)) is amended--
(1) by striking `$30,000,000,000' and inserting `$100,000,000,000'; and
(2) by inserting prior to the last sentence, the following new sentence: `The Corporation may request in writing to borrow, and the Secretary may authorize and approve the borrowing of, additional amounts above $100,000,000,000 to the extent that the Board of Directors and the Secretary determine such borrowing to be necessary.'.
January 13, 2009 8:57 AM
Blogger bruce said...
Re: Anything killer deals for the home? Kitchen? Going to be cooking a lot more the next few years, need some new shit, ... Are they going to give SHIT away, like they did at Linens and Things??
We're thinking so. We plan to go over later this afternoon and do some bargaining. IIRC the ad said 60% off.
January 13, 2009 9:01 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
So are they liquidating? Or just closing and transferring the inventory back to the warehouse?
January 13, 2009 9:02 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
This will effect 'Bend Sci', as almost all pharm research is getting shut down to cut costs because of poor ROI.
The Wall Street Journal
Jan. 13, 2009
Pfizer is laying off up to 800 researchers in a tacit admission that its laboratories have failed to live up to the tens of billions of dollars it has poured into them in recent years. While the 800 job cuts will only dent Pfizer's overall work force of 83,400, they strike at the company's lifeblood: The labs charged with discovering lucrative new drugs.
January 13, 2009 9:05 AM
Blogger tim said...
>>So are they liquidating? Or just closing and transferring the inventory back to the warehouse?
Given the way their corporate bonds are trading, I doubt there will be a warehouse to ship it back to. Or money to ship it.
January 13, 2009 9:13 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
by James Surowiecki
Along with slashed payrolls, rising foreclosures, and plummeting stock prices, 2008 brought another unwelcome development: a surge in bank robberies, which were up more than fifty per cent in New York. This wasn’t shocking: we typically expect property crimes to rise in hard economic times. There is, though, one crime against property which bucks this trend: defrauding investors. On Wall Street, fraudulent schemes tend to thrive during economic booms, and to blow up when times turn tough. While bank robbers are getting busier, the Bernard Madoffs are starting to get caught.
Madoff is just the latest in a long line of fraudsters who took advantage of investor euphoria. Time and again, as asset markets have become frothier, fraud has flourished. During England’s South Sea Bubble, in 1720, a host of bogus joint-stock companies arose, including one that described its enterprise as “nitvender,” or the selling of nothing. The boom of the nineteen-twenties featured men like Arthur Montgomery, who ran a Ponzi scheme promising investors four-hundred-per-cent returns in sixty days, and the Match King, Ivar Kreuger, who sustained match monopolies all over the world with forged bonds and doctored books. More recently, the stock-market bubble of the late nineties gave rise to enormous frauds at companies like Enron and WorldCom.
Fraud is a boom-time crime because it feeds on the faith of investors, and during bubbles that faith is overflowing. So while robbing a bank seems to be a demand-driven crime, robbing bank shareholders is all about supply. In the classic work on investor hysteria, “Manias, Panics, and Crashes,” the economist Charles Kindleberger wrote that during bubbles “the supply of corruption increases . . . much like the supply of credit.” This is more than a simple analogy: corruption and credit are stoked by the same forces. Cheap money engenders a surfeit of trust, and vice versa. (The word “credit” comes from the Latin for “believe.”) The same overconfidence that leads investors and lenders to underestimate the risks of legitimate investments also leads them to underestimate the likelihood of fraud. In Madoff’s case, for instance, his propensity for delivering inexplicably consistent returns month after month should have been a warning sign to his investors. But in the past few years besotted investors were willing to believe lots of foolish things—like the idea that housing prices would just keep going up.
An oversupply of credulity doesn’t last, of course; when the crash comes, and people get more cynical and cautious, the frauds are exposed. As Warren Buffett put it, “You only learn who’s been swimming naked when the tide goes out.” Did the share prices of Enron and WorldCom start plunging after their fraudulent actions came to light? Actually, it was the other way around: the financial mischief was exposed only after their stock prices tanked. In Madoff’s case, the steep across-the-board decline in asset prices curbed investors’ appetite for risk, so that many started to pull their money out. That effect may very well have forced Madoff to dispense more money than he could keep bringing in, especially since recruiting new investors, which you have to do to keep a Ponzi scheme going, would have become harder after the crash.
When the Madoff scandal erupted, some people argued that investor confidence would be further shaken—that the scandal would make America’s markets look more like Russia’s, notoriously rife with scams and suspicion. That hasn’t happened. After the Madoff story broke, the market jumped almost five per cent, and it’s now well above where it was when Madoff was arrested. One reason is that a stock market that lost seven trillion dollars in value in 2008 knows how to take a fifty-billion-dollar loss in stride. And Madoff was running money largely for an élite clientele, which gained access to his services primarily through inside connections, limiting the market-wide impact of his malfeasance.
But the main reason that Madoff didn’t destroy investor confidence is that it was already gone, thanks to a year when just about every institution that the market depends on—rating agencies, accounting firms, regulators, Wall Street C.E.O.s.—had messed up. The whole web of intermediaries and knowledge brokers that modern asset markets have come to rely on has become frayed. That helps explain the current credit crunch—bank lending has dropped fifty-five per cent this year—and the dismal state of the stock market. Discovering what the crooks have been up to is disillusioning, but not as disillusioning as coming to terms with what the so-called honest people did.
In David Mamet’s movie “House of Games,” the grifter played by Joe Mantegna explains to a former mark, “It’s called a confidence game. Why? Because you give me your confidence? No. Because I give you mine.” So the bankers gave us their confidence, in the form of mortgages and other forms of credit, and we gave them ours. This culture of credulity did plenty of damage to the economy, but now it has given way to something even more corrosive; namely, endemic mistrust. Because if there’s one thing worse than too much confidence it’s not enough. Fraud impoverishes a few; fear impoverishes the many. As long as mistrust prevails, people will keeping pulling money out of the system—sometimes even at gunpoint.
January 13, 2009 9:22 AM
Blogger Quimby said...
I thought I asked a damn good question about the future of the American laborer...and it's been 5 mins and no-one has answered! Hurumph...
January 13, 2009 9:23 AM
Blogger Quimby said...
If the fat lazy American Gen-Xer is starving, will they dig ditches or do work seen as beneath them?
Me thinks YES.
January 13, 2009 9:24 AM
Blogger bruce said...
Re: liquidating or closing
They are trying to survive but have a big note due in May that has already been extended a year. Bend store, Wenatchee store are closing.
Couple of articles from the last few days:
And off the Yahoo message board yesterday:
"My mother-in-law works at GOTT and they have been instructed not to do inventory and they are not replacing sold stock. Still sound like a company that will be bought out? NOT."
And earlier this morning, in answer:
"Inventory for end of fiscal year has been postponed until further notice for Gottschalks stores is true."
My guess is you aren't doing year-end inventory you are in liquidation mode. They are putting all their eggs into the investors coming on board, but seeing as how their December sales were down almost 10% this year from last, they don't seem to have a real good hand to negotiate with.
January 13, 2009 9:32 AM
Blogger bruce said...
Re: If the fat lazy American Gen-Xer is starving, will they dig ditches or do work seen as beneath them?
Me thinks YES.
Q, it's this springs weight loss plan.
January 13, 2009 9:33 AM
Blogger bruce said...
Having ran businesses for 40+ years, and hired all kinds of people, I can sadly tell you. There is a fucking REASON that immigrants still come to the USA, but as always I'll make it into a long story.
First generation all work hard, whether mex,spic,span,jew,irish,china,... they come here for a better life.
Thus as an employer, you want first gen, its NOT about the money $$$ its about the fact they work, and do as told.
Then you have second gen of any fucking race, ... they look around, lets take MEX, he goes to school raised in the USA, and see's his dad work his fucking ASS OFF. ...
Then the Mex kid is 12, and the white kids have better toyz, and better house, and mex kids dad works until he drop's dead.
Now the 2nd gen mex kid is 18 does he go to college? NOPE, cuz his family works, ... maybe white kid goes to college, cuz white kids don't work.
So the mex kids deals drugs, goes on welfare, or lives off his wife who runs a babysit biz at home,...
Then there are black kids, they dream of NFL or NBA then one day about 14 yr old they look around and note that most niggers over 18 are in prison, that their chance of going NBA or NFL are about the same as them becoming a fucking brain surgeon so they SNAP. They see the ULITIMATE fucking truth. They can flip burgs @ micky-d, or they can hustle drugs, and get unlimited pussy, and a nice car. Smart entrepreneurial black kids and 2nd gen mex kids choose the latter.
Now back to fucking whitey, ... just look at our 4th gen logging community's, OAKRIDGE-ORYGUN come to MIND or BEND.
Once the high paying logging jobs were lost post 1950's the lifestyle became 2nd gen welfare, 3rd gen welfare, today almost all ORYGUN logging community's have 14yr old girls pushing strollers, you have to guess who the mother is, ... Welfare is the life-support.
In order to go back to a depression style CCC where every able bodied man did physical work, there would have to be a fucking total collapse of ALL welfare, and that's not going to happen, you can't elminate welfare in the URBAN jungles of the USA, and not expect a civil war. Not a fucking option.
So what will happen??
More welfare, and a few jobs, but remember these days 'infrastructure' is with heavy-equipment and training the day of handing a retard a pick&shovel, is over, ...
Your question was general, and I have answered. The future of the USA will be like the past, if you want work done you hire a 1st gen immigrant.
The latter generations all find a way to hustle and run city-halls like Bend, this is why Redmond for instance is a family business, all the cops, firemen, and ... all are of the same family.
Americans 2nd gen and later have a way of finding a 'grift' or a 'racket'. It's always been this way, and always will be this way.
January 13, 2009 9:41 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
We used to 'calc' un-employed by # of people out of work, who should have been working,... every able bodied man, but 'women' weren't counted, they being home-workers.
Today we calc by the number of people collecting un-employment insurance, or looking for a job, most notable now, ...
1.) Those who give up looking are not counted, only those who show up week after week at the un-employment office and keep their paperwork 'current' are considered 'un-employed'.
2.) Those who work under the table are not counted ( Hello Bend ), given they are not part of the 'system'
3.) Those who are old/young are not counted, for instance a college student is not counted. An oldster drawing SS post 62 yrs of age would be assumed to be not counted.
It's sort of a joke now, hell the DEFN of a depression is 10%, even using the 'Orwellian' methods today, we're already in a depression in the tri-county area here.
#1 above is the national joke, but #2 is Bend as most people in construction worked for cash.
Given that it used to be that 5 yr olds worked, and you worked until you dropped dead at 70 yrs. Something like that will return.
Say it can't happen here? Its happened in CHINA, the IRON-RICE-BOWL ( life welfare ) is now over, that's why everyone wants a male-child, ... that's your welfare for old-age.
January 13, 2009 9:49 AM
Blogger bruce said...
In China the government was able around 1990 to eliminate free health-care, welfare, ... almost all communal-ism.
Today's China is 100X more lassi-fare capitalism than the USA.
The DIFF is confuscian, the masses are well managed, disarmed, ...
The Government in CHINA can do anything, without much regard to revolution.
On the other hand, the US citizenry is armed to the teeth and angry as hell, so the GOVERNMENT just keeps sending our welfare checks, ... CORPORATE & INDIVIDUAL.
Where, When will it all end?? All western civilization ends this way, and always, read the FUCKING BOOK "Decline of the West", Oswald Sprengler, 1915, Nothing new, old Sprengler detailed all the way back to Rome how Western Mercantile civilizations always make their currency worthless.
What happens? What is always the outcome??
Once the paper-money is worthless, the farmers quit sending food to the city's, the city's implode, and the masses return to the farms to grow or harvest, ... to eat.
The US is a great experiment in RAW power, we have a GUN (NUKE) to the worlds head, and force them to accept our dollar, but ROME too controlled the 'known' world, and the racket still didn't work, because food is always local, and once the surrounds burbs don't accept the city money, then food becomes scarce, and the city's fold.
Certainly in the US with angry racism held together by the then veneer of welfare since the 1960's now going on 3rd generation, ... the people don't know anything, ... in the past most people were never more than a generation from the farm, and had a farm to go back to.
I think that this is why MAO of CHINA was brilliant, he rounded up all the opposition in CHINESE citys and forced them to go live on the farm, and grow food for the chose who remained in the citys, ... IF OREO could pull something like this off, ...
But CHINA is confuscian, while the USA is NAZI, MAO really wanted the best, but the USA would rather put a nigger in prison, than put him on a farm. So here we are today, and the outcome is more blacks in prison than human history, ... now we got a black prez to heal all the wounds, but not a fucking thing will change, ...
Like black leaders have said from day-one "OBAMA ain't black".
He was raised by a white granny in Hawaii, and he had a white mother, he never saw his father, and all he knew about 'black' is what white granny told him, ...
It all goes back to the paper money, so long as the government can keep the FOOD flowing to the city's then the USA as we know will continue, but when the money is worthless, ... Then all shit will hit the fan.
January 13, 2009 10:06 AM
Blogger bruce said...
Quimby said...
I thought I asked a damn good question about the future of the American laborer...and it's been 5 mins and no-one has answered! Hurumph...
What do you think? More of the same?
Here's the deal, over the last 30+ years we went 'service', now nobody wants the services, so all those jobs are gone, or in Mumbai, Calcutta, or some other big Indian city. Why? Cuz their english is better than whitey's.
Labor is finished, shit we could do a reverse and send them to CHINA where people still build sky-scrapers with bamboo and buckets. But they got their own 1Billion people to keep busy.
'Labor' in the USA simple ain't needed. So people will move-on, .. most likely their will have to be major 'work-farms' to keep feed the urban folks, and the smart ones will go to the farms.
We have gone industrial, post-industrial, technology, post-technology, service, ... post-service, ... automation, ..
On the far end of the spectrum you have the KUNSTLER theory's of no oil, and we all go back to a horse AMISH lifestyle, ... again everything would be local.
The US dollar is going to become worthless this we fucking KNOW.
When it does US city's will become hell holes, and the survivors will be roaming like post civil-war carpet baggers.
Never been a better time to travel to New Zealand or Australia.
But hell OBAMA could fix it all by creating a draft and sending 10M to IRAN to die, and capture all the oil, and then we sell that oil to the world, and for a few more generations USA is #1, that could still happen.
Non-usable, expendable 'labor' this is an old problem.
US citizens are the enemy. When you occupy a land you have a choice to kill all the people ( HITLER HOLOCAUST ), or make them slaves, but many people are not good slaves, for instance nobody ever found use for the Australian aborigne, they just didn't work. In Africa, people had been en-slaving one another forever, so it was just another master in another land, it worked.
Throughout history when you have millions of un-needed people the solution has always been to send them off to war, thus we created the Crusades, and white hoards invaded Arab lands.
There is NOTHING new under the sun, but whitey will not work, ... but he can be sent to war to die.
January 13, 2009 10:22 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
>>Bend store, Wenatchee store are closing.
Link? Verification?
January 13, 2009 10:58 AM
Blogger bruce said...
Olmert says called Bush to force change in U.N. vote
Reuters North American News Service
Jan 13, 2009 03:29 EST
JERUSALEM, Jan 13 (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said a telephone call he made to U.S. President George W. Bush last week forced Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to abstain in a U.N. vote on the Gaza war, leaving her "shamed".
Pouring on political bravado in a speech late on Monday, Olmert said he demanded to talk to Bush with only 10 minutes to spare before a U.N. Security Council vote on Thursday on a resolution opposed by Israel calling for an immediate ceasefire.
"When we saw that the secretary of state, for reasons we did not really understand, wanted to vote in favour of the U.N. resolution ... I looked for President Bush and they told me he was in Philadelphia making a speech," Olmert said.
"I said, 'I don't care. I have to talk to him now,'" Olmert said, describing Bush, who leaves office on Jan. 20, as "an unparalleled friend" of Israel.
"They got him off the podium, brought him to another room and I spoke to him. I told him, 'You can't vote in favour of this resolution.' He said, 'Listen, I don't know about it, I didn't see it, I'm not familiar with the phrasing.'"
Olmert said he then told Bush: "'I'm familiar with it. You can't vote in favour.'
"He gave an order to the secretary of state and she did not vote in favour of it -- a resolution she cooked up, phrased, organised and manoeuvred for. She was left pretty shamed and abstained on a resolution she arranged," Olmert said.
Fourteen of the Security Council's 15 members supported the resolution, which has failed to halt Israel's offensive in the Gaza Strip and Hamas's cross-border rocket fire.
Olmert, under police investigation over alleged corruption, resigned as prime minister in September but is serving in a caretaker capacity until a new government is formed after Israel's Feb. 10 parliamentary election. (Writing by Jeffrey Heller, Editing by Alistair Lyon)
Source: Reuters North American News Service
January 13, 2009 11:14 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
US citizens are the enemy.
When you occupy a land you have a choice to kill all the people ( HITLER HOLOCAUST ), or make them slaves, but many people are not good slaves, for instance nobody ever found use for the Australian aborigne, they just didn't work. In Africa, people had been en-slaving one another forever, so it was just another master in another land, it worked.
So here we are what do you do with 300M +2nd generation US population. Did anybody turn the Native-Injun's into productive workers?? Hell no, just like Aborigines, they would have committed suicide rather than being strapped to a machine and do the same fucking thing 18hr/day.
It's takes generations of breeding to create good factor workers, ... The US immigration system is what makes the US the most productive place in the world, we open the doors to people who want to work.
But sadly, the ensuing generations, learn to be ameriKKKan's rather quickly.
Quim asks "Will whitey work",
I ask, "What will the future USA even look like??"
Today the 'system', the Judges, the boss-hoggs the legal system is very afraid. I think you'll see a major effort to collect guns in the USA.
The 'teeth' of the first amendment is the second amendment. The HBM's of this nation tremble in fear of the armed citzenry.
The definition of war ( von Clauswitz ) is to dis-arm a people, this will and must be OREO's first mission, to ensure that the NEW USA can transpire, if the citizenry is left armed, there will be a revolution.
The US citizen will wake-up to the fact they have been robbed, enslaved, and fucked by their elite during the BIG post 1980's to current party by Ronny Regular & Friends.
The DEM's&PUG's will coalesce around the central need to dis-arm the USA public, and then you'll see socialization of food, land, power, transportation.
The path of the future USA largely hinges upon those who are willing to open their fucking mouth.
January 13, 2009 11:15 AM
Blogger bruce said...
Re: Gottschalks links
Actually the Wenatchee store closed five years ago--the link showed up with the more current ones.
Their Saturday or Sunday ad in the BULL stated that today was their last day. It's in the recycling bin but I'll go try to find it.
January 13, 2009 11:18 AM
Blogger tim said...
>>I think you'll see a major effort to collect guns in the USA.
That'd be something. The moment you start to ask for the guns is the moment people stop handing them over.
January 13, 2009 11:21 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Dunc had some interesting problems in his store yesterday, perhaps the boyz can offer advice.
It's a tough call, on the one hand if dunc wants traffic he's got to be a flea market.
On other hand, if your going to cater to Bend's beautiful tourists and run a comic&card salon, your going to have to tolerate ass-holes destroying you merchandise.
Things are changing rapidly for dunc, sounds like he needs support, perhaps some of you KUNTS that spend 24/7 on the keyboard can go act as martial house detective time to time to help him out, gratis of course.
Interesting problem, but as Bend transforms from a downtown of beauty, to a downtown of misery yesterday will become routine.
Can't just get rid of all the flea market shit, otherwise your just a high-end salon, and that is bend dead, ... On the other hand its hard for one person to run a high-end flea market.
In this economy one cannot afford employees.
Give dunc some help folks.
Pussy you got nothing better to do.
January 13, 2009 11:23 AM
Blogger bruce said...
That'd be something. The moment you start to ask for the guns is the moment people stop handing them over.
It doesn't work that way, its why we had IRAQ, we now have 100k guys trained to go to an URBAN environment and door to door collect guns. They have been very effective in collection. It doesn't take long to find the hiding spots used.
Most guns in the USA are registered, so you even know which doors to knock on.
I simply don't see any other way for the crooks to survive. The OREO government is the crooks, just like Shrubbery.
Perhaps in 2012 we'll be able to elect a non-crook government, but for now its the same old Wall St boyz, trying to survive, and in doing so will make the dollar worthless which will destroy the country.
On another NOTE APU, there is an interesting theory running around that TEAM-KENNEDY actually OWNS OREO, given the fact that if CLINTON own, she was going AX Kennedy clan.
Now we have BOSTON/CHICAGO crime intertwined, and NY power on the way out, perhaps some of the BEST rackets on Wall ST can be dis-assembled and moved to Chicago.
Interesting times, and I don't see anybody asking the right questions.
What we see this week is OREO trying to be MORE BUSH THAN BUSH.
Who would have guessed, you would think that Bernanke and NOT Geithner would still be our future.
Any ways Caroline Kennedy gets the SENATE, cuz the KENNEDY clan has put the wooden-stake in the heart of CLINTON-TEAM.
Kennedy's are good IRISH, trouble is last time they tried to do good in the USA the system took out JFK & Bobby,
I would like to see more thought on this idea of KENNEDY-CLAN owning the OREO, and bringing him to power.
January 13, 2009 11:32 AM
Blogger bruce said...
I have no idea why I keep posting irrelevant shit about Israel on this site. It's like my fingers just do it, and I have no control over them.
January 13, 2009 11:33 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Funny that we have an 8 million dollar store closing that opened just a few months ago, and we have no news outlets confirming what the company apparently advertised this past weekend in the paper.
January 13, 2009 11:36 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
That'd be something. The moment you start to ask for the guns is the moment people stop handing them over.
As life-member of the NRA, the first month that we invaded IRAQ, a soldier wrote an editorial asking "Why are we kicking down doors and Iraq and taking peoples guns"
The NRA replied, "because those guns will be used in the future to shoot at you."
The soldiers question was based on the assumption that we had gone to IRAQ to turn it into a USA state, and thus like USA the people in IRAQ should have the right to bear arms. Not so said the NRA, they're NOT US citizens.
Again, today we have over 100k young men & women trained to confiscate gun in urban environments. These new specializations will be used on our own home turf.
Perhaps at first only to disarm blacks and mexicans, ... but whitey will get his day.
DEFN of War "Von Clauswitz" 'To Disarm a people, is the goal of war'.
January 13, 2009 11:38 AM
Blogger tim said...
>>I have no idea why I keep posting irrelevant shit about Israel on this site. It's like my fingers just do it, and I have no control over them.
Well stop it. You seem to want to distract us from Bend with shit we can get a million other places.
January 13, 2009 11:38 AM
Blogger bruce said...
Recyclings come and gone. IIRC it was a clearance ad with an ending date of Tuesday. I thought it said closing, but maybe not. They have money to operate through January, so it doesn't make sense to just close but rather to run with about three employees and clear things out.
Another story from earlier today (includes Circuit City, too):
The Yahoo message board has quite a few posts:
January 13, 2009 11:40 AM
Blogger bruce said...
Actually I'm busy as hell right now. I turned down a sub job this morning to get some shipping done and try to finish up another project. And received an email from an old client asking for a price on two more interactives. It's kind of surprising how much things have picked up this winter.
Plus, just got a call from the city to come and interview for the Budget Committee on Friday. So I should spend some time going over the numbers before then.
Sounds like Dunc had a daytime drunk from Cali in trying to impress his kid. As things get tougher we're going to see more of this.
That big bust of the three armed robbers yesterday was three blocks away. That's waaay to close to home. Things are definitely changing for the worse.
Re: Israel stuff--most of it doesn't affect us directly. If we go to war with Iran because Israel wants us to, then it will affect all of us, especially economically. With Bush out, I think Obama will be less one-sided, but only time will tell. That story from Olmert was rather stunning in its blatant bragging about influencing our foreign policy over the objections of the rest of the world.
January 13, 2009 11:53 AM
Blogger Marge said...
Email me I have some great stuff for a new post for you.
January 13, 2009 12:04 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
That story from Olmert was rather stunning in its blatant bragging about influencing our foreign policy over the objections of the rest of the world.
My take is a slap in the face to Shrub, the weakest prez in US history, he's finished and Olmert can now tell the truth that Shrub kissed his fucking feet.
The OREO given that he has put a WHO-IS-WHO MOSSAD&AIPAC cabinet around him, Olmert will not say a fucking thing.
Every fucking thing the OREO does will now be called by Olmert & Netanyahu.
This was Olmerts good-bye gift to lame-ass/duck egg sucker Shrub. Also a final slap to Condi, for being the zionist-christian slut that she is,
January 13, 2009 12:32 PM
Blogger bruce said...
BP good stuff today all CSM about Israeli's dumping tons of 'DIMP' a new phosphorous high tech system from the USA that radiates all human tissue in a surrounding area.
Sort of like a neighborhood microwave oven ( inside out ), everybody in the hood gets burned ( outside in), and it ties a whole village up caring for the infirm.
The USA technology being testing by the USA in Palestine is intended to send a signal to IRAN, about what they can expect in the coming months.
January 13, 2009 12:35 PM
Blogger bruce said...
Email me I have some great stuff for a new post for you.
I need material for my JR site. Please send me what you got.
I prefer
January 13, 2009 12:41 PM
Blogger bruce said...
APU or Quim,
So what do you guys think about the future of US labor??
Do you honestly think that Obama will create a CCC and everyone will be building hiking trails?
People tend to do the same stuff over&over, and Obama's cabinet is largely the younger intellectual backbone of Bushes cabinet.
I see money going to much of the same people and same shit, e.g. the bankers, and lawyers who run this country.
For a consumer economy, that consumes foreign crap, its better to pay them to stay home and watch TV, and shop by internet, its a win-win for all.
January 13, 2009 12:44 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
That big bust of the three armed robbers yesterday was three blocks away. That's waaay to close to home. Things are definitely changing for the worse.
Like the story above about USA confidence, people are pulling their money out of the system.
For those that have guns, and no money, the way you do that is robbery.
Ergo, bank robbery is expected to explode as people 'take money out of the system'.
For that matter just good old fashion robbery on one another, take you neighbors money before he spends it, everybody is taking money out of the system, even the crooks.
January 13, 2009 12:48 PM
Blogger tim said...
I think Obama will try to maintain Bush's status quo, but it will be a losing battle.
In the future, credit cards don't work anymore. It's hard to get your head around that, but that's where you start when you want to figure out tomorrow's economy.
I don't know about labor. Where are people going to work? Don't know. Productivity has killed our labor force. Robots and automation do all the work.
January 13, 2009 12:52 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Jews are not Zionist and all Zionists are not Jews. Pious Jewish people are rightfully reviled by the murderous extremist “cult” that exploits Judaism for public relations and window dressing.
What really happened on September 11th, 2001 is crucial because it is the foundation for fascist tyranny.
The “Bush administration’s” version of what happened on 9/11 is clearly a ridiculous lie, Bush consistently obstructs any meaningful investigations of it, the Solomon Brothers Building did not implode by itself, Newtonian Physics did not take a leave of absence that day, three New York City skyscrapers imploded in a perfect controlled demolition fashion, only two of which were hit by airplanes and evidence from the crime scene was deliberately destroyed.
Who had the motive, means and opportunity to commit the crime of the century and who has benefited?
There is only one “government” on this planet with access (through spying) to the protocols, logistics and moles necessary to infiltrate the most restricted airspace/air defense digital network systems on the planet FOUR TIMES IN ONE DAY with complete impunity and corrupted enough to ally itself with corrupted “neoconservative” liars.
They’re modus operandi demonstrates that they will do anything to protect Cheney/Bush from accountability of their war crimes in the Iraq Holocaust. The ruthless, arrogant, sloppy criminality and lies are perfectly consistent with the ruthless, sloppy attacks of 9/11.
“PURE EVIL” Does A Deal With “THE DEVIL.
THE DEAL was 9/11.
Cheney perceived the perfect partner in the perfect crime of the century to be Israel’s Mossad. Cunning, ruthless, skilled, connected, covert - the “False Flag” experts (Lavon Affair, USS Liberty, etc.
As is now clear and agreed upon by all, the Bush Sr. / Cheney Administration (in which Shrub is merely a spokesperson and useful idiot) adopted the PNAC plan as its own. Cheney found within it the opportunity to capture vast resource-rich territory in a World War blamed on others, and thereby enrich himself and his friends.
9/11 proved not to be the perfect crime, and the co-conspirators actually got caught and have been covering up their crime and silencing their “enemies” ever since. Israel and Cheney were both caught red-handed on 9/11 itself.
Cheney was caught red handed when Senator Norm Mineta walked in on him in the midst of barking out the “stand down” orders, which DELIBERATELY allowed the Pentagon to be attacked. Israel’s Mossad was caught red handed when their five agents were arrested after being observed celebrating and filming the impact and subsequent collapse of the Twin Towers. They weren’t just arrested, they had with them video taped evidence of themselves celebrating on camera as the towers fell (as would a demolitions team after a successful implosion). One of them had the temerity to hold a cigarette lighter in front of the camera smiling like a kid at a rock concert.
These historic events are factual. Go look. They don’t even hide it.
The lengths to which the US, Israeli governments and Zionist owned disinformation media like “Fox News” and “CNN” have gone to bury these and other historic events are evidence of their complicity in 9/11.
Cheney was wrong to have selected Israel as any kind of partner in crime. Israel was not going to be content to share the spoils of war, Israel wants ALL the spoils of war, and now has at its disposal ALL of the tools and leverage to literally destroy the United States, and is in the midst of doing so right this very moment.
Could it be mere “coincidence” that the so called “terrorists” just happen to be located in sovereign nations that Israel has targeted for theft and conquest? Anyone who believes such rubbish is unaware of Israel’s illegal spying against Americans plus Israel’s illegal and brutal acquisition of territories.
Why the silence from the Bush Administration with respect to Israel’s destruction and acquisition of territory?
BLACKMAIL - plain and simple.
Through Abramoff, Franklin, Lieberman, Chertoff and their thousands of moles within the US Government, in concert with their vast network of installed monitoring software, data retrieval and listening devices, Israel has compromised virtually every Administration official AS WELL AS nearly every US Senator and Congressman. Israel has evidence of all of them accepting bribes, because Israel was behind the bribes and recorded evidence of all of it. Israel has evidence of sexual escapades out of wedlock, because Israel arranged for it, and documented it.
Israel has direct evidence of the Administrations role in 9/11, because Israel partnered in it. Israel controls the Mainstream US Media, and the Administration KNOWS IT. As we speak, Israel is threatening the administration with the total exposure of their role in 9/11 if they even begin to interfere with Israel’s plan to take out not just Lebanon, but also Syria AND Iran, using NUCLEAR WEAPONS.
The bombs that we are rushing to Israel at this very moment…the bunkerbusters to be delivered by the F-15s - are they nuclear?
If the US had any ACTUAL LEVERAGE or ability to slow down Israel’s mad territory grab, death machine and Mid East hegemony, the least they would be doing is holding back delivery of bombs.
As with EVERY member of the Bush Administration, Condaleeza Rice has no power whatsoever over Israel. They’re blackmailing her too.
Israel has already accomplished its goal. It has completely compromised the integrity and security of the United States Of America. It is in total control of the US Treasury, Defense Department, Congress - every institution and branch of government. The culture of corruption in Washington met its match with Israel.
The co-conspirators thought they had an equal partner in crime, but they have now come to realize that this was a very long term and elaborate sting - for the ultimate prize - control of the United States Of America and its Nuclear Arsenal.
This is where we stand today. Literally everyone in Washington knows it. All of the retired Generals and Bush Senior advisors are on highest alert. The Bush Administration is in the midst of the biggest disaster ever conceived, and unless they do EVERYTHING that Israel demands, the evidence of their crimes will be plastered across every major newspaper in the United States. The Administration knows for a fact that Israel is going to nuke Iran and Syria.
The only choice the Administration has to stop Israel from nuking these two countries is to Nuke Israel itself. Even this though will not prevent the Truth of 9/11 from being revealed.
Nuclear war is coming either way.
“The Crazies” as Colin Powell referred to the Zionists, have won - and he personally enabled it. President Bush said to all of us:
(”I’m driven with a mission from God. ‘God would tell me, ‘George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan’.” “And I did, and then God would tell me, ‘George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq…’ And I did”).
If that disgusting excuse for a human being “talks” to God then I have a bridge for sale on the Moon.
“Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.” -
(Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001, to Shimon Peres, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio.)
They are truly the “false flag” experts, SS Liberty, Lavon Affair, 9/11, etc., who commit acts of “terror”, blame it on those whom they want to “conquer” and steal from while deceiving America into fighting a bogus “war on terror” for them.
After they have conquered the entire Mid East Continent and America’s military is burned out, they will conquer what is left of America.
There are more “dual” Israeli-American citizens in the “Bush administration” than any other administration in US history and AIPAC is the largest lobby ever seen in US history, even bigger than Exxon.
Yet, to the best of my knowledge I have never heard of a “dual” Mexican-American citizen. Could it be a “coincidence” that over 6 million innocent civilians who had nothing whatsoever to do with the 9/11 scam were tortured, displaced and murdered in Bush’s Iraq Holocaust?
Cheney/Bush sneer and smirk about their war crimes and obscene self enrichments.
Could it be that the same racist Zionists who occupy the Israeli government occupy America’s government, communications media and spies on innocent Americans?
As the corrupted Bush regime has brazenly shown, they place themselves above ANY law that they choose and have committed the most horrible crimes, just like the fascists they are. Home grown fascists stole our Constitutional Republic and stole our money from us!
Have we not had enough lies from the sleazy Fox Fear Network ?
“Invade!” “Muslim terrorists!” “Blah, blah, blah!” “Terror, terror, terror!” “Blah, blah, blah!” “LIBERAL Terrorists!” “Blah, blah, blah!” “They’re going to kill us!” “Terror!” “Israel is our ally!” “9/11!” “Drill!” “Kill!” “Kill them over there before they come here!” “Blah, blah, blah!” “Terror!” “Terrorists”!
Bush&Co thugs make Nazi war criminals look like Gandhi.
After their ill begotten “assets” have been seized, Bush&Co need to be given a fair trial for the civilized world to see.
Their capital crimes against humanity warrants capital punishment with extreme prejudice.
Nothing else will do.
After WWII, the Germans were shocked to learn what Hitler had done in their names. I suspect that in the near future Americans will be shocked to learn what Bush&Co have been doing in their names.
Please do not be deceived by any more of their “anti-Semitism” bullshit. Every time those assholes are exposed they always whine about “anti-Semitism”. Remember, to accuse anyone of being “anti-Semitic” because they criticize Zionists is like accusing anyone who criticizes Nazis of being “anti-German”.
Idiotic rubbish.
They may have bribed, blackmailed and contaminated our government and communications media but the lying, murderous, phallic worshipping descendants of the Khazar Empire are being exposed.
History is replete with the fact that all Empires are eventually destroyed and its sheeple obediently follow to the slaughter.
Obama knows he can do little against the Zionist Cabal which has total control of our Government.
He now sees that the government has been completely TAKEN OVER and we can see the silence is his SHOCK.
It is better that he play along and do what he can to help us from the INSIDE.
Every appointment he has made is an “Israel Firster” which means they are coming out in the open and are going to be more and more dangerous to us. There is little the President can do because Presidents have been puppets of the Zionist Federal Reserve for a long long time.
They controlled our money supply and by default controlled our government.
Attack the Zionist dual Citizens around OBAMA but do NOT attack and weaken OUR man we voted into office.
We voted for OBAMA and hopefully his Moslem heritage will give him the strength to oppose these spawn of satan over here like the Palestinians are doing over there.
January 13, 2009 1:03 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Jews are not Zionist and all Zionists are not Jews.
Well I always say ...
"Israel ain't Jewish, and CIA ain't Christian"
What we do know, is that going from Twisted-Little-Shrub, to OR-BOMB-EO is that we have gone from, ...
Neo-Con to Zio-Con, that we do know.
OR-BOMB-EO's cabinet is a who's who of Zio-Con's from Biden to Emmanuel.
OR-BOMB-EO's so called 'muslim heritage' is about as deep as his African Heritage, if you consider being raised by a white-mother, and white-granny in Hawaii as being a black/muslim heritage.
USA & Israel will destroy themselves, and China is more than willing to sell both teams the weapons to accelerate the self destruction and mutually assured suicide. Long ago Chairman Mao predicted that Uncle Sam would pay for the rope he hung himself with.
January 13, 2009 1:13 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I don't know about labor. Where are people going to work? Don't know. Productivity has killed our labor force. Robots and automation do all the work.
Exactly all us computer nerds have been seeing this for long. Doc's & Lawyer's too will be automated, SW eng's too, ...
That's why BP is seeing work, the system is still busy automating the last of the service jobs.
January 13, 2009 1:15 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
There are more “dual” Israeli-American citizens in the “Bush administration” than any other administration in US history and AIPAC is the largest lobby ever seen in US history, even bigger than Exxon.
BULLSHIT, OBAMA's AIPAC dual citizenship roll-call makes BUSH look like an anti-semitic.
If AIPAC running this country bothers you, then your going to be looking back to the Cheney years with tears.
OBAMA hates this country, and will let Israel do as these wish, so long as OBAMA achieves his goals. Win-Win for all.
The real question is how many MORE TRILLIONS and TRILLIONS can BUSH/OREO print, before the USA is kaput??? That is the essential question.
The difference between BUSH & OREO, is that BUSH had to hide his AIPAC buddy's, but OREO wears them on his arm as a badge of entitlement.
January 13, 2009 1:22 PM
Blogger bruce said...
Obama: Sandwiched Between Emanuel and AIPAC
by Iqbal Jassat
(Tuesday, November 18, 2008)
"These behind the scene appointments of unelected people have been setting the stage for a dramatic escalation of military conflict with Iran as soon as the new administration takes office."
Will President-elect Obama be guided by Rahm Emanuel, his White House chief of staff or by the candid views of outgoing Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on the question of Israel? This is but one of the frequent questions raised alongside the other being whether Obama is being pushed to opt for a military strike against Iran.
Since the Bush administration’s failure to produce any meaningful respite for Palestinian suffering, now in its sixth decade of occupation, some pundits within the US and outside have foolishly been predicting that an Obama administration may break out of the neocon logjam.
Expectations of change vis-à-vis Israel, fuelled by the electoral platform of a “need for change” have been dampened since Obama’s appointment of Emanuel, who apart from being a close ally of the leading Zionist lobby is also directly linked to the Jewish colonial enterprise. Emaneul served in the Israeli Defense Forces during the 1991 Gulf War and has been described as “a super-Likudnik hawk” by Alexander Cockburn.
In addition, he has been described as a fanatical Zionist – no different from neocon hardliners such as Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz. Though billed as a “golden boy” of the Democratic Party, Emanuel’s voluntary physical deployment in the service of the Israeli Defence Force has raised questions about Obama’s ability to chart a new course in the Middle East.
Also incredible is the appointment of Dennis Ross, an old guard pro-Israeli, as Middle East advisor of Obama. Ross is well known for his hawkish views and having backed the US invasion of Iraq, has been endorsing similar military options regarding the Islamic Republic of Iran. Apart from articulating his right-wing views on Fox News as a “foreign policy” analyst, Ross has been involved in the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, a pro-Israeli think-tank.
These behind the scene appointments of unelected people have been setting the stage for a dramatic escalation of military conflict with Iran as soon as the new administration takes office. An interesting article in the New York Times entitled “New Beltway Debate: What to do about Iran” warned that it is not just the trigger-happy Bush administration discussing the possibility of military action against Iran. It goes on to warn that Obama’s team is also “examining the so-called military option”.
Obama’s pre-victory commitment to AIPAC – America’s most powerful pro-Israeli lobby- is thus viewed as an early warning of the direction he is likely to pursue in securing Israel at the expense of the legitimate rights of the Palestinians. The announcement of key appointments suggest that though “Change” was Obama’s electoral platform no such change is imminent!
And as long as our media portray Palestinians as murderous terrorists who only understand force, nothing will change. Hollywood has been making movies about the greatness and goodness of Israel for 60+ years. The news media is the same way. Gaza has been an open air prison since Israel "withdrew" to the border. They control all the border crossings (the Epyptian ones are required to have the Euro overseers to open, and Israel controls their travel) and have instituted an economic embargo that while bombing electric plants, cooking gas plants, cement plants, etc.
The entire world sees the US and Israel, correctly, as brutal occupiers. Together with a couple of island nations and sometimes Canada or Australia, the US and Israel are on the short end of 150+ to 4 votes in the UN over the subject.
And Israel will abandon us like a used condom as soon as the dollar hits the toilet when China decides to sell of all the Treasury notes it's holding.
January 13, 2009 1:24 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Jews are not Zionist and all Zionists are not Jews.
It's interesting this newbie here, me thinks he's HBM as an anonymous.
But I'll bite the bait, and reflect on this essence.
Sure if you want to get REAL condi/bush are the real Zionists, for they are zion-christians, christians that do their bidding for Israel.
Like the statement I make "CIA ain't christian, Mossad ain't Jewsih"
At the very least CIA/MOSSAD is oil, its money, its power, but it was never christian ( jeebus freaks ) or Jewish.
But christian-zionists are some of the easiest hand-puppets in the USA to play, ...
Like our own Neuman, &ASS - 1031 trust, running a large Christ-Zionist ministery out of BEND with 1031 money, but better is to get the 1031 people themselves and the 'christians' to fight the good war for Israel, the beauty is that while most of this shit, as APU says, can be found anywhere, the "Zionists are NOT jews" is very relevant to BEND-ORYGUN.
Zionists whether it be MADE-OFF or Neuman have been making a fortune, and with their bud's running the court, will never spend a day in jail.
It's all been a good show, and with OREO its going to even get better.
With BUSH everyone called him an idiot, but with the OREO you'll be called a racist.
The ZIONIST goal is complete bash them and your anti-semitic, and bash the OREO and his zio-cons, and your a racist.
Soon nobody anywhere will be able to talk.
January 13, 2009 1:28 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
What really happened on September 11th, 2001 is crucial because it is the foundation for fascist tyranny.
Then there is the above statement which is so HBM, for his only desire is to destroy this group.
See very few people in Bend can speak the truth as they see it, HBM under the control of his handlers, want nothing more than to destroy this blog.
How?? By proving that we're anti-semitic nut cases, and conspiracy theorists, every nut-case opinion possible has been included in this HBM thread, where he can then run over to his SORE/EYE and say "LOOK AT THEM, they talk anti-semitic shit"...
But the fact is before HBM came here there was never any Jewish bashing, sure a little comment on Israel/Palestine, but not full on Jew Bashing that HBM's love cuz it proves his point that this group is vile, and needs to be censored, because they think they can say anything, and that cannot be tolerate in BEND.
A couple dozen well financed Saudi's, who were trained by US engineer Usama-Bin-Laden, did 911, now it be true that BUSH got all his money from the bin-laden family during the prior decades, both bushes, little-shrub, and daddy-shrub, but the fact is Saudi sent a clear signal to US empire to get the fuck out of Saudi, and guess what it worked, we left, and invaded Iraq, and Afghanistan.
It's been long known by the CIA, that if you give you enemy 10's of billion of dollars for years ( saudi oil ), and you occupy their country ( mecca ), that eventually shit happens, and shit did happen.
Blaming Jews for 911, is a trap, that is intended by AIPAC, ADL, and a lot of other Zionists interest to prove that we are NUT-CASES, and yes we are morons, never said we weren't but we're NOT FUCKING conspiracy theorists as ZIO-CON-HBM would like to make us appear.
January 13, 2009 1:46 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Citi prepared to get $100B from OREO early, ...
The Wall Street Journal
Jan. 13, 2009
Citigroup, under pressure to rapidly downsize, is preparing to unveil a major reorganization that will mark a further step toward dismantling the financial conglomerate, according to people familiar with the matter. In addition to spinning off the New York company's Smith Barney retail brokerage unit into a joint venture with Morgan Stanley, Citigroup is preparing to narrow its overall mission to two areas: wholesale banking for large corporate clients and retail banking for customers in selected markets around the world.
January 13, 2009 1:48 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The announcement of key appointments suggest that though “Change” was Obama’s electoral platform no such change is imminent!
That's the fucking beauty of 'change', everybody got to imagine it was their change, for their vision, it was all for everybody, but nothing for nobody.
Pure ADL,JDL,AIPAC, ... Pure Walter Annenberg, and it work, of course it worked, it has always worked, and always will work.
January 13, 2009 2:04 PM
Blogger Quimby said...
Sorry, had to duck out for a few hours. The conversation has progressed nicely with Busta-Bruce giving a fine overview of 1st,2nd,3rd,4th generation immigrants and their general work ethics. It seem spot on.
I'm wondering if manufacturing might come roaring back, sort of a new "protectionism", Made In the USA revival where we stop sending jobs and manufacturing overseas and stuff is done here.
The problem is that I don't understand the global market or the current crisis' implications well enough to know if this is even possible.
And you can't automate everything. There is big business (non-automated) in automation maintenance.
The huge irony in all this is that the free market was supposed to set us FREE. In reality, we are now slaves only to the market itself. We do what it demands or we die.
January 13, 2009 2:22 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"It's interesting this newbie here, me thinks he's HBM as an anonymous.
Aha, the first potential HBM siting, and what? less than a day and a half since he left? Or did he whine on outta here yesterday? I lose track in my old age...
Anyway, I think that might be an actual hbm siting, give me confirmation and earn your two Abyss pints.
January 13, 2009 2:48 PM
Blogger tim said...
>>I'm wondering if manufacturing might come roaring back, sort of a new "protectionism", Made In the USA revival where we stop sending jobs and manufacturing overseas and stuff is done here.
We manufacture much. And we could do more. But we do it without people. So does Japan, now. It's only low wage places that use people. Then, when they get rich and automate, they do it without people.
Manufacturing won't help out labor force.
January 13, 2009 2:55 PM
Blogger Quimby said...
>> Manufacturing won't help out labor force.
I understand Timmy...but WTF are people gonna do? Farm? Run Machinery? Not EVERYONE can work with their minds for $$$.
January 13, 2009 2:59 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The four horsemen of the economic apocalypse...card check, protectionism, higher taxes and the gree movement.
January 13, 2009 3:15 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
*** green movement
January 13, 2009 3:16 PM
Blogger tim said...
>>I understand Timmy...but WTF are people gonna do? Farm? Run Machinery? Not EVERYONE can work with their minds for $$$.
You know, that's the trick. What does the worker do when there is no more work left to do? Don't need him on the farm anymore. Efficient farms. Don't need him in the factory. Efficient factories.
This is a real problem. We talk about job training, but training to do what?
January 13, 2009 4:17 PM
Anonymous hbm said...
Aha, the first potential HBM siting, [sic] and what? less than a day and a half since he left?
I don't post anonymously. That's for cowardly chickenshit psycho assholes.
Hasta la vista.
January 13, 2009 4:55 PM
Blogger bruce said...
The huge irony in all this is that the free market was supposed to set us FREE. In reality, we are now slaves only to the market itself. We do what it demands or we die.
I hate to dwell on history, but shit, yes and yes, what did the pioneers have?? Maybe a good saw, or a hammer, but a good quality ax made the man, you could build a home with ax, and split fire wood to beat.
The general problem with 'china' is quality, the DEMAND by the MORON for cheap will lead to products so inferior its mind-boggling.
Allow me to digress, as a he kid we could go to Sears and buy Craftsmen, to this day, in one of my 100's of tool-boxes I still have my craftsmen from high-school and still largely loaded with auto fixit-tools, when I hit the desert in the summer for explore, this is the toolbox, why? Cuz I have pulled tranny, rear-ends, and et-al ...
So a little high-school kid was able to get a little box to carry through life, for really not much money, certainly not much more than a weeks work back then pumping gas.
Now I'll digress to Africa, where everything comes from China, a few years ago there on a long journey on a land-cruiser I had picked up the brakes went out, nobody had brake-fluid you filtered old, tools? I bought a set of open-end from a hw store in Africa, and everyone broke on the first bolt, finally went to a auto-shop in some remote village and got a tool from some mechanic, yep they had to import their tools from Germany, and there was not even a place in Nairobi to buy them, almost impossible to get quality, impossible to get a tool that would last a job, and un-heard of to get a set of tools that would last lifetime.
Also given that I have lived china, you know what they do?? Every body carries a little bottle of crazy-glue ( isocyanate ) bleeding, plug it up, got a flat on your bike or scooter crazy glue, they use it for everything, even in remote places. Why I bring this up is HALF FUCKING ASS.
The USA of old I'm talking about the USA I know, we fixed shit right, we used the right tools for the job.
I talk about a lot about being a land lord, but on my units if there is any problem, I toss the old and put in NEW, nothing is made to be fixed, ...
Now now my fucking point. I see a HUGE fucking market in the future for tools that work, good shit, hammers, axes, saws, that will last a lifetime, and people will be files to maintain those saws.
We have built a disposable society, and people in Africa&China tolerate it cuz, its all they have ever known in the modern world.
But here in the USA we saw 1800's, 1900's, where every kid knew how to make a radio post 1920, where in the 50's everyone fixed their old tv or radio. Everyone could fix an auto, and if you took care of it would last a lifetime.
What the FUCK do we have today? Nothing, even our polticians and banks and presidents are disposable, our city government is disposable, just one other dumb fucking aber-pussy after another punching time to get his PERS pension.
I see a return to quality, simplicity, and old fashion DO-IT-YOURSELF. Today the LOSERS are people who pay other people to wipe-their-ass.
HOMER says DON'T spend money!! That's fine, but today when everybody has to pay someone to watch their child, or fuck their wife, or wash their hair, ...
So the people who will survive the future will be those who demand quality tools that last a lifetime and know how to use them.
I suspect that MOST ameriKKKans will live like Mexicans, africans, or chinese, ... its all they know, half ass and toleration. Even Mexican food I have NEVER bought a tortilla machine that didn't break after a dozen tortillas, so we continue to roll them by hand with a roller, Mexicans tolerate this shit too tortilla machines made of pot-cast iron so fucking brittle that corn-flour and water will break them.
So here we stand today, we have cars we can't fix, and tools that don't last, and everyone tolerates corruption, and nothing works, I also see and you see the non-payment of our SDC, slowly it will be common to expect them not to plow, or for the sewer to back-flow, ...
The place of tomorrow where people will want to live will be the place that works, where you can buy tools that last, and that people know how stuff works. Say that place doesn't exist, but I know it does, it exists on most family farms, and they really do still exist.
January 13, 2009 5:01 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
hbm said...
I'll read it, but I'm done commenting on it. Good bye.
January 12, 2009 4:30 PM
and now, barely 24 hours and 25 minutes later, hbm's back:
hbm said...
Aha, the first potential HBM siting, [sic] and what? less than a day and a half since he left?
I don't post anonymously. That's for cowardly chickenshit psycho assholes.
Hasta la vista.
January 13, 2009 4:55 PM
What a dolt... he shows up here (after he claimed he was NOT gonna comment here) with a lie that he doesn't comment anonymously.
HBM, a liar who lies about not commenting here any longer; only to come back and lie some more about his commenting.
What a liar.
January 13, 2009 5:05 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
hbm said...
Aha, the first potential HBM siting, [sic] and what? less than a day and a half since he left?
I don't post [sic] anonymously. That's for cowardly chickenshit psycho assholes.
Hasta la vista.
January 13, 2009 4:55 PM
Of course not, you post under 'hbm' in the Sore Eye blog.
But here, you used to COMMENT under hbm, and now you do it anonymously.
You have been busted, and not by the buster, you liar.
January 13, 2009 5:12 PM
Blogger bruce said...
What does the worker do when there is no more work left to do?
They said the same thing about buggy-whip manufacturers, what will the do?
Are you worried about the man/woman or society??
In our society, its cheaper to put them on welfare, witness any fucking US logging town in ameriKKKa post WWII, welfare towns.
Smart men always see it coming long before the buggy-whip market goes to zero, they have sold their business to some fucking idiot and moved on.
Perhaps once upon a time a man learned a trade that would last a lifetime, carpentry, metal-work, ... NO MORE, in technology the average to is throw away ALL accumulated knowledge every three years, and learn some new marketing crap shit, ... so much for using your mind.
When too many people are idle you send them off to war, western civilization has always done this going back to Spartan or Greece or before, its how you solve the problem. It's how OREO will solve the problem.
Thirty years ago we automated the machinist, today we're automating the doctor, hopefully soon we'll automate the fucking lawyer.
Remember that song when we were kids, ... in the year 2030, if man is still alive, ... with their unused arms at their sides, ...
People don't have to do shit,
The individual will always get off his/her ass and survive, and move on, those that hang to long perish, always been that way.
'We as society' can only off the IDLE mass death in WAR, that is the only out in human history, well their is also small-pox blankets an aerial spraying of Suterra products, but that doesn't reap society with 'gold' and treasure.
Individuals help themselves, those waiting for their government to help them, will find themselves on a front-line in some god forbidden country killing people because they are told.
January 13, 2009 5:14 PM
Blogger bruce said...
I don't think we'll ever get rid of the HBM where else can he go?? As much as he despises free speech, no where else can he post his shit and not get deleted, hell if he walked his own talk why isn't he over at BEBB with birds-of-a-feather??
Why? Cuz BEBB would delete his fucking shit.
HBM hates himself, and hates the SORE, and hates the BULL, he hates everything, and thus he's now one of us, welcome home hbm.
January 13, 2009 5:17 PM
Blogger bruce said...
Farm? Run Machinery? Not EVERYONE can work with their minds for $$$.
The market for your mind will not last, an english speaking mind is a dime a dozen in India, or China, ... or Africa.
Nothing special about USA minds, the 'service sector' just another fucking econ-bubble, that will pop, and once again the mind will be worth shit.
Throughout history its been food&shelter, ... when the currency is worthless there will be a food shortage, for now we have SURPLUS housing and SURPLUS labor.
SURPLUS labor is always solved by WAR.
Surplus housing, you burn it down, or turn it into welfare housing, never been a shortage of deadbeats in US history, there could be a landrush call down to LA the first 10k get a free BEND house of their choosing, all that LA has to do is buy the houses, and go to the MOST violent fucking slum in the city and hand out BEND VOUCHERS for a house. ...
January 13, 2009 5:25 PM
Blogger bruce said...
I don't post [sic] anonymously. That's for cowardly chickenshit psycho assholes.
That there sounds like 'pussy talk' only the pussy thinks that real men use their bewert.
January 13, 2009 5:28 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Excellent send-off to Bush, from our friends in Israel.
Note the problem here is the press is supposed to ignore hebrew, dumb fucking press.
But is is getting fun, the US deny's but everyone attending the UN saw what the saw and agreed with what they saw.
The real question now is will Olmert bitch slap the OREO in public??
Israel and Us Offer Differing Reports on Un Resolution Abstention
Israeli PM Ehud Olmert claimed he had called George Bush to override US secretary of state Condoleezza Rice
The US and Israel offered conflicting accounts today over alleged Israeli intervention to prevent the US voting for a United Nations ceasefire resolution last week, a move that apparently left the US secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, humiliated.
The Israeli prime minister, Ehud Olmert, speaking at a meeting in Ashkelon in southern Israel last night, claimed that he had been forced to call George Bush, the US president, to override Rice. According to Olmert, Rice had been planning to vote with the other members of the security council for the resolution.
But the resolution was passed with 14 votes for, and one abstention.
Olmert, in a speech in Hebrew, is reported to have said: "When we saw that the secretary of state, for reasons we did not really understand, wanted to vote in favour of the UN resolution ... I looked for President Bush and they told me he was in Philadelphia making a speech.
"I said, 'I don't care. I have to talk to him now'. They got him off the podium, brought him to another room and I spoke to him. I told him, 'You can't vote in favour of this resolution.' He said, 'Listen, I don't know about it, I didn't see it, I'm not familiar with the phrasing.'"
Olmert said: "He gave an order to the secretary of state and she did not vote in favour of it - a resolution she cooked up, phrased, organized and manoeuvred for. She was left pretty shamed and abstained on a resolution she arranged."
Gordon Johndroe, a White House spokesman, said today: "I've seen these press reports. They are inaccurate."
Olmert's version coincides with the one offered up by other members of the security council the day after the vote.
It is also known that Rice had been planning a press conference before the vote but abruptly canceled it to take a call from Bush.
© Guardian News & Media 2008
January 13, 2009 5:37 PM
Anonymous hbm said...
Obama recalls some lines from Rudyard Kipling’s poem, “The Young British Soldier,” which he learned in high school:
“When you’re wounded and left on Afghanistan’s plains,
And the women come out to cut up what remains,
Jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains
An’ go to your Gawd like a soldier.”
January 13, 2009 6:31 PM
Anonymous hbm said...
Palestinians and American Indians: Hey Ho, Indigenous People Got to Go!
Russell Means Breaks the Silence on Obama
American Indian activist Russell Means said President-elect Obama was selected by the colonial powers as president to improve the US image globally in the aftermath of George Bush. Further, Means said Obama’s appointments show that he is a Zionist controlled by Israel. Speaking on Red Town Radio today, Means said what is happening now to Palestinians is what happened to American Indians.
“Every policy the Palestinians are now enduring was practiced on the American Indian,” Means said on the Blog Talk Radio show, hosted by Brenda Golden, Muskoke Creek. “What the American Indian Movement says is that the American Indians are the Palestinians of the United States, and the Palestinians are the American Indians of the Middle East,” Means said. Further, he points out that the Zionists who control Israel now control the United States. “The power of the US in world politics diminishes every day.”
“Now they have found a house servant by the name of Obama.” Means said Obama was selected as a “man in charge to take the heat,” because of the “bad cop” image that Bush put forth in the world. “Now, all of a sudden, it is, ‘We’re so great. We elected a black man to be president.’”
Means added that Obama is a black man who was raised by his white grandmother and has appointed Zionists to key positions and that the US is headed for a new era of menial jobs. On Indian lands, Means reminds us, the only people who get ahead are those who sell out to the colonial system. Now, there is massive and sophisticated propaganda by the Zionists and the U.S. Both countries, he said, are liars. In the US, American Indians have been shut out of history, philosophy and the arts, in a “total blackout.” The United States does not want to be reminded of the smallpox blankets, theft, colonialism and mistreatment of the American Indian, he said.
Means said most Americans do not realize that the financial collapse of this country is only beginning: “Americans cannot continue the lifestyles of consumers when there is no production. Low income jobs and menial jobs are the only ones left.” “Health care in the US reveals how the policies used in experimentations on American Indians became US policies. The US health care system is now stringent and calloused, with constant refusals of treatment. This has always been the case with the Indian Health Service. Now it is the policy of the HMOs. Family ranchers and family farmers are now in the way of progress, the same way the American Indian was once viewed. Now, family farmers and family ranchers are being gutted, because they function on massive credit. They are trying to pay back debts, which is not possible with manipulated agriculture prices. The family farmer and family rancher are now going to be extinct.”
Means points out that the federal government has also taken over and polluted the educational system; “Americans don’t even know their own history. Along with this federal control, came the passage of English-only laws in many states. However, for Indigenous Peoples it is positive to know many languages. If you speak two languages, you are speaking with two brains. That is the way it is to us. That’s how we look at life. In the mid-Twentieth Century, US schools listened to the communities and local governing boards.”
“However, now the US educational policy has taken away local control and mandated federal guidelines. So now education has become a matter of money. Meanwhile, the real history is silenced. While the United States attempts to portray itself as a peace loving nation, the fact is the United States is at war every year. The United States breaks a host of international laws every year, which has been the pattern since 1946. American Indians were aware of what the US was doing, because the US had already broken all treaties with American Indians; treaties guaranteed by the US Constitution,” he said.
About the American revolution to throw off the British, Means pointed out how “his-story” has been manipulated; “There is a great deal of propaganda about why the US broke away from England. But the fact is that George Washington, the largest landowner, along with the slave owners, broke with England so that the original treaties of England with American Indians in the west would not have to be honored. The US broke with England, to invade the west and take the land. ”
The US was created to break international laws,” Means said, adding that it is obvious today that this is the pattern of the U.S. Means said the United States was initiated as an outlaw and renegade nation and that “today, its imperial policies mean that Israel is a surrogate of the US, receiving aid from the U.S. With the combined US and international aid, Israeli receives $12 billion a year for its “military and the settlers in the West Bank.”
Means said 80 percent of the people in the West Bank are paid to stay there. “It is America who pays them to stay there. But even in Israel, where there is a free press and not everyone agrees with Israel waging war on Palestine. He said 20 to 30 percent of the people in Israel are against the war on Palestine. Like the United States, Israel has been at war every year of its existence.”
Means often refers to Israel as the 51st state, of warmongers and imperialists. “America and Israel are based on lies, resulting in the massive deaths in Iraq. Now, the US and Israel are focused on Iran because its oil reserves.” Means said Indian lands have become “open air concentration camps.” “If you chose to stay on the reservation, you are guaranteed to be poor, unless you are part of the colonial apparatus set up by the Bureau of Indian Affairs,” he said.
“On Indian lands, everyone fights to be part of the tribal governments because that is where the money is. Everyone fights to be part of the colonial system. The only way you can be part of the colonial system is to obey. Those returning home to Indian lands cannot ‘rock the boat,’ demand their treaty rights or their rights guaranteed by the US Constitution.”
Means said the American Indian Movement made people aware that the US Constitution was based upon that of the Iroquois Six Nations. “However, the US Constitution only includes one-third of the Great Law of Peace. If all of the Great Law of Peace had been adopted, this country would be much different and much wealthier.” However, it was turned into a country of consumers. He said what you get with a country of consumers is greed. “What is going on in Palestine is going on in America. The United States is taking away the homes of the people.” Now in the United States, there is “communism from the left” and “right-wing socialism.” He said the problem with socialism is that it is bereft of consensus and spirituality.
Means, now 70, said he has experienced the US when it reached its zenith in the world in the 1950s, “At that time, America was a productive country. In the years that followed, the ruling elite sold out the unions, as the labor movement was razor thin close to taking over politics in America. The most watershed event was Brown vs. Board of Education, the US Supreme Court ruling which desegregated schools. The white male started losing his power. Then, in the social revolution that followed, white males lost control of their women and their women’s vote, and lost control of the work place. While civil rights was the chosen remedy of most social movements, American Indians remained dedicated to ‘sovereign rights,’ individual sovereign rights. We are the only ones that held on to the sovereign concept, he said. The other social movements were saying, “Please Mr. White Male let me be equal to you.”
Means said things will be different now, “Our grandmother the Mother Earth is tired of the human race. She is going to eliminate it and I champion her, Mother earth.” Means said matriarchy is what Indigenous people are all about. “We know that women are the givers of life and men are the takers of life. We have to follow the woman in order to gain balance.” He said in a matriarchal society, there is a balanced society, as each celebrates their strengths together. “True individual freedom has to be done by consensus, otherwise it is mob rule.” In the US, now there are fake elections. “The people are convinced they are actually electing a president. However, it is the Electoral College that actually selects the US president.”
The charade is now coming to a close, as the ‘Patriot Act’ means that Posse Comitatus is dead and buried. Means said everyone has the responsibility to be free. “You are free to be responsible. That is the essence of freedom.” He said everyone should know their rights. Otherwise, they are guaranteed slavery.
“Einstein said, ‘The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome,’” “That’s America, that’s the Indian reservation. That’s pathetic and an injustice to human beings.” He said “human brains are doped up with all this ignorance and greed.”
Red Town Radio show host Brenda Golden, an enrolled Muscogee (Creek) Nation of Oklahoma, grew up in Clearview, Oklahoma. Golden attended Sequoyah Indian School in Tahlequah before joining the Air Force. Later, she received her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in business administration from the University of Oklahoma. She has worked in Indian Country as an educator, tribal liaison, grant writer, board member and volunteer since the early 1990's.
Golden said she is hosting Red Town Radio, on Blog Talk Radio, to offer a platform for Indigenous issues.
Listen to more of the show, including David Hill, who called in, and pointed out that while the US cut school funds and school lunches, the US increased aid to Israel.
January 13, 2009 6:34 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
HBM is right. The BULL fails to remind people that the suicides in Madras last week were all members of the Warm Springs Indian tribe.
Even here in Central Orygun, our injuns only hope is exit by self inflicted gunshot.
January 13, 2009 6:36 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Means added that Obama is a black man who was raised by his white grandmother and has appointed Zionists to key positions and that the US is headed for a new era of menial jobs.
Jeebus fuck xmas, didn't I just today say that!!
The only part I don't agree is that the menial jobs will be hard to find.
The whole new scheme of the USA today will be self pity, and learned-helplessness. Your witnessing a spine-less fearful US public that will kowtow all Zionists. Anybody that dares like 'Means' aboves will be called 'Racist', luckily for Means, you can't call an American Injun a racist.
January 13, 2009 6:40 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
US consigns 3,000 tonnes of "ammunition" to Israel
January 10, 2009, 11:22 AM (GMT+02:00)
The US Navy's Military Sealift Command is hiring a merchant ship to carry the arms on two separate journeys from the Greek port of Astakos to Israel in mid-to-late January, according to Reuters. A 'hazardous material" designation on the manifest mentions explosive substances and detonators, but no other details. One broker said that the size of a shipment of this kind has not been seen for years. DEBKAfile's military sources note that the Israel's air, ground, tank and sea offensive against Hamas in Gaza entered its 15th day Saturday, Jan. 10.
January 13, 2009 6:58 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
If it weren't for fucking Bend Zionists like Miller, Lyons, Switzer, Neuman, ... The Bend Bubble would have gone up forever.
January 13, 2009 7:00 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Move over 'smart growth', HRC bitch now has 'smart power'.
So the change that OR-BOMB-EO has brought us is 'smart power', does this mean that under Shrub it was 'dumb power'??
January 13, 2009 7:12 PM
Anonymous hbm said...
Fuck all you Repugs who love the Zionists, and homos, lesbians and transgendered...
January 13, 2009 7:14 PM
Anonymous hbm said...
Gaza: Israel under fire for alleged white phosphorus use
On Tuesday, the Israeli army denied using white phosphorus munitions. A Norwegian doctor claims Israel is using Gaza as a 'test laboratory for new weapons,' including Dense Inert Metal Explosives, or DIME.
By Robert Marquand | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor
January 14, 2009
PARIS; and Beirut, Lebanon - Marc Garlasco has been on the northern border of Gaza for the past five days watching what he says are white phosphorus munitions exploding over a crowded refugee camp.
Mr. Garlasco, a senior military analyst for New York-based Human Rights Watch (HRW), says that the way Israel is using the incendiary device is illegal. White phosphorus shells contain more than 100 felt filaments that ignite upon contact with the atmosphere, drift to earth, and burn intensely for at least 10 to 12 minutes.
The usage of white phosphorus is not illegal under international law if it's used in military operations as a smoke screen to cover troop movements or against bunkers, armored vehicles, and ammunition dumps. But its use is forbidden against people – civilians and soldiers alike – under nearly all military codes and laws.
"The use of white phosphorus is banned as a weapon that causes 'unnecessary suffering,' " says Mark Ellis, director of the International Bar Association in London. "It isn't to be used in civilian areas, or indeed against people since it creates horrible damage to the human body, and unnecessarily so."
Israel, which has been charged with using white phosphorus in Lebanon, says it is not using white phosphorus in its war against Hamas in Gaza, now in its 18th day.
"The IDF [Israeli Defense Forces] acts only in accordance with what is permitted by international law and does not use white phosphorus," IDF Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi told Israel's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on Tuesday in response to a query.
But Garlasco says that phosphorus is clearly being used in the Jabaliya refugee camp, one of the most crowded areas in Gaza.
"I can see them; we are very certain, whatever the Israeli Defense Forces may say, that white phosphorus is being used. It was used by Israel in Lebanon in 2006, but not until the population fled. In Gaza, the population can't flee."
As the offensive continues, which has killed more than 900 people, a variety of European doctors in Gaza, human rights groups, news organizations like Al Jazeera, and observers on the border are reporting instances and sightings of weapons use that is causing deaths, and wounds they say they have not encountered before. Most are calling for access to Gaza to determine what is true amid a rage of reports and rumors.
While the phosphorus explosives are widely condemned for raining down indiscriminate harm, questions have also arisen about the possible use of another weapon called Dense Inert Metal Explosives, or DIME, that was created by the US Air Force. DIME is designed to be used in crowded urban areas since the weapons are highly lethal but have an extremely limited range of explosive force that can reduce collateral damage.
January 13, 2009 7:16 PM
Anonymous hbm said...
Experimental IDF Use of U.S. Weapon Which Severs and Burns Limbs Below Genitals
Oct 11th, 2006 by Richard Silverstein
WARNING: I wish to warn anyone who reads this that I feature here a photo of the Palestinian injuries caused by DIME. This and others featured at the RaiNews site are some of the most horrific wound images I’ve seen. They are not for the faint of heart. Turn away now if this will cause you great distress.
Rai24News has tonight broadcast its expose (video here–wmv file, use Windows Media Player) of the new DIME (Dense Inert Metal Explosive) weapon which Israel used to devastating lethal effect in Gaza during July and August. The tungsten and carbon in the bomb explode with such force that they create micro-shrapnel which in effect severs the limbs of victims just below the genitals. It essentially fries the skin and organs with which it comes into contact and amputates limbs with the effect of a circular saw. You can find photographic testimony of the damage at the Rai site. Doctors in Gaza never saw wounds like this before and knew quite quickly that they were dealing with a weapon they’d never seen. At least 62 victims have been treated for one or more severed limbs from this munition.
palestinian wounds caused by DIME weaponPalestinian wounds suspected of being caused by DIME (credit: Rai24News)
The RaiNews production crew, the same one which exposed U.S. use of phosphorus shells against insurgents in Fallujah, did meticulous research interviewing Palestinian medical personnel, an Israeli weapons expert and former IDF general, and Italian lab specialists. They reach the conclusion that in all likelihood the weapon in question is DIME.
The report does not weigh in specifically on the question of whether or not the Israelis developed this weapon themselves or secured it from the Air Force, which originally developed it. My money is on the weapon having been transferred to Israel by the U.S. But I’m dying to have a journalist actually ask a Pentagon PR flack to comment on this. I’d love to get even a “no comment” on the record.
When questioned by the news crew, the IDF maintained its boilerplate denial: “Israel uses no weapons that are not legal under international law.” Which of course begs the question since DIME is brand new and international law has not had an opportunity to make a judgment on its legality.
Though the report does not specially answer this question, I am assuming that the IDF refused to talk to the Italians officially since the only source quoted is Maj.-Gen (res.) Yitzhak Ben-Israel, former director of the IDF’s weapons lab. His interview is fascinating in an utterly ghoulish sort of way. He speaks of the weapon as being perfectly suited for urban environments (like Gaza) because according to him, you can kill an intended victim while leaving an innocent bystander standing nearby unharmed.
He even likens DIME to scenes from American police dramas in which a policeman faces an armed hostage-taker. The policeman shoots the gunman “right between the eyes, not 10 cm to the left or 10 cm to the right” and leaves the hostage untouched. In other words, DIME is the Dirty Harry of the U.S. military and the IDF. This all sounds quite “wonderful” (again in a ghoulish sort of way) until one considers that DIME’s kill zone is 12-25 feet. In crowded spots like Gaza (with the highest population density of any place on earth), this could mean killing many more than just a single intended victim or two.
Haaretz columnists have noted the IDF’s fascination with technological gizmos which are supposed to give Israel an advantage over its adversaries. A reliance on such “superiority” was part of what lulled its army into complacency on the eve of the Lebanon war. In its fascination with new weaponry, clearly the IDF loses sight of the impact of such weapons not only on its victims, but also on Palestinian and world opinion as a whole. Does the IDF not think that it will pay a high price for use of such ghastly implements of death?
What I have not read in any account of this weapon is its new and savage way of assaulting the human body. To compensate for its smaller kill zone, the weapon’s lethality within that zone has been amplified by the new carbon/tungsten micro-shrapnel. It is more precise (perhaps), but kills “better” or more intensively. It seems to leave only tell-tale pock marks and barely perceptible entrance wounds while wreaking havoc with the body’s internal organs. What kind of insane weapon is this?
Though articles have been written about DIME in the U.S. and British media, to my knowledge no one in this country has written about this story (yet). This post is a cri de coeur for some enterprising journalist to take this subject on. I think using Palestinian guinea pigs to test the lethality and effectiveness of experimental U.S. weapons is a heinous crime whether or not it violates existing international law. If I wasn’t so cynical I’d call for Congress to investigate this story. The fact that it is bought and paid for by Aipac would throttle such a proposal in the cradle.
Another eerie factoid about DIME is that it is remotely, rather than self-propelled, which means that you barely hear it before it strikes. It emits a small buzzing sound as it flies through the air.
January 13, 2009 7:23 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
A Statement by
Richard L. Armitage
President, Armitage International
Dr. Joseph S. Nye, Jr.
Distinguished Service Professor
Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
April 24, 2008
Dirksen Senate Office Building, SD-419
Page 2
Mr. Chairman,
We would like to thank you and your distinguished colleagues on the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee for the invitation to speak today on the subject of, “Implementing Smart Power:
Setting an Agenda for National Security Reform.”
As you know, we are co-chairs of CSIS’s Commission on Smart Power, a bipartisan Commission
that included one of your fellow Committee members, Senator Chuck Hagel, as well as Senator
Jack Reed and two distinguished members of the House of Representatives. CSIS’s President
and CEO John Hamre asked the two of us to form this Commission in late 2006, and the
Commission released its findings on November 7, 2007. It is our privilege to sit before you
today to provide our thoughts on implementing a Smart Power agenda in the months and years
Smart Power: The Big Idea
Mr. Chairman, as you know, your committee held a hearing on Smart Power in March of this
year, receiving testimony from Admiral Leighton Smith and General Tony Zinni, who is also a
member of our Commission. Admiral Smith and General Zinni spoke on behalf of 52 retired
generals and admirals who are backing the idea of Smart Power, organized by the Center for
U.S. Global Engagement. The pair did an excellent job of explaining Smart Power, so we do not
want to spend too much time here on what you already know. But please allow us to briefly
explain how we came to this idea.
The two of us—one Democrat and one Republican—have devoted our lives to promoting
America’s preeminence as a force for good in the world. What we have seen recently, however,
is that too many people around the globe are questioning America’s values, commitment, and
Two decades ago, the conventional wisdom was that the United States was in decline, suffering
from “imperial overstretch.” A decade later, with the end of the Cold War, the new conventional
wisdom was that the world was a unipolar American hegemony. Today, we need a renewed
understanding of the strength and limits of American power.
The rest of the world knows that the United States is the big kid on the block, and that this will
likely remain the case for years to come. But our staying power has a great deal to do with
whether we are perceived as a bully or a friend. Humility increases America’s greatness, it does
not weaken it.
Page 3
Smart Power has been portrayed by some in the media as simply presenting a “kinder, gentler”
face of America to the world. The thought seems to be that all that is required is a new
administration or shift of style rather than substance. Smart Power is much more than this. It is
an approach that seeks to match our strategies and structures at home to the challenges that face
us abroad.
Our military is the best fighting force bar none, but many of the challenges we face today do not
have military solutions. We need stronger civilian instruments to fight al Qaeda’s ideas, slow
climate change, foster good governance and prevent deadly viruses from reaching our shores.
The uncomfortable truth is that an extra dollar spent on hard power today will not necessarily
bring an extra dollar’s worth of security.
Smart Power is based on three main principles:
• First, America’s standing in the world matters to our security and prosperity.
• Second, today’s challenges can only be addressed with capable and willing allies and
• Third, civilian tools can increase the legitimacy, effectiveness, and sustainability of U.S.
Government policies.
This is why we have called for an integrated grand strategy that combines hard military power
with soft “attractive power” to create Smart Power of the sort that won the Cold War. Power is
the ability to influence the behavior of others to get a desired outcome. Machiavelli said it was
safer to be feared than loved. Today, in the global information age, it is better to be both.
Smart Power is a framework for guiding the development of an integrated strategy, resource base
and tool kit to achieve U.S. objectives, drawing on both hard and soft power. It underscores the
necessity of a strong military, but also invests heavily in alliances, partnerships, and institutions
at all levels to expand American influence and establish the legitimacy of American action.
The United States can become a smarter power by investing in the global good—providing
services and polices that people and governments want but cannot attain in the absence of
American leadership. This means support for international institutions, aligning our country with
international development, promoting public health, increasing interactions of our civil society
with others, maintaining an open international economy, and dealing seriously with climate
change and energy insecurity.
Elements of a Smart Power approach exist today, but they lack a cohesive rationale and
institutional grounding. U.S. foreign policy over-relies on hard power because it is the most
Page 4
direct and visible source of U.S. strength. The U.S. military is the best-trained and resourced
arm of the federal government. As a result, it has had to step in to fill voids, even with work
better suited to civilian agencies. The military has also been a vital source of soft power.
Witness the massive humanitarian operations it launched in response to the Asian tsunami and
Pakistani earthquake.
The U.S. Government is still struggling to develop its soft power instruments outside of the
military. Civilian institutions are not staffed or resourced properly, especially for extraordinary
missions. Civilian tools are neglected in part because of the difficulty of demonstrating their
short-term impact on critical challenges. Stovepiped institutional cultures inhibit joint action.
U.S. foreign policy decision-making is too fractured and compartmentalized. Many official
instruments of soft power—public diplomacy, broadcasting, exchange programs, development
assistance, disaster relief, diplomacy, even military-to-military contacts—are scattered
throughout the government, with no overarching strategy or budget that tries to integrate them
with military power into a unified national security strategy.
There is little capacity for making tradeoffs at a strategic level. The United States spends about
500 times more on the military than we do on broadcasting and exchanges. How would we
know if this is the right proportion, and how would we go about making tradeoffs?
Furthermore, how should the government relate to the nonofficial generators of soft power that
emanate from our civil society? This includes everything from Hollywood to the Bill and
Melinda Gates Foundation, which is a private sector actor that now has the throw-weight of a
government. These are some of the challenges our Commission identified and sought to address.
Distinguished Members of the Committee, we developed Smart Power in large part as a reaction
to the global war on terror, a concept that we consider to be wrongheaded as an organizing
premise of U.S. foreign policy. America is too great of a nation to allow our central narrative
and purpose to be held captive to so narrow an idea as defeating al Qaeda. We were twice
victimized by September 11—first by the attackers, and then by our own hands when we lost our
national confidence and optimism and began to see the world only through the lens of terrorism.
The threat from terrorists with global reach and ambition is real and is likely to be with us for
some time. When addressing the threat posed by al Qaeda and affiliated groups, we need to use
hard power against the hard-core terrorists, but we cannot hope to win unless we build respect
and credibility with the moderate center of Muslim societies. If the misuse of hard power creates
more new terrorists than we can kill or deter, we will lose.
Similarly, when our words do not match our actions, we demean our character and moral
standing and diminish our influence. We cannot lecture others about democracy while we back
Page 5
dictators. We cannot denounce torture and waterboarding in other countries and condone it at
home. We cannot allow Guantanamo Bay or Abu Ghraib to become symbols of American
The Cold War ended under a barrage of hammers on the Berlin Wall rather than a barrage of
artillery across the Fulda Gap because we successfully balanced principle with pragmatism. The
United States had a strategy aligned with the challenges at hand and an approach that relied on
all means of national power.
This is an important lesson for the challenges we face today. Americans in their hearts may be
reluctant internationalists, but they also realize that we cannot cut ourselves off from the rest of
the world today. We are no longer protected by our two great oceans in the way we once were.
Foreigners will continue to look to America. The decline in American influence overseas is not
likely to endure. Most want the United States to be the indispensable nation, but they look to us
to put forward better ideas rather than just walk away from the table, content to play our own
The United States needs to rediscover how to be a smart power. Smart Power is not a panacea
for solving the nation’s problems, and it is not about getting the world to like us. It is essentially
about renewing a type of leadership that matches vision with execution and accountability, and
looks broadly at U.S. goals, strategies and influence in a changing world.
An Emerging Consensus
We believe there is a strong and growing measure of bipartisan agreement on the need for
America to become a smarter power. A number of leading Americans and allies have spoken out
in recent months that the United States ought to invest more heavily in modernizing our civilian
tools of national power and increase the emphasis of these tools in our global strategy. The
following five examples stand out:
• Secretary of Defense Robert Gates gave a major speech at Kansas State last November
making the case for strengthening America’s capacity to use soft power and better
integrate it with hard power. Secretary Gates lamented how civilian tools that helped win
the Cold War were gutted during the 1990’s through Foreign Service hiring freezes, deep
staff cuts at USAID, and the abolishment of the U.S. Information Agency.
• Former and current American political leaders on both sides of the aisle have endorsed
the arguments behind Smart Power. This list includes notable Democrats such as Sam
Page 6
Nunn, Madeleine Albright, John Edwards, and Harry Reid, and notable Republicans such
as William Cohen, Frank Carlucci, Christine Todd Whitman and Newt Gingrich.
• Each of the three remaining presidential candidates have made public statements
supporting strengthening some aspect of America’s civilian international affairs agencies.
Each has also advocated a new approach to U.S. foreign policy in which we lead by
attraction rather than primarily by virtue of hard power.
• Military leaders have been some of the most active in calling for a Smart Power approach
to U.S. foreign policy. In addition to General Zinni and Admiral Smith’s testimony
before this Committee on behalf of 52 retired generals and admirals, former CENTCOM
Commander General John Abizaid and SOUTHCOM Commander James Stravridis have
both endorsed elements of the Commission’s findings. Combatant Commanders have
their war plans, but they also recognize that much of how they engage today requires soft
power as they try to shape their environments in favor of peace and stability.
• German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier told an American audience last week
that Smart Power is George Marshall’s vision in a nutshell, and precisely what we need
today to repair the trans-Atlantic relationship and better serve the world’s interests.
There are many others who have spoken out in favor of Smart Power who are not included in this
brief listing. It is clear to us that there is something attractive about the pragmatic, common-
sense approach of our Commission’s findings that appeals to Republicans and Democrats alike.
We recognize that there are also others who may oppose our vision, whether because they stand
committed to the grand strategy of the past seven years, doubt that civilian institutions and our
allies abroad can keep us safe, or simply expect the next president to demand less of our foreign
policy instruments. There are also some, including distinguished members of this Committee,
who have voiced frustrations at the slow pace of translating the ideas behind Smart Power into
concrete action.
We share the sense of urgency in moving from rhetoric to action, and realize that if America is to
become a smarter power, this agenda will have to be taken on jointly by the next administration
and Congress alike.
From Rhetoric to Action
It is our view that the emerging consensus on the idea of Smart Power must move in the coming
months toward greater agreement on a specific Agenda for Change. Numerous commissions,
task forces, and experts continue to provide their blueprints for how to build and modernize
Page 7
America’s civilian tools and make the United States a smarter power abroad. This activity is a
welcome sign of a rising tide, but there is also a danger that divergent visions on how to
implement Smart Power could unhinge momentum that has accumulated in support of the basic
concept and rationale.
We will outline a few of the strategic priorities our Commission identified, including those
recommendations that concerned specific instruments and institutions of the U.S. Government.
Neither our Commission nor the two of us, however, hold the golden key. It may well be that
recommendations emerging from likeminded initiatives such as those you will hear on the next
panel may prove to have more lasting impact. The critical task is moving toward a set of feasible
action items that can be taken up by the next administration, whether Republican or Democratic
in the months ahead.
First, the next president should create a deputy national security adviser who is “double-
hatted” as a deputy at the Office of Management and Budget.
• The various tools available to the U.S. government are spread among multiple agencies
and bureaus. There is no level of government, short of the President, where these
programs and resources come together.
• The national security adviser is swept up in the urgent challenges of unfolding crises and
lacks the ability to focus on long-term strategy development or manage interagency trade-
• This “smart power” deputy should be charged with developing and managing a strategic
framework for planning policies and allocating resources, working closely with relevant
Congressional committees.
• The smart power deputy should lead a process parallel to the Quadrennial Defense
Review for the civilian tools of national power that conducts a systematic and
comprehensive assessment of goals, strategies, and plans.
Second, the next administration should request and Congress should resource a personnel
“float” for civilian agencies that allows for increased training and professional development.
• The Defense Department is able to sustain a far superior process for leadership education
because it routinely budgets for 10 percent more military officers than there are jobs for
them in operational assignments.
• This ‘float’ permits the military to send its officers to leadership development programs,
to work as detailees in other agencies to broaden their professional experiences and
judgment, and to meet unforeseen contingencies. Civilian agencies have not budgeted a
comparable personnel float.
• The next president should increase the number of Foreign Service Personnel serving in
the Department of State by more than 1,000 and consider further expansions in other
relevant civilian agencies.
Page 8
Third, the next administration should strengthen civilian agency coordination and
expeditionary presence on a regional basis.
• Civilian government agencies do not have a regional command structure comparable to
the Department of Defense. As a result, this prevents the development of regional
strategies that integrate interagency operations on a regional basis.
• The next president should empower the senior State Department ambassadors known as
“political advisors” or POLADs assigned to advise regional military commanders a dual
authority to head a regional interagency consultation council comprising representatives
from all other federal agencies that have field operations in those regions.
• Congress and OMB should work to provide the State Department resources to support
these regional coordination councils.
• The next administration should request and Congress should fund increases in the number
of civilian personnel able to participate in regional expeditionary missions, such as
through the pending Civilian Stabilization Initiative.
Fourth, the next administration should strengthen America’s commitment to a new
• America needs the United Nations, but we need a better one than we have at present. The
United Nations could play an active role in promoting American interests in
peacekeeping and peacebuilding, counterterrorism, global health, and energy and climate.
• The U.S. alliance system negotiated during the last half century consists of nearly 100
formal treaty arrangements and security commitments. Rather than view these
agreements as hindrances to American action, the next president ought to view this
alliance network as a force multiplier.
• For decades, America has been the global champion of legal norms and standards. The
United States directly benefits from a strengthened international legal order. At those
times, though, when treaties are objectionable, the United States can justify stepping back
but not walking away.
• The main institutional architecture absent today is an effective forum for coordinating
global strategic thinking on a set of specific practical challenges. The G-8 could spin off
a series of yearly meetings on energy and climate, nonproliferation, global health,
education, and the world economy.
Fifth, the next administration should elevate and unify its approach to global development by
creating a cabinet-level voice.
• The next president should task the smart power deputy to work with the cabinet
secretaries to develop a coherent management structure and institutional plan within the
first three months of office for creating a cabinet-level voice for development.
• The Commission on Smart Power heard a range of arguments for how to organize this
aspect of our civilian capacity. Disagreement centers around the degree of integration
that will best serve American interests and the priority placed on effective development.
Page 9
Some have called for a Department of Global Development while others have promoted
the creation of a “super-State” Department of Foreign Affairs. Ultimately, we concluded
that a cabinet-level voice for global development was important for putting forward a
more positive face of the United States to the world.
• This new cabinet official should take the lead on launching new, high-profile global
public health initiatives, building on successful Bush Administration and private sector
efforts. These could include developing a global health network and bringing safe
drinking water and sanitation to every person in the world.
Sixth, the next administration and Congress should encourage greater autonomy, coherence
and effectiveness for U.S. public diplomacy and strategic communication efforts.
• Reviving USIA may not be the most practical option at present. The next administration
should strengthen our resource commitment to public diplomacy and consider what
institutional remedies in addition to capable leadership could help make U.S. public
diplomacy efforts most effective.
• One possibility the next administration should consider is the establishment of an
autonomous organization charged with public diplomacy and reporting directly to the
secretary of state. This quasi-independent entity would be responsible for the full range
of government public diplomacy initiatives, including those formerly conducted by
• Congress should create and fund a new institution outside of government that could help
tap into expertise in the private and nonprofit sectors to improve U.S. strategic
communication from an outside-in approach. As the Defense Science Board has
suggested, this center could conduct independent polling, research and analysis on U.S.
Government priorities; promote a dialogue of ideas through mutual exchanges; and shape
communications campaigns to help shape foreign attitudes. The center should have an
independent board that could serve as a “heat shield” from near-term political pressures.
• Effective public diplomacy must include exchanges of ideas, peoples and information
through person-to-person educational and cultural exchanges, often referred to as citizen
diplomacy. The next administration should expand successful exchange and education
programs, including doubling the size of the Fulbright program.
Seventh, the next administration should shape an economy flexible and competitive enough to
deliver economic benefits while minimizing the human cost of adjusting to economic
• International trade has been a critical ingredient to U.S. economic growth and prosperity.
The next administration should seek to create a free trade core within the WTO,
negotiating a plurilateral agreement among those WTO members willing to move directly
to free trade on a global basis. While consensus within the full WTO remains the goal,
and could potentially be reached in some areas within the coming months, in many cases
Page 10
it is not realistic. The next administration should seek to lock in a minimum measure of
global trade liberalization.
• There is no doubt the benefits of trade are not evenly distributed—within a nation or
across nations. The next president should exercise U.S. influence in international
financial institutions to direct the efforts of these organizations toward aiding poorer
countries that face the inevitable adjustment issues that come with the opening of
markets. We should also reexamine our own trade policies toward these nations. The
next administration should fundamentally reform trade adjustment assistance to facilitate
the reentry of American workers who lose their jobs.
• Global competition today is less for markets and more for capital, talent and ideas. Half
of all patents issued in 2006 were of foreign origin. The United States must do more to
prepare itself for increasing economic competition.
Eighth, the next administration and Congress must make addressing climate change and
energy insecurity more than just a political catch phrase by creating incentives for U.S.
• A world operating on different sets of rules and costs associated with carbon dioxide
emissions could have disruptive implications for trade, energy security, competitiveness,
and economic growth. The next administration should create a level playing field to
underpin the carbon-constrained economy. It should work with Congress to place an
economic value of greenhouse gas emissions via a mechanism that sends clear, long-term
price signals for industry.
• As world energy demand continues to rise, the next administration must reduce demand
through improved efficiency, diversify energy suppliers and fuel choices, and manage
geopolitics in resource-rich areas that currently account for the majority of our imports.
The next administration should take the lead within international institutions to establish
a common principles charter for energy security and sustainability. The charter should
outline sound energy policies and practices, including protection of sea lanes and critical
infrastructure; investment-friendly regulatory and legal frameworks that respect
sovereign rights of resource holders; and promote regular dialogues between producers
and consumers to improve information sharing.
• The next administration and Congress should establish and fund a joint technology
development center. International collaboration helps reduce costs and accelerate the
pace of innovation. The U.S. Department of Energy in partnership with major global
energy companies should establish 10-year endowment for funding energy and
technology related research. This could be administered by an international consortium
of the National Science Foundation and equivalents and disburse grants through a peer
review process to researchers to provide venture capital to develop and deploy next
generation energy technologies, such as biofuels.
Page 11
Ninth, American leaders ought to eliminate the symbols that have come to represent the image
of an intolerant, abusive, unjust America, and use our diplomatic power for positive ends.
• Closing the Guantanamo Bay detention center is an obvious starting point and should
lead to a broader rejection of torture and prisoner abuse. Guantanamo’s very existence
undermines America’s ability to carry forth a message of principled optimism and hope.
Although closing Guantanamo presents practical, legal and political obstacles, these
constraints are surmountable if it is a priority for American leadership. Planning for its
closure should begin before the next president takes office.
• The next administration should continue to expend political capital to end the corrosive
effect of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The United States must resume its traditional
role as an effective broker for peace in the Middle East. We cannot want peace more
than the parties themselves, but we cannot be indifferent to the widespread suffering this
conflict perpetuates and passionate feelings it arouses on all sides.
• Effective American mediation confers global legitimacy and is a vital source of smart
Tenth, the next Administration should not fall into a new Cold War struggle to compete with
and contain Chinese soft power.
• China’s soft power is likely to continue to grow, but this does not necessarily mean that
Washington and Beijing are on a collision course, fighting for global influence.
• The next president should seek to identify areas of mutual interest between the United
States and China on which the two powers can work together on a smart power agenda.
• Energy security and environmental stewardship top that list, along with other
transnational issues such as public health and non-proliferation. Global leadership does
not have to be a zero-sum game.
Mr. Chairman, we would both be happy to go into more detail on our Commission’s
recommendations or discuss our personal views on these matters during our oral testimony.
Thank you again for the opportunity to sit before you today.
January 13, 2009 7:26 PM
Anonymous hbm said...
One celebrated Palestinian was exposed as having manufactured his life history as a dispossessed Palestinian Israeli when he had actually been born and raised in Egypt. He had visited a relation in Israel.
Semantic Creep
An important constituent of Palestinian Authority politics is the implanting of the most beneficial terminology into western media , and thus into western minds.
The use of "Palestine" has been so insidiously introduced that it can be found in Christian books about the life of Jesus. The word had not even been coined in his time! Judea was renamed Palestine by the Romans in 70 AD / CE after they had crushed the Jews. Jesus lived in Judea, Galilee and Samaria.
Within one year the name of the Temple Mount has been replaced by "a holy hilltop site" and "the Al Aksa Mosque complex" (Teletext news, British Television March 2002) see The Temple
The term "Occupied Territories" is very emotive, and is accepted without question by everybody, including the Israelis. But who is actually occupying who's territory? The West Bank was part of the territory allocated to Israel by the United nations but seized by Jordan in the May 16th war of 1948; an acquisition which was never ratified. Israel recaptured it in 1967. Surely the Palestinians are occupying Israeli territory! (see Land )
The Palestinian "Refugee Camps" are actually towns of stone buildings with all facilities including satellite dishes. The name, however, conjures up images of displaced persons living in squalor and poverty. (See pictures of Jenin, in Media Bias)
British television news coverage of the violence in Israel spoke of "plastic coated steel bullets" being used against demonstrators. When we use them they are called "rubber bullets". The facts may have been accurately reported but the bias is clear.
January 13, 2009 7:31 PM
Anonymous hbm said...
"The Protocols of the Elders of Zion"
"The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" has been a long standing favorite of the Palestinians and their supporters. It has been translated into Arabic and published several times, as well as being turned into a series for Television. "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" purports to the record of a secret meeting of Jewish leaders in which they reveal their plan for world domination. You will find those on the Internet who believe this to be the case. (Nazi and Arab, anti-Israel sites). The Protocols was in fact written at the end of the nineteenth century, by the Tsarist secret police. The origin of the Protocols was exposed in 1921 but, like all conspiracy theories, it endures remarkably well.
A Final thought, concerning the deaths due to terrorism and counter-terrorism.
The western media often quotes the death toll of Israelis and Palestinians and derives a kind of moral equivalence. This gives a spurious moral advantage to the Palestinians as victims, suffering the worse casualties.
Do not forget that the Palestinian dead includes the suicide bombers, the gunmen who instigate shoot-outs with the I.D.F
Also included are the Palestinians suspected of collaborating with Israel who are lynched by their Palestinian neighbours.
(Apparently, even road accident victims are included in the PA figures)
Christian Arab George Khouri, mistaken for a Jew and shot by Fatah in Jerusalem on 19th March 2004, was declared a martyr by Yasser Arafat.
It is calculated that Palestinians are directly responsible for the deaths of one in eight of the Palestinians killed.
January 13, 2009 7:33 PM
Anonymous hbm said...
The use of Palestinian Children
The stories which the Palestinians feed western journalists make much of supposed harm done to children by the IDF. This strikes an emotional chord with western families and always produces reactions against Israel. However, the Palestinians are guilty of cynically exploiting children and young people by inciting them to confront the IDF security forces and having cameramen on hand to record whatever harm comes to them. Also we are fed with harrowing images of distraught mothers of dead or wounded children. See Indoctrination to see how the Palestinian children are exploited and sacrificed to further the aims of Arafat and the Palestine Authority.
Watch the video, "The Anatomy of Child Self-Sacrifice", produced by Jerusalem Vistas to understand how the process works. Get a copy to show to your church or fellowship or school/college.
One of many cases was the 11 year old lad from Nablus who was promised a large sum to carry a backpack through an IDF roadblock in March 2004. When a military policeman picked up the backpack he discovered it was a 10Kg bomb stuffed with bolts. When the boy's dispatchers saw that he was being detained they dialled the mobile 'phone which was supposed to detonate the bomb, but it failed to explode. Had the bomb properly detonated, the lad would have become a martyr. Palestinian children are frequently used to test Israeli security systems. If they are mistaken for terrorist infiltrators and shot in error, they become martyrs and propaganda tools for use against Israel.
See also the report on the death of Mohammed Al Dura, which was blamed on the IDF and used to fan the Intifada which had just started in September 2000.
January 13, 2009 7:36 PM
Anonymous hbm said...
Palestinian Funerals
Funerals make good news footage and stoke up the fires of hatred. Unfortunately we in the west did not get to see the film of the Palestinian funeral during which the pallbearers stumbled and dropped the corpse, which then got up and ran away.
The medieval "Blood Libel" is still alive and well.
January 13, 2009 7:38 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
January 13, 2009 7:40 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"... the Palestinian funeral during which the pallbearers stumbled and dropped the corpse, which then got up and ran away.
I wish hbm would get up and run away.
I liked hbm better when he had his hissy fit and left in a huff.
January 13, 2009 7:41 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
There goes that HBM, printing & quoting the "Elders of Zion", ... Only the real HBM, would even bother with this tired canard.
Not since noting that his hooked nose, and sloped forehead has he gone out of his way to prove his non-jewishness.
January 13, 2009 7:44 PM
Anonymous hbm said...
If you look carefully at the photo's in the above post, you'll notice that there is nothing wrong with this person. Point of fact the IDF actually improved their over all athletic ability.
January 13, 2009 7:45 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Nearly Half of Cessna Workers in Bend Will Lose Job
1/13/2009 - Bend
by Matt McDonald
A single mom, Jeanine Thornton wakes between four and five every afternoon, in time to see her nine-year-old daughter and thirteen-year-old son before working the night shift at Cessna in Bend. A job she says helped them move from public housing to this home in northeast Bend. Now, there is an almost a fifty percent chance she'll lose that job at the end of the month.
"You know, it's time to dust off the resume. It's time to try and find something interviewee to wear. It's time do we pay the bills? How do we pay the bills?" said Thornton.
On Monday she was notifed Cessna will cut as much as 47% of its Bend workforce. Production, at four planes a week when she started last April, will fall to just one per week. Across the board, slowing economy is creating rising anxiety...Will i have a job?
"When I walked in to work today, this is what I received. It's my final check," said Vicki Stock, while visiting the employment office in Bend.
Until Tuesday morning, Vicki Stock worked in the call center at TRG-Isky in Bend which cut about twenty jobs.
"It's better to know right now and not have to sit and wait, when is it going to come, when it going to come," said Stock.
For Jeanine Thornton the answer will come at the end of the month. If her job is cut, she'll have sixty days notice. Tough news for a family that did Christmas on fifty dollars.
"We also live on a level...I think, they here a lot of no's. No you can't go here, no you can't go on this ski trip, no you can't, because we can't afford it," said Thornton.
For a list of resources for the unemployed visit:
January 13, 2009 7:47 PM
Anonymous hbm said...
"... the Palestinian funeral during which the pallbearers stumbled and dropped the corpse, which then got up and ran away."
Miracles happen all the time, even when you are a filthy Palestinian Arab dog who attacks God's chosen people.
Die you pig, die!
January 13, 2009 7:49 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I wish hbm would get up and run away.
Inside of every sloped headed, hooked nose, ugly fucking person is an angry zionist trying to get out.
We let HBM be himself here, are we not all KUNT's why can't we all get along and support diversification?
I would rather than a Likud Zionist who drinks Palestinian blood on this site, than shit-eating christian who professes love of humanity.
HBM is the real deal, he is gods chosen people. He can't be himself over at the SORE, but here he can be himself, and reflect his god, in his gods image.
January 13, 2009 7:51 PM
Blogger bruce said...
PUSSY read this carefully, scary fucking ORWELLIAN SHIT THIS OR_BOMB_EO SHIT IS, SCARY.
• Congress should create and fund a new institution outside of government that could help
tap into expertise in the private and nonprofit sectors to improve U.S. strategic
communication from an outside-in approach. As the Defense Science Board has
suggested, this center could conduct independent polling, research and analysis on U.S.
Government priorities; promote a dialogue of ideas through mutual exchanges; and shape
communications campaigns to help shape foreign attitudes. The center should have an
independent board that could serve as a “heat shield” from near-term political pressures.
January 13, 2009 7:54 PM
Anonymous hbm said...
"I would rather than a Likud Zionist who drinks Palestinian blood on this site, than shit-eating christian who professes love of humanity."
Fuck you, you disgusting filth of a slime dog Repug!
I spit on your face, and throw my shoe at you!
January 13, 2009 7:54 PM
Blogger bruce said...
Congress should create and fund a new institution inside of ISRAEL that could help
tap into expertise in the private and nonprofit sectors to improve U.S. strategic
communication from an outside-in approach. The most logical source of this PR&MARKETING team would be Bend, OR a town with 1,000's of un-employed 'image makers', most with pro-zion leanings.
As the Defense Science Board has
suggested, this center could conduct independent polling, research and analysis on U.S.
Government priorities; promote a dialogue of ideas through mutual exchanges; and shape
communications campaigns to help shape anti-Israel attitudes.
The center should have an
independent board that could serve as a “heat shield” from near-term political pressures. The public must not known that the Israeli tails wags the US dog.
January 13, 2009 7:57 PM
Blogger Marge said...
>>>>Anonymous said...
Jebus Fucking Christ
How long to we have to wade throught this shit to find something relevent to Bend.
BP, My info is not for JR, only for RE fodder.
January 13, 2009 7:59 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"I would rather have a 'HBM' Likud Zionist who drinks Palestinian blood on this site, than shit-eating 'Moss/Flanders' christian who professes love of humanity."
January 13, 2009 8:00 PM
Blogger tim said...
Oh for crying out loud you boring asses.
Should I just come back next week and see if you guys have figured out the middle east?
January 13, 2009 8:00 PM
Blogger Marge said...
Come on Homer!! Email me.
January 13, 2009 8:01 PM
Blogger bruce said...
Just ignore it marge, you don't need to know what Hillary Clinton has in plan for you, I think you probably already know, without reading her working doc.
January 13, 2009 8:02 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"Should I just come back next week and see if you guys have figured out the middle east?"
Perhaps you should ask hbm to come back?
If you ask nicely, he may cut short his exile...
January 13, 2009 8:03 PM
Blogger bruce said...
Homer ain't going to do shit, unless it fits his 'agenda' on sunday, ... Who the fuck knows what his agenda is, these days its survival for himself.
If you want action then send it to US, and we'll get it out.
I'll send what you got to everyone.
January 13, 2009 8:04 PM
Blogger bruce said...
Also we have a new 'mirror' for this site where all content is public and duplicate and google enabled.
That site is ..
So if you send shit, we'll put it on that site.
January 13, 2009 8:06 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
>How long to we have to wade throught this shit to find something relevent to Bend
It's quite easy actually.. you just use the text search at the bottom of the window and look for "marge"
January 13, 2009 8:09 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Honestly TIM, if you have something 'BEND' to talk about then make it happen, by default, what happens happens.
January 13, 2009 8:09 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
>Also we have a new 'mirror' for this site where all content is public and duplicate and google enabled.
and completely ignored.
January 13, 2009 8:11 PM
Blogger bruce said...
It's quite easy actually.. you just use the text search at the bottom of the window and look for "marge"
Please don't tell our secrets, or otherwise everybody here will be calling themselves 'marge'.
January 13, 2009 8:11 PM
Anonymous hbm said...
Honestly TIM, if you have something 'BEND' to talk about then make it happen, by default, what happens happens.
Fuck all you Repugs!!
January 13, 2009 8:12 PM
Blogger bruce said...
and completely ignored.
The point is not that it be 'popular' the point that anybody who does a google-search is pointed back to BB2, rather than have BB2 hidden.
January 13, 2009 8:14 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Oh great, now we will have a room of 20 people writing insults to each, with one third using the name 'marge', another third using 'bruce', and the final third using 'hbm'.
January 13, 2009 8:14 PM
Blogger bruce said...
If you have something Marge, then send it, and I'll fwd to homer, ... shit you should have his email address by now yourself.
January 13, 2009 8:16 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
20 are you out of your fucking try 3 people top, for ever at all time, if you think '20' hang here your fucking idiot, I now that I'm responsible for 90% of the posts today, so don't tell me about 20, two maybe, three hell no, 5 never, but 20, ... you don't understand the net.
January 13, 2009 8:18 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Dude, you must be in sad shape... taking to yourself all day long...
January 13, 2009 8:22 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
room of 20 people writing insults to each
That's calling the kettle black, are you new here?
Never ever has this happened before, well it is tuesday, on a normal cycle by tuesday we pick on each other, sunday new post we discuss bend, monday things go to shit on deschutes fuel, by tues, ... all hell, ... and then by friday, our lives go limbo while we wait for god (homer) to post on sunday like cargo cultists.
January 13, 2009 8:24 PM
Blogger bruce said...
Dude, you must be in sad shape... taking to yourself all day long...
Well thanks a lot.
We're not all vile & bile here, that be HBM, most of us ( me, myself, and eye-sore ), ... we're Bend.
January 13, 2009 8:27 PM
Blogger bruce said...
Well I hope your happy, now we have ten posts in a row, that could have been written by a Bend moron.
Tim wants interesting material, but where is it?
Marge wants homer to email her, but HOMER is too paranoid, something about wanting to survive.
January 13, 2009 8:32 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Tim wants interesting material, but where is it?
Well, shit all over me!!!
Timmy wants some good shit, but gives us what?
He left and will return tomorrow.
Well, don't let the door hit your skinny little ass on the way out.
And marge, well at least Homer gave us a nice picture of her to look at this week. And you thought she was just joking with you when she had lots of guns and ammo, and even a couple of bazookas to boot! Wow!! Just one question, marge: Are those real?
January 13, 2009 8:55 PM
Blogger Marge said...
I will send it along in the AM it's on my computer at work now. Thanks for all those rants on Bend for the last 20.
Have you seen the new cublicle's for the Sothebys brokers. Wait til Wed.
January 13, 2009 8:58 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Dude, you must be in sad shape... taking to yourself all day long...
The salted pork is also very good with aye pint of ale.
January 13, 2009 9:01 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Fuck all you Repugs!!
Fuck all ye progressives.
January 13, 2009 9:04 PM
Blogger Marge said...
>>>>And marge, well at least Homer gave us a nice picture of her to look at this week. And you thought she was just joking with you when she had lots of guns and ammo, and even a couple of bazookas to boot! Wow!! Just one question, marge: Are those real?><<<
Oh, Honey, that is what I'd call packin. More than what my skinney bones could carry though. Right Dunc?
Timmy, I love readin the Bend stuff, not the world war shit. Til the war comes close to hear, I've had enough of that mantic stuff.
Til tomorrow, nigh.
January 13, 2009 9:09 PM
Blogger Quimby said...
>> I think, they here a lot of no's.
Timmy, if you look, there's editor's gold in the KOHD piece.
January 13, 2009 9:34 PM
Blogger tim said...
>>Timmy wants some good shit, but gives us what?
I brought the Cessna dropping half story. At least it's local.
January 13, 2009 10:16 PM
Blogger tim said...
Gottschalks files Chapter 11.{4E255D16-702C-463E-81FA-B7B24D8B6804}
January 14, 2009 6:23 AM
Blogger tim said...
>>Timmy, if you look, there's editor's gold in the KOHD piece.
i here you
January 14, 2009 6:26 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Remember Lee Iacocca,
the man who rescued Chrysler Corporation from its death throes?
[ yeh, right and billions of corp-welfare bailout ]
He's now 82 years old and has a new book, 'Where Have All The Leaders Gone?'.
[ they're picking their ass in boca with lee ]
Lee Iacocca Says:
'Am I the only guy in this country who's fed up with what's happening? Where the hell is our outrage? We should be screaming bloody murder! We've got a gang of clueless bozos steering our ship of state right over a cliff, we've got corporate gangsters stealing us blind, and we can't even clean up after a hurricane much less build a hybrid car. But instead of getting mad, everyone sits around and nods their heads when the politicians say, 'Stay the course.'
Stay the course? You've got to be kidding. This is America , not the damned, 'Titanic'. I'll give you a sound bite: 'Throw all the bums out!'
You might think I'm getting senile, that I've gone off my rocker, and maybe I have. But someone has to speak up. I hardly recognize this country anymore.
The most famous business leaders are not the innovators but the guys in handcuffs. While we're fiddling in Iraq , the Middle East is burning and nobody seems to know what to do. And the press is waving 'pom-poms' instead of asking hard questions. That's not the promise of the ' America ' my parents and yours traveled across the ocean for. I've had enough. How about you?
I'll go a step further. You can't call yourself a patriot if you're not outraged. This is a fight I'm ready and willing to have. The Biggest 'C' is Crisis! (Iacocca elaborates on nine C's of leadership, with crisis being the first.)
Leaders are made, not born. Leadership is forged in times of crisis. It's easy to sit there with your feet up on the desk and talk theory. Or send someone else's kids off to war when you've never seen a battlefield yourself. It's another thing to lead when your world comes tumbling down.
On September 11, 2001, we needed a strong leader more than any other time in our history. We needed a steady hand to guide us out of the ashes. A hell of a mess, so here's where we stand.
We're immersed in a bloody war with no plan for winning and no plan for leaving.
We're running the biggest deficit in the history of the country.
We're losing the manufacturing edge to Asia , while our once-great companies are getting slaughtered by health care costs.
Gas prices are skyrocketing, and nobody in power has a coherent energy policy. Our schools are in trouble.
Our borders are like sieves.
The middle class is being squeezed every which way.
These are times that cry out for leadership.
But when you look around, you've got to ask: 'Where have all the leaders gone?' Where are the curious, creative communicators? Where are the people of character, courage, conviction, omnipotence, and common sense? I may be a sucker for alliteration, but I think you get the point.
Name me a leader who has a better idea for homeland security than making us take off our shoes in airports and throw away our shampoo?
We've spent billions of dollars building a huge new bureaucracy, and all we know how to do is react to things that have already happened.
Name me one leader who emerged from the crisis of Hurricane Katrina. Congress has yet to spend a single day evaluating the response to the hurricane or demanding accountability for the decisions that were made in the crucial hours after the storm.
Everyone's hunkering down, fingers crossed, hoping it doesn't happen again. Now, that's just crazy. Storms happen. Deal with it. Make a plan. Figure out what you're going to do the next time.
Name me an industry leader who is thinking creatively about how we can restore our competitive edge in manufacturing. Who would have believed that there could ever be a time when 'The Big Three' referred to Japanese car companies? How did this happen, and more important, what are we going to do about it?
Name me a government leader who can articulate a plan for paying down the debit, or solving the energy crisis, or managing the health care problem. The silence is deafening. But these are the crises that are eating away at our country and milking the middle class dry.
I have news for the gang in Congress. We didn't elect you to sit on your asses and do nothing and remain silent while our democracy is being hijacked and our greatness is being replaced with mediocrity. What is everybody so afraid of? That some bonehead on Fox News will call them a name? Give me a break. Why don't you guys show some spine for a change?
Had Enough? Hey, I'm not trying to be the voice of gloom and doom here. I'm trying to light a fire. I'm speaking out because I have hope - I believe in America . In my lifetime, I've had the privilege of living through some of America 's greatest moments. I've also experienced some of our worst crises: The 'Great Depression,' 'World War II,' the 'Korean War,' the 'Kennedy Assassination,' the 'Vietnam War,' the 1970's oil crisis, and the struggles of recent years culminating with 9/11.
If I've learned one thing, it's this: 'You don't get anywhere by standing on the sidelines waiting for somebody else to take action. Whether it's building a better car or building a better future for our children, we all have a role to play. That's the challenge I'm raising in this book. It's a "Call to Action" for people who, like me, believe in America '. It's not too late, but it's getting pretty close. So let's shake off the crap and go to work. Let's tell 'em all we've had 'enough.'
Make your own contribution by sending this to everyone you know and care about. It's our country, folks, and it's our future. Our future is at stake!!
January 14, 2009 8:00 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
On Boca-Raton before I forget, but last night a good friend of Denton, said Jodi had gone to Boca, and going open a new "DEEP" in Coral Gables & Boca, ... pretty damn good bet cuz the worst is over down there, and he can tap into the all made-off's on retirement in FL,
January 14, 2009 8:02 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
This is what I'm talking about DENTON is pure geni-ass, rather than becoming dirt poor, he did something, he got the fuck out of Bend, and is already starting over, in a place that will boom.
Low prices and tons of retiree's, Denton must know something about old people and raw fish, go figure, ...
Personally, sushi has to have he best profit margin in the universe, and bacon-wrapped-tempura, there's product with a 10k year shelf life.
January 14, 2009 8:05 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
For a list of resources for the Bend 'Learned Helpless' aka unemployed visit:
January 14, 2009 8:07 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Lee's sad demise on ameriKKKa,
Ok, here's my take on the above, when LEE wanted his chrysler bailout a zillion yrs ago, everybody bitched, but hell it was chrysler, and that was good for ameriKKKa, but dees days they're all crooks, bailouts then and now are designed to keep incompetent on life-support.
Jump towards today, the ENTIRE retirement ponzi scheme where a guy like Io-coo-coo could walk with a cool billion, and 'invest' and live a life of luxury in BOCA, ... forever, and guess what its all gone to hell, these rich old crooks of a generation and a more ago, .. things aren't working out, the ameriKKKan dream is FUCKED.
Solution, fix it all so that we have a managed economy, and that old people like io-coo-coo never have to worry, make the government honest, and setup wall-st so everyone gets 10%/yr apr on their investment, just the way it was always supposed to be forever and always had been.
Well guess what, the real rip-off's started in io-coo-coo's time, and what happened is everyone imitated him, and it was a HUGE ponzi, and io=coo-coo got out first, ...
Now today all the old retirees are afraid the US is going to shit.
How come IO-COO-COO wasn't worried when he was doing the robbing? Did he really think that it wouldn't be human see, human do??
So today our economy is based on 'retirement' investing, and our baby-boomers have darn near lost all, ... Is this really a fucking surprise? Especially given that the rip-off start in the early 1980's.
January 14, 2009 8:26 AM
Blogger bruce said...
The fact being over-looked by your 'peeve'.
Is to date nobody knows anything.
Bloomberg has a lawsuit open, and Fox just opened a lawsuit a few days ago.
Both demanding specifics on the terms of the 'bailout' and who is getting the money.
To date nobody knows anything.
Let's also not forget that the $700B is a drop in the bucket compared to the $8Trillion the FED has shoved out the back door since fall. That is why everyone is all over themselves to be a 'bank holding company'.
The debate here seems to be what do we call the $700B beast?? The problem is nothing is known specifically, and any thing said is worthless until the government is forced under the freedom of information act to tell us where the money went, to whom, and under what conditions.
January 14, 2009 8:44 AM
Blogger bruce said...
Real Bruce,
When your not rubbing your pussy, take time to read the Armitage/Clinton 'Smart Power' plan to be Obama's working document for INTL USA presence in the future.
I don't expect anyone else here to read it or care.
January 14, 2009 8:47 AM
Blogger bruce said...
Latest from Roubini:
Navigating the First Global Economic Recession
With the industrial world already in outright recession and the emerging world navigating towards a hard landing (growth well below potential) we expect global growth to be flat (around -0.5%) in 2009. This will be the worst global recession in decades as the fallout of the most severe financial crisis since the Great Depression took a toll first on the U.S. and then – via a variety of channels of recoupling – on the rest of the global economy.
We forecast that the United States economy is only half way through a recession that started in December 2007 and will be the longest and most severe in the post war period. U.S. GDP will continue to contract throughout all of 2009 for a cumulative output loss of 5%.
One last look at 2008 will reveal a very weak fourth quarter with GDP growth contracting about -6%, in the wake of a sharp fall in personal consumption and private domestic investment. We see the real GDP growth contraction playing out through the year as follows: Q1 2009 -5%; Q2 2009 -4%; Q3 2009. -2.5%; Q4 2009 -1%, adding up to a yearly real GDP growth of -3.4% for the U.S. in 2009; our forecast is much worse than the current consensus forecast seeing a growth recovery in the second half of 2009; we also predict significantly weak growth recovery – well below potential - in 2010. Canada entered recession at the end of 2008, and the outlook for 2009 is likely to be worse, with the economy contracting by an estimated 1.5-2% for the year.
...[remarks on rest of world...
Given its reliance on exports and capital flows to fuel growth Asia faces a gloomy 2009 amidst a G-7 recession. We expect Asia ex-Japan’s growth to slow down sharply to 3.8% in 2009. Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan will remain in recession through H1 2009, which might extend into Q3 2009 while the ASEAN economies will slow significantly from the 2004-07 growth trends. We believe China will experience a hard landing in 2009, with growth unlikely to exceed 5%, a sharp slowdown from the 10% average of the last 5 years. The reversal of capital flows and high credit cost will pull down India’s growth significantly to around 5% in 2009 from an estimated 6% in 2008.
Commodity prices, which already fell sharply in the second half of 2008, will face further price pressure in 2009. We estimate an average WTI oil price of $30-40 a barrel in 2009, as the fall in demand continues to outstrip supply cuts and production delays.
January 14, 2009 11:10 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Gottschalks took a Chapter 11 shit today.
Who knew?
Who coulda guessed?
I bet it does not apply to the Bend store since we are special.
January 14, 2009 11:28 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
How long to we have to wade throught this shit to find something relevent to Bend.
The bend crackers are, once again, in fine form.
Can't you stupid mother fuckers meet at the safeway parking lot on the westside and settle this honorably?
Fling used condoms at each other from 15 feet. First one to take it in the mouth loses and must concede to all the theories, conspiracies and political gestalt of the other.
January 14, 2009 12:21 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Finally somebody has the real fucking story, if we kill everyone in Palestine, then Bin-Laden will get angry and show himself. The puzzle is now clear. Everyone knows that a 1,000 Palestinians is worth one Jewish Life. Bin-Laden is pissed at USA/Israel genocide on Palestine!! Fuck who would have guessed. Imagine how pissed Bin-Laden will be with OBAMA kills all of the Palestinians??? Pissed enough to show his location? The US gets Bin-Laden the magic-negro made king forever, ... Shit just keeps getting better, ...
Bergen: Tape shows Gaza conflict 'big deal' to bin Laden
CNN International - 2 hours ago
(CNN) -- Osama bin Laden's release of an audio message denouncing Israel's military offensive in Gaza signals the al Qaeda leader's priorities, CNN national security analyst Peter Bergen says.
January 14, 2009 12:27 PM
Blogger bruce said...
RE: take time to read the Armitage/Clinton 'Smart Power' plan
Downloaded the original. I actually agree with some of it, being a fucking pussy progressive:
"Distinguished Members of the Committee, we developed Smart Power in large part as a reaction to the global war on terror, a concept that we consider to be wrongheaded as an organizing premise of U.S. foreign policy. America is too great of a nation to allow our central narrative and purpose to be held captive to so narrow an idea as defeating al Qaeda. We were twice victimized by September 11—first by the attackers, and then by our own hands when we lost our national confidence and optimism and began to see the world only through the lens of terrorism.
The threat from terrorists with global reach and ambition is real and is likely to be with us for some time. When addressing the threat posed by al Qaeda and affiliated groups, we need to use hard power against the hard-core terrorists, but we cannot hope to win unless we build respect and credibility with the moderate center of Muslim societies. If the misuse of hard power creates more new terrorists than we can kill or deter, we will lose.
Similarly, when our words do not match our actions, we demean our character and moral standing and diminish our influence. We cannot lecture others about democracy while we back dictators. We cannot denounce torture and waterboarding in other countries and condone it at home. We cannot allow Guantanamo Bay or Abu Ghraib to become symbols of American power."
It's a far cry from PNAC's Rebuilding America's Defenses" and its militaristic view of the world:
"This report proceeds from the belief that America should seek to preserve and extend its position of global leadership by aintaining the preeminence of U.S. military forces. Today, the United States has an unprecedented strategic opportunity. It faces no immediate great-power challenge; it is blessed with wealthy, powerful and democratic allies in every part of the world; it is in the midst of the longest economic expansion in its history; and its political and economic principles are almost universally embraced.
At no time in history has the international security order been as conducive to American interests and ideals.
The challenge for the coming century is to preserve and enhance this “American peace.” Yet unless the United States maintains sufficient military strength, this opportunity will be lost. And in fact, over the past decade, the failure to establish a security strategy responsive to new realities and to provide adequate resources for the full range of missions needed to exercise U.S. global leadership has placed the American peace at growing risk. This report attempts to define those requirements. In particular, we need to:
ESTABLISH FOUR CORE MISSIONS for U.S. military forces:
• defend the American homeland;
• fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theater wars;
• perform the “constabulary” duties associated with shaping the security environment in critical regions;
• transform U.S. forces to exploit the “revolution in military affairs;”
To carry out these core missions, we need to provide sufficient force and budgetary allocations.
In particular, the United States must:
MAINTAIN NUCLEAR STRATEGIC SUPERIORITY, basing the U.S. nuclear deterrent upon a global, nuclear net assessment that weighs the full range of current and emerging threats, not merely the U.S.-Russia balance.
RESTORE THE PERSONNEL STRENGTH of today’s force to roughly the levels anticipated in the [first] “Base Force” outlined by the Bush Administration, an increase in active-duty strength from 1.4 million to 1.6 million.
REPOSITION U.S. FORCES to respond to 21st century strategic realities by shifting permanently-based forces to Southeast Europe and Southeast Asia, and by changing naval deployment patterns to reflect growing U.S. strategic concerns in East Asia.
MODERNIZE CURRENT U.S. FORCES SELECTIVELY, proceeding with the F-22 program while increasing purchases of lift, electronic support and other aircraft; expanding submarine and surface combatant fleets; purchasing Comanche helicopters and medium-weight ground vehicles for the Army, and the V-22 Osprey “tilt-rotor” aircraft for the Marine Corps.
CANCEL “ROADBLOCK” PROGRAMS such as the Joint Strike Fighter, CVX aircraft carrier,and Crusader howitzer system that would absorb exorbitant amounts of Pentagon funding while providing limited improvements to current capabilities. Savings from these canceled programs should be used to spur the process of military transformation.
DEVELOP AND DEPLOY GLOBAL MISSILE DEFENSES to defend the American homeland and American allies, and to provide a secure basis for U.S. power projection around the world.
CONTROL THE NEW “INTERNATIONAL COMMONS” OF SPACE AND “CYBERSPACE,” and pave the way for the creation of a new military service – U.S. Space Forces – with the mission of space control.
EXPLOIT THE “REVOLUTION IN MILITARY AFFAIRS” to insure the long-term superiority of U.S. conventional forces. Establish a two-stage transformation process which
• maximizes the value of current weapons systems through the application of advanced technologies, and,
• produces more profound improvements in military capabilities, encourages competition between single services and joint-service experimentation efforts.
INCREASE DEFENSE SPENDING gradually to a minimum level of 3.5 to 3.8 percent of gross domestic product, adding $15 billion to $20 billion to total defense spending annually...
Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.
Domestic politics and industrial policy will shape the pace and content of transformation as much as the requirements of current missions."
That was a defense contractors wet dream.
January 14, 2009 1:43 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Yes, PUSSY a defense contractor wrote this 'smart power' for CLINTON/OBAMA, no fucking doubt, who would have guessed?
My favorite is the part about having an external information source, that is NOT under 'seasonal' US political control domestically that influences USA opinion at home on world affairs.
Sounds to me like a brand new Exec-Order 51, aka National Security Act, an external source of information that controls the world that isn't even under DOMESTIC control, that in spite of elected pendulums this INTL MEDIA SOURCE takes on a life of its own, never swinging left or right, but just staying 'fucking smart'.
Sounds to me that the NEW-WORLD-ORDER is trying to put together a UN-PRESS AGENCY that will forever control everyones mind for one fucking common agenda.
Let's see how many fucking idiots world-wide sign up to this shit.
I think its about Al-Jazeera, and the CIA wants its OWN media in the mid-east that is the BIGGEST in the world that is louder, and will dominate ALL news about INTL events, and all else will be discounted.
Maybe this is why more media personal have been executed by US soldiers than all other wars in history.
January 14, 2009 1:53 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Shit the world is going to CUM to an end.
The Wall Street Journal
Jan. 14, 2009
Apple CEO Steve Jobs announced that he is taking a medical leave of absence until June, saying his health issues are "more complex than I originally thought." Mr. Jobs said that Tim Cook will handle day-to-day operations.
January 14, 2009 1:54 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Great fucking day to be an ameriKKKan.
If Israel/US plays this right everyone in Palestine will be dead by the time OR-BOME-EO takes office.
The US is praying like hell that this genocide provokes bin-laden or Iran to do something bend-stupid, and thus justify WW-III before the OREO is sworn, and that way he's not a war-monger, but then can just beg for the DRAFT. Which has been the fucking plan all along.
'More than 1,000 killed in Gaza'
Palestinians carry a wounded man in a stretcher in Gaza City -
Palestinian hospitals have been overwhelmed by the number of injured
Palestinian deaths in the Gaza Strip have passed 1,000, medical sources in Gaza say, as Egypt continues efforts to broker a ceasefire.
Nearly a third of the dead are reported to be children and nearly 5,000 people have been injured.
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said he wanted to find a durable and sustainable ceasefire between Israel and Palestinian fighters.
But clashes reportedly intensified as Mr Ban began a Middle East tour.
The Ministry of Health in Gaza said 1,013 people have died in the conflict which started 19 days ago.
More than 300 of the dead are said to be children, 76 are women and more than 4,500 people have been injured, of whom 1,600 are children and 678 are women.
Thirteen Israelis have been killed, including three civilians and one soldier from rockets fired from Gaza and nine soldiers killed in fighting in Gaza.
Graph of Palestinian deaths
It is impossible to independently confirm casualty figures as Israel has refused to allow international journalists to enter Gaza.
Diplomatic push
Egypt has been leading efforts to broker a ceasefire, that could include a new force of peacekeepers to prevent smuggling on its border with Gaza.
Ban Ki-moon, speaking after talks in Cairo with President Hosni Mubarak, said he hoped the Egyptian initiative would show results as soon as possible.
The UN secretary general next goes on to Israel, Jordan, the West Bank and Syria.
In depth: Gaza conflict
Q&A: Gaza conflict
Who are Hamas?
Middle East conflict: History in maps
Also on Wednesday, Hamas officials were in Cairo speaking to Egyptian negotiators.
After the talks, a senior Hamas political leader told the BBC's Rushdie Aboualaf in Gaza that the Egyptian initiative had been positively received but that more time was needed to discuss it.
Hamas, which controls Gaza, has said any ceasefire agreement would have to entail a halt to Israeli attacks, a complete withdrawal of Israeli forces and the opening of border crossings to end the blockade of Gaza.
BBC Arab affairs analyst Magdi Abdelhadi says the gap between Israel and Hamas appears to be as wide as ever.
Israel will not agree to a deal that does not guarantee an end to Hamas's smuggling of weapons across the Egyptian border and the cessation of rocket attacks into southern Israel.
For its part, Hamas refuses to accept an agreement that could in effect spell the beginning of the end for its military wing.
Egypt and other key Arab states can put pressure on Hamas but the US remains unwilling to press Israel to make any concessions, our correspondent says.
A senior Israeli defence official, Amos Gilad, is to travel to Cairo on Thursday for talks with Egyptian negotiators, a spokesman for Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said.
'Seeds of extremism'
Israel launched its campaign against Gaza on 27 December, saying it wanted to end Palestinian rocket fire into Israel.
The Israeli foreign ministry has said there is no guarantee Hamas would respect any ceasefire agreement.
Syrian president on Gaza conflict
Both Hamas and Israel rejected last week's UN Security Council resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire.
The Israeli offensive has provoked widespread international condemnation at the cost in civilian casualties.
Bolivian President Evo Morales said he was cutting relations with Israel over what he called the "genocide" in Gaza.
President Bashar al-Assad of Syria warned that Israel's campaign would fuel extremism and terrorism in the Arab and Muslim world.
"The effect of war is more dangerous than war. It is sowing seeds of extremism around the region," Mr Assad said in an exclusive BBC interview.
Israeli divisions?
On Wednesday, residents spoke of heavy machine-gun fire as Israeli troops fought Hamas gunmen near Gaza City.
Israeli strikes on Gaza continue
Israel continued to bombard the Gaza Strip after launching 60 air strikes overnight, which officials said targeted weapons-smuggling tunnels under the border to Egypt and a cemetery in Gaza City which was claimed to be a rocket-launching site.
Meanwhile, three rockets were fired from southern Lebanon towards the northern Israeli city of Kiryat Shmona, landing on open ground.
Destroyed building in Gaza City
Aid diary: Water shortage
Bowen diary: Syrian warning
Gazan families: Pulling together
In pictures: Inching into Gaza
No casualties or damage were reported.
Analysts say Israel may be holding back from all-out urban warfare in Gaza City, something that would cause heavy casualties on both sides and be politically risky less than a month before Israel holds elections.
Israeli media has reported divisions within the government, with Defence Minister Ehud Barak said to favour a week-long ceasefire..
But Prime Minister Ehud Olmert says he wants to press on with the military campaign for however long it takes, reports say.
In another development, a newly-released audiotape said to feature the voice of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden has called for a holy war to stop the Israeli offensive in Gaza.
The authenticity of the tape, posted on a number of Islamic militant websites, could not be independently verified.
Humanitarian concerns have increased amid the fighting, although some aid is getting through to Gaza during daily three-hour lulls Israel has allowed to let in supplies.
January 14, 2009 1:57 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
In another development, a newly-released audiotape said to feature the voice of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden has called for a holy war to stop the Israeli offensive in Gaza.
Now that US/ISRAEL has linked al-Qaeda ( Bush/Raygun Afghan 'Base' in Persian ) with Gaza, its everyones patriotic 911 wet-dream to exterminate all life in Gaza.
Simply put when Israel pulled out a few years ago Gaza became a prison, but that's too expensive to operate, and thus today we're witnessing the USA final solution, given that its the USA that pays for the prison walls and feeding of the prisoners.
January 14, 2009 2:02 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
More Israel...
More Gaza...
More ex-Jordanians...
Less Bendisms...
Less Bruce Pussy...
Less hbm....
January 14, 2009 2:36 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Board: 'Bunny Suicides' stays in school library
05:00 AM PST on Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Associated Press
BROWNSVILLE, Ore. (AP) -- A book of cartoons will remain, unrestricted, in the Central Linn High School library.
School board members voted 5-1 Monday to keep "The Book of Bunny Suicides" by British humorist Andy Riley. Background: Bunny suicides
The school board has voted multiple times on the issue since October, when parent Taffey Anderson complained about the book. After her 13-year-old son brought the book home, she threatened to burn it.
The 2003 book is a collection of cartoons showing bunnies committing suicide in various ways.
"We can't censor," said board member Pat McConnel. "I'm here as a board member. I can't vote my personal feelings all the time."
Graphic courtesy:
"The Bumper Book of Bunny Suicides" by Andy Riley
Publicity about her complaint drew widespread attention, including a letter from the American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon, It warned that removing the book could violate the First Amendment and suggested parents be allowed to ask that their children not be allowed to check out particular items.
Superintendent Ed Curtis said the district already allows parents to "opt out" of a particular book, whether in the library or in the classroom.
In a similar case in Prineville, the school board voted 4-1 Monday to keep "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian" out of classrooms, though in the library, while the school district revamps its policies.
The book was a best-seller and a National Book Award winner. It was written by Sherman Alexie and is about a boy growing up on the Spokane Indian Reservation who decides to attend an all-white school. The protagonist in Alexie's book discusses masturbation.
A committee made up of teachers, the public, an administrator and a librarian reviewed the book and voted 4-1 to recommend the school board reinstate the book without restrictions.
The freshman whose father touched off the debate said the book was not appropriate.
"Personally, I think we're having two things taught to us," Jozee Moss told The Bulletin newspaper of Bend. "We have the principal telling us, I don't want you cussing in this way or you'll get a referral. And yet this book talks about all these things in crude ways."
January 14, 2009 4:04 PM
Anonymous HBM said...
OH NO the fucking FUN has just started, the OREO the big black boy, mr Magic-Negro takes power of the most violent evil nation in world fucking history in just six days.
Then we cunt to hear from our LIB's all about how cargo comes to BEND, the BPussy, HPussy, & DuncPussy will have to defend their OREO 24/7, and then we all get to be PUG's cuz then it will be our call of fucking duty as loyal INDY's to fucking rub shit in the lib noses.
The fun has only begun.
January 14, 2009 4:07 PM
Blogger tim said...
Sorry. We ruined this thread. Can you make another one for us?
January 14, 2009 6:14 PM
Blogger IHateToBurstYourBubble said...
Email me I have some great stuff for a new post for you.
margie dear, send it to
January 14, 2009 6:54 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
tim said... "Sorry. We ruined this thread. Can you make another one for us?"
Huh? What a fucking pussy!!
Now we have four pussys, the newest being TimPussy.
the BPussy, HPussy, & DuncPussy (and TimPussy) will have to defend their OREO 24/7, and then we all get to be PUG's cuz then it will be our call of fucking duty as loyal INDY's to fucking rub shit in the lib noses.
Too true. Too true. As a true blue INDY, I plan to bash any and all Demos and Repugs who continue to devalue the $$ by giving bailout money right, left and center!
And OR-BOMB-EO will take the bulk of the wrath.
The fun has only begun.
Thats right, baby. The FUN has only BEGUN!
Remember that, TimPussy! This is the best week ever, with the greatest, hottest BABE picture ever!
January 14, 2009 6:57 PM
Blogger IHateToBurstYourBubble said...
cowardly chickenshit psycho assholes...
I'm just glad he's back.
January 14, 2009 6:58 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I'm just glad he's back.
Back? I haven't seen hbm around here.
Oh, you mean this guy?
HBM said...
OH NO the fucking FUN has just started, ...
He sounds more like buster writing under the "HBM" (all caps?!!) than our very own, cry baby, self exiled "hbm", aka HBrucePussy, aka Mr. WimpyMiller.
January 14, 2009 7:03 PM
Blogger IHateToBurstYourBubble said...
cowardly chickenshit psycho assholes...
And he sounds nothing like He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Busted! Not at all!
I'm just glad we all have a backup plan, in case Buster commits sideways.
I can't survive more than 48hrs without being told what a fucking psycho/paranoid/lying/dumbass/smelly-cunt/asshole I truly am.
January 14, 2009 7:07 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"I can't survive more than 48hrs without being told what a fucking psycho/paranoid/lying/dumbass/smelly-cunt/asshole I truly am."
Hey, somebody's gotta do it. And Buster does it so well... maybe he was beaten as a child by his father. Isn't that his caring attitude showing through whenever he confronts BP's many foibles?
A good objective critique never hurt nobody, especially one with colorful language.
January 14, 2009 7:13 PM
Blogger IHateToBurstYourBubble said...
Just got your Tuscany Buttplugs pics Quimby... sorry. Busy Christmas? :-)
I don't know why they're STILL building there... that thing is going broke soon.
January 14, 2009 7:15 PM
Blogger LavaBear said...
tim said... "Sorry. We ruined this thread. Can you make another one for us?"
Huh? What a fucking pussy!!
Now we have four pussys, the newest being TimPussy.
Probably better add me onto that list because this thread got all fucked up somewhere between there and here.
January 14, 2009 7:56 PM
Blogger LavaBear said...
Cracker Ass is heading for it's 52 week low. Getting back to it's 2001 price.
January 14, 2009 8:01 PM
Blogger IHateToBurstYourBubble said...
Cracker Ass is heading for it's 52 week low. Getting back to it's 2001 price.
Wall St doesn't like hearing about BULLSHIT software addition glitches. They KNOW they are dealing with THIEVES at that point.
That country bumpkin bullshit only works in BEND.
January 14, 2009 8:42 PM
Blogger Quimby said...
>> Just got your Tuscany Buttplugs pics Quimby
No worries.
January 14, 2009 8:45 PM
Blogger bruce said...
What about that fucking Marge, says she has shit, but only wants HOMER to email her?? The real marge wouldn't have a full bio, like the current marge, hell the real marge killed her 'benddenial' only a few months ago, the new marge has more fucking personal info than the BP, and yet the new fake Marge wants homer to personal email.
Bruce requested 'marge' to email 48 hrs ago, and not a fucking thing, be careful fucking homer, there are some KUNTS trying to ream you in Bend. Be very careful Homer, for some reason somebody in this town, like never before has a hard-on for YOU.
January 14, 2009 10:41 PM
Blogger LavaBear said...
>>>Wall St doesn't like hearing about BULLSHIT software addition glitches.
1988: ok, software glitches happen.
2009: You either way fucking stoopid or you stealin'. Time to start watching for Hertz rent a cars and pizza delivery in their parking lot.
January 14, 2009 10:46 PM
Blogger bruce said...
Why is ONLY the fucking PUG's, those OUT defending AIPAC HO Geithner???, WHY are ONLY THEY defending Geithner??
This is stinking to hell, OREO begs bush to release $350B, yet TEAM-BUSH protects Geithner from the fucking gauntlet.
This is fucking stinking to shit.
After Tax Errors Raised, GOP Leaders Defend Treasury Nominee
But Some Call Geithner's Actions Serious Missteps
Was he cheating on his taxes or just sloppy with his finances?
[or just a fucking idiot, this is supposed to be a Jews-Jew, supposed to be the smartest fucking economist in the world, supposed to be Bernankes hand picked golden boy, now we're told he's too FUCKING STUPID TO FILL OUT a 1040?? ]
Lawmakers vetting the nomination of Timothy F. Geithner to serve as Treasury secretary say they may never be sure. But leading Republicans nonetheless joined Democrats in leaping to his defense yesterday, calling Geithner's tax gaffes small potatoes compared with his qualifications for saving the global economy.
January 14, 2009 10:59 PM
Blogger bruce said...
Cracker Ass, did you fucking run a State of Orygun search on Bitch Moss? Running the biggest fucking Christian Home School network in State.
Some say why the fucking hard-on for team christian-zion?? Why ?
Team Bend-1031, is a who is who in Christian FUCKIN Zionism, like Made-Off big Runs on BEND-1031 were sent to ISRAEL for god's chose people, dumb fucking KUNT of BEND-ORYGUN think this issue is 8k miles away but not fucking so, BEND is epicenter, no fucking accident BEND is #1 over-valuation, and NO fucking accident BEND is #1 for zionist contributions to Palestinian Genocide.
January 14, 2009 11:03 PM
Blogger bruce said...
Zion-Ministry & 1031 like Peaches & Cream, ... and Team-Moss yeh, ... like God's chose people didn't just run the Bend bubble to make money for personal, they be doing the Lords work.
January 14, 2009 11:06 PM
Blogger bruce said...
Lawmakers vetting the nomination of Timothy F. Geithner to serve as Treasury secretary say they may never be sure. But leading Republicans nonetheless joined Democrats in leaping to his defense yesterday, calling Geithner's tax gaffes small potatoes compared with his qualifications for saving the global economy.
Pleeeeeeeze somebody BITCH slap meee, line 39, form 1040, enter income for year xx year, .... whoops I got $200k from the UN, but I forgot to mention that, but shit, now that I'm running for PUBIC office, not the fucking FED which is a secret PRIVATE CORP, but NOW that I'm running for PUBIC office, folks can look at my tax returns and see that I fucked the government for years to save a fucking nickel.
The DEM's & PUG's say no problem, cuz this guy is the geni-ass that is going t save ameriKKKa.
Pleeeeeeeeeeze is there any fuckin KUNT in this NATION that has a brain left? Pllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeze??
Since when are the PUGS & DEMS all over themselves to protect at fucking retarded crook??
January 14, 2009 11:10 PM
Blogger bruce said...
"These are huge times. These are not the times to think in small political terms,'' Graham said, praising Geithner's involvement with the Bush administration in crafting the U.S. response to the global financial crisis. "We need a new secretary of Treasury that understands where this country is at financially and has a game plan to move forward. I think he is the right guy."
Yes, bitches SHUT the fuck up, this is the brains behind PAULSON, you want 4 more years of BUSH or not??
Then shut the fuck UP, and vote for Geithner, cuz he is MORE BUSH than BUSH, and will make the OREO government look like RAYGUN..
Imagine that??
January 14, 2009 11:14 PM
Blogger bruce said...
Where's The Outrage?
January 15, 2009 12:16 AM EST
views: 22 | comments: 1
During the election we heard time and again how Joe the Plumber should not ask questions of Obama because he owed about $1200 in back taxes. Fast forward and now we have Obama's choice of Timothy Geithner for Treasury Secretary who we have learned he owed $32,000 in back taxes prior to being tapped for Treasury Secretary after which he paid them off. And what do we hear about his failure to pay taxes "not a big deal" "just a hickup". And this is the person who's going to run the IRS? How do you not know that you have to pay taxes?
So now we have Geithner who has ripped off the govy for fucking years, and we're told to ignore, but holy shit, after giving joe-the-plumber an enema, we're told to ignore the shit all over Geitners fucking lips.
It's too fucking rich, just a few years ago, even knowing a mex nanny would have excluded you, but Geihtner was running a ho-house of non-green card nanny's, and YOY, year after year, filing fraud 1040's, where is the fucking cred??
Not to pick on PALIN, but remember the shit about vetting your fucking dumb&numb????????
January 14, 2009 11:20 PM
Blogger bruce said...
Republicans are reacting in the traditional way. "The man who wants to be the top tax collector in America," Sen. Jeff Sessions (Ala.) told reporters, "not having paid $35,000 in taxes, apparently maybe even involving an illegal alien, is a serious matter."
Hell yes, this is WHY fucking MADE-OFF isn't IN fucking jail.
Because we're now in an era where whose COCK you sucked yesterday is more important than the crime.
The FUCKING FACT is tax fraud is tax fraud, and if you file a fraudulent 1040, your fucking OUT.
January 14, 2009 11:25 PM
Blogger bruce said...
You god damn mother fuckers of BEND, with 1031 sponsoring of Israel who voted for OREO, you wanted change, I'll give you change, from now on your diet is fried Palestinian. Choke on Them.
Predictably, the United States Senate and House of Representatives voted to support Israel’s carnage in Gaza thereby handing the new President yet one more war to contend with, one unhappily more dangerous to America than those in Iraq or Afghanistan. That may seem to be, on its face, a strange thing to say unless one understands that we are in Iraq fighting for Israel and, with this vote, our Congress has indebted itself to the Israeli forces that govern the United States (as Ariel Sharon said long ago), forces that will use endangerment of Israel as leverage to attack Iran and Syria, countries already in their military sites since 1992.
Our Senate’s indebtedness is unanimous; while 20 in the House abstained and five voted against the resolution, all the rest voted to support. The reasons offered: Israel has a right to defend itself even though we do not know where Israel is: that is, Israel has yet to define its borders and remove itself from occupied territories; and the rockets fired over the last 8 years must stop, even though Israel, with one shell in Gaza, killed 43 at the UN school, twice the number killed by rockets in 8 years. But logic, international law and international opinion, and fundamental moral law cannot sway our Congress; money can and does. Obama may have a Senate majority and a Democratically controlled House of Representatives, but he cannot respond to the desires of the American people for change – no more wars – nor to the United community of nations that have voted with their feet against the actions of the Israeli government in open and defiant dissent against their governments in London, Ireland, Scotland, Europe and through out the Arab world including Jordan and Egypt. Our Representatives represent Israeli wishes and policies not those of the American people; the people voted overwhelmingly for change not the continued support of Israel represented by these votes or the appointments made by Obama as advisors.
Ironically our “only democratic ally” in the mid-east, as constantly reiterated by our main stream media and talking heads, has locked the media out of Gaza in order to isolate truth to its Public Relations campaign begun the day it invaded Gaza three weeks ago. Consequently, Americans receive their news from those that decided to break international law and their own responsibilities as an occupying force under the Geneva conventions. No truth, no morality, only raw force serves this Zionist nation beholden only to itself and those it owns, including our Congress. Yet the news gets out. The people of Gaza transmit the truth by phone cameras and a handful of Al Jazeera journalists that report from the killing fields. These pictures inundate the Internet and even a European press on occasion.
Contrast the reality of the coverage with that provided to Americans. In Sderot, the little town used by Israel to portray its misery, devastation, and ultimate demise at the hands of the “terrorists,” the citizens have taken to the hillside overlooking Gaza -- binoculars, sunglasses and beach chairs in tow -- to watch the rain of Israeli terror by air, sea and land on an imprisoned people. (Shashank Bengali, “Israelis, sipping Pepsi, watch bombardment of Gaza town,” 1/5/2009, McClatchy). Are they in danger? Perhaps, although they do have bomb shelters and warning sirens, something that the people of Gaza do not have. And as I have noted elsewhere (in Counterpunch, 1/5/2009), they have been bombarded on average with 2 rockets per day for 8 years. Twenty three have died over these 8 years, an unsupportable number killed by meaningless use of force. Nonetheless, this has become the rationale for Israel’s current killing that now approaches 1000 half of whom are children. Disproportionate? Not to our Representatives.
Now consider what we are not shown, an image that the western media finds “pornographic,” “irresponsible journalism,” “too graphic,” “too emotional” for public consumption; yet the rest of the world sees these images, hundreds and hundreds of them. This alone should give our representatives pause to reflect on how their subservience to the barbaric behavior of Zionist Israel plays out in the world that is not controlled by American corporations or complicit congressmen. You can go here . There you will see the head of a little girl looking forlornly though vacant eyes, mouth still open, completely buried from the neck down in rubble from her crushed home; indeed, too graphic, too emotional to contemplate, just another unnamed casualty of war where death happens … unfortunately, and “we’re sorry.” This appeared in multimedia, a Norwegian site, where you can also hear Sven Egil Omdel, the Director, explain why he decided to publish the photo even though it is against policy: “It is (the publication) a conscious provocation and we have two reasons for it: Israel keep (sic) all western journalists away from the war in Gaza. … The most important reason for us to show this face, is that the Arab world sees pictures like these from Gaza every day. Not a single still, but hours and hours of TV images of hospital floors full of small, dead bodies. Four year olds, two year olds, seven year olds, newly borns – These pictures represent the war in Gaza for millions of muslims – and we wonder why the hatred against Israel and the west grows? (translation)” This now is Obama’s war whether he wants it or not including the 3000 tons of ordnance being shipped now to Israel by the United States to supplement what they are currently using in Gaza.
Americans must understand the timing of this “war” that is not a war but a slaughter of caged people that have no where to hide, no where to go and even then, when following IDF orders, find themselves in a building targeted for destruction, their destruction. Deceit governs; racism motivates; hatred compels and greed for others’ land is the bed rock of action.
Why now? For two years, during the election campaign for the US Presidency, Israel imposed a siege on Gaza, a calculated act of slow, insidious decimation of the people planned in 2004 ( to ultimately compel the Palestinian people to submit to Israeli dominance, without a state, without an army, without freedom of ingress and egress, unclassified and wholly dependent on Israel. Included in that strategy was the need to complete “Securing the Realm,” the document drawn up by our faithful Neo-Con “servants” that drove the policies of Bush’s administration and called for regime change in Syria and Iran in addition to Iraq. During the political campaign, while press coverage crowded out virtually all other news, the Zionist forces destroyed the infrastructure of Gaza, began the locking down of gates and the slow but methodical destruction of Gaza’s economy. Simultaneously they sought, but failed to get in time, Bush’s approval of attacks on Iran’s nuclear sites. Now, as the days of the Bush reign of terror ends, they are desperate to force Obama into a continuation of absolute and unquestioned support of Israeli policies in the mid-east. With the Congress in hand, with the vote made public in America and its continued commitment made known to the world, they believe that hey have locked Obama in a prison not unlike that surrounding Gaza.
What now? Reflection on the past few years, since 2005 to present, especially in the United States, makes possible this observation: the people of the United States and the people of Israel no longer see eye to eye on matters of mutual concern and, indeed, have already expressed that reality in fact. What do I mean? Beginning with the Downing Street memo and the disclosures of Richard Clark and Ambassador Wilson, the ability of the main stream press to hide the truth from the American people could no longer hold. As 2005 evolved, more and more disclosures unraveled the lies protected by the “fair and balanced reporting” of the corporate owned and controlled media. Fair and balanced was neither fair to truth nor balanced. To put two items on a scale, one for, one against, does not present truth or a balanced report. It simply shows two different perspectives, one for and one against. But as facts and documents became available to the American people, items available over the prior years on various Internet publications, the American people reacted by throwing out Bush supporters in the 2006 and 2008 elections and Bush support eroded into the mid-twenties.
They wanted “change” promised from the start by Senator Obama and mimicked eventually by most of the other contenders to the throne. Change meant getting out of Iraq immediately and return to a government that had a concern for America, including less absolute and blind support for Israel. The vast majority of the American people do not accept the disproportionate and cruel invasion of Gaza by Israel. As more and more pictures and videos become available on the Internet, especially the recurring images of savagery on You Tube, the American people are traumatized by the horror, especially the uncountable number of deaths of children. Our representative government does not represent the American electorate; it represents only scared politicians who depend on AIPAC money, men and women who fear for their political seats regardless of what their constituents believe and want.
By contrast Israeli citizens are faced with an election that has all three contenders fighting to convince the electorate that he/she is the one that will inflict more force to subjugate the Palestinians to Israeli will. The focus of this campaign resonates around the war monger Benjamin Netanyahu; both Livni and Barak must demonstrate that they are better leaders to take Israel against the Palestinians, the Syrians and the Iranians. Israel’s future is one of continued war which means in turn continued American billions to sustain their ambitions against their perceived enemies. They do not talk of “talk” with neighbors, only unending war against those that oppose the Jews. One does not speak of Israel as a state or government when “victimhood” is needed to induce unyielding support for the Israeli governments need to acquire more land and control the regimes of its neighbors, one must turn to the bias against Jews that is world wide and endemic. Sympathy cannot be rung from criticism of a government’s policies.
Horribly, the invasion of Gaza can be viewed quite accurately as a campaign war where Livni and Barak have made evident to the electorate that they will use force to ensure Israel’s right to dominate the area regardless of international pressure and opinion, international law or international justice. They know they can do this because they have control of the American Congress and administration including the veto power of the United States in the Security Council. World opinion means nothing. The Israeli electorate, with modest exception, does not want change.
Ultimately, it’s AIPAC’s will against the American citizens’ expressed desires as they voted for this man of change. Who will win? Will the blatant exposure of Israeli violence and mercilessness, in pictures and videos, turn the tide? Can Israeli hacking of Internet sites like that done to The Palestine Chronicle and the attempted erasure of sites that contain the pictures and videos described above stop the flow of sympathy for the plight of the Palestinians in Gaza and quell the building animosity that has arisen world-wide against the cruelty employed by Israel in its savage destruction of Gaza?
Will Obama turn to diplomacy, as he preached when a candidate and, thus doing, fulfill the truth enunciated by Phillip, “Become more human, and humans will love you”? Will he turn to negotiations with those engaged in these brutalities, to stem the violence? Will he recognize the impossible absence of the democratically elected Hamas government from deliberations with Israel over Gaza? How absurd. Will he reconsider the bribery that Bush employed to keep Egypt and Jordan in collusion with Israel despite the agony the people of Egypt and Jordan experience as they watch their people die in Gaza? Will he seek justice by returning to the resolutions of the UN that demand Israel return to the borders of 1948 or 1967, to leave the occupied lands of Palestine including East Jerusalem, to recognize the right of return of the refugees, to realize that Palestinians have a right to their state just as Israel has a right to its, something recognized by Hamas though never recognized as true by our main stream press. (Guardian, 1/12/2006 and Ynet, 1/30/2006). Will Obama seek peace that America might be free of its entanglement with a rogue state that blindly leads America into the darkness of unending conflict and death? Will he demand of Israel that its support from America depends of its recognition that it can only survive if it lives in harmony with its neighbors not out of fear but out of brotherhood? Will he suggest that the Israelis consider a diametrically opposite road to peace, one that understands “People will love you if you become more human”?
January 14, 2009 11:30 PM
Blogger bruce said...
Americans must understand the timing of this “war” that is not a war but a slaughter of caged people that have no where to hide, no where to go and even then, when following IDF orders, find themselves in a building targeted for destruction, their destruction. Deceit governs; racism motivates; hatred compels and greed for others’ land is the bed rock of action.
All PAID for 100% by TEAM MOSS/NEUMAN-1031 team Zion-Ministries of Bend ORYGUN.
January 14, 2009 11:33 PM
Blogger bruce said...
They wanted “change” promised from the start by Senator Obama and mimicked eventually by most of the other contenders to the throne. Change meant getting out of Iraq immediately and return to a government that had a concern for America, including less absolute and blind support for Israel. The vast majority of the American people do not accept the disproportionate and cruel invasion of Gaza by Israel. As more and more pictures and videos become available on the Internet, especially the recurring images of savagery on You Tube, the American people are traumatized by the horror, especially the uncountable number of deaths of children. Our representative government does not represent the American electorate; it represents only scared politicians who depend on AIPAC money, men and women who fear for their political seats regardless of what their constituents believe and want.
TELFER BITCH where does she get her prize??
AIPAC. Small fucking world??
Welcome to BEND-ORYGUN.
January 14, 2009 11:36 PM
Blogger bruce said...
What is most fascinating about the entire Bend-1031 fiasco, is virtually all the money secreted was passed to Israel to purchase DIME ( chemical weapons ) to destroy all life in Palestine.
Pastor John Hagee, the founder of Christians United for Israel, received a rousing reception during his address at the opening dinner plenary of the annual American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) conference.
Hagee warned the crowd that "Iran poses a nuclear threat to the State of Israel that promises nothing less than a nuclear Holocaust." Hagee claimed that the situation is like 1938, only "Iran is Germany and [President Mahmoud] Ahmedinejad is the new Hitler."
Hagee added: "We must stop Iran's nuclear threat and stop it now and stand boldly [with] Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East."
A few weeks earlier, Hagee met with Senator John McCain, a leading contender for the Republican Party's 2008 presidential nomination. Hagee has been leading the charge of conservative Christian evangelicals urging President Bush to deal more robustly with Iran.
"Hagee's appearance at AIPAC indicates the growing organizational strength of the Christian Zionist lobby for apocalyptic war and the rise of corresponding Jewish factions both within AIPAC and within Israeli politics that are pushing for dramatically expanded war in the Mideast," Bruce Wilson, the co-founder of Talk To Action, told me in an e-mail interview.
John Hagee, the pastor of the 18,000-member San Antonio, Texas-based Cornerstone Church and the head of a multi-million dollar evangelical enterprise, "seems to believe such a conflict is both inevitable and necessary," The Jewish Week noted in early March.
Hagee, who founded Christians United for Israel (CUFI), a Christian Zionist lobbying group last year, is the author of a number of Christian-themed novels, as well as the recent "Jerusalem Countdown: A Warning to the World," which maintains that biblical prophecy is currently playing itself out in the Middle East.
"The end of the world as we know it is rapidly approaching," Hagee wrote in "Jerusalem Countdown." "Just before us is a nuclear countdown with Iran followed by Ezekiel's war (as described in Ezekiel, chapters 38 and 39), and then the final battle -- the battle of Armageddon."
In a recent series of articles focused on Hagee, Talk to Action's Bruce Wilson described him as someone that "has built a career on aggressive support for hard right to fringe right Israeli politics and is now making inroads towards convincing the mainstream American Jewish community that he and CUFI are the best tactical allies Jews and Israel can expect to find."
"Pastor John Hagee's warmly received AIPAC speech illustrates the extent to which political leaders who espouse ideology that in the 1960's was considered to be scandalously close the extreme end of the political spectrum can now expect to broadcast their views from a national stage," Wilson told me.
Recruiting Evangelical Allies for a Showdown Against Iran
Joel Rosenberg is another conservative Christian evangelical advocating some type of Bush Administration action against Iran. In late February, Rosenberg, who was raised in an Orthodox Jewish family, reported on his website that a number of conservative Christian evangelical leaders were beginning to show an interest in Iran, particularly as the situation in the Middle East relates to passages in the Bible.
Rosenberg's latest novel, "The Ezekiel Option," is "about the threat of a Russian-Iranian alliance to destroy Israel based on the Biblical prophecies found in the Book of Ezekiel, chapters 38 and 39." These prophecies "describe what Bible scholars call the war of Gog and Magog. Russia and Iran form a military alliance with Lebanon, Syria and a group of other Middle East countries to destroy Israel in what Ezekiel described as the last days."
In January, during a trip to the Middle East, Rosenberg said that he "brief[ed] several hundred Arab and Iranian pastors and evangelical leaders on the latest geopolitical developments in the region," and that he taught "on Ezekiel 38 and 39 ... prophecies that most Christian leaders in the region are unfamiliar with."
Back home, Rosenberg has discovered a growing interest in developments in Iran amongst evangelical Christian leaders. While flying to New Mexico he "happened to sit next to" Focus on the Family founder Dr. Jamews Dobson, one of the most politically powerful conservative evangelical leaders in the U.S. Dobson, who "had been in Washington for meetings with high level administration officials to discuss Iran, Iraq and the latest developments in the Middle East," told Rosenberg that he was becoming more "concerned about the Iranian nuclear threat, and has been studying Ezekiel's prophecies."
Rosenberg also reported that Kay Arthur, a "world renowned Bible teacher," had also developed an interest in "the military alliance ... between Russia and Iran and how this might relate to Ezekiel's prophecies." Arthur recently invited Rosenberg to her headquarters in Chattanooga, Tennessee, "to teach on the Biblical description of the `War of Gog and Magog' and to record a series of radio and TV programs to explain these prophecies in light of current events."
He also "spent several days with a team of Iranian Christian pastors" that "have a satellite television ministry which is seen by between 4 and 7 million Iranian Shiites every day." Rosenberg discussed "Bible prophecies about Iran with them and help[ed] them develop a plan to communicate `God's love and plan for Iran' through their live satellite broadcasts, as well as figure out how to answer the many phone calls and emails they are sure to get from inside Iran once such programs are broadcast into the country."
According to Rosenberg, the Iranian Christian pastors "see a showdown with Iran coming, and they feel passionately about reaching their fellow Iranians with the good news of Christ's love."
"Will there be a war in the region this year or next?" While acknowledging that "it's too it's too early to say," Rosenberg claimed that 2007 is "the Year of Decision." President Bush and Congressional leaders "will need to decide soon just how they're going to handle the Iranian nuclear threat," [and] Church leaders also need to decide just how they are going to handle the Iranian threat, as well ... after all, time is short, and the stakes are high."
Last July, at Christian United For Israel's coming out party in Washington, D.C., John Hagee stated that "The United States must join Israel in a pre-emptive military strike against Iran to fulfill God's plan for both Israel and the West ... a biblically prophesied end-time confrontation with Iran, which will lead to the Rapture, Tribulation ... and [the] Second Coming of Christ."
During a September 18, 2006 interview with WHYY's Terry Gross, Hagee talked about the Russian/Iranian alliance that for the past ten years has been "plot[ing] and plan[ning] Israel's destruction." Hagee charged that "Iran's nuclear weapons have been produced with Russian scientists. The Islamic Arabs are using the Roadmap to Peace to get all of the land of Israel they can get. And when Israel finally says, `Enough!' you're going to see the beginning of the implementation of Ezekiel's war in 38:39. The critical point is the church is raptured before this war begins. I am telling you that makes this message one of the most thrilling prophetic messages you've ever heard in your life. You could get raptured out of this building before I get through finished preaching. We are that close to the coming of the Son of Man."
In a statement Jane Hunter and Rabbi Haim Dov Beliak, co-founders of the website, said that "Hagee's call in his speech for victory for Israel and America (which appears to refer to Iran) is not necessarily the call for military victory which his audience might have heard (a chilling prospect nonetheless). Hagee's "victory" is coded language for Armgadeddon, which Christian Zionists see as the end-times battles set in Israel, when Christians are raptured to heaven and Jews lose -- unless they're happy to convert."
If President Bush unleashes a pre-emptive military strike against Iran, there is little doubt that Pastor Hagee and Joel Rosenberg will be standing behind him.
January 14, 2009 11:42 PM
Blogger bruce said...
Some say ORYGUN is NOT AIPAC, but pray-tell THE MORMRON lost big-time dar boy Smith frozen food is out. This is why OUR BEND BOY HB-MILLER ( aka SORE-JEW aka Switzer little-HO ) bashed SMITH 24/7.
Now we got Merkley, bought and paid for by AIPAC, and well the other Senator Ron Wyden is a AIPAC WHORE going back to birth. So today its complete, ORYGUN only exists to generate cash for ISRAEL to exterminate life.
Questions Rise on Unreported Rep. Merkley Trip Digg Questions Rise on Unreported Rep. Merkley Trip Technorati Questions Rise on Unreported Rep. Merkley Trip
by In the news Tuesday, October 17. 2006
Below- is a Majority 2006 Press Release about House Minority Leader Jeff Merkley Trip:
Rep. Jeff Merkley Failed to Report Expenses-Paid Trip to Israel
SALEM – Majority 2006 today called on Rep. Jeff Merkley (D-Portland) to report an expenses-paid trip that he took to Israel in 2002. Rep. Merkley's trip was organized and partially-funded by Project Interchange, a Washington D.C. group providing "educational seminars" in Israel for "America's policy and opinion makers."
Other legislators have amended their ethics reports to include similar trips to Israel, which were funded by non-profit Jewish advocacy groups. In his 2003 Statement of Economic Interest, Rep. Merkley does not report his participation in the seminar.
January 15, 2009 12:04 AM
Blogger bruce said...
A magic-black jewish negro, who would have guessed??
Obama pushes ahead with plan to rejuvenate black-Jewish alliance
By Ron Kampeas · January 13, 2009
Then-candidate Barack Obama brought thousands of pro-Israel activists to their feet in June when he invoked the memories of two Jewish and one African American civil-rights volunteers who were murdered in Mississippi in 1964. (AIPAC)
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Then-candidate Barack Obama brought thousands of pro-Israel activists to their feet in June when he invoked the memories of two Jewish and one African American civil-rights volunteers who were murdered in Mississippi in 1964. (AIPAC)
WASHINGTON (JTA) -- Barack Obama's pledge to use his presidency to revive the black-Jewish alliance starts on Day (minus) One -- the day before he becomes president.
The president-elect's inaugural committee has asked Jewish groups to make black-Jewish dialogue and joint outreach to the poor a focus of Martin Luther King Day commemorations Jan. 19. Renewing the classic civil rights alliance is part of the inauguration's "big picture," a senior inauguration official told JTA.
The emphasis comes after a bruising campaign in which Jewish voters were targeted by anonymous campaigns attempting to depict Obama as a secret Muslim, as well as conservatives who questioned the candidate's pro-Israel bona fides. It also comes after decades of mistrust fueled by disagreements over affirmative action, Israel's relationship with South Africa and outright expressions of hostility from prominent black figures such as the Rev. Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan.
Obama, who has strong ties with influential members of the Chicago Jewish community, made it clear during the campaign that the alliance which helped bring about civil-rights change in the 1960s was a central focus of his Jewish outreach.
Invoking this alliance was a linchpin of his speech in May to thousands of members of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, where references to domestic policy often fall flat. Not so with Obama: The Washington convention center filled with cheers when he invoked the memories of the three civil-rights volunteers -- two Jews and an African American -- who were murdered in Mississippi in 1964.
"In the great social movements in our country's history, Jewish and African Americans have stood shoulder to shoulder," Obama said. "They took buses down south together. They marched together. They bled together. And Jewish Americans like Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner were willing to die alongside a black man -- James Chaney -- on behalf of freedom and equality."
A few months earlier, during a speech at last year’s commemoration of the King holiday at the slain civil-rights leader’s church in Atlanta, Obama criticized anti-immigrant and anti-gay sentiment in some corners of the black community. He also lamented that the “scourge of anti-Semitism has, at times, revealed itself in our community.”
Throughout his campaign, Obama made his desire to bridge the divide a focus of his talks with Jewish leaders, said Deborah Lauter, the Anti-Defamation League's national civil-rights director.
"When Abe met with Obama, Obama conveyed to him he would like to see the historic black-Jewish roots renewed," Lauter said, referring to Abraham Foxman, ADL's national director.
Lauter said Obama's commitment might help spur an alliance that has faltered in recent years. Charged with reviewing what ADL chapters had planned for Martin Luther King Day, she noticed that plans for events bringing blacks and Jews together had decreased.
"There are some pockets of activity, but they're not what they used to be," Lauter said. "The ones that exist work well, but it hasn't been a priority."
In recent weeks, however, Lauter said she noticed an enthusiasm for re-establishing the alliance. Obama's 78 percent support among Jewish voters -- higher than expected -- was pivotal.
"The numbers were so strong in terms of the Jewish vote for Obama," she said. "There's a spirit of renewal, looking for opportunities to renew old ties and look forward generally."
Rumors of the demise of the alliance are overstated, said Rabbi Marc Schneier, who co-founded the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding. The tensions stoked by the radical inclinations of an older generation had been replaced by the outreach favored by younger blacks, including Obama.
"Crown Heights was the lowest point," he said, referring to the lethal 1991 riots in Brooklyn, "but since those difficult and trying days there has been a cadre of African-American and Jewish leaders dedicated to repairing and restoring the relationship." The foundation is now chaired by hip-hop impresario Russell Simmons.
Schneier says he likes to tease Eleanor Tatum, the publisher of the Amsterdam News, an African-American weekly, that he sees more ads in Jewish papers for Martin Luther King Day activities than he does in hers.
Rabbi David Saperstein, who as the director of the Reform movement's Religious Action Center is a leader of national Jewish outreach to other civil rights and minority groups, says the relationship is thriving -- in the leadership.
"The reality is day in, day out, blacks and Jews are working together for education, to help the poor," he said. In the U.S. Congress, "the black caucus is overwhelmingly pro-Israel, the Jewish caucus has been overwhelmingly been supportive not just on civil rights, but on aid for sub-Saharan Africa."
It needs to trickle down, Saperstein says.
"There's too little social interaction," said the rabbi, who delivered the invocation the night Obama accepted the presidential nomination in August. "We can develop more opportunities for youth groups to work together on common projects. It is the building of levels of trust and personal connection that helps us through tough times."
Using Internet outreach, ADL is asking its activists and others to take the Martin Luther King Day "service pledge."
"By signing this pledge, I recognize that respect for individual dignity, achieving equality and opposing anti-Semitism, racism, ethnic bigotry, homophobia, or any other form of hatred is a non-negotiable responsibility of all people," it concludes.
An array of national and local Jewish groups have signed up with the inaugural committee’s black-Jewish outreach.
In Washington, Jews attending inaugural festivities also will be asked to join the Washington Hebrew Congregation's "work day" on Jan. 19, helping the homeless.
"If you're a Jewish person coming to Washington for the inauguration, you'll see that -- but you'll also see homeless shelters and soup kitchens," said the senior inauguration official, who spoke on the transition team's strict condition of anonymity.
Other programs are more lighthearted.
The Greater Washington Jewish Community Relations Council is marking the King day evening with the Black-Jewish Dialogues, which is described as "a hilarious two-actor, multimedia romp of sketches, theater and video that reveals the absurdity of prejudice and hate within the context of the American Black-Jew experience."
Schneier insisted such activities were not out of the ordinary -- "we're close to the heyday of the black-Jewish relations" -- but he said it was thrilling in recent weeks to see the alliance at its most rarefied level.
"When I saw Rahm Emanuel appointed White House chief of staff," he said, "I saw the black-Jewish alliance at work again trying to restore this country."
January 15, 2009 12:11 AM
Blogger bruce said...
That's some heavy shit, a black-jew when you think about it, the worlds most prolific religion is muslim, and most are black, and Israel wants to exterminate them, but all the while they control the most powerful ( military ) on earth, and have elected a black-jew to paint a happy face on the agenda.
Black leaders from day-one 'said' Oreo ain't black.
But that didn't stop AIPAC from running the 2009 coronation.
I have a stinking suspicion that the name Obama will go down as the biggest traitor in black history
But then he's an OREO!
January 15, 2009 12:17 AM
Blogger bruce said...
GOD-DAMN we're going to miss the twisted little demented Shrub, ...
The global village idiot
By Tony Parsons 15/01/2009
5 days to President Obama: Bush's legacy
Was George W Bush really as dumb as he looked?
Widely derided as the very worst President in American history, will the passing of time make us look more kindly on those blank, bewildered features?
Have we - in Dubya's own immortal phrase - misunder estimated him?
History has a way of radically altering the image of American Presidents. Lyndon Johnson, reviled in his day for the escalation of the Vietnam War, is now best remembered for pushing through Civil Rights legislation.
Ronald Reagan, despised as a simple version of Doctor Strangelove during his administration, is now grudgingly admired for his stance against Communism.
Even Nixon - scourge of the hippies, carpetbomber of South-East Asia, the dark hand behind Watergate - is viewed more sympathetically and seen as a deeply flawed, even tragic figure, rather than the murderous crook the world took him for at the time.
Will we start missing George Bush once he has gone? They will miss him in Africa, where a year ago thousands of adoring fans lined the streets to cheer him.
It is a difficult fact for Bush-haters to swallow, but during the eight years of the Dubya regime, America spent Û18billion (£12.4billion) on AIDS prevention, Û1.2billion (£850million) to prevent malaria and gave Û3.5billion (£2.4billion) to African nations that govern well, provide social services and encourage economic growth.
Of course this is small change compared to the Û850billion (£583billion) he has spent on his wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, a figure currently rising by Û13.6billion (£9.3billion) every month. Add in extra costs, such as payouts to the families of dead soldiers, and estimates put the total bill at three times that.
But all across Africa, even in Muslim countries, George is worshipped. In Darfur, many couples name their baby boys George Bush.
"The Bush regime has been divisive - created bitterness - but not here in Africa," Bob Geldof has written. "Here, his administration has saved millions of lives."
With projects like his President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, the Bush administration has ensured that, for millions of Africans, from the townships of South Africa to the backstreets of Rwanda, HIV is no longer a death sentence.
If anything rescues George Bush from the dustbin of history, it will be his work in Africa.
And yet Africa is not the world.
George Bush's lifeline for millions in the Third World proves that blanket, unequivocal condemnation of his Presidency is as simple-minded as that little, pea-brained smile that played across his features when he wasn't sure what was going on. Which was most of the time.
But there is also no denying his Presidency has made millions more despise the US. It is not beyond the realm of possibility that Africa will emerge from the darkness into the light and history will record that George Bush did far more practical good than Bill Clinton or Bono ever did.
But what about the misery he created in the rest of the world?
When he ducked those shoes in Iraq, his wife loyally said that George was "a natural athlete". But to most of us he always looked like a natural simpleton, a rich man's son who got to the Oval Office on his daddy's shirttails, the global village idiot.
In truth, anti-Americanism is always thriving in large parts of the planet because for most of the 20th Century, the USA was the richest, most powerful nation the world has ever seen. But George Bush gave the world good reasons to hate America. He has been a far more effective recruiting agent for Islamic terrorism than Osama bin Laden.
With his clumsy, murderous war in Iraq, Bush made anti-Americanism a global sport. Even those of us who love America have despaired of the country under George Bush's watch.
The best things about America - its generosity, its sense of limitless possibility, the profound belief in freedom that sent Americans to fight and die in Europe in two world wars - has been replaced by a seething paranoia and murderous belligerence.
When the planes crashed into the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, almost all of the world was on America's side. It is to George Bush's eternal shame that he squandered that goodwill. Incredibly, on a day when we watched 3,000 people murdered on live TV, George Bush somehow contrived to make the USA look like an aggressor.
Bush seemed too stupid to be President. Saddam Hussein has nothing to do with 9/11, and yet Bush and his neocon cronies wanted to make an example of someone with a beard.
Iraq, for all its murder and torture, was a largely secular state. Saddam wanted to be the god Iraqis worshipped. But Bush - and Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld and Vice President Dick Cheney - turned Iraq into a seething hotbed of militant Islamic terrorism. And for that, history will never forgive him.
Perhaps the great mystery of George Bush is this: he was not only stupid, but empty.
The very worst forces of America - warmongers, religious nutters, and raving nationalists - swarmed around him and painted their fantasies on his blank canvas.
Lawrence Wilkinson, a top aide to Secretary of State Colin Powell - a good man who was shamefully duped into believing the great lie that Saddam had Weapons of Mass Destruction - said: "Dick Cheney knew that he was going to be able to wade into the vacuums that existed around George Bush. Personality vacuum, character vacuum, details vacuum, experience vacuum."
In many ways, Bush was a luckless President. 9/11, Hurricane Katrina and the global economic meltdown all happened on his watch. That's an awful lot of world shattering events to have sitting in your in-tray, but with a gritty, shrewd response, Bush could have seized greatness.
However, the Texan twit was never made for greatness.
9/11 produced unwinnable wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The citizens of New Orleans were left to rot in the rising waters of Katrina. And the casino capitalism of the sub-prime mortgage fiasco flourished under his regime, while the response of Dubya's Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Paulson, seemed slow and inadequate until he followed the lead of Gordon Brown. George Bush never missed an opportunity to do the wrong thing.
He had his followers, the "USA! USA!" chanters who acted as though the war on terror was a basketball match there to be won if they just shouted loud enough.
But even these chubby patriots have shuffled off now, worried about losing their homes, their jobs and their shirts, and his approval rating has slumped to an almost nonexistent 27 per cent.
Which makes George Bush, at the end of his two terms as President of the United States, only slightly more popular in Biloxi than he is in Baghdad.
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They will miss George Bush in dozens of African countries, but the rest of the world will be glad to see him ride off into the sunset.
During the 20th Century America was the richest, most powerful nation in the world. George Bush reminded us that the 20th Century is over. Here was a 10th-rate President for a nation in decline, which still acted like the biggest bully in the playground.
"Goodbye from the world's greatest polluter!" was how Bush wittily bid farewell at his final G-8 summit - a wonderful example of the man in all his belligerent stupidity.
Under Bush, America lost its moral authority and it will take a lot to get it back.
The world will not forgive the images of sadistic redneck trash posing for their photos in the torture chambers of Abu Ghraib.
Nor will the world forget how America's love of "freedom" saw nothing hypocritical about locating Guantanamo Bay far from American soil and far from American laws.
And these were supposed to be the good guys.
Graham Greene's classic novel The Quiet American features an ugly American abroad who firmly believes he is doing good, for his own country and for the world, even as everything he touches turns to ashes.
George Bush was just like that, but on a global, epic scale. For here was the ugliest American of all, who could have united the world after 9/11, but who instead tore it apart.
Warmongers, raving nationalists and religious nutters painted their fantasies on his blank canvas
Here was a tenth rate President for a nation in decline still acting like the biggest bully in the playground
Dubya's highs & lows
January 2001
Sworn in after beating Al Gore in Florida, where brother Jeb is governor, amid claims votes for his rival were not counted.
Sept 11 2001
Told of attacks during visit to a school.
Oct 7, 2001
Us and UK attack Taliban in Afghanistan.
Jan 2002
First prisoners arrive at Guantanamo Bay. Names Iran, Iraq, and North Korea the "axis of evil".
March 2003
Us missiles hit Baghdad as invasion starts. On May 1, he proclaims: "Mission accomplished."
April 2004
News of abuse by US troops at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq emerges.
Sept 2005
Accepts blame for slow rescue after Hurricane Katrina hits New Orleans.
July 2006
Greets PM with words "Yo Blair!" at G8 summit.
March 2008
Death toll of US troops in Iraq is 4,000. In September he presides over financial meltdown.
Jan 2009
Has the lowest approval rating ever recorded.
January 15, 2009 12:24 AM
Blogger bruce said...
God bless HRC, the BendBitch.
Why the Obama/Clinton path to Mideast peace will fail
Michael Lerner
Thursday, January 15, 2009
There is little chance peace can be brought to the Middle East unless it is imposed on both Israel and Palestine by the international community.
Calling for an international peace conference and an immediate cease-fire ought to be the first foreign policy priority for the Obama administration.
Instead, Secretary of State-designate Hillary Rodham Clinton's remarks to the Foreign Relations Committee on Tuesday committed the Obama administration to a path that is certain to fail as it has throughout the past several decades.
She stressed three elements of her position:
-- The United States remains committed in its support of Israel, which guarantees that it cannot play the role of "honest, neutral broker of peace."
-- The United States restates that it will not negotiate with Hamas until it recognizes Israel (which Hamas has already said it would not do, though it has been willing to negotiate a cease-fire agreement with Israel and announced that it is prepared to negotiate a new agreement that could last for 20 or 30 years).
-- The Obama administration will work to bring the two parties together for peace negotiations.
This position is at odds with the views that Obama articulated when he was seeking the Democratic nomination. At that point, he made clear that we should negotiate with Iran and Syria, which both pose more serious threats to American interests than Hamas.
The difference, of course, is the Israel lobby to which Obama and Clinton have repeatedly paid obeisance. That lobby, representing the most hard-line elements in the Jewish world but also tens of millions of Christian Zionists who support the militarist perspective in dealing with Arabs and Palestinians, has insisted as a matter of faith that American politicians promise not to deal with Hamas. In the 1980s and 1990s, the lobby insisted that the United States not negotiate with the Palestine Liberation Organization.
The Obama administration's game plan, according to several Israeli analysts, is this: Call for a cease-fire that will freeze in place Israel's commanding military position in the West Bank and Gaza after allowing Israel some more time to finish its task of wiping out Hamas operatives in Gaza, then hope that the military success of the Israelis will strengthen Ehud Barak (head of the Israeli Labor Party) and Tzipi Livni (head of Olmert's Kadima party) in Israel's February elections; anticipate that these two will form a government to negotiate a peace agreement with the Palestinian Authority, whose power will be strengthened as Palestinians witness the defeat of the military option proposed by Hamas.
Unfortunately, the Palestinian state likely to be produced by these negotiations will be neither economically nor politically viable. Barak and Livni will not have the power to make serious concessions to the Palestinians, so the government they likely will form (with Secretary of State Clinton and the Obama administration's participation) will be one that allows the Israeli army to crisscross the Palestinian state in order to safeguard the 400,000 Israelis who will continue to live in settlements. The state thus created will resemble a patchwork of little city-state cantons that will not look or feel to the Palestinians like a real state.
While the weak Palestinian Authority may accept an arrangement of this sort, the vast majority of Palestinians will eventually wake up to understanding that this U.S. -negotiated deal is little more than an agreement by Palestinians to police themselves while Israel retains its settlements and its military dominance of Gaza and the West Bank.
Eventually, the Islamic fundamentalist movement will reappear and gain new strength, and resume the struggle, while Israelis and Americans cry foul because they gave the Palestinians a state.
The only viable alternative is for Obama to call for an international conference of the European Unon, Israel and the Arab States, the permanent members of the U.N. Security Council, and, yes, Iran and India as well, and allow that international conference to impose a solution that provides security and justice to both sides. Only an imposed settlement has the slightest chance of being just to Palestinians - the precondition for a lasting peace, and a secure Israel.
Hard as it might be to push the Obama administration in this direction, it will be less difficult than getting Secretary of State Clinton to use American power to directly force Israel to be responsive to the minimum needs for peace and justice for the Palestinian people.
Rabbi Michael Lerner is editor of Tikkun Magazine: a bimonthly Jewish and Interfaith Journal of Politics, Culture and Society. He is chair of the interfaith Network of Spiritual Progressives (, author of 11 books and rabbi of Beyt Tikkun synagogue in San Francisco.
January 15, 2009 12:35 AM
Blogger tim said...
Bunch of stuff in the Bulletin today.
Tetherow defaults and problems. COCC sucking. Downtowners trying to decide if they want to pay Chuck Arnold's salary. Gottschalks in Bend doing fine for now.
January 15, 2009 7:30 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
tim said...
Bunch of stuff in the Bulletin today.
Is that the Jerusalem Post-Bulletin?
Or the Zionist Bulletin-Review?
Not familiar with that, please provide a link...
January 15, 2009 8:16 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
HB Miller Bitch Wife has big plans to sell COCC land for PROFIT $$$. Folks the State Land Grant gave the LAND for FUCKING EDUCATION. NOT AIPAC LOTTERY.
COCC plans mixed-use development
Land-rich and money-poor college sees empty property as a way to raise funds
By Sheila G. Miller / The Bulletin
Published: January 15. 2009 4:00AM PST
What: A public meeting to discuss COCC’s plan to create a special planning district for mixed-use development on college-owned land.
When: 5 to 6:30 p.m., Wednesday
Where: COCC’s Barber Library, second floor
For more information, contact Director of College Relations Ron Paradis at 541-383-7599 or at
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A 40-acre combination of retail, residential and other revenue-creating development could be on the horizon as Central Oregon Community College considers creating a special district to build on much of its unused property.
The college will apply to the city of Bend for a special planning district, much like The Old Mill District or NorthWest Crossing, that would allow a variety of development to take place on the land near Mount Washington Drive and Shevlin Park Road.
The college wants to make money off of the property, particularly at a time when state funding seems likely to dwindle, and also hopes to create business-education partnerships with retail or other commercial groups. Development on the property could include shopping, restaurants and housing, as well as parks or trails.
Ron Foerster, the college board chairman, believes the special district is a good idea.
“What the college is trying to do is find ways of improving the financial efficacy of providing education to people,” Foerster said. “By that I mean providing more and better courses and facilities for education at a lower cost, if possible.”
But, Foerster said, that will require using the funds it has.
“(The college is) kind of land-rich and money-poor,” he said. “So we’re looking and exploring for ways of using our asset more effectively.”
The district would define how the land can be used. Currently, the land is zoned for single-family residences, and if the district is approved, the area could be used in a variety of other ways.
Developing the district would keep the college from having to ask the city for an exception to the current residential zoning every time it wants to build something new.
The special district would encompass the entire campus, as well as about 40 acres along Shevlin Park Road that are currently unused. That 40 acres, which would be called the Campus Village area, could include housing, retail shops, parks, education buildings and other development. Another 30 acres the college owns would remain untouched for the time being.
Colin Stephens, the city’s planning division manager, said he had been in discussions with college administrators during the past few months about the plan.
The district, Stephens said, would create a list of development standards within the campus area. For example, the district might include retail and residential areas in addition to education buildings.
Within the new district, there would be two zones: The core campus area would be purely for educational purposes, while the Campus Village area would have more development opportunities.
Stephens said he expects the zoning change to take between three and four months to complete.
The area the college wants to develop in the district is already slated to house the college’s culinary institute.
“Our long-range plan doesn’t require us to use that for providing education directly,” Foerster said. “So we have been looking at getting it rezoned so it can be used by commercial enterprises or private people.”
COCC President Jim Middleton said the college has been working on the development for three years.
“We have talked about doing the development on the south edge of the campus to generate income and to energize a business-educational linkage,” he said.
Middleton said in early 2008, the college selected Bill Smith, whose company designed The Old Mill District, to be the master developer for the Campus Village area, but Vice President for Administration Matt McCoy said the developer and college are still negotiating the terms of the deal.
The idea is to allow residential, retail, educational, business and recreational buildings in Campus Village; some of those still would not be allowed in the core campus area. Middleton stressed the college doesn’t plan to sell the land; rather, he wants to create long-term leases.
“We want to be as sensitive as we can that anything we build there is designed in a manner that we could not renew the lease and immediately shift those to classrooms for the college,” he said. “We’ve been saying ever since I’ve been here that we need to look at generating alternative revenue streams. Purely depending on the state, tuition and local property taxes will not keep pace with the college’s needs.”
Foerster said there was a renewed urgency, with the state’s budget downturn.
“I think we’re at the point where we want to rezone and get serious,” he said. “We’re looking at uncertain financial times, and we’re seeing the continuing creep in the cost of education, and by putting some of our real estate to use we’ll generate revenue and hopefully keep the cost of education down.”
There’s no set timeline, Middleton said, but he hopes the city will approve the special district by summer.
“Then any project that we would propose would then be proposed in line with those rules,” he said.
On Wednesday, the college will hold a public meeting about the proposal, and then administrators are expected to send the proposal to the city, which will do an internal review of the plan. Staff will then make a recommendation to the Bend Planning Commission about the district and hold public hearings before sending on a recommendation to the City Council. The council will also hold a public hearing and make a decision about the district.
Sheila G. Miller
can be reached at 541-617-7831 or at
January 15, 2009 8:32 AM
Anonymous hbm said...
“(The college is) kind of land-rich and money-poor,” he said. “So we’re looking and exploring for ways of using our asset more effectively.”
Prostitute the 'children' this is what third worlds country's do.
"The (college) is kind of child-rich, and money-poor. He said. "So we're looking at auctioning the children off to pedophiles by the hour so we can subsidize our salary".
The Zionist-Bulletin fully endorses anything that guarantees public payroll is met. "God's chosen people have to eat also", say's Costa.
January 15, 2009 8:37 AM
Blogger bruce said...
CACB 4.57
January 15, 2009 8:39 AM
Blogger bruce said...
by Steven Plaut
One of the greatest ironies of Jewish history is that the secular Zionism of the nineteenth century was formulated precisely for the purpose of offering an alternative to the assimilationism and Jewish "self-hatred" of the Diaspora. Zionism arose as a response to both assimilationism and anti-Semitism. Who then could have dreamed that the fulfillment and realization of Zionism would be accompanied by the emergence of the most malignant manifestations of Israeli self-hatred and Jewish anti-Semitism, this in the state of Israel and the land of Zion. The very same Zionism that was designed to offer an alternative to Jewish assimilationism saw in fact the emergence of a uniquely bizarre movement of assimilationism right inside the Jewish state itself, in the form of "Post-Jewish Israelism" and "Post-Zionist" Jewish anti-Semitism.
Until very recently in Jewish history, it was widely presumed that secular Zionism and the establishment of Israel had achieved an irreversible victory over the movements of Jewish assimilationism and self-hatred, at least among Jews living inside the Jewish state, but also to a large extent among Diaspora Jews as well. Secular Zionism represented a blending of modernity with Jewishness that involved neither the assimilationism of the radical anti-Orthodox "reformers" among Jews in the Diaspora nor traditional Orthrodox rejectionism of modernity. It had achieved this via the engineering of "Israeliness," which was a new phase of identity for Jews who lived inside their own Jewish state. "Israeliness" was ever-so-modern, with high-tech industries cropping up everywhere like mushrooms, with European standards of living and lifestyles, with prestigious universities and scientific institutions, not to mention a military of legendary prowess. And all this was taking place inside a state whose raison d'etre was its Jewishness, its serving as a national home for Jews.
Certainly Israeliness had its problems, not least of which was a dubious, if not outright hostile, attitude towards Jewish tradition. Israel's intellectual, journalistic, academic and artistic elites long displayed a deep animosity towards matters of religion and towards religious people, an antipathy shared by parts of the broader secularist population. This hostility was fanned in part by resentment at the powers of the politicized religious Establishment. Anti-Orthodox bigotry has long been the primary form of bigotry in the country. It escalated after the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin by a religious law student, and it found perhaps its greatest expression in the surprising electoral achievements of the Shinui Party, reconstituted as an anti-Orthodox Party under the leadership of Joseph "Tommy" Lapid..
Beyond knee-jerk hostility to Jewish religion and tradition, "Israeliness" also had other dubious roots. There was always a strong "Canaanite" trend present in Israeli society, especially among its intellectual elite, which insisted that Israelis represented a new "post-Jewish" nationality, and so were essentially an altogether non-Jewish ethnic group. (The "Canaanites" were a movement of Israelis in the 1950s and thereafter who attempted to detach Israeliness from Jewishness and create a new "non-denominational" Hebrew-speaking "nationality" of "Israelis", one that could encompass the Arabs as well.) As such, these new "Canaanized Israelis" believed they had little in common with Diaspora Jews and even less with Diaspora history. Many a "Canaanized" Israeli Jew insisted that he had far more in common with the Druse and Bedouins of the country than he did with any Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn. Another of the many forms of backlash against Diaspora Jewishness was a ferocious hostility to Yiddish.
In the first decades of its existence, the celebration of "Israeliness" in Israel took many forms, including those that downplayed the role of Jewishness in the state. The Israeli school curriculum at secular schools, where the majority of Israeli children attend, was largely stripped of Jewish content. Jewish history in the typical Israel school ended at Masada or with Bar-Kochba and then mysteriously rematerialized at the first Zionist Congress in Basel. Jewish religion, other than the Bible, was eliminated almost altogether from the curriculum, except in the religious schools. The result is that today many an Israeli teenager cannot complete the sentence that begins with the words "Shma Yisrael", and few can correctly explain what the Amida is.
The celebration of Israeliness was also widely believed to offer the ultimate path towards resolution of Arab-Jewish differences. After all, there was no reason why Arabs could not follow the example of the more "Canaanite" Jews and embrace with enthusiasm the new "Israeliness", an "Israeliness" that would transcend religion and pre-Israeli ethnicity or denomination.
National challenges and deluded "Canaanitism" aside, until recently few would have questioned the basic conclusion that secular Zionism was an unqualified Jewish national success. The leadership in the state of Israel may have been filled with certain self-delusions, but ordinary Israelis were not assimilating into any alien gentile ethnicity or nationality as were so many Diaspora Jews. Israelis would always remain Jews, even if only deluded Jews knowing little about Judaism. Hebrew was their everyday language of communications. Jewish holidays were the bank holidays. Jewish symbols were the symbols of state. Moreover the secular Zionist merging of Judaism with modernity appeared to be stable for the very long run. It was not threatened by modernity even in its most extreme forms.
The axioms concerning the ability of secular Zionism to overcome the traditional threats to Jews of anti-Semitism, assimilationism and self-hatred came crashing back down to earth in the 1990s. There emerged inside Israel a movement of mass Jewish anti-Semitism, which effectively exerted its hegemony, first over the radical Left and the chattering classes of Israeli academia and journalism, and ultimately over the entire country in the form of the Leftist Ascendancy. Under this Leftist Ascendancy, the Left has continued to exercise control over much of national policy making, even when it is in opposition, indeed even when coalitions headed by the Likud have held power.
The rapid growth of Jewish anti-Semitism inside Israel during the "Oslo era" raises serious questions about just how successful secular Zionism really was. The Oslo era was accompanied by a massive assault on Israel's pride and confidence by its own leaders. Israeli intellectuals lectured the country about its original sinfulness. Israeli campuses were flooded with "New Historians" and "Post-Zionists", pseudo-academics rewriting history texts and school curriculum to promote the Arab "narrative" and the Arab version of history, the moral equivalents of Holocaust Deniers in other countries. Israeli politicians in the 1990s leapt forward, ready to strip the country of all of its Jewish national emblems, from the star on the flag to the words of the national anthem. And after 1300 years of discrimination against Jews by Arabs, Israeli politicians were implementing "reverse discrimination" programs, under which Arabs received preferences and Jews suffered quotas.
One after the other, Israeli politicians during the early and mid-1990s mouthed the post-modernist gibberish of the anti-Israel choruses from overseas, about how Israelis needed to stop ruling over another "people", had to learn to understand the "other", had to commemorate the "tragedies" the Jews had imposed upon the innocent Arabs and so make restitution. If no Palestinian people had ever existed in history, Israeli politicians were determined to invent one for peace.
World anti-Semitism exploded as a direct consequence of Israel's own politicians granting lip service and credibility to the anti-Jewish canards that had always been the propaganda underpinnings for hatred of Israel, including Israeli official acquiescence in accepting the rhetoric of the anti-Semites. Here were Israeli leaders agreeing that Israel was indeed a colonial "conqueror" and "outsider", an "oppressor" of Palestinians and the cause of Palestinian "suffering". Here were Israel's own leaders confirming that Palestinian barbarism and atrocities were ultimately the fault of Israeli "occupation" and Jewish insensitivity.
While Jewish assimilationism in the Diaspora has often been termed "self-hatred", the expression is misleading. Diaspora assimilationists are generally people who are simply indifferent to their Jewishness and want nothing to do with Judaism. They generally do not actively wish Jews harm (although there are some exceptions). Going further back in history, Jewish assimilationists were in general simply socially-mobile people, willing to jettison their Jewishness in exchange for opening of career doors and access to positions of status closed to Jews. By and large, these were not people who hated other Jews, although of course there were always some exceptions among these as well.
The Oslo era in Israel however saw the emergence, perhaps for the first time in history, of virulent and literal anti-Jewish bigotry among the intellectual, media and political Jewish elites of Israel. Israeli universities became petri dishes for Jewish anti-Zionists and anti-Semites, "Post-Jewish" leftist extremists openly collaborating with the enemies of their own country in time of war, people openly advocating the elimination of their own country and its merger into some sort of Palestinian state. Israeli campuses became in large part the occupied territories of the Leftist Ascendancy. There are today Israeli professors and lecturers who openly serve as Court Jews for the worst anti-Semites on the planet, including Islamist fundamentalists, neonazis and Holocaust Deniers. Israeli leftist faculty members tour the world, denouncing Israel before audiences of anti-Semites as a nazi, fascist, terrorist, criminal, apartheid country, engaged in systematic human rights atrocities.
Increasing numbers of self-hating Israeli academics openly call for Israeli national existence to be ended and for Israel to be replaced with a single state with an Arab majority and PLO hegemony. Israeli left-wing professors turn out mountains of anti-Israel and anti-Jewish political propaganda, often passing it off as "scholarly research." It is an open secret that on campus, leftist extremists with laughable and ludicrous publication records get hired, tenured and promoted, as acts of solidarity by other leftist faculty already inside the system. Israeli university governance is notoriously corrupt and politicized. Some of these tenured leftists then tour the world urging anti-Semites to boycott all of Israel, including the very same academic institutions in which they are employed and from which they draw salaries.
The campus was not the only headquarters for Jewish self-hatred. In the 1990s the Israeli public school system was also conscripted into proliferating anti-Israel pro-Arab ideology. Israeli politicians from the Left and some leftist "academics" seriously proposed that Israel create a National "Naqba Day", in which it atone for the very fact of its creation and the "catastrophe" that this creation caused to Palestinian Arabs. "Naqba Day" events are increasing common on Israeli campuses and occasionally in Israeli public schools. Israel is the only country on the planet in which schools and colleges regularly hold symposia devoted to expressions of mourning and remorse that the country in which they live exists at all, and in which they barely hide their desire to see their country annihilated.
The Israeli media has long operated under the nearly complete hegemony of the Far Left, a unique form of quasi-totalitarianism operating within the overall framework of a country with democratic institutions. The Israeli media have by and large taken their cues from the Academic Left, and campus Newspeak, including "postmodernist" gibberish, is now a regular part of the daily journalistic dose. Israel's daily newspapers have served as regular bludgeons against the country, promoting Arab propaganda as editorial and Op-Ed opinion and often even as news, blaming Israeli obstinacy and mistreatment of Arabs for all of the problems of the world.
Haaretz long ago ceased to be a newspaper or an organ of political pluralism, and operates as an instrument of Far-Leftist political indoctrination. Yediot Ahronot is only slight less biased. Maariv is the only Hebrew newspaper that maintains any semblance of pluralism, and even it is often much more often a platform for the Left than for the Non-Left. The three Israeli television stations compete against one another over which is the furthest to the Left and which can employ the largest number ofleftist political commentators. The main form of political pluralism in radio broadcasting ended when the Sharon government shut down Arutz 7.
The main manifestations of the Leftist Ascendancy have been the universities and the media, but other institutions, such as the Supreme Court, the intelligence services, and much of the officer class in the military, have also come under its sway. A large part of the secret of the success of the Ascendancy is the enormous funding it openly receives from institutions and people outside the country, those for whom Israel's best interests are decidedly NOT part of their agenda. Picayune "organizations", some of them communist front, are flooded with funding and fill the press and billboards with large political ads.
And Jewish anti-Semitism is more and more openly the driving force behind the fundamentalist theology of the Leftist Ascendancy. This obsession with self-flagellation among the Ascendant Leftists has produced a situation whereby each and every atrocity committed by Arabs, without exception, is greeted with calls from the Israeli chattering classes for MORE concessions and appeasements. Some, including the tenured extremists at the universities, go so far as to justify and celebrate Arab acts of terror as necessary to force Israelis to come to their senses and make peace.
For the past 12 years the Israeli elites have lived in a make-pretend world in which Jews are to blame for everything and Arabs are merely expressing "frustrations" at being "mistreated" for so many years by Jews. The fact that no Arabs ever launched any intifada in Arab countries, wherein their treatment by Arab regimes has always infinitely worse than by Israel (even if all Arab accusations against Israel are accepted at face value), never seems to matter to any of them.
The psychological war by Israel's elites against national pride, dignity and self-respect, indeed against national existence, has long been accompanied by a set of diplomatic policies expressing little more than self-loathing. Every atrocity by the Palestinians is greeted with new offers of concessions and goodwill gestures from Israel, which has been pursuing a policy holding that no act of Arab violence should go unrewarded. Ehud Barak surrendered to Hizbollah terror and withdrew Israeli troops from Lebanon, and, in so doing placed all of northern Israel, including the Haifa Bay and its refineries, within range of Hizbollah rockets. Israel rewarded decades of Syria's aggression, Holocaust Denial, harboring of German war criminals, and terrorism through its Hizbollah surrogates by offering to grant Syria not only the Golan Heights but also parts of pre-1967 Israel, with access to the waters of the Sea of Galilee.
The national policy of self-abasement was accepted with equanimity by much of the Israeli public, hoping against hope that the Osloid politicians promising light at the end of the appeasement tunnel would prove correct. The very same nation that had defeated the Arab hordes in 1948-9, in the Suez Campaign, in the Six Day War and in the Yom Kippur War, now morphed into whining defeatists. The one avenue for making peace that was declared by the elite as unthinkable was "Peace through Military Victory" over the country's tormentors. And all the while Israel's own government was subsidizing the venomous anti-Zionist extremists at the Israeli universities and elsewhere.
For thirty years or so after Israel's creation, few would have challenged the idea that secular Zionism had achieved an unqualified success in its begetting the new "Israeli". Israeli Jews were at last "normal" citizens of their own country, patriotic to the point of being insufferable, proud to the point of hubris, confident in themselves and in their military, sure of their moral justifiability. And then, just a few years later, these same Israelis were reduced to begging Yassir Arafat to allow his terrorist squad leaders to meet with Israeli army officers in order to maintain the facade of a "peace process" still operating. Israeli politicians were abandoning any pretense of conditioning further concessions to the Arabs on their abstaining from violence. Israeli leaders and intellectuals were endorsing the principle of Israel paying reparations and tribute to the very same Arabs who had attacked them and lost.
The 1990s were the era in which it became evident that a great many Israelis and most of the Israeli elite had lost their will to survive as a nation. After centuries in which Diaspora Jews maintained the most militant sorts of pride and self-assurance even while being mistreated, despised and humiliated, here were the Israelis of Oslo, possessing one of the great armies of the world, abandoning all pride and explicitly promoting self-humiliation. The same Israeli military that had rescued the Jewish hostages in Entebbe, Uganda, was suddenly incapable of rescuing a wounded IDF soldier bleeding to death in Joseph's Tomb in Nablus or protecting children under fire in Jerusalem neighborhoods. McClellenism had replaced audacity as the calling card of the Israeli Defense Forces. Here was an Israel unwilling to use force to prevent Palestinians from firing rifles, mortars and rockets into civilian homes, and instead was asking to hold talks with those doing the shooting, to work out differences and reach understandings.
An Israel less than two generations after the Holocaust was suddenly willing to hold "peace talks" with people who deny there ever was a Holocaust and who insist that Jews use the blood of gentile children to make Passover matzos. The same Jews who fought against enormous odds and won in 1948 were acquiescing in a "peace process" that involved unilateral peace gestures from Israel in exchange for the Arabs continuing to make war against the Jews.
The most fundamental question for this new Post-Oslo era requiring clear answers is how Israel could have allowed itself to pursue the Oslo peace process in the first place. The answers are very likely to point to the central role of Jewish anti-Semitism and self-hatred.
The great mystery about the Oslo "peace process" is not why it failed, which by now should be fairly obvious to anyone besides fundamentalist theocratic leftists, but why anyone in Israel could have been persuaded in the first place that it might succeed. Secular Zionism was supposed to "normalize" the Jewish people. I do not believe that the Oslo Debacle can be explained without noting the role of Jewish anti-Semitism in its implementation.
In the 1990s, we observed the leaders of Israel from the Israel Labor Party, together with the more radical elements within the Israeli Left, insisting that peaceful relations with the Arabs could only be achieved through a long process of Jewish self-deprecation, self-denial and self-humiliation. Israel's political elite claimed that peace could be achieved through Israel agreeing to turn over its heartland to terrorists, that security could be achieved by the abandonment of security and by Israel distancing itself from its own Jewish roots. They insisted throughout the 1990s that if only Israel would jettison its traditional defense policies and instead trust to the goodwill that would be generated by making concessions to the Palestinians, Jordanians, and the Syrians, then peace would break out. They convinced themselves that military force was obsolete and played no further role, this in the most barbarous region of the planet. They convinced themselves that peace could only be achieved through appeasement of evil and accommodation of anti-Semitism.
In the early 1990s, Yassir Arafat and the PLO leadership were far off in Tunisia, whither they had been banished as a result of the devastatingly victorious, if highly controversial, Israeli military campaign in Lebanon in 1982. The world - or at least the United States - had made its peace with the Israeli position that the PLO was not an acceptable partner in any Arab-Israeli peace talks and that the most that Palestinian Arabs could hope for would be a limited autonomy in parts of the "occupied territories", with no role for the PLO. The intifada violence that had begun in the late 1980s was essentially finished, with less and less incidents by the month and with terrorists so desperate for materiel they were concocting their own zip guns out of household materials, where Palestinian explosives were far more likely to kill the preparer than anyone else. True, Israeli troops were harassed by Palestinians throwing rocks, but this was a harassment that could have been ended at any time through a firmer response, albeit one with some fleeting public relations costs. The rock throwing generally threatened neither the soldiers nor the existence of the state of Israel.
But into this picture of near-pastoral tranquility came the Oslo "peace process" and snatched defeat out of the jaws of victory. It was based upon the proposition that economic interests and consumerism had replaced military power as the determinants of international relations in the post-modern world. It sought to reduce tensions with the Palestinian Arabs, who had just been defeated in their intifada, by importing the PLO's leadership into the "occupied territories" and then allowing it to arm itself and build up an army in the suburbs of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. The Israeli government provided many thousands of rifles to Palestinian terrorists sworn to destroying the country and enormous bankrolls.
Seven years after the "peace process" had begun, Prime Minister Ehud Barak was negotiating handing over to the PLO the Old City of Jerusalem, including control over the Western Wall, in addition to slabs of pre-1967 Israeli territory in the Negev -- all this while the PLO murdered Jews every day. The PLO's response to this obsequiousness was to launch a war against Israel in the form of the "Al-Aqsa Intifada".
Today, as a direct result of the imposition of Oslo by the Leftist Ascendancy in Israel, the army of tens of thousands of PLO soldiers possesses anti-aircraft missiles that threaten Israeli civilian and military air traffic. About 1400 Israelis have been murdered as a direct result of the implementation of the policies of the Left, with tens of thousands of other lives broken and embittered. An entire generation of Israeli Jewish children has been traumatized. The PLO terrorists now possess anti-tank weapons, al-Kassam rockets and katyusha missiles. They have shelled civilian areas inside pre-1967 Israel. The Gaza Strip is today a large mortar and explosives factory. The goodwill measures of Israel have produced a campaign of Nazi-like hatred led by the PLO, of which the world has seen no parallel since the 1940s, down to and including virulent Holocaust Denial accompanied by Holocaust justification (never mind the contradiction).
Every single prediction by the pro-Oslo camp has proved itself incorrect and every single warning by the opponents of Oslo has proved correct. The PLO was never interested in resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict through compromise. That was a delusion of Israel's politicians. "Land for peace" was always a formula for peace that the Israeli elite insisted the Arabs accepted, but never something to which the Arabs themselves agreed. The PLO's ambition in establishing itself in the West Bank and Gaza was simply to use those areas as staging grounds for attacks against Israel, precisely as the demonized opponents of Oslo had predicted. These terror attacks are in the hope of ultimately drawing the Arab countries into a new full-scale Arab-Israeli war, possibly one involving weapons of mass destruction.
The fact that leftist politics in Israel is more theology than ideology should be evident to all, and is in the response by the Left to the countless proofs that its thinking before 1992 was completely incorrect. In the early 1990s opponents to Oslo were demonized and declared deluded fanatics, people who simply hated peace. History has proven these "fanatics" not only correct but downright optimists.
Today the Israeli Left responds to each and every atrocity by demanding that Israel continue to seek to appease its way to a peace accord. The Left is insisting that new formulas and new concessions be offered, so that - at long last - a "permanent deal" can be signed with Arafat and his stormtroopers. The strength of the Leftist Ascendancy is evident in the fact that even leader after leader from the Likud has agreed to operate within the framework of leftist axioms and "thinking," down to and including repeated unilateral ceasefires, offers of unilateral "withdrawals," and endless "goodwill gestures." The power of leftist theology is so strong that even Likud governments seek to implement its policies of "peace through appeasement", where the preferred strategy for dealing with terror is concessions and niceness, rather than harshness and utilization of armed force.
The Leftist Ascendancy indubitably lies behind the cognitive dissonance that characterizes Israelis at the beginning of the twenty-first century, best exhibited in the fact that the vast majority of those who support continuation of the "peace process" also insist they believe that Arafat will follow any deal signed with more terror and more attacks on Israel and that the PLO will violate any future deals it signs.
Future historians will find it a daunting challenge to explain how it could have been that the Jews, often stereotyped as the smartest humans on the planet and with more Nobel Prize winners than any other group, could have allowed themselves to be snookered into the Oslo accords. How could seemingly intelligent people place their faith in such absurdities? No "normal" people would voluntarily entrust its national security to a group of Islamofascist terrorists and endanger its very existence because of a belief that internet services and consumerism had made defense and territory superfluous. No "nation" on earth would tolerate such a thing. Why did Israelis? The only possible explanation is that the Israelis who pursued Oslo were not really a nation. They had never really developed a national consciousness, but had been merely play-acting all along.
In fact, the entire Oslo episode of Jewish history is an indicator not only of the silliness and shallowness of Israeli politicians, but of something far deeper and far more ominous. Very simply stated, the Oslo "peace process" was the byproduct of Israeli self-hatred and Jewish assimilationism inside Zion. And Oslo may very well also indicate that secular Zionism has failed.
The failure of secular Zionism is one and the same with the crisis of "Israeliness". Oslo has shown how shallow and empty is the whole enterprise known as secular "Israeliness". In its bid to replace traditional Jewish identity with civic Israeliness, with Hebrew-speaking consumerism and post-Jewish civil patriotism, secular Zionism has in fact created a bizarre new entity riddled with confusion regarding its own identity, increasingly dominated by defeatists and "post-Zionists" exhibiting virulent self-hatred and self-abasement, willing to blame itself for all of the problems created by Arab aggression and fascism, and all too willing to sacrifice its national interests upon pagan alters of political correctness.
In the nineteenth century, much of the original opposition to Zionism by the religious leaders of Europe was based on their allegation that secular Zionism was thinly-disguised assimilationism dressed up in nationalist symbolism. How ironic it will be if history books record that the last decade of the twentieth century and the first of the twenty-first proved them essentially correct.
Much of the problem can be traced to the bankrupt notion that some sort of Israeliness can exist separate from Jewishness. This is the strange form of "assimilationism" that has resulted from the attempt to create a "Post-Jewish" Israel. No Israeliness well-anchored in Jewishness could have sanctioned a set of policies based on the proposition that violent anti-Semitism was somehow the fault of the Jews and the result of mistreatment of others by Jews. An Israeliness well-grounded in Jewish consciousness would never have given rise to a struggle for acceptance based upon the presumption that people hate Jews because of Jewish sins, selfishness, shortcomings, and misdeeds. Only people detached from and ignorant of Jewish history could have believed that violent anti-Semites can be bought off with promises of high-tech investments and five-star tourist hotels.
Now, in the emerging post-Oslo era, the charade has come to an end. The Leftist Ascendancy and Secular Zionist "Israeliness" have undercut the will to survive and very legitimacy of the State of Israel. They are what gave birth to the pathology of self-deception and self-loathing that produced the Oslo phenomenon.
January 15, 2009 8:42 AM
Blogger bruce said...
Imagine Cracker mAss & Co going below $5, who would have guessed??
January 15, 2009 8:46 AM
Blogger bruce said...
Umpqua & CAcb getting bitch slapped today, must be all that fucking BEND land going back to the bank.
Never been a better time to quit paying payments on under-water loans due to be called.
Hello Texas Ratio soon to be at the critical 100 mark.
The end is near.
Could you all imagine 'Bend' losing its "LIQUIDITY"???
Remember just a week ago CACB told MERENDA "NO MORE CHOCOLATE".
The fudge packing of AIPAC elitists running Bend is over, now theft now will have to fall back to the old fashion way.
AIPAC elitists selling worthless-free land to the City, and AIPAC elitists buying 'cheap' but valuable land from COCC.
January 15, 2009 8:51 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
How to tell fake bruce from real bruce quickly:
Mouse over the blue name bruce. Look at the bottom of your browser in your status bar. If the link ends in 84, its fake bruce and can be ignored. If it ends in 41, its real bruce and at least warrants a read.
The bruce impostering is becoming ridiculous and fucking boorish.
January 15, 2009 9:04 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
SocGen predicts US depression and Chinese trade war. Hate to pile on.
January 15, 2009 9:32 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"Mouse over the blue name bruce. Look at the bottom of your browser in your status bar. If the link ends in 84, its fake bruce and can be ignored. If it ends in 41, its real bruce and at least warrants a read."
And why are the real bruce comments worth reading and not the fake bruce comments?
I judge all comments based upon the character of their content, not on the color of their name.
I think everybody should comment as bruce, then everybody would be equal.
January 15, 2009 10:07 AM
Blogger hbm said...
"The bruce impostering is becoming ridiculous and fucking boorish."
I respectfully disagree.
The many bruce comments (both real and imagined) are quite provocative and interesting. This has been a great week for me to remove myself from the dialogue and just read the many great comments.
January 15, 2009 10:10 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
>And why are the real bruce comments worth reading and not the fake bruce comments?
Have you fucking read them? I actually searched for a Fireworks plugin that would ignore all comments from a particular user. Unfortunately, none exist.
January 15, 2009 10:22 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
This blog has gone to shit this week.
This is why most blogs eventually adopt comment moderation.
Kind of like why for FREE MARKETS to work, you must have some regulation.
Some rules of the game.
Otherwise a small number of people (one person) destroys the whole thing.
I agree with the person who said:
"I actually searched for a Fireworks plugin that would ignore all comments from a particular user"
Keep searching!
Certainly we can't depend on Homer to delete all the bullshit.
Keep the focus on the economy.
Keep the focus on Central Oregon.
If you don't have anything to say about these two topics, then say NOTHING at all.
January 15, 2009 10:31 AM
Blogger tim said...
Is this a fake buster coming here making the site boring so no one reads it anymore?
I'm really skeptical that real buster would drive people away like this.
January 15, 2009 10:32 AM
Blogger bruce said...
Wonder if Dunc wants to pay Chuck Arnold to close off his street:
Downtown Bend Business Association wants a new fee structure
Downtown Bend businesses that are not members of the Downtown Bend Business Association could see a spike in their Economic Improvement District fees this spring, while those that are members would see their fees drop under a new plan proposed at a regular monthly meeting Wednesday.
If supported by at least two-thirds of downtown property owners and passed by the Bend City Council in March, the new three-year EID levy would require all downtown businesses to pay for membership in the association, said Chuck Arnold, executive director.
EID fees pay for all those things that a visitor to downtown Bend might take for granted, including flower baskets, holiday lights and snow removal. Events organized by the association, such as Art Hop, Oktoberfest and sidewalk sales, also would be in jeopardy if the extension of the EID is not passed, Arnold said. So would the executive director’s salary.
The EID was created in 2007 by a vote of the property owners who elected to assess themselves 11 cents per square foot of commercial space to improve downtown. Those costs can be passed onto to business owners through their rent. If renewed, the new levy would be 15 cents per square foot, Arnold said.
Downtown Bend Business Association members, comprised of about 60 percent of the estimated 200 downtown businesses, pay the association dues that benefit the entire downtown, he said.
“There is no question that these are challenging times, but the majority of business owners will see a reduction in their fees because we will spread this around,” he said.
EID costs would increase 4 cents per square foot for nonmembers. For a 1,200-square-foot commercial space, for example, association dues would rise 36 percent, from $132 per year to $180 per year.
A dues-paying member with a 1,200-square-foot property, who would pay the same $132 in EID fees plus about $400 in dues under the current arrangement, would pay the same $180 per year under the new EID, a 66 percent decrease, according to Arnold.
For it or against it
Support from downtown business and property owners at the meeting appeared solidly in Arnold’s favor.
“Bend’s downtown looks great,” said Bill Pon, a property owner and commercial broker for Lowe’s Commercial Properties. “Beautification is a vital part of downtown and it is important to keep it in place as we move forward.”
Past efforts to beautify downtown without a special district designed to do so have failed, said Karen Letourneau, owner of Bend Bungalow, a home and gift store on Wall Street.
“We’ve tried the volunteer approach and it doesn’t work,” Letourneau said. “That is why we have to do this. It’s a great proposal.”
A pair of nonmembers who were not at the meeting said they were opposed to any fee hikes, especially during tough economic times.
“I think it’s a bad move,” said Rob Butler, owner of Bend Mapping & Blueprint on Bond Street. Butler has owned the business, which has been in Bend since the 1970s, since 2005, he said.
Last year, Butler paid $316 in EID fees, which he said would go up at the same time revenues are down if the measure passed.
“If it did what it was supposed to do, it would be fine, but it does not,” he said.
Downtown events and beautification efforts have not helped his business, Butler said. In fact, downtown events often lead to less business, he said.
“I think the association has good points and good value if its intent is to help promote business, rather than just creating a look for downtown. But we’re going to beautify a bunch of empty buildings the way this (recession) is going,” he said.
Wendy Sexton, owner of Trivia Antiques on the corner of Bond Street and Minnesota Avenue since 1984, said she cannot afford any more fees.
“Whatever happens, I get the cost passed on to me,” she said. “I can’t afford the rent as it is.”
Isn't this taxation without representation? Called a fee, of course.
January 15, 2009 10:35 AM
Blogger bruce said...
Speaking of the BULL, I thought it was pretty funny they put El Gordo's pic up with that article on SCHIP being tripled, since he isn't actually in the Senate anymore...
Costa is so blatant it's pretty funny. Great oped from Krauthammer in today's BULL, too, basically saying exterminate all Gazans or Israel won't be safe. The BULL is farther right than the OC Register, which I thought was impossible.
January 15, 2009 10:41 AM
Blogger bruce said...
Re: I'm really skeptical that real buster would drive people away like this.
Been wondering the same thing at times...
January 15, 2009 10:42 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
>>>I'm really skeptical that real buster would drive people away like this.
At least real Buster cares about Bend and can relate thoughts back to it sooner or later. The fake Bruce is just an idiot.
January 15, 2009 10:48 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Probably a Realtor or builder trying to shoo people from the truth (with the inflammatory Gaza distraction).
Pretty common nowadays on lots of blogs. And yes, some people have to moderate or lose all readers as the troll dominates.
January 15, 2009 10:53 AM
Blogger LavaBear said...
At least Pork Chop was humorous with his made up shit. Fake Bruce isn't worth engaging in conversation.
Cracker ass just might skip the 4 handle all together and head right on to the 3's.
January 15, 2009 11:00 AM
Blogger bruce said...
Some real news about the City:
John Russell is no longer a city employee. He's contracting with the City, and Jerry Mitchell seems to be in charge of the Econ Dev/Urban Renewal department. That's a major surprise.
January 15, 2009 11:05 AM
Blogger bruce said...
That Financial Week article somebody posted the link to above is well worth a read:
More good news: Depression, stock rout ahead, says SocGen
Strategist Edwards sees 40% plunge in S&P, looming trade war with China; market to 'slide sharply
January 15, 2009 9:08 AM ET
Societe Generale said on Thursday that the United States’ economy looks likely to enter a depression and China’s could implode.
In a highly bearish note, veteran cross-asset strategist Albert Edwards said investors should now cut equity exposure after a turn-of-the-year rally and prepare for a rout.
He predicted that the S&P 500 index of U.S. stocks could be set for a fall of around 40% from recent levels.
Mr. Edwards also raised the danger of a global trade war with China.
“While economic data in developed economies increasingly reflects depression rather than a deep recession, the real surprise in 2009 may lie elsewhere,” Mr. Edwards wrote.
“It is becoming clear that the Chinese economy is imploding and this raises the possibility of regime change. To prevent this, the authorities would likely devalue the yuan. A subsequent trade war could see a re-run of the Great Depression.”
Mr. Edwards has long been one of the most bearish analysts in London, first with Dresdner Kleinwort and then with SocGen.
But he called in October for clients to increase their exposure to equities, which he said were due a rebound.
“We believe that the market is (now) set to quickly slide sharply toward our 500 target for the S&P,” he said.
The S&P 500 is currently at 842, up about 14 % since hitting a low in November.
January 15, 2009 11:11 AM
Blogger bruce said...
CACB 4.36
Volume almost triple the average. Patti must be in full war room mode by now.
January 15, 2009 11:13 AM
Blogger bruce said...
CACB's low today: 4.08
January 15, 2009 11:15 AM
Blogger bruce said...
Looking at the individual trades in the last hour, it looks like CACB is buying it's own shares on 100 share upticks to bring the price back up by the end of the day. The CACB meteorite may yet enter the atmosphere and burn up.
January 15, 2009 11:18 AM
Blogger Duncan McGeary said...
The hassle is getting to be too much.
I just don't want to scroll down all those useless messages anymore.
Time to find more useful sites, I guess.
I say this not in anger but sadness.
January 15, 2009 11:34 AM
Blogger hbm said...
I say this not in anger but sadness.
Yes. Sadness.
Perhaps me & Dunc and bruce should start our own Bend Blog, not just on the RE implosion, but all things Bend. With moderation to kill the trolls.
January 15, 2009 11:44 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I know. Sadly, this site once was more useful then BEBB. It's not anymore. Over there they delete, over here they obfuscate. BEBB2 is useless as there is no traffic, and Porkchop is the only one that posts there.
January 15, 2009 11:48 AM
Blogger bruce said...
Re: I just don't want to scroll down all those useless messages anymore.
Dunc, do what I do--hit the END key and them PG UP until you run into the nonsense. You skip most of it pretty quick. A lot faster than scrolling down.
I tend to post in clusters, as should be obvious by now. When I need a break or have a little extra time.
January 15, 2009 11:50 AM
Blogger tim said...
>>Dunc, do what I do--hit the END key and them PG UP until you run into the nonsense. You skip most of it pretty quick. A lot faster than scrolling down.
Then you lose comments that are wedged between Gaza crap.
The messages might as well have been deleted.
If we give up, though, the Realtor troll wins.
January 15, 2009 11:56 AM
Blogger LavaBear said...
>If we give up, though, the Realtor troll wins.
I was hoping he would jump back onto the "nofollow" bandwagon because that was soooo much more interesting than the gaza crap.
January 15, 2009 12:08 PM
Anonymous hbm said...
Perhaps me & Dunc and bruce should start our own Bend Blog, not just on the RE implosion, but all things Bend. With moderation to kill the trolls.
I didn't post that, but I agree with it. In a misguided interpretation of "free speech" Homer has allowed his blog to become infested with morons who evidently spend the evening getting shitfaced at the brewpub and then spend the night posting incoherent rants here.
Aaron Switzer tries his best to keep trolls out of the Wandering Eye blog, which naturally infuriates the trolls. Too fucking bad. Such people have nothing worthwhile to contribute and only use the blog to vent their hate and hostility.
January 15, 2009 12:26 PM
Blogger tim said...
Seems like Dunc's blog is fine the way it is.
January 15, 2009 1:59 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Aaron Switzer tries his best to keep trolls out of the Wandering Eye blog, which naturally infuriates the trolls. Too fucking bad. Such people have nothing worthwhile to contribute and only use the blog to vent their hate and hostility.
Aaron doesn't have any thing to do with keep the eye clean on non-hbm correct material, hbm is the person who does all the deleting.
One persons spam is another persons ham
We already have a group community that is 'moderated' by hbm, its called the sore-eye, those that want it know where to go, or do you need a link?
January 15, 2009 2:05 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
So there you go, get homer to book-mark the above, and anybody that wants to be deleted and moderated by HBM 24/7 can be happy. Shit we already have the BEBB board moderated by rdc/bendbb, there are so many paradises already.
Why the fuck does free speech and non-moderation ( CONTROL ) fucking drive HBM into a fucking AIPAC conniption?
Because Swizter, Miller, ... et-al are AIPAC whores and they want everyone to be moderated but themselves.
Want to see where HBM moderation will lead?? Just visit the top link and read the 'controlled' HBM topical drivel that his world permits.
January 15, 2009 2:08 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
When HBM worked as a journalist 10+ years ago at the BULL he was the worst fucking writer in history.
He was always Bob Woodwards little boy, even being older as he is.
Then he retired from the BULL and now works for peanuts where he bores people out of their fucking mind.
Anybody that needs their dose of HBM knows where to go, the real question is WHY the fuck does HBM come here? I can tell you why.
Material. HBM is a fucking loser idiot, that never made a nickel in his life, and today he's an old fucking loser, and in his misery wants everyone to be fucking miserable just like him.
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Anonymous Anonymous said...
I just don't want to scroll down all those useless messages anymore.
Time to find more useful sites, I guess.
I say this not in anger but sadness.
Good ridden's dunc ( Ned Kiss Ass Flanders ) you and fucking HBM have promised to leave for fucking years, you both OWN already your own MODERATED sites, and but you keep coming back here?
January 15, 2009 2:15 PM
Anonymous hbm said...
This DEMANDING Homer to moderate this site is endless, its been going on forever, its about a interesting as 'nofollow'
But no-follow has been solved, with the bendmoron mirror.
The ISRAEL SHEEEEEET will end when ISRAEL quits being assholes,
The purpose of this blog is to debate the bend economy, but 90% of the time HBM posts the top is that were a bunch of vile assholes, and he writes the same shit about this group over at the sore-eye.
You got to fucking admit before the AIPAC shit got tossed nobody got into a fucking conniption.
The truth must be told, that Summit-1031 dumped a ton of money into Zion-Ministries, that its big part of Bend, that Merkley and Wyden (OR SEN) are both owned by AIPAC.
January 15, 2009 2:20 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
So there you go, get homer to book-mark the above, and anybody that wants to be deleted and moderated by HBM 24/7 can be happy. Shit we already have the BEBB board moderated by rdc/bendbb, there are so many paradises already.
Why the fuck does free speech and non-moderation ( CONTROL ) fucking drive HBM into a fucking AIPAC conniption?
Because Swizter, Miller, ... et-al are AIPAC whores and they want everyone to be moderated but themselves.
Want to see where HBM moderation will lead?? Just visit the top link and read the 'controlled' HBM topical drivel that his world permits.
January 15, 2009 2:21 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Seems like Dunc's blog is fine the way it is.
Dunc never deletes anything, the problem is four hours can go by between approval and latency kills discussion, it must be real time.
Like it or not for some reason all the dogs come back to this rock, and freedom is the reason.
The dog-cops ( hbm, rdc, ... ) will always be around, but they already have their sites where they can delete all content.
January 15, 2009 2:24 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Pretty common nowadays on lots of blogs. And yes, some people have to moderate or lose all readers as the troll dominates.
Yeh, heavens know that Buster & Homer have always made it priority one to make this place comfy for newbies, we invited them to party's, and never call names, ... Loving people and making them feel comfortable is why we have so many people here and we all like each other, ... right?
FUCK YOU. We have always said what we feel here about everything, if you can't handle it then go to the one of the 99% of the blogs in BEND that are censored.
Why is it that HBM ( anonymous ) has declared war on this blog?? He has demonized this site for six months at the SORE-EYE, and now ...
HOMER doesn't give a FUCK about what anyone thinks, and he knows that moderation ( CONTROL/CENSORSHIP ) will kill this fucking rock, and the REAL fucking people who can't handle the TRUTH would love to see this group disband.
Lastly, its been forever that Tim, Lava, or Quim have had anything interesting to say why is that?
Marge isn't even herself anymore, she was paranoid months ago, and now her BIO is full on, ... nothing is ever as it appears to be.
HELL FOR two months we had to put up with BRUCE&DUNC post 200 messages / day about the GREAT OREO, ... it was NAUSEATING, but NOBODY ever called for censorship, DUNC actually had a fucking nervous break-down.
Today the PUSSY try's to be house of reason. Even the PUSSY's site is NOT moderated, and still nobody ever touches it.
For what ever reason, people like to PISS on BB2, just let it be, and if you can't handle it, go somewhere else.
January 15, 2009 2:32 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
If it's real buster and not fake troll buster, post fucking links to the Gaza crap.
We can get Gaza crap anywhere. Where's the unmoderated Bend stuff?
January 15, 2009 2:36 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Where's the unmoderated Bend stuff?
The truth must be told, that Summit-1031 dumped a ton of money into Zion-Ministries, that its big part of Bend, that Merkley and Wyden (OR SEN) are both owned by AIPAC.
Sadly BEND is a major source for Israel. Debating the BEND-ECONOMY, and refusing to DISCUSS the crooks behind it, and where all the fucking profit went.
FUCK YOU, we're going to debate the economy, we're going to debate BEND. Summit-1031 just imploded, and the people behind it run the biggest zion-ministry in the country, oh but we can't talk about that.
Some call it a conspiracy theory but Wyden and Merkley go out of their way to project that they're owned by AIPAC.
Westside Christian & Zionism is the BIGGEST fuck CON in BEND, oh but we can't talk about that.
Tell you KUNTS what, lets just make a list of what's not allowed to discuss.
Somebody here has already suggested that, that we should have 'rules'.
I don't like it either, we followed the BEND BUBBLE up, and this is the way down.
TONS of BEND money was grifted by 1031 and given to AIPAC, this is all part of the fucking BEND-BUBBLE puzzle.
Can't handle it? Then go read the BULL-SHIT, and suck COSTA DICK, or hang with HBM and pick butt hairs.
January 15, 2009 2:47 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The PUSSY & HBM, and DUNC, ... have all told us MANY times that 'why' isn't important.
Who, what, when, where, and WHY is journalism.
A newspaper and a journalist should have NO fucking friends.
Today the Nation and BEND is ran by AIPAC. AIPAC runs most US journalism. AIPAC wants to control this blog.
When good men remain silent, ... thats how all fucking dictatorships begin.
This is NOT about being anti-semitic.
AIPAC ain't Jewish, its about MONEY & THEFT, and nothing else.
Mob banks, Mob bank hits, ... yes the MOB runs Bend, and BEND is a MOB town,
January 15, 2009 2:53 PM
Blogger Duncan McGeary said...
"Dunc never deletes anything, the problem is four hours can go by between approval and latency kills discussion, it must be real time."
This is true.
And I'm way more obsessive than most.
Sometimes just the ability to delete is enough.
But, yeah, the immediacy is a big deal.
I don't see this as a censorship issue, but an annoyance issue. It's like porn; I can't define it, but I know it when I see it....
This will make Buster go nuts, but what if there was a way to keep people to one nickname, one sign on name. That would do alot to relieve the confusion. Just knowing its fake bruce, I could scroll down his jewish/arab crap.
No censorship, just the ability to tune out the griefers.
January 15, 2009 2:56 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
How about this.
How about you find a life dunc, and something else to do with your time other than being a mother hen for blogsite's to which you don't control.
I propose that from now on we all call ourselves Dunc, and only discuss 'Griefing'.
We all take turns using the moniker 'hbm', perhaps Dunc ( Ned Flanders ) is jealous that nobody uses his name. That's why we all use 'bruce', and lots of people use 'marge'. Dunc is just pissed that nobody uses his DP ( dunc pussy ).
What is it about the Pussy's? HP,BP,DP??
Griefers differ from typical players in that they do not play the game in order to achieve objectives defined by the game world. ...
10 tips to deal with cyberbullies and griefers who try to hassle or intimidte you or your kids when you play online games.
A griefer, is generally accepted as a person who derives enjoyment from being obstructive, diminishing the enjoyment of others, preventing the enjoyment of ...
Yes once upon a time in BB2 world we all got along, and all sucked each other dick, and all played the game dunc-reality game according to dunc's rules.
Sure Dunc, ...
Your rules suck dick, most of the time just like HBM your not even entertaining, most likely cuz you don't know how to laugh, your just too fucking serious.
January 15, 2009 3:07 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
IT's not a fucking GAME NED-FLANDERS go face fuck yourself on an auto exhaust pipe.
The first fucking rule of BB2 game-land, is there are no fucking rules.
HBM too, can't handle it? Then go to BEBB, or SORE-EYE, where they play games to your world-view.
Long ago I decided that the reason that BEND went to SHIT, is because of people like HBM & DUNC. Old timers that only care about themselves. Dunc's agenda is to take nickels from tourists, HBM's game is to fuck with PUG's. They're all playing their own world-game.
That's the beauty of online, you all can create your own 'second-life', I simply don't see BB2 melding to your world-view reality boyz.
Lastly, your right I am a CYBER-BULLY I blame BEND being fucked way more on DUNC & HBM than I do on homer or apu.
Dunc could have gotten involved and chose not to, and HBM well he just skimmed money on the rise like all the other old timers who fucked Bend.
Should their noses be rubbed in shit 24/7?? HELL-YES,...
Like the link between S-1031 and zion-ministry's, this shit should be rubbbed in BEND's nose 24/7, like producing Suterra Zyklon-B, and spraying on calis, this shit should be rubbed in BEND-NAZI noses 24/7, ...
I am a Griefer.
January 15, 2009 3:15 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Like the link between S-1031 and zion-ministry's, this shit should be rubbbed in BEND's nose 24/7, like producing Suterra Zyklon-B, and spraying on calis, this shit should be rubbed in BEND-NAZI noses 24/7, ...
Nazi's don't like being reminded their nazi's 24/7, ... tough shit, I have to live with the SHIT-HOLE you have made of Bend 24/7, ...
January 15, 2009 3:17 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Your rules suck dick, most of the time just like HBM your not even entertaining, most likely cuz you don't know how to laugh, your just too fucking serious.
I'd laugh if you were even remotely funny. But you aren't. You tend more towards the really fucking stupid side of life. Can't deal with life so it's just childish insults.
January 15, 2009 3:17 PM
Blogger Quimby said...
Original Buster, are you the one posting the crazy shit under Bruce's moniker?
Yes or Fucking NO?
If so, WTF man?! Keep it simple as it's getting tiresome.
January 15, 2009 3:19 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hey big boy what are you doing??
This is the BB2 rock, we don't allow, pitbulls, doby's, or aire-dales to piss here, we only allow toy poodles,
That's it ALL Pussy's are poodles, like tony-blair, ...
Sorry, but the BB2 rock allows all breeds of dogs to piss, don't like it? Then go find another rock.
January 15, 2009 3:24 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Can't deal with life so it's just childish insult..
Tell us about your life mr.anonymous to quote the great pussy.
What is so fucking self important about your life that we can't be child like?
I want you to tell us.
January 15, 2009 3:27 PM
Blogger LavaBear said...
>>>Sorry, but the BB2 rock allows all breeds of dogs to piss, don't like it? Then go find another rock.
I for one 100% agree with that statement. The thing is the gaza crap just went way, way, way too far. I mean if you've spent any amount of time around here you expect too far to happen daily. But the way way way too far was too much. It was just plain stupid and I can get stupid elsewhere.
January 15, 2009 3:30 PM
Blogger tim said...
First of all, I have no interest int Source website. I got deleted once early and I've never felt like going back. Left a bad taste in my mouth, because it seemed extremely arbitrary.
>>The truth must be told, that Summit-1031 dumped a ton of money into Zion-Ministries, that its big part of Bend, that Merkley and Wyden (OR SEN) are both owned by AIPAC.
OK, say it fucking once. Or put it ALL on your blog, over and over and over and then link to it.
There are no rules here, but you're spamming, and spamming drives people away. It's just fucking boring. I fell asleep reading it, slid sideways out of my chair, and hit my head on a space heater. I could have been killed! Have you no mercy?
It really seems like troll stuff to intentionally drive people away. People come to read about Bend. You're getting worse than Bruce with the national/international stuff. That works as seasoning, not as the main course.
Have I said anything interesting lately? Maybe not, but isn't it less boring of me not to say anything when I don't have anything to say? I really like Shakespeare. Should I start posting the text of all his plays? It's relevant. Everything he ever said is relevant to everything.
Now, you said so much I didn't even manage to catch how Gaza is relate to Bend. Something about 1031. I have no idea, because there was so much copypasta in there.
January 15, 2009 3:32 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Years ago we described how it would be when Bend went into the toilet. HOMER had a clue he said "you will not want to be here", ...
I always said it would be a return to the best of times.
That's always been rule #1, rub shit into your fucking nose, until you fucking leave.
We're there today, Bend is in a fucking free fall how do you all like it??
There was a time that bashing cali's called for 'censorship' today that doesn't even raise an eyebrow at BEBB.
Bend is going to collapse into a fucking hellish shit-hole, and there is a lot folk to be held their feet to the fire for creating this collapse.
January 15, 2009 3:32 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
What is so fucking self important about your life that we can't be child like?
You don't have kids do you? See, riding bikes, goofing around, curious about the world are great child like behaviors. Being a bully on the playground, not being able to play with others, only able to toss out insults. Those are traits that a parent needs to work with the child to help them become active members of a community. If you were my child you'd be banned from the internet until you learned a bit of respect for the world around you.
January 15, 2009 3:35 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
There are no rules here, but you're spamming, and spamming drives people away. It's just fucking boring. I fell asleep reading it, slid sideways out of my chair, and hit my head on a space heater. I could have been killed! Have you no mercy?
So fucking what? Is it just my old age?? I mean I have published newspaper's newsletters, and I never gave a fuck about circulation. I would rather find one person who agreed than have 10k dick-heads read or pay.
So fucking what if we drive people away, and truth be told, and you shit-heads no it, but this SITE is up, now that the fucking mirror has made this SITE public to the world, we're getting fresh fish to fuck.
We could be talking about BEND, but no we're discussing who is the most fucking boring.
But to me the most boring intellectual discussion is this we're pushing people away, my fucking gawd, when I write its the last fucking thing I think about, why is this so fucking important to have people love you?? It's like the BP, APU are you to be TP (TIM PUSSY???).
One mans spam is another mans ham, shall we all from now on point out how pathetically boring each other is, my fucking GAWD does anybody notice that every fucking SUNDAY homer says the exact same fucking this "THIS IS IT BEND IS DEAD".
ALL of BB2 is SPAM by definition, so now we're going to select content by 'quality of material', that would reduce this blog to a BIG ZERO.
Look at HBM on the eye-sore its 24/7 99% bashing PUG-SMITH who is GONE. Whats the fucking point?? Guess what I don't care, ...
Look at the BPussy, its daily-kos 24/7 it never ends, ... who fucking cares,
We're all bores so fucking what?
January 15, 2009 3:39 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
If you were my child you'd be banned from the internet until you learned a bit of respect for the world around you.
If your were my parent I would have to do something to you that would put me in prison the my entire life, so I would just run-away, ... because parents like you aren't worth going to prison for.
I'm Bart Simpson Fuckhead. Can't handle that fact? Then go find another rock to piss on.
Great so now we have left the BEND-ECONOMY, and its personal insult 24/7 post tuesday DEJA-VU, just like old times on BB2.
January 15, 2009 3:42 PM
Anonymous fake hbm said...
That's the amusing thing on this board, as soon as taboo subjects are discussed, then everyone bitches that we're not talking Bend, and then as soon as we go back to Bend, personal attacks end.
That's why long ago I tuned out ALL personal attacks on this board, and just way what I wish, about what I wish, when I wish, and FUCK what anybody else thinks.
Back in 2006 cali-bashing was a crime on these blogs, and you caught hell, ... everything is relative, today somebody trying to discuss how the BEND FRAUD moved MILLIONS $$$ of Bucks to AIPAC catches hell, in time it will not raise an eye-brow, ... always been this way, always will.
January 15, 2009 3:46 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
What is so fucking self important about your life
Waiting, we want to know, ... tell us
January 15, 2009 3:48 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Last month you were Bart. This week.
January 15, 2009 3:52 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The thing is the gaza crap just went way, way, way too far.
Well the problem is you have the real pussy publishing shit on 'gaza'.
My angle is different, my angle is the BEND FRAUD ( 1991-2008 ) cash being funneled to AIPAC.
If you only see 'gaza', then your either a fucking idiot, or watching way too much TV.
I don't even own a fucking TV, so I have no fucking idea what you people are seeing.
Gaza to me is just a symptom of US insanity.
BEND is one of the MOST insane city's in the USA.
Gaza is a 'product' of the BEND boom. Bend money has made AIPAC drunk with power, as they now control virtually all the POL's in the USA.
It wasn't me that posted all the Gaza shit, that fact that you would reduce it all to gaza says more about you than the subject.
January 15, 2009 3:54 PM
Blogger Duncan McGeary said...
Buster, it isn't about taboo subjects. It's about you being tiresome.
You're going to lose the last friends you have here.
January 15, 2009 3:58 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The funny part about stupid people is the fact they typically are too stupid to realize they are that stupid. This week is a classic example of such. Pork Chop has come up with his Israel, Nazi, Summit 1031 theories that are just so fucking stupid and you know he isn't smart enough to know how stupid it is. Thus the trouble with stupid.
January 15, 2009 4:02 PM
Blogger Duncan McGeary said...
Another option is a site without pre-approval, but the ability to go back later and delete comments that are irrelevant.
Paul-doh obviously doesn't want to do that, and I respect that.
Probably still the problem of waiting to read until the stupid comments are deleted loses the immediacy.
Best solution. Buster. Shut up.
January 15, 2009 4:04 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
A journalist should have no 'friends'.
A newspaper should have no 'friends'.
Lastly, with 'friends' like Ned Flanders, who the fuck needs enemy's.
My reason for being here was always to learn & share.
Now that all you fucks are groveling in doom its not fun anymore to just bash stupid fucking cali's.
Now that Made-Off's are reaping Billions, and funneling the money to AIPAC, ... Now that AIPAC has taken those BILLIONS, and used it to purchase the US political system, its not funny, ...
Fuck you Ned.
I rarely read your blog, I can tell the first line whether its an interesting subject or a bore, but do I rub that into your face no, its irrelevant.
What's interesting is that now that there is a clear track that Bend funds were funneled to AIPAC from the Bend fraud, and I want to talk about it, that there is this fucking DEMAND for censorship, that is what I find fascinating.
I have never been to your shop, unlike most the KUNTS here, and homer hasn't either, don't assume that all people are like you.
As you have known from day-one here I will be the last man standing.
Lastly, I'm glad all you KUNTS today are showing your real selves. You don't want to discuss BEND, and never have, you just want to feed your own fucking egos. See I dont' care about my ego, that's why I'm anonymous.
January 15, 2009 4:08 PM
Blogger LavaBear said...
>>>It wasn't me that posted all the Gaza shit, that fact that you would reduce it all to gaza says more about you than the subject.
No it does not. It says what Tim said about it. You posted your theory regarding AIPAC and money and I'm ok with that. It's a theory and it's been said. Then the rest of the week it's been ad nauseam of ridiculous posts. Thus it all gets blurred and your point is lost. And I certainly don't come here to refine my middle east knowledge.
January 15, 2009 4:10 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Israel, Summit 1031 theories
It's interesting that state of oregon records linking S1031 and zionist-ministry's is theory, a conspiricist I guess would call it a public record.
First it was 'gaza' of which I have no interest, that is real-pussy's peeve, ... then its theory's, of which I'm only interested in public record, ....
Keep digging your selves deeper bitches, and maybe if you get bored we can talk about Bend.
January 15, 2009 4:11 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Since the fall of 2006 this site has been about ad-nauseum ridiculous posts why now is the sphincter tight grasshoppers??
Isn't this a case of the pot calling the kettle black? To speak of banning ridiculous repetition.
January 15, 2009 4:15 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
You posted your theory regarding AIPAC and money and I'm ok with that. It's a theory and it's been said.
Yes, and BEBB called all rumors of S1031 as innuendo, and homer made big fun of it all.
There are many things going on this town that most of you shallow minded kunts don't have the time to think about or the desire, its little wonder why you even come back here?
I would rather this site be two people who had ideas than 20+ Gadflys who talk shit and circle-jerk.
Dunc, apu, ... lava, quim, ... all self reinforce circle-jerk, maybe your lives are fucked? Your making the BPussy these days look like a 'real man'.
Most of you bore the fucking shit out of me because you never say anything, and when you do its in fucking code, ... nobody reads this site, nobody cares about this site, its about sharing information.
But none of you ever have anything to share, except what we all have which is the ability to google-search "bend news".
Talking about fucking bores.
I'm not going away, and I'm going to keep writing whatever the fuck I want to write about.
If you want to READ BULL, you know where to find it.
BEM long ago said "we're redundant" yes even in 2007 spring, there was really nothing left to be said, today what I find interesting is the collapse of bend, and where the money is going.
I have no fucking idea what the rest of you are interested, this place is like a water-cooler where losers hang-out to bullshit on the bosses time.
I just want people to engage in debates about 'what is bend', and often the only kunt here that can do it is the bpussy.
January 15, 2009 4:23 PM
Blogger tim said...
I admit I'm relieved to find out it's buster, and not some buster impostor.
January 15, 2009 4:59 PM
Blogger bruce said...
Oh, goody, the Chimp is going to finally say goodbye to all of us lucky Americans.
Tune in NOW.
Did any of you note that one of the most powerful people in the city, John Russell, the guy behind Juniper Ridge and all the other urban redev districts, is no longer an employee of the city?
Nice makeup Chimpy has on. Is that a sunburn or what?
January 15, 2009 5:02 PM
Blogger bruce said...
He looks like he has some disease we haven't been told about. Like Jobs.
January 15, 2009 5:04 PM
Blogger bruce said...
Here's one for you Buster, straight from the liberal Israeli press of Haaretz:
As convention kicks off, Democrats say U.S. Jews will overcome fears of Obama
By Natasha Mozgovaya, Haaretz Correspondent
Tags: Obama, Democratic convention
DENVER - As the Democrats prepared to open their convention in the Mile High City on Monday, senior delegates voiced confidence that skeptical U.S. Jews will come to know Barack Obama in the campaign's home stretch and overcome their suspicions over his positions on Israel and related issues.
"Today Barak Obama is less known than he will be in 9 weeks," Steven Grossman, former national chairman of both the Democratic National Committee and AIPAC, told Haaretz.
According to Grossman, American Jews "still don't know him well. If every American Jew had a possibility to talk to Barak Obama, they would agree with him on most of the issues. That's what Thursday night is for, that's what elections are for," he said, in a reference to Obama's scheduled speech accepting the party's nomination.
"I've been president of AIPAC for 4 years, and I devoted my life to those relations, and he has the ability to articulate those values to American people, to be able to say: 'It's important to strengthen the Israeli-American relationship.'"
A number of prominent delegates said the choice of Senator Joe Biden would provide a strong boost to Obama support among American Jews. "For Jews he's a mishpucheh," Oregon Senator Ron Wyden said of Biden, using the Yiddish version of the Hebrew word for family.
"Biden will help to persuade Jews who are skeptical," New Jersey Senator Frank Lautenberg told Haaretz. "His support for Israel is widely known. Any skepticism that Obama won't support Israel is wrong, because no president can ignore Israel, it's too important. And the best thing for Israel is a strong America."
Congresswoman Shelly Berkley of Nevada, praising the choice of Biden as helping to re-invigorate the party, dismissed as "nonsense" speculation that tensions stemming from the hard-fought primary campaign would ultimately harm party unity.
"Joe Biden helps the ticket, especially with Jewish community, I've received calls from across the country, from my Jewish supporters, from L.A. to Florida and New York, they?re thrilled that Joe Biden was [chosen.]
In the case of Iran, "I think we can see strong and growing support for tough sanctions," Wyden told Haaretz.
Although the percentage of Jews in the U.S. population is small and appears to be declining, the Oregon Democrat said the influence of the Jewish community remains strong in American politics.
"There are so many Jewish voters in the key states - actually I think their importance is greater rather than diminished."
Former AIPAC leader Grossman acknowledged that "There will be some who will never accept Obama and his [vice-presidential] choice."
But while "The Republican Jewish coalition might find anything to criticize," Grossman said, "I think that you're losing credibility constantly criticizing."
What planet does Chimpy live on?
January 15, 2009 5:11 PM
Blogger Marge said...
>>>Marge isn't even herself anymore, she was paranoid months ago, and now her BIO is full on<<<<
What the heck is wrong with my Bio?
At least I am not angry anymore. Maybe you liked the anger better.
Well, onto Bend..Or maybe I shouldn't talk about Bend...I think you only chat about Gaza now.....Snoooooooore.
How about some halfway throught the month RE stats.
Jan 09 to date:
Residential SFR only, 25 sold at $232k median.
Dec 1-15th, 30 sold at $242k median.
Jan 1-15 2008, 28 sold at $337 median.
Pending sales to close sometime in the future = 106 at $236k median.
Looks like prices will stay about the same for the next month or 2 and we can expect to sell 50+ a month. There are some investors in the market buying the bottom market home for rentals. Dumb, why can't they wait til it goes down another 80K? The market is saturated with rentals.
I think I have licked all of my RE wounds and won't play anymore. Who needs it. Maybe I'll walk the fat dogs more.
I am not paranoid! I am a realist and thus I prepare for the future which does not include RE.
January 15, 2009 5:14 PM
Blogger Duncan McGeary said...
"Here's one for you Buster, straight from the liberal Israeli press of Haaretz:"
Jesus, Bruce. You got some weird co-dependent shit going on with Buster.
Can't you guys get a room?
(Oh thank god, he's stopped screaming. I wonder if I poke him if he'll scream again.....)
January 15, 2009 5:27 PM
Blogger bruce said...
Buster, you'll like this. For anyone interested in the Israeli leash on the US, it's worth reading.
An excerpt:
"Extensive evidence now exists, too, that Begin’s preference for a Reagan victory led Israelis to join in a covert operation with Republicans to contact Iranian leaders behind Carter’s back and delay release of the 52 American hostages until after Reagan defeated Carter in November 1980.
In his book and in sworn testimony about this so-called “October Surprise” controversy, Ben-Menashe asserted that then-vice presidential candidate George H.W. Bush personally participated in a key meeting in October 1980 in Paris. Bush denied that claim at two press conferences in 1992 but was never questioned under oath in any formal government investigation."
You all want to be the wagger or the waggee? Want to be wagged until the rest of the world has no respect for us? Want to make sure we are on the short end of 171-6 UN votes just a few weeks ago?
Oh, that last already happened. Just a few weeks ago. Again. The the US voted along with Israel, Micronesia, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Palau to let Israel settle the occupied territories, while 171 countries voted for Israel to remove its settlements. Including everyone other one of our allies, from Australia to Switzerland on Dec. 18, 2008. Do you think that affects others view of us? Do you think if we in Bend get to be known as a white-power, Zionist town, foreign investors will want to buy anything here?
As I stated on DKos earlier today:
"So let me reiterate: the IDF was told that 700+ people were sheltering at the site, that full tanker trucks were in one building, along with hundreds of tons of food and medicine waiting to be delivered.
And the IDF bombed them with white phosphorus, burning everything.
Such actions are simply immoral."
And that's the side we are on.
January 15, 2009 5:32 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I've stopped responding to Buster.
If you are going to have a battle of wits, be sure your opponent is armed.
January 15, 2009 5:33 PM
Blogger Quimby said...
Shut the fuck up about Israel/Gaza people!!!!!!
January 15, 2009 5:33 PM
Blogger bruce said...
Re: I wonder if I poke him if he'll scream again.
Dunc, he's just off getting more beer.
I am pissed that our nation has been hijacked to defend Israel's colonial ambitions. And will rant on occasion. Especially if it relates to Bend.
If you export anything, this issue affects you. Especially if you are trying to do business in the Arab mideast, one of the few areas with some money right now.
Buster has a point on the Westside/Moss's Christian home schooling angle. Westside sponsors pro-Israel "learning" trips, you can see the upcoming one here, led by the pastor and his wife.
On Neuman and 1031's I'm not so sure. The data doesn't show any political contributions from Mark Neuman in Bend. It would be nice if Buster would document any link.
I'll shut up about Israel when it doesn't affect my export work...
January 15, 2009 5:55 PM
Anonymous hbm said...
I've stopped responding to Buster. If you are going to have a battle of wits, be sure your opponent is armed.
My daddy also used to say, "Never get into a pissing contest with a skunk." I haven't always followed his advice, unfortunately.
It's also pointless to argue with stupid and/or insane people. You can never win because they don't know when they've lost.
January 15, 2009 6:02 PM
Anonymous hbm said...
this place is like a water-cooler where losers hang-out to bullshit on the bosses time.
That's rich, coming from somebody who posts about 500,000 words a week here.
January 15, 2009 6:06 PM
Blogger LavaBear said...
Bruce I like you. I respect that you actually are out trying to do things. We may not agree on issues but whatever. It takes two sides to make a trade. But here it is......ARE YOU A FUCKING IDIOT? Are you so fucking tone death as to what we've been saying all afternoon? Buster has his issues but fuck man...posting that is just plain stupid ass shit.
January 15, 2009 6:10 PM
Blogger bruce said...
Re: You can never win because they don't know when they've lost.
Perception. A key point. Some perceive reality, some have their own views on the subject.
But what is "reality"? CNN or Al Jazeera? The BULL or the SORE?
January 15, 2009 6:12 PM
Blogger bruce said...
I don't think so. I just go forward.
I do physical interactive stuff, film from beautiful places that you can literally run or ride through. Places like Qatar are definite targets. The fitness rooms in the five-star hotels.
And they are very, very unhappy with our pro-Israel stance.
That last is an understatement.
January 15, 2009 6:17 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
If your were my parent I would have to do something to you that would put me in prison the my entire life, so I would just run-away, ... because parents like you aren't worth going to prison for.
Funny. Are you one of those liberal pussy parents that doesn't believe in disciplining your kids? Or are you DRW no teeth type that simply ignore your kids? One of the two.
January 15, 2009 6:24 PM
Blogger Duncan McGeary said...
Are you going to change a damn thing?
At all?
We just got done yelling at Buster about it:
Shut up!
January 15, 2009 6:28 PM
Blogger LavaBear said...
>>>And they are very, very unhappy with our pro-Israel stance.
You are tone death. Fine. Bruce we know they are very very unhappy. I'm unhappy. Lots of people are unhappy. WHY THE FUCK DO YOU POST IT HERE TO ENCOURAGE THE SHIT? Why? Is it you can't read?
Ah fuck it. If you don't get it then it's like was said earlier. It's the stupids that don't realize they are the stupids.
January 15, 2009 6:30 PM
Blogger bruce said...
Q, this is what a much of the world sees in their news:
"A crowd gathers, shrouded in gas, smoke and dust. In the front stand eight young fathers, each holding a white swaddled bundle of what used to be a son, a daughter. For a few moments there is no screaming, no chanting or crying, but a moment of quiet and stillness that presses one to wonder just whom has been granted the greater mercy, the toddler who caught the snipers bullet, or the young father, who will have to find some way to live beyond this moment?
A young boy sits on the sidewalk beside his mother. She is propped up against the wall of a collapsed building and her life is bleeding out all over the sidewalk. It is spattered on his face and smeared on his shirt. She uses the last of her strength to lift her arm and clutch his cheek in her palm and then she is gone. He rests his head in his hands and cries. He is all alone.
The camera zooms in on the scene of a freshly detonated building, a civilian home. A little girls brown curly hair covered in dust and eyes wide open is all that can be found of her. Her mother wails and pulls her hair while her father frantically searches among the rubble for the rest of his daughter, where could she be? I whisper again, “you will be made whole again in Paradise. Run to the angels”.
What amazing faith. What strong devotion that a father loses his mother, father, wife and eight children, that this man before anything can assert, “God is Great, Thank God for Everything”. He holds his child, now still and ashen, he smothers him with kisses and then gently pulls back the sheet to expose two bullet holes in his chest. He then tenderly places the child beside his brother and again, pulls the sheet back of his youngest son to reveal a single snipers bullet to the chest. He can barely compose himself and he moans to the sympathizing camera man, “God is Great, Thank God for Everything”.
An old and wrinkled Imam so lovingly cradles a little girl’s lifeless body, as if mishandling her now could inflict more pain, he mumbles a benediction and gently lies her beside her sisters and her brothers in the mass grave. I try to comfort her, saying, “Finally, a place of safety. Rest beside your sister. Your brother. Put your fears to rest and meet your beloved Prophet and the many of your little friends who have fallen before you.”
Hospitals, schools, mosques, civilian homes, UN shelters, all worthy targets. Doctors, medicines, food and water, truckloads of relief from all corners of the world line up for miles at the Egyptian border but they are refused entry. Security is high, food is scarce, water is completely gone.
Faith seems to spring forth in the strangest of moments. For me, it seems to be coming full circle out of desperation and in agony, for the sake of the snow-white souls of the many bloodied and dismembered innocents of Gaza.
UN workers coordinate with Israelis to get civilians to safety inside a UN school. Hundreds are tucked inside the mutually agreed safe haven. Soon after, the school comes under Israeli fire. Bruised and battered refugees stare Satan in the face, clad in his fatigues. Hundreds wounded, scores dead, many lost and unaccounted for."
Just because we don't see it doesn't mean that it doesn't affect the worlds' view of the US and it's main ally Israel.
They fucking hate this.
January 15, 2009 6:32 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
This blog is like digging thru shit looking for diamonds.
This week all shit no diamonds.
And its getting worse. Fuck!
January 15, 2009 6:34 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Status report for July 2008
Are we making progress?
July 20, 2008
A lot of people ask me if we're making progress in stopping the crime network behind 9/11.
I have this timeline of the early part of the 9/11 "truth movement", and this page is a status report of what I see as of today.
Background information; attitudes have changed since 2001
In 2001 there was tremendous anger towards Arabs and sympathy for Israel. However, the Internet allowed ordinary citizens to analyze the 9/11 attack rather than depend on television or newspapers for information.
We discovered the Jewish involvement in 9/11, and we used the Internet to expose this Jewish crime network to the world.
Unfortunately, the few of us in 2002 who mentioned that Israel was involved in the 9/11 attack were insulted as anti-Semites and Nazis. Most Americans couldn't believe that it was possible for the peaceful, loving Jews to commit such horrendous crimes.
Most of us grew up believing that the Jews were innocent victims of thousands of years of anti-Semitism, and that they become victims over and over because of jealousy and because Jews are too peaceful to fight.
“We didn't fight the Nazis because we Jews are too peaceful and loving to kill anybody.
We couldn't even kill Jesus. We had to get the Romans to do it for us! That's proof of how peaceful we are!”
The Jews use their control of the media and schools to give Goyim children the impression that Jews are sweet, adorable people who need our protection.
However, in the years since 2001, people around the world looked at the evidence, and today there are millions of people who know that a global Jewish crime network is responsible for the 9/11 attack.
Once we discovered that the Jews were lying to us about 9/11, the Jews became the Emperor in the story of the Emperor And His New Clothes.
The wonderful image that the Jews created for themselves has been permanently destroyed.
Some of us wondered what else the Jews were lying about, and so we looked into other issues, such as Zionism, the banking system, the Holocaust, the attack on the USS Liberty, and the Apollo moon landing. Soon we were spreading information about how the Jews are lying to us about those issues, also.
Millions of us now know what many Jews really are; namely, selfish, diabolical, dishonest, sexually disturbed, neurotic, violent, criminals who take advantage of our tendency to trust and help other people.
The Jews refer to us as gullible fools, but it is the Jews who are disgusting, not us. And every day thousands more people discover this information about the Jews. Anger of Israel and Zionism is increasing around the world, and there's nothing the Jews can do to stop the information about them from spreading to more people. Their technique of killing us, threatening us, crying about anti-Semitism, and pouring out propaganda will only fuel our anger.
Their kidnapping of the Bollyn family didn't do them any good; actually, it helped a lot of people realize how diabolical and disgusting the Jews really are.
It's been more than one year since Christopher Bollyn has been "hiding". How can anybody continue to believe that the Bollyn family is merely hiding? It's becoming obvious that they have been kidnapped by the Jews.
If you don't know who Bollyn is, I have this page
Learn their techniques!
One of their successful tricks is to stimulate our emotions to trick us into feeling sorry for them. The Jews have perfected the art of imitating helpless children.
“We've been victims of anti-Semitism for 6000 years.
Please help us! Be our hero!
P.S., I wuv you!”
This technique is effective on women because it stimulates their mothering emotions. It's effective on men because it stimulates our emotions to be a father who protects his family.
Example: Dr. Henry Makow, Ph.D
In this article for 17 July 2008, Makow claims that Zionism is a conspiracy against Jews!
Guess who he claims is involved in the conspiracy to destroy the Jews.... No, it's not the Nazis, or the Islam-o-fascists, or the Neocons... He blames the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers!
Is anybody dumb enough to believe his idiotic theory? Probably not, but he's not trying to appeal to your intellect. He's trying to stimulate your emotions. This is the typical Jewish trick of imitating an innocent, helpless child in order to stimulate your mothering or fathering emotions.
“I'm an innocent little Jew! The Rothschilds and the Rockefellers tricked us into becoming Zionists because they hate Jews! They're bad people! Will the brave, courageous Americans protect us innocent Zionists from those anti-Semitic monsters?”
Henry Makow is a columnist for, and that should be enough to make you suspicious of him.
Makow's website:
The Jews praise us and encourage patriotism
Our natural tendency is to assume that a person who admires us is our friend. The Jews use this trick all the time to discourage the soldiers and their families from asking questions about the war. The Jews referred to the soldiers as heroes. Here is a Canadian newspaper that published an opinion with the title "He died for a good cause":
Most people never wonder, "Why is the media promoting these idiotic articles rather than providing us with serious analyses of the war, the 9/11 attack, and other issues?"
Most people assume that people in the media are simply naive, but since their job is investigating events, they should know more than the rest of us. You should assume everybody in the media is a member of the crime network until proven innocent.
Remember the wedding of Ty Ziegel? Did you ever wonder who the photographer was? Did you ever wonder why so many Jews promoted his wedding?
Ziegel got a lot of publicity, and he met lots of famous people, such as John McCain.
The Jews used him as a prop to encourage patriotism and fool the Americans into believing that they were dying and suffering because we are heroes. After the Jews were finished using Ty Ziegel, they ignored him. He has since been divorced, but only a few articles were written about it because he no longer serves a useful purpose to the Jews.
The photographer who made Ty Ziegel famous is Nina Berman. She works with National Geographic, another publication that lies to us about 9/11, the Apollo moon landing, and lots of other Jewish crimes.
Get into the habit of asking yourself, "Who are these people in the media? Why should we trust them? And why are so many of them Jews?"
On my page of previous headlines here I have a link to an article in which the British media promoted the wedding of a British soldier just like the American media promoted the wedding of Ty Ziegel.
Exact same trick; different nations. Will the Goyim ever learn?
Don't let the media get away!
The evidence is overwhelming that the media companies are dominated by Jewish criminals and Goyim who are willing to work for the Jews. Don't let the media fool you into thinking that they are innocent victims of the Bush administration, or the corporations, or the CIA. They are lying to us in order to protect the Jewish crime network.
Everybody in the media must be investigated and dealt with like every other criminal. Don't allow them to get away with their crimes. You shouldn't even purchase the Jewish publications. We should drive them to bankruptcy.
Don't fall for the patriotism trick
The type of patriotism that the Jewish criminals encourage is actually blind obedience. The Jews don't want us to look critically at our leaders or their policies.
It's acceptable for ordinary people – who can't think very well – to give blind obedience to their leaders, but people who claim to be intelligent should realize that the only way to improve a nation – or improve an airplane, a refrigerator, or computer software – is to look critically at it!
So, are we making any progress?
To determine if we're making progress in exposing and destroying the Jewish crime network, just look at the Jews. We can't see anything in improving with the world, but we can see that we're making progress in defeating the Jewish crime network by noticing how they've changed their behavior since 2001. Specifically, they are now struggling to maintain control of us.
One of their techniques for controlling us is to have thousands of agents around the world, each appearing to be an independent investigator. Each agent has a slightly different opinion. The Jews don't care which of their agents we follow, as long as we follow one of their agents.
“9/11 was an inside job. Follow me to my website and I'll tell you stories about George Bush, who is a member of a secret society, and his family helped the Nazis!”
As people discover the Jewish involvement in 9/11, the Holocaust, the attack on the USS Liberty, etc., the Jewish agents become under pressure to discuss the Jewish involvement in these crimes.
The Jews are in a very difficult situation right now. If they openly talk about the Jewish involvement in these crimes, they will help us expose the Jews, but if they ignore the Jewish involvement, they will make it obvious that they are members of the Jewish crime network.
Alex Jones is a good example of how the situation has changed dramatically since 2001. He is now under so much pressure to admit that Israel was involved in 9/11 that his supporters recently posted the following video to convince us that he is indeed admitting Israel's involvement. Notice the description of the video:
Many people claim Alex Jones is a Zionist and never talks about Israel... This is for you.
People all over the world have noticed that Alex Jones is trying to protect Israel and Zionism, which is why they created the video, but that video only proves that the Zionist Jews are desperate to counteract the growing awareness that Alex Jones is a Zionist agent.
If you watch Jones over a span of many months, you'll notice that most of his time is spent blaming other people, such as the Rockefellers or the "Globalists".
One of his more amusing interviews was with Jordan Maxwell in which Maxwell tries to convince us that it is the "Teutonic Zionists" who are responsible, not the Jewish Zionists:
If nobody falls for that trick, perhaps he will try blaming the world's problems on the Celtic Zionists, or the Hillbilly Zionists.
Every month the pressure increases on the Zionist agents to talk about the Jewish involvement in crimes, but there's a limit on how far they can go before they start hurting themselves.
Furthermore, the people who promote Jewish agents are also under pressure. People are starting to become suspicious of the thousands of websites that promote Webster Tarpley, Alex Jones, Daryl Bradford Smith, Michael Savage, Arriana Huffington, Daily KOS, and thousands of other suspicious people.
I promoted Alex Jones and Dave von Kleist in my video about 9/11. But it is now 2008, and it's rather obvious today that almost everybody in this truth movement is a liar. I advise you to be suspicious of every website and person who continues to promote the "truth seekers" who have shown themselves to be liars. Don't assume those people are naive.
Which Jews are part of the crime network?
It's obvious that thousands – probably millions! – of Jews are involved to some extent with the international Jewish crime network, and possibly millions of Goyim are also working with these Jewish criminals, but many of us know of at least one person with some Jewish ancestry who doesn't seem to be involved with Judaism or Zionism. So which Jews are part of the crime network? Which Jews should be arrested?
I think some of the smarter Jews realize that now that the Internet has allowed us to expose them, some Jews must be blamed for 9/11, the Holocaust, and their thousands of other crimes. And I think there is a fight occurring right now between the Jews in regards to who is going to take the blame.
There seems to be a tremendous attempt today by the Zionist Jews to put all the blame on the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, the "bankers", the monarchies of Europe, the Freemasons, and the "Corporations".
“Jew-Fight” !
Zionist Jews
Banking Jews
Don't let them fool you!
Every Jew must be investigated!
Consider every Jew guilty until proven innocent.
Earlier I mentioned that Henry Makow is claiming that the Zionist Jews are innocent victims of the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, and below are some other recent examples. Please try to understand their tricks so that you are not fooled by them. Don't allow any Jewish criminal to get away!
Dr. Harrell Rhome
In this article for 17 July 2008, Rhome shows another technique that the Jews use; namely, confusion. He tries to confuse the issue of whether the Zionists helped the Nazis during World War 2, or whether Nazis helped the Jews.
Perhaps his next article will be whether the Zionists helped Al Qaeda do 9/11, or whether Al Qaeda helped the Zionists do it.
Notice also that his article is difficult to read. This is not because he's a bad writer. It's because the article wasn't written to inform us of an intelligent concept; rather, it was written to confuse us and spread propaganda. Whenever you find an article that's difficult to read, you have to consider the possibility that it's propaganda.
Jeff Rense is one of the people who promotes his articles, and Rense also interviewed him again on 21 July 2008. That should be enough to make you suspicious of Rhome.
If you need more reasons to be suspicious, Rhome is a member of the "Corpus Christi Wicca Witches Druids, etc... Meetup Group". Here is a screen image:
Note: I had to provide a screen image of that website because as I was writing this article and verifying that the links were correct, I discovered that the page had vanished. Rhome either quit that organization of Witches and Druids, or they moved his page. A copy of the page is still in the Google cache here. Fortunately, I saved a screen image because I suspected that the criminal Jews were going to delete it now that they are increasing his publicity.
If you need more reasons to be suspicious of Rhome, he is one of the editors of The Barnes Review (I have their list here). They are part of the American Free Press, which I complain about here.
Rhome's website:
Alex Jones and Bob Chapman
Bob Chapman is a very frequent guest now with Alex Jones and other radio shows. This is not because he enjoys doing radio shows! Rather, it is a sign that the Zionist Jews realize that they are being exposed, and so they're calling out their troops to pump out more propaganda.
His website is:
I have this page to help you understand Alex Jones, but here is a recent attempt in which he and Bob Chapman try to blame the world's problems on the Illuminati and the bankers. Can you see the deception in their conversation?
Jones-Chapman-15July2008.mp3 only 262 kb
Also, notice in that audio excerpt that Jones is promoting Dr. Stanley Monteith, a radio host. I was a guest on Monteith's show a couple times, but the last time (perhaps a year ago), some of the people calling in to the show brought up the Zionist involvement in 9/11. Monteith defended Israel for a while, but he soon became so frustrated that he announced that the show was over, and he disconnected me.
The Money Masters video
As I pointed out in my 9 July 2008 update for the Money Masters video, Bill Still and Pat Carmack, who created the video, are protecting crimes by Israel and Zionist Jews. They expose only the Rothschilds and other banking Jews.
Update November 2008: Pat Carmack separates himself from Bill Still.
The Money Masters has excellent information about the banking system and the Rothschilds. It's a clever trick to direct anger towards the Rothschilds. But is it clever enough to allow the Zionist Jews to go free? Not if you help us spread information about these criminal Jews.
Andy Hitchcock
Hitchcock created a nice timeline of the Rothschild family, but as I mentioned at this page, I've come to the conclusion that his reason for exposing the Rothschilds is to shift the blame away from the Zionist Jews.
This would explain why Hitchcock continues to be a good friend and supporter of Daryl Bradford Smith.
If you don't know about Smith, I have this.
Lets's drown the Jewish rats!
The Jewish crime network has been exposed, and there's no way for them to regain their secrecy or restore their wonderful image.
Their crime network is sinking, and there's nothing they can do to stop it.
The only option the Jews have now is to trick us into thinking that only a few Jews are criminals. So, learn their tricks and don't let any of them get away! And tell other people about this trick.
Don't believe the nonsense from Jeff Rense, Daryl Smith, or the other "truth seekers" that "only a few Jews" are criminals. It takes more than a few Jews to manipulate the world's media, schools, police departments, militaries, and governments. I suspect that almost all Jews are involved in this crime network to some extent.
Our only protection against their tricks is to demand that everybody be investigated. No exceptions!
We are winning!
We don't see the world improving, but we can see that the Jewish crime network is failing. After we get rid of the Jewish crime network, then we have the opportunity to start making significant improvements to the world.
So don't give up hope. Don't become depressed when your mindless family members and relatives ignore or insult you.
Do we need the majority on our side?
The majority of people are not going to get involved in making the world a better place. Furthermore, most people probably believe the Jewish propaganda that they pick up from the television. However, most people are passive, not active.
If a fight breaks out between the Jews and the rest of us, the majority of people might hope the Jews win, but they're not going to do anything to help the Jews. Rather, they will behave exactly as they did when Christopher Bollyn was hauled away by the police for no sensible reason. Specifically, they will peek out of their window, and then they will go back to their television, beer, and ice cream.
This brings up another very important point. When the Jewish crime network is finally destroyed, we would be fools to let the majority of people tell us what to do with the world. The decisions of what to do should be made by those of us who helped make the world a better place.
“Hey! I didn't get involved in the fight against the Jews because your websites and videos were confusing. You did a terrible job of providing information. And your attitudes are bad. It's your fault. I have a right to get involved in the discussion of what to do with the world!”
The majority of people have proven themselves to be hopelessly incompetent, irresponsible, and selfish. We should not let them determine the future of the world. Don't feel sorry for them. We've been struggling for years to help them, and a lot of people have died, suffered permanent injuries, and been kidnapped in the process.
January 15, 2009 6:34 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The LA Times has the video, and they are sitting on it, and they will not release it.
RUSH: This hypnotic induction that the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons has put out, I've now double-checked this. The people most susceptible to neurolinguistic programming are young people and highly educated people. They're considered to be especially susceptible to hypnosis. Now, I find it interesting, too, that many Jewish voters are supporting Obama. He is a candidate who has been endorsed by Hamas, has been called The Messiah by Calypso Louie Farrakhan, has been endorsed by Rashid Khalidi -- and of course the chairman of the parliament of Iran. The parliament leader in Iran has also endorsed Obama, and so maybe it is hypnosis.
When you watch his thing tonight, I want you to watch it with a new perspective. I want you to watch it in a different context. I want you to watch it in the terms of understanding socialism as explained as a very benevolent thing and something that benefits everybody. I guarantee you, you will hear Obama in an entirely different light. Now, speaking of this guy Khalidi. The Los Angeles Times has video of Obama praising Rashid Khalidi, who is a professed supporter of Hamas and Palestinians. He hates Jews, and he hates Israelis, and he hates Israel. The LA Times did a story on this back in April. There was a dinner honoring this guy, and Obama toasted him, and they won't release the video!
Now, bloggers are offering laid-off LA Times workers money. The LA Times laid off 75 people yesterday. A bunch of people are offering a lot of money to former LA Times workers to somehow release this tape. The mainstream media is not interested. This is huge! The media, in the tank for Obama, is suppressing it. The more it gets out that it's being suppressed and the more people desire to see this and hear about what it is, it's going to pose a big problem for Obama as we've now got, what, six days to go before the election. It's a serious thing who this guy is. They've been able to keep a lot of it under wraps. Here is, by the way, speaking of that, an Associated Press video report of a Palestinian, Ibrahim Abu Jayab, campaigning for Barack Obama.
REPORTER: Like many of Barack Obama's supporters, Ibrahim Abu Jayab is working the phones in the final days before the election in an effort to court undecided voters. (phone rings) But Abu Jayab himself won't be casting a vote for his candidate. He's making his calls from his home in the Gaza Strip.
JAYAB: (unintelligible)
REPORTER: He says he thinks Obama can bring peace to the Middle East. The 24-year-old college student learned a few words of English and cold-calls random Americans, leaving messages asking for their support.
JAYAB: I am Abu Jayab from Gaza Strip.
REPORTER: He's hoping the effort shows the world that there are young people in Gaza who want peace and are doing everything they can to achieve it.
RUSH: So we've got a guy in Gaza, the Gaza Strip making cold calls for Obama! He doesn't know much English so he's obviously calling in his native tongue. I don't know what it is, but who the hell is he calling, to do cold calls for Obama? (impression) "Abu Jayab from Gaza Strip," and then after that what does he say? "Vote for Obama! Vote Obama! Votobama! Votobama!" Probably that. "Votobama! Votobama! Votobama!" Who's paying for this? Have you checked your credit card lately, folks? (laughs) Have you found, like one woman did, $174,000 charged to your credit card? Oh, yeah! Mark Steyn has the story. One woman, just one, had $174,000 charged to her credit card. People using not her name, but just her credit card number. She ended up not being charged for it, but the Obama people got the money, and nobody knows where it's coming from. This is just one example; this is just one person.
"John McCain's campaign is demanding that the Los Angeles Times release a video of a party for a prominent Palestinian activist that Barack Obama attended in 2003. The Times described the going-away party for former University of Chicago professor, and Obama friend, Rashid Khalidi, in a story in April. The story reported that Palestinians thought they might have a friend in Obama because of his friendships in that community, despite the fact that his positions have never been particularly pro-Palestinian," says Ben Smith of The Politico as I read from his account here.
"[T]he video could, among other things, show how Obama responded to a poem recited at the party accusing Israel of 'terrorism' and warning of consequences for US support for Israel, which [McCain spokesman Michael] Goldfarb described as 'hate speech.' 'The election is one week away, and it's unfortunate that the press so obviously favors Barack Obama that this campaign must publicly request that the Los Angeles Times do its job...'" Now, there's also something interesting about this tape. This party in 2003 features testimonials, encomiums, by many of Khalidi's allies, friends, and buddies. Obama is there. He was an Illinois state senator. Bill Ayers was supposedly there in 2003. It was sponsored by the Arab-American Action Network, AAAN, which had been founded by Khalidi and his wife Mona, formerly a top English translator for Arafat's press agency.
Now, the LA Times has the video, and they are sitting on it, and they will not release it. Now, who knows? We're left now to speculate why they won't release it, beyond media bias, beyond being in the tank. Maybe they don't want see it. Obama is crafted this whole thing, "Ayers is just a guy lives in my neighborhood. Oh, I thought he was rehabilitated." Well, here, if he's there and on video in 2003, just five years ago. That puts the lie to everything Obama said about the guy. Plus, you add to the content of what this dinner was about, celebrating a Jew hater! And if Bernardine Dohrn happened to be there? They all signed the guest book or something, maybe not a guest book. The signatures are said to be on some acknowledgement of greatness for this Khalidi guy, and he is a friend of Obama's. He's not some guy who just happens to live in the neighborhood. So the McCain campaign is now demanding that the LA Times release this.
January 15, 2009 6:41 PM
Blogger Marge said...
Hey, I have an extra 100 Million and want to pay for OREO"S inaguration..or should I give it to TARP...or maybe to Gaza...or some home grown reeeaaaly needy group. The PRINCE is about to be crowned at what expense?
January 15, 2009 6:44 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
But what is "reality"? CNN or Al Jazeera? The BULL or the SORE?
This is your reality buster
January 15, 2009 6:46 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The Gaza Conflict and the Limits of International Law.
A number of people have already accused Israel of breaches of international law, and even war crimes, going so far as to argue that an international tribunal should be established and assigned the task of trying suspected war criminals. If I had a dime for every imagined war crimes tribunal that never came to fruition…. The international law issues are serious but largely irrelevant, however.
Others (including Kevin Jon Heller and Marko Milanovic) have set out the issues well. Here are the high points:
1. Jus ad bellum. Gaza is not a state. It’s not clear what it is—occupied territory? Mandate? If it’s not a state, the UN charter does not forbid an attack. Even if it were, the UN charter would not forbid an attack as long as Israel’s attack is in self-defense—which it appears to be, so far.
2. Jus in bello. Can there be a war between a state and a non-state entity? Yes! And most people think the regular laws of war apply. The laws of war forbid the deliberate killing of civilians, but so far no one has proved that Israel has deliberately killed civilians. That leaves the proportionality rule, which bars an attack that causes civilian casualties (or property damage) that are “disproportionate” to the attack. Unfortunately, no one knows what proportionality means. Can you drop a bomb on a Hamas leader that might or will kill a nearby civilian? Two civilians? Ten? A thousand? Does it matter how important the leader is? Whether he has taken refuge in a densely packed area? There are no settled answers to these questions.
3. Human rights. Ideally, the Israelis enter Gaza and arrest the rocket shooters and their leaders, try them, and convict them if they are guilty. In practice, this is impossible. Human rights law does not prohibit the use of violence when ordinary law enforcement practices are inadequate.
So where does this leave us? There is no evidence that Israel has violated international law, though perhaps it has, or will. So why so many calls for investigations and tribunals for Israelis? And what of Hamas? Why doesn’t anyone want to set up a tribunal for those guys?
This brings us to the question of relevance. No one cares whether Israel has violated international law or not, except for a handful of law professors. For its more mainstream critics (as opposed to those who think it has no right to exist), Israel has acted wrongly by mistreating Palestinians over decades, and has only itself to blame for Hamas’s rocket attacks. It shouldn’t have squeezed Hamas in the first place; it ought to negotiate a settlement with Hamas now. On this view, Hamas is just another national liberation movement, like the African National Congress under Apartheid, which can’t be blamed for using violence to overthrow its oppressors. For Israel’s defenders, Israel has every right to defend itself against a bunch of violent terrorists.
The glory of the laws of war was the separation of jus ad bellum (the laws that govern the conditions under which one goes to war) and jus in bello (the laws that govern conduct during a war). Your soldiers must comply with jus in bello rules regardless of whether the war itself is legal or not, or morally justified or not. But people do not think this way. The bombing of Dresden and London were not moral equivalents in historical memory: Dresden was payback, plus it helped weaken an infinitely more odious government. As so often happens, when law and people’s moral intuitions diverge, people ignore the law. When the law is international law, and so there is no independent enforcement machinery for implementing the law, governments that are sensitive to public opinion will ignore the law and try to enforce public opinion.
People around the world see the pictures of smashed houses and bleeding children and, rightly or wrongly, blame Israel. European governments worry about their restive Muslim populations. Israel has law on its side in this battle but that does not matter because it is losing the public relations war and, one way or another, Israel will find the law closing in on it because the law is what the other states say it is. In the long term, this could mean diplomatic isolation; Israel is dangerously dependent on the support of one fickle nation that is looking for a way to reestablish its international bona fides.
January 15, 2009 6:49 PM
Comment deleted
This post has been removed by the author.
January 15, 2009 6:54 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
All's Well That Ends Well
Shakespeare homepage | All's Well That Ends Well | Act 1, Scene 1
Next scene
SCENE I. Rousillon. The COUNT's palace.
Enter BERTRAM, the COUNTESS of Rousillon, HELENA, and LAFEU, all in black
In delivering my son from me, I bury a second husband.
And I in going, madam, weep o'er my father's death
anew: but I must attend his majesty's command, to
whom I am now in ward, evermore in subjection.
You shall find of the king a husband, madam; you,
sir, a father: he that so generally is at all times
good must of necessity hold his virtue to you; whose
worthiness would stir it up where it wanted rather
than lack it where there is such abundance.
What hope is there of his majesty's amendment?
He hath abandoned his physicians, madam; under whose
practises he hath persecuted time with hope, and
finds no other advantage in the process but only the
losing of hope by time.
This young gentlewoman had a father,--O, that
'had'! how sad a passage 'tis!--whose skill was
almost as great as his honesty; had it stretched so
far, would have made nature immortal, and death
should have play for lack of work. Would, for the
king's sake, he were living! I think it would be
the death of the king's disease.
How called you the man you speak of, madam?
He was famous, sir, in his profession, and it was
his great right to be so: Gerard de Narbon.
He was excellent indeed, madam: the king very
lately spoke of him admiringly and mourningly: he
was skilful enough to have lived still, if knowledge
could be set up against mortality.
What is it, my good lord, the king languishes of?
A fistula, my lord.
I heard not of it before.
I would it were not notorious. Was this gentlewoman
the daughter of Gerard de Narbon?
His sole child, my lord, and bequeathed to my
overlooking. I have those hopes of her good that
her education promises; her dispositions she
inherits, which makes fair gifts fairer; for where
an unclean mind carries virtuous qualities, there
commendations go with pity; they are virtues and
traitors too; in her they are the better for their
simpleness; she derives her honesty and achieves her goodness.
Your commendations, madam, get from her tears.
'Tis the best brine a maiden can season her praise
in. The remembrance of her father never approaches
her heart but the tyranny of her sorrows takes all
livelihood from her cheek. No more of this, Helena;
go to, no more; lest it be rather thought you affect
a sorrow than have it.
I do affect a sorrow indeed, but I have it too.
Moderate lamentation is the right of the dead,
excessive grief the enemy to the living.
If the living be enemy to the grief, the excess
makes it soon mortal.
Madam, I desire your holy wishes.
How understand we that?
Be thou blest, Bertram, and succeed thy father
In manners, as in shape! thy blood and virtue
Contend for empire in thee, and thy goodness
Share with thy birthright! Love all, trust a few,
Do wrong to none: be able for thine enemy
Rather in power than use, and keep thy friend
Under thy own life's key: be cheque'd for silence,
But never tax'd for speech. What heaven more will,
That thee may furnish and my prayers pluck down,
Fall on thy head! Farewell, my lord;
'Tis an unseason'd courtier; good my lord,
Advise him.
He cannot want the best
That shall attend his love.
Heaven bless him! Farewell, Bertram.
[To HELENA] The best wishes that can be forged in
your thoughts be servants to you! Be comfortable
to my mother, your mistress, and make much of her.
Farewell, pretty lady: you must hold the credit of
your father.
O, were that all! I think not on my father;
And these great tears grace his remembrance more
Than those I shed for him. What was he like?
I have forgot him: my imagination
Carries no favour in't but Bertram's.
I am undone: there is no living, none,
If Bertram be away. 'Twere all one
That I should love a bright particular star
And think to wed it, he is so above me:
In his bright radiance and collateral light
Must I be comforted, not in his sphere.
The ambition in my love thus plagues itself:
The hind that would be mated by the lion
Must die for love. 'Twas pretty, though plague,
To see him every hour; to sit and draw
His arched brows, his hawking eye, his curls,
In our heart's table; heart too capable
Of every line and trick of his sweet favour:
But now he's gone, and my idolatrous fancy
Must sanctify his reliques. Who comes here?
One that goes with him: I love him for his sake;
And yet I know him a notorious liar,
Think him a great way fool, solely a coward;
Yet these fixed evils sit so fit in him,
That they take place, when virtue's steely bones
Look bleak i' the cold wind: withal, full oft we see
Cold wisdom waiting on superfluous folly.
Save you, fair queen!
And you, monarch!
And no.
Are you meditating on virginity?
Ay. You have some stain of soldier in you: let me
ask you a question. Man is enemy to virginity; how
may we barricado it against him?
Keep him out.
But he assails; and our virginity, though valiant,
in the defence yet is weak: unfold to us some
warlike resistance.
There is none: man, sitting down before you, will
undermine you and blow you up.
Bless our poor virginity from underminers and
blowers up! Is there no military policy, how
virgins might blow up men?
Virginity being blown down, man will quicklier be
blown up: marry, in blowing him down again, with
the breach yourselves made, you lose your city. It
is not politic in the commonwealth of nature to
preserve virginity. Loss of virginity is rational
increase and there was never virgin got till
virginity was first lost. That you were made of is
metal to make virgins. Virginity by being once lost
may be ten times found; by being ever kept, it is
ever lost: 'tis too cold a companion; away with 't!
I will stand for 't a little, though therefore I die a virgin.
There's little can be said in 't; 'tis against the
rule of nature. To speak on the part of virginity,
is to accuse your mothers; which is most infallible
disobedience. He that hangs himself is a virgin:
virginity murders itself and should be buried in
highways out of all sanctified limit, as a desperate
offendress against nature. Virginity breeds mites,
much like a cheese; consumes itself to the very
paring, and so dies with feeding his own stomach.
Besides, virginity is peevish, proud, idle, made of
self-love, which is the most inhibited sin in the
canon. Keep it not; you cannot choose but loose
by't: out with 't! within ten year it will make
itself ten, which is a goodly increase; and the
principal itself not much the worse: away with 't!
How might one do, sir, to lose it to her own liking?
Let me see: marry, ill, to like him that ne'er it
likes. 'Tis a commodity will lose the gloss with
lying; the longer kept, the less worth: off with 't
while 'tis vendible; answer the time of request.
Virginity, like an old courtier, wears her cap out
of fashion: richly suited, but unsuitable: just
like the brooch and the tooth-pick, which wear not
now. Your date is better in your pie and your
porridge than in your cheek; and your virginity,
your old virginity, is like one of our French
withered pears, it looks ill, it eats drily; marry,
'tis a withered pear; it was formerly better;
marry, yet 'tis a withered pear: will you anything with it?
Not my virginity yet [ ]
There shall your master have a thousand loves,
A mother and a mistress and a friend,
A phoenix, captain and an enemy,
A guide, a goddess, and a sovereign,
A counsellor, a traitress, and a dear;
His humble ambition, proud humility,
His jarring concord, and his discord dulcet,
His faith, his sweet disaster; with a world
Of pretty, fond, adoptious christendoms,
That blinking Cupid gossips. Now shall he--
I know not what he shall. God send him well!
The court's a learning place, and he is one--
What one, i' faith?
That I wish well. 'Tis pity--
What's pity?
That wishing well had not a body in't,
Which might be felt; that we, the poorer born,
Whose baser stars do shut us up in wishes,
Might with effects of them follow our friends,
And show what we alone must think, which never
Return us thanks.
Enter Page
Monsieur Parolles, my lord calls for you.
Little Helen, farewell; if I can remember thee, I
will think of thee at court.
Monsieur Parolles, you were born under a charitable star.
Under Mars, I.
I especially think, under Mars.
Why under Mars?
The wars have so kept you under that you must needs
be born under Mars.
When he was predominant.
When he was retrograde, I think, rather.
Why think you so?
You go so much backward when you fight.
That's for advantage.
So is running away, when fear proposes the safety;
but the composition that your valour and fear makes
in you is a virtue of a good wing, and I like the wear well.
I am so full of businesses, I cannot answer thee
acutely. I will return perfect courtier; in the
which, my instruction shall serve to naturalize
thee, so thou wilt be capable of a courtier's
counsel and understand what advice shall thrust upon
thee; else thou diest in thine unthankfulness, and
thine ignorance makes thee away: farewell. When
thou hast leisure, say thy prayers; when thou hast
none, remember thy friends; get thee a good husband,
and use him as he uses thee; so, farewell.
Our remedies oft in ourselves do lie,
Which we ascribe to heaven: the fated sky
Gives us free scope, only doth backward pull
Our slow designs when we ourselves are dull.
What power is it which mounts my love so high,
That makes me see, and cannot feed mine eye?
The mightiest space in fortune nature brings
To join like likes and kiss like native things.
Impossible be strange attempts to those
That weigh their pains in sense and do suppose
What hath been cannot be: who ever strove
So show her merit, that did miss her love?
The king's disease--my project may deceive me,
But my intents are fix'd and will not leave me.
Shakespeare homepage | All's Well That Ends Well | Act 1, Scene 1
Next scene
January 15, 2009 7:03 PM
Blogger Duncan McGeary said...
That's it.
I'll check back on Sunday to see if Paul-doh has posted.
And BRUCE (sorry, I posted Paul earlier) when you quit poking your big brother Buster, maybe he'll quit hitting you and pulling on your pig tails.
January 15, 2009 7:54 PM
Anonymous mofl said...
Who would have guessed the non-pussy's would have gone women first? I was an airman first.
I love peace, I would be out of a job with peace.
Mother Flanders,
January 15, 2009 8:03 PM
Blogger Trudy Truss said...
Dunc, just left click on the long BS posts, on the name at the top. Like I just did on the post in front of yours.
It rolls up and goes away. Making it easy to ignore.
January 15, 2009 8:07 PM
Blogger BENDBUST said...
Hey bitches I have been up in Canada for a week, doing an annual on bush-planes and fish boats here in Big Bay getting ready for spring.
Just got back.
All I can say is, thanks cuz I love it when folks do buster when buster is out of town.
January 15, 2009 8:08 PM
Blogger BENDBUST said...
Everyone is Buster, Everyone is Pussy, Everyone is Marge, Everyone is Homer, ... Everyone is my son brucePussy.
Regardiing the Pussy's like HP, TP ( timmy twat ), and wannabe pussy's, sure in days your OR-BOMB-EO will drop cargo on Bend.
Imitation in Bend is the sincerest form of bend-flattery.
Bring it ON!!!
January 15, 2009 8:11 PM
Blogger bruce said...
Re: ... Everyone is my son brucePussy.
When the going gets weird, the weird get gone. Or something like that...
Not that I'll go anywhere. I hate moving. I like fighting for making a basically good place work, not running to the next cool place.
So be it.
January 15, 2009 8:16 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Troops, I love this shit. I mean Homer is busy, and the Pussy finally got revenue, and the bilbo-buster has annuals on his bush-planes & fishin boat's up in big bay, and I'm gone 1-2 weeks from this group, and it's like gone fuck ISRAEL 24/7.
Pleeeeeeeze big-boyz this is BEND Orygun. Did fucking Pape & Friedmand die or something while I have been absent? I mean you would think that CACB had gone below $5, they way this town is sounding.
I thought we had at least til 2012 before the fuckin town went in the toilet.
p.s. the Big-Bay Salmon are incredible right now, this system is the first window in months I have been able to fly down south.
January 15, 2009 8:17 PM
Blogger bruce said...
Buster may have a point on the "...doing Buster while Buster is gone..." thing. But how do we fucking know? Trying to determine authorship from words and CAPS rather than the name at the top of a comment. It really sucks.
Man up, assholes. Be like me, Timmy, Q, Dunc, hb, Butter, etc., and put your fucking name on your crap.
If you don't, it just gets ignored.
January 15, 2009 8:25 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"Extensive evidence now exists, too, that Begin’s preference for a Reagan victory led Israelis to join in a covert operation with Republicans to contact Iranian leaders behind Carter’s back and delay release of the 52 American hostages until after Reagan defeated Carter in November 1980.
BP I worked with Delta Force Founder Charlie Beckwith, as I'm a special forces guy from Vietnam.
Charlie who did the October Surprise was denied access to helicopters that would operate in the desert sand. In fact just tonight I was talking to an old army ranger at D&D who also trained under Beckwith, and he felt that Beckwith should have demanded better equipment. But I was there, and I was there on Beckwith's deathbed, and what these RAYGUN kunts don't understand is that RAYGUN Spy's sent them in there knowing the mission would fail.
Beckwith ( founder of DELTA FORCE ) didn't care who was prez, he was a soldier's soldier, but because the Republicans forced copters on them that failed in the sand, the entire rescue mission failed, even tonight I had a hard-core talk with an old army-ranger and he said Beckwith should have demanded good equipment but then as now ( RUMSFELD ) we were told to use the equipment that the army had give us.
So, Yes PUSSY your 100% RIGHT, I have NO knowledge of why your bringing tears to an old farts eyes, except to yes, CARTER when in there with the best team of the day, and TEAM RAYGUN sabatoged the OP, what's most interesting is to this day pro-raygun library people defend raygun as pro ameriKKKan, ... but lets be honest had CARTER pulled off the rescue RAYGUN would have been history, and so would all the POST 1980's KLEPTOCRACY, so yes pussy I don't know how or why you bring this shit up when you do ... but your 100% correct.
It's crazy that you brought this up, cuz just tonight I was debating this with an 80 yr old special forces guy, and he still thinks its Beckwith's fault for NOT demanding desert equipment, I didn't argue with the guy, knowing it was futile, and besides, he relished the outcome that RAYGUN went on to become Prez.
See with you KUNTS I'll argue shit, but with other old farts person to person, what's the fucking point.
January 15, 2009 8:30 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Please somebody get the Pussy & Buster a room at the rainbow motel and shut them up.
January 15, 2009 8:32 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I think that this site could make INTL News on this black-jew thing.
It turns out that OREO's granny was Jewish, and momma too,
Of course we all know its the womb that makes baby Jews, so momma OREO bred a black-jew, so it's not any longer a magic-negro running the USA.
Now Its a Magic-Black-Jew running the USA.
You heard it first here, ... and find it very interesting.
January 15, 2009 8:36 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Yes PUSSY your 100% RIGHT, I have NO knowledge of why your bringing tears to an old farts eyes, except to yes, CARTER when in there with the best team of the day, and TEAM RAYGUN sabatoged the OP, what's most interesting is to this day pro-raygun library people defend raygun as pro ameriKKKan, ... but lets be honest had CARTER pulled off the rescue RAYGUN would have been history, and so would all the POST 1980's KLEPTOCRACY, so yes pussy I don't know how or why you bring this shit up when you do ... but your 100% correct.
It's wild we're in totally different dimensions of time & space and you bring up this shit, but the hostage rescue failure had a major effect on my view of ameriKKKa.
January 15, 2009 8:39 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Buster may have a point on the "...doing Buster while Buster is gone..." thing. But how do we fucking know? Trying to determine authorship from words and CAPS rather than the name at the top of a comment. It really sucks.
Pussy, slow down big-boy, you have only been here for little over a year, but prior to your appearance people here had long been doing 'buster'.
I think doing 'bruce' is new, I just hope folks start doing 'dunc' and 'marge', of course I think a lot are already doing Marge, but more need to do 'dunc' to make the tabla-rasa interesting.
January 15, 2009 8:41 PM
Anonymous hbm said...
The latest from Investigating Obama reports the possibility of a "found" divorce decree, filed by Barack H. Obama, Sr., showing that he and Ann Dunham had "one child under the age of eighteen, born in Kenya."
Not much a fucking thing to do with BEND, but GIVEN that BEND $$$ MONEY is what made it all AIPAC possible, its very BEND.
SO anne Dunham was a Jewess and she gave birth to Barack Obama, and that make him Jewish by defn, and thus AIPAC's little fucking boy.
January 15, 2009 8:46 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Netanyahu waits
(after waiting patiently)
in the wings of doves
January 15, 2009 8:47 PM
Blogger bruce said...
I think doing 'bruce' is new, I just hope folks start doing 'dunc' and 'marge', of course I think a lot are already doing Marge, but more need to do 'dunc' to make the tabla-rasa interesting.
Yet another anonymouse speaks.
Who cares. Don't have the nads to actually put a name, even if it isn't your real name, on your BS?
Mr. tabla-rasa Realtor(TM), nice to see you are reading enough to know a few of the names.
What is your real name?
January 15, 2009 8:50 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
'Bring it On Boyz'
I would like nothing more than a dozen busters & pussys taking on BB2, as nobody else here has anything else to say.
So bring it on, your free to be Buster or BrucePussy 24/7.
January 15, 2009 9:02 PM
Blogger bruce said...
Re: 'Bring it On Boyz'
Yet another fucking anonymouse pussy.
January 15, 2009 9:04 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Of course I think a lot are already doing Marge if you know what I mean. But how do we fucking know? Not much a fucking thing to do with BEND.
It really sucks, but GIVEN that BEND $$$ MONEY is what made it all AIPAC possible, its very BEND.
January 15, 2009 9:11 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Netanyahu waits
(after waiting patiently)
in the wings of doves
Good fucking POINT, missed by dumbfucking simple minded of Bend.
But Netanyahu gets over 90% of his $4$ cash from a Schnitzer of PDX who just happens to control the worlds supply of surplus steel. Small fucking world after all.
GLAD someone on this site has their eye on the ball.
January 15, 2009 9:13 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Blogger LavaBear said...
Bruce I like you. I do physical interactive stuff, I wonder if I poke him if he'll scream again.
But what is "reality"? We may not agree on issues but whatever. Some perceive reality, some have their own views on the subject. It takes two sides to make a trade. I don't think so. I just go forward.
January 15, 2009 9:16 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I think doing 'bruce' is new, I just hope folks start doing 'dunc' and 'marge', of course I think a lot are already doing Marge, but more need to do 'dunc' to make the tabla-rasa interesting
Doing bruce is just a variation on the doing buster theme. Replace buster with bruce.
But simpleton minds like Dunc's can't take it. That was why Dunc had a nervous breakdown. He was arguing with two or three anony's at the same time, and then buster took over, but the other two were fairly good busters and did add fuel to the fire, and poor Dunc found himself in a hall of mirrors, and lost his mind.
Dunc can't argue against words and ideas, he has to argue against a person. So he tries to conjure up a face to put in his mind to attach to a name, preferably not an 'anonymous' name.
Poor Dunc. And hbm. learn to deal with it.
January 15, 2009 9:17 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"and poor Dunc found himself in a hall of mirrors, and lost his mind. "
That is one funny sentence.
I was online when Dunc lost his marbles. It was one scary afternoon, I tell you.
January 15, 2009 9:21 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Yet another fucking anonymouse pussy.
Yes, BP, you speak the truth.
All anonymous comments must be banned, except from he who is anonymous.
We must have adherence ... all must have a handle.
Even myself. From here forward, I, anonymous, have selected, and hereby reserved the handle "anonymous". Nobody else may ever comment under the anonymous handle, and then all comments from anonymous will be from me.
There. That was simple.
January 15, 2009 9:25 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"There. That was simple."
And now, I am going out to a later dinner.
Nobody else may comment using the anonymous handle.
I will see you troops in the morning.
Good night.
Anonymous over and out.
January 15, 2009 9:27 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The Politics of the Gaza Massacre
Forget Hamas - it's all about the home front
by Justin Raimondo
If you're looking for the cause of the most recent Israeli aggression against the Palestinians – over 300 killed so far, and many more wounded – forget Hamas. The real casus belli is politics, in Israel and America.
On the Israeli front, elections loom large. The current Israeli government is enormously unpopular, and – with polls showing a massive swing to the right – this latest "incursion" is its last attempt to shore up their sagging power base. The rightist surge in Israel has been building for a long time, with the settler movement gaining momentum and the Likud Party likely the chief beneficiary – in which case there will be no chance of a peaceful settlement of the Palestinian question, no matter how evenhanded President Barack Obama turns out to be.
Speaking of Obama, the real focal point of the Israeli assault isn't Gaza – it's Washington, D.C. The whole point of this exercise in futility – which will not create a single iota of security for Israel, will not topple Hamas, and will not prove any more successful than the second Lebanese war – is to set the terms by which the Israelis will deal with the incoming U.S. president. Before he even gets a chance to appoint his Middle East team, his special envoys and advisers, the Israelis will have sabotaged the peace effort they can clearly see coming – and put the Americans on notice that whatever "change" is in the air will have to be to Israel's advantage. In short, the Gaza massacre is a preemptive strike against the prospect of American intervention on the Palestinians' behalf, or, at least, a more evenhanded policy framework.
I won't bother answering the "talking points" of Israel's powerful lobby in the U.S. – the Palestinians are terrorists, they deserved what they got, those missile barrages fired in recent weeks (in which not a single Israeli was killed) were ample provocation, etc. The whole world knows that none of these have anything to do with the latest Israeli military action.
The entire operation is, instead, part and parcel of a long-standing concerted campaign by the Israeli government to further marginalize and drive out the remnants of the Palestinian people who still cling tenaciously to what's left of their land. It is a policy of military and economic warfare, aimed at making life impossible for the Palestinian helots.
As the new Sparta of the Middle East runs roughshod over the laws of morality and basic human decency, Israel's amen corner in the U.S. is going into overdrive in an effort to prettify one of the ugliest incidents in a decade of unmitigated cruelty and brutality. All the familiar "progressive" voices – with certain sterling exceptions – are suddenly stilled: we hear nothing from our Democratic politicians, those fabled agents of "change," except expressions of support for Israel's war crimes. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi declares that Israel has "the right to defend itself," without deigning to inform us as to whether the Palestinians have the same right. Given her record as AIPAC's most reliable congressional ally, who can always be counted on to echo the Israel-first party line, one assumes not. Powerful foreign affairs committee chair Howard Berman concurs, as does our about-to-be-sworn-in chief executive.
Appearing on Face the Nation, Obama's chief adviser, David Axelrod, averred that "we have only one president at a time" – a consideration that hasn't stopped the world's most famous community organizer from publicly organizing the biggest raid on the U.S. Treasury in American history. In any case, as the Huffington Post put it, Axelrod "did reaffirm Obama's commitment to the 'special relationship between the United States and Israel' in a way that suggested general sympathy for the Jewish state's actions."
For all those hysterical ultra-Zionists in both Israel and the U.S. who thought Obama's election would be disastrous to the Zionist project, and their own efforts to expand it beyond its historic borders, let this be an object lesson in the danger of jumping to unwarranted conclusions. If they'd listened before they jumped – or paid attention to what they read on – they would have realized how utterly misplaced their paranoia would turn out to be. Obama has been in the Israel Lobby's back pocket from the beginning, as his speech to AIPAC – a masterstroke of groveling – made all too clear.
Like all U.S. presidents since Bush the Elder, this one is committed to maintaining and elaborating on our Israel-centric Middle East policy, of which the Iraq war was only the most dramatic chapter. Obama may have opposed that particular war, but he will do nothing to reverse its consequences, the most dramatic of which appears to be the unleashing of the Israeli military machine on the region. First it was Lebanon, followed by the buzzing of Syrian airspace and the bombing of an alleged "nuclear facility" that turned out to be an ordinary weapons dump. Now we have the end of "disengagement" in Gaza and the opening up of a new front in Israel's relentless war of expansion.
It is a war that has been financed by U.S. tax dollars and fought with American weapons, with the active collaboration and support of our government. We have paid for the radical expansion of the Israeli "settlements" by armed bands of ultra-nationalist fanatics, Israel's version of the Taliban. Indeed, Israeli opinion is moving rapidly in the radicals' direction, and the victory of Benjamin Netanyahu and the far-right Likud Party in the upcoming election is virtually assured – with even more extreme elements waiting in the wings for their moment.
As the leaders of a settler colony implanted in the midst of Arab lands, the founders of the Israeli state were faced with a conundrum from the very start. No matter how enlightened and progressive the early settlers considered themselves, they could not escape their status as unwanted interlopers, the advance guard of what was essentially a foreign invasion. Living in their utopian kibbutzes and thinking they were constructing an egalitarian paradise, what they were really building was a rigidly hierarchical society, a caste system with the settlers and their descendants at the top, arranged in tiers according to their origins in the "diaspora," with the Palestinians at the very bottom – a displaced underclass forcibly segregated and routinely subjected to Israeli state violence.
Like a caged lion, grievously wounded, which nevertheless manages to roar and occasionally strike out – however ineffectually – at its tormentors, the Palestinian people are unbowed.
The Israelis – and the U.S. – rail against Hamas as a gang of terrorists, yet most of the governments of the region started out as "terrorist" gangs. Two were called the Irgun and the Haganah, the revolutionary movements that carried out attacks on civilians, including the British as well as the Arabs, in their battle to establish the state of Israel. Hamas will do no more, and no less, in their bid to establish a Palestinian state.
If nothing else, this fresh paroxysm of Israeli aggression ought to debunk, once and for all, the neocon talking point that democracies never go to war with each other. Yet here we have a country that styles itself an island of Western-style liberalism in a sea of Oriental despotism going to war with the only other democratically elected government in the immediate vicinity. Whatever the military outcome of the present conflict – in all likelihood a stalemate – this is a big political victory for Hamas, which ordinary Palestinians see actively defending them against the rampaging Israelis. The moderates on the West Bank are undercut, once again, and that has always been the Israeli strategy.
Their first target was the decidedly secular Palestine Liberation Organization, which they did everything to destroy and undercut – even to the point of providing legal status and covert funding to Hamas. These followers of radical Islamist preachers began as a religious association, formally registered with the Israeli authorities. Hamas was encouraged as a potentially more compliant competitor with the PLO. Another case of blowback, with a vengeance.
Having given birth to the monster of Hamas, the mutant offspring of occupation and dispossession, the Israelis will be forgiven if they refuse to acknowledge the family resemblance. Yet it is unmistakable. Both Israel and Hamas-stan are the spawn of religious and ethnic exclusivism and messianism, their leaders fanatics armed with state power. There are differences, of course, a major one being that one side is funded to the tune of $3 billion a year and supported unconditionally by Washington, while the Palestinians – shot at by their fellow Arabs as they try to cross the border into Egypt – stand pretty much alone.
This latest bloody chapter in the tragic history of the region is being written because all the main protagonists benefit: the Israelis, Hamas, and radicals of all stripes, especially those groups aligned with al-Qaeda. As in the case of the Iraq war, bin Laden's narrative of an Israeli-Crusader invasion intent on stamping out Islam is seemingly verified as blood flows freely in the streets of Gaza.
The Israeli rampage is not in our interests, and the longer it continues the more it threatens the already tenuous position of U.S. troops in Iraq, endangering them by inflaming the local populace, which is vehemently pro-Palestinian. The Israeli blitz is sending shockwaves through the region that could upset several apple-carts of U.S. construction, including the regime in Egypt, the pro-U.S. Jordanian monarchy, and especially our rambunctious Iraqi protectorate, where anti-U.S. sentiment is not so quietly building.
Quite naturally, the Israelis care not a fig for any of this. That's what's so "special" about the much-vaunted "special relationship" between Israel and the U.S., in which Uncle Sam plays the part of the henpecked husband who always gives in to the demands of his battle-ax of a wife, no matter how extravagant or unreasonable.
If American interests in the region are to be served, then this unhealthy relationship has to change. Yet it won't change until and unless the political power of the Israel Lobby is broken on the home front. If it takes the prospect of World War III to bring us to that point, it will be far too high a price to pay – yet one that seems increasingly unavoidable.
January 15, 2009 9:27 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
poor Dunc found himself in a hall of mirrors, and lost his mind.
Yes, and then too he called for censorship, so all would be smooth for the simple and feeble minded of Bend, and homer saw that it was good, and continued to allow all tongues to ramble incoherently.
January 15, 2009 9:30 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I was online when Dunc lost his marbles. It was one scary afternoon, I tell you.
Yeh, I remember that day will live in Bend infamy, 1/2 a dozen people visited his shop with flak-jackets.
The whole town thought he had gone postal.
'Mirrors' please get a life, at most its just '7' that's considered a simple number of avatars to process right??
January 15, 2009 9:33 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Since Israel launched its massive, deadly, and completely asymmetric blitzkrieg against the impoverished population of the Gaza Strip, an operation that represents a continuation of Zionist policy since the British mandate period and has so far left over 900 Palestinians dead including some 400 women and children, Ohio Congressman and two-time presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich has carried on his practice of consistently speaking truth to power, reprimanding both Israel for its criminal behavior and the United States government for enabling it. In addition to sending letters of protest to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, Kucinich has also made numerous public statements about the massacre, and on January 7, he rose to his feet on the House floor to deliver the following words:
Wake up America. We have trillions for a war machine and banks while our government stands by and sniffs at the slaughter of innocents in Gaza, where Israel is blocking aid for wounded Palestinians. […] Today U.S. tax dollars, U.S. jets and U.S. helicopters provided to Israel are enabling the slaughter in Gaza. The [Bush] Administration enables Israel to press forward with the attack against defenseless civilians; blocks efforts promoting a cease-fire at the UN; and refuses to make Israel comply with conditions that arms shipments not be used for aggression. Israel is going to receive $30 billion in a ten-year period for military assistance, without having to abide by any humanitarian principles, international laws or standards of basic human decency. Wake up America.
While Kucinich’s urgent pleas seem to have fallen mostly on deaf ears, he has managed to arouse the ire of at least one pro-Israel organization. Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi, founder of the Washington-based NGO The Israel Project, chastised the Ohio Congressman saying, “He is not a friend of Israel; he doesn’t understand the security concerns of the Israeli people; he doesn’t understand what it’s like to live under rockets that are coming down constantly. If Dennis Kucinich were at all consistent with what voters wanted, he would be the president-elect as opposed to one of many people who tried to be the president-elect.”
But what exactly is it that American voters want? Do they, as Ms. Mizrahi insinuates, fully support Israel’s wanton destruction of the defenseless in Gaza? Do the American people truly stand behind the butchery of innocents including police school graduates, ambulance drivers, and sleeping children?
Despite the entirely slanted and dishonest coverage the calamity has hitherto received by mainstream media outlets in the United States, it turns out that, contrary to what Ms. Mizrahi would have us believe, a substantial segment of the American population does not actually support Israel’s criminal actions. A recent Rasmussen poll has found that Americans are almost evenly split on the issue with 41 percent against the operation compared to 44 percent in favor.
The divide, of course, is even starker when examined along party lines; while some 62 percent of Republicans polled support Israel’s actions, a clear majority of Democrats oppose them by a 24 percent margin. One can only assume that, were the treatment of the ongoing calamity by the mainstream US media not so horribly skewed against the Palestinian victims, these numbers would reveal an even stronger rejection of Israel’s iron-fisted militancy by the American people.
Unfortunately, opposition to Israel’s shock and awe campaign by a majority of Democratic voters does not translate into action or even rhetoric by Democratic leaders. In this respect, Kucinich stands virtually alone amongst a party of Democrats — or, for Denis Perrin, a party of “Savage Mules” — who seem to be vying with their Republican colleagues to see who can best cater to the demands of Washington’s pro-Israel lobby.
President-elect Barack Obama, whose entire campaign hinged on the vague notions of hope and change, has refused to weigh in on the subject, claiming that he is not in any position to take a stand until after taking office on January 20. Anyone with any degree of influence or power who remains silent while masses are slaughtered is a coward, and indeed, Obama’s shirking of responsibility in this time of upheaval and gross injustice is cowardly in the extreme. Moreover, the fact that he felt free during the primaries to ponder invading Pakistan and did not hesitate to condemn the recent attacks in Mumbai only reveals the extent of his hypocrisy.
In recent days, both houses of Congress have passed resolutions expressing the utmost approval for Israel’s aggressive acts with overwhelming bi-partisan support. These shameful resolutions represent two of the first acts of the new Congress. The contentiously worded resolution passed by the House of Representatives expresses “vigorous support and unwavering commitment to the welfare, security, and survival of the State of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state with secure borders, and recognizes its right to act in self-defense to protect its citizens against Hamas’s unceasing aggression” and calls on all countries “to lay blame both for the breaking of the ‘calm’ and for subsequent civilian casualties in Gaza precisely where blame belongs, that is, on Hamas.” Only five congressmen voted against the measure: one Republican (Ron Paul) and four Democrats (Kucinich, Gwen Moore, Nick Rahall, and Maxine Waters).
The powerful American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) has celebrated both of these legislative victories by posting on its website a 104-page pdf file containing quotes from over one hundred American politicians — including such leaders as Representatives Steny Hoyer and Barney Frank and Senators Evan Bayh, Bob Casey Jr., Christopher Dodd, Dick Durbin, and Bill Nelson — who support Israel’s “right to self-defense” against the downtrodden and dispossessed in Gaza. The voices gathered together on this document are almost identical in the intensity of both their boisterousness and their ignorance, and one can be forgiven for being unable to distinguish between Republicans and Democrats. Once again, it seems that AIPAC has provided further evidence to Jack London’s disparaging characterization of lobbies as “peculiar institution[s] for bribing, bulldozing, and corrupting the legislators who were supposed to represent the people’s interests.”
Speaker Nancy Pelosi — once so feared and vilified by the right — has proven herself to be lockstep behind the Israeli occupiers, saying that the Gaza Strip “cannot be allowed to be a sanctuary for attacks on Israel” and that “[t]he United States must continue to stand strongly with its friend and democratic ally.” Similarly, California Congressman Henry Waxman proclaimed that “Israel’s operation in Gaza is an act of self defense. It is a blatant double standard for those who criticize Israel to expect any nation to stand idle as its cities and citizens are indiscriminately shelled.”
By placing the blame for the current escalation of violence squarely at the feet of Hamas and the Palestinians, our elected Democratic representatives are repeating that old charade of blaming the victim for the actions of the victimizer. In the words of New York Congressman Joseph Crowley, “Hamas had a choice this past December: extend the cease-fire or continue hostilities. They chose war over peace.” Illinois Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. too has weighed in on the conflict saying, “We in the United States must continue to stand shoulder-to-shoulder in support of our friend and ally Israel as it defends itself against Hamas’ unrelenting rocket attacks from Gaza.”
Can our Congressmen be any further removed from reality? Unfortunately, it appears that they can. In one of the more revealing statements of support, New York Congressman Eliot Engel points to cultural affinity between the United States and Israel as a justification for his pro-Israeli sympathies. On the House floor, he declared, “I rise this afternoon in support of the beleaguered people of the State of Israel. I rise in support of the only democracy in the Middle East. I rise in support of the country in the Middle East that has the same values that our great country, the United States of America, has: principles of democracy and principles that are so important to every man, woman and child.” Apparently for Mr. Engel, the people of Gaza living under Israel’s iron heel do not share such values, and his callous dismissal of them only goes to prove Howard Zinn’s assertion that “[i]t is easier to explain atrocities if they are committed against infidels, or people of an inferior race.” The late Samuel Huntington would be proud.
Not to be outdone by their colleagues in the House, our country’s Democratic Senators have likewise risen up to express their solidarity with the occupational forces. New York Senator Charles Schumer finds it “naïve and unrealistic that some say Israel should ’sit down and talk’ to Hamas, a group sworn to Israel’s annihilation, that broke the recent ceasefire by flinging missiles at Israeli cities.” Similarly, New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez communicated his support for Israel’s bombardment of Gaza by way of an analogy: “If I am sitting in New Jersey, and rockets are landing around my house, near my children, and near our schools, my number one goal, my immediate goal, is to stop the rockets. So in December of 2008, Israel sent its military to Gaza to achieve a direct goal: stop the rockets.”
One cannot look to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid for any courageous leadership on the issue. Reid, who cosponsored last week’s Senate resolution condemning Hamas, was recently featured as a guest on NBC’s Meet the Press. During the course of his interview, he expressed his solidarity with Israel saying that the Israelis “gave it [Gaza] to the Palestinians as a gesture of peace, and all they got are a bunch of rockets in return.” When asked if he was “in sync with the Bush administration” regarding the conflict, Reid responded succinctly: “Yes, I am.”
In his classic text The Wretched of the Earth, Franz Fanon wrote that “the European masses must first of all decide to wake up, put on their thinking caps, and stop playing the irresponsible game of Sleeping Beauty” if the criminal and racist practice of colonialism were ever to end. The same can also be said today of those in the United States who seem to believe that the answer to today’s problems lies in the triumph of one establishment party over the other on election day. The shameful Democratic response to the ongoing bloodbath in Gaza illustrates this point; it is a tragic reminder that the two-party political system of the United States is fundamentally flawed. In the words of Congressman Kucinich, perhaps the sole voice of reason and integrity remaining the Democratic Party, “Wake up America.”
January 15, 2009 9:33 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Obama's chief adviser, David Axelrod, averred that "we have only one president at a time" – a consideration that hasn't stopped the world's most famous community organizer from publicly organizing the biggest raid on the U.S. Treasury in American history. In any case, as the Huffington Post put it, Axelrod "did reaffirm Obama's commitment to the 'special relationship between the United States and Israel' in a way that suggested general sympathy for the Jewish state's actions."
January 15, 2009 9:36 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The little black-jewish-nigger-oreo a coward? No, pls tell me it ain't so.
President-elect Barack Obama, whose entire campaign hinged on the vague notions of hope and change, has refused to weigh in on the subject, claiming that he is not in any position to take a stand until after taking office on January 20. Anyone with any degree of influence or power who remains silent while masses are slaughtered is a coward, and indeed, Obama’s shirking of responsibility in this time of upheaval and gross injustice is cowardly in the extreme. Moreover, the fact that he felt free during the primaries to ponder invading Pakistan and did not hesitate to condemn the recent attacks in Mumbai only reveals the extent of his hypocrisy.
January 15, 2009 9:38 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Many of us have made remarks about Zionists that are causing concern that we are encouraging hatred of Jews, or that we are disguising our "anti-Semitism" as anti-Zionism. So let's look at such as issues as:
What is "Zionism"?
If Zionism is good for Jews, why are some Jews, such as, condemning Zionism?
Since Jews are permitted to condemn Zionism, why can't goyim?
What is anti-semitism, and how does it differ from anti-Zionism?
What is "Zionism"?
The word was created in 1890 by Nathan Birmbaum to refer to his goal of creating a nation for Jews.
However, because violence is used to create Israel, the word Zionism has become closely associated with images of dead Palestinians, suicide bombers, the attack on the USS Liberty, the 9-11 attack, and numerous other violent acts. This gives the word Zionism an unpleasant image.
In order to make Zionism appear more pleasant, some Jews give it a more vague, confusing definition.
For example, try to make sense of this explanation of a Zionist from the World Zionist Organization. If you can handle that article, you might want to look at their other articles on Zionism.
To confuse the issue, Orthodox Jews who belong to Jews Against Zionism wrote this article. They tell us that "Zionism thrives on anti-Semitism".
They want to get rid of Zionism. Are they anti-semitic? Or are they simply better educated about Jews and Zionism than most people?
If goyim create a web site called, would the site be "anti-Semitic"?
I shall define Zionism
After asking a dozen Jews what Zionism and anti-Semitism is, you will be more confused than before you started.
I suggest we will give the word its original meaning, which is an organization of Jews whose goal is to create a nation for Jews.
There are a lot of Christians who want to help Israel become established, so some people refer to them "Christian Zionists". However, I doubt that Theodor Herzl and the other Jews who started the Zionist movement had any intention of allowing Christians, Muslims, or other goyim to be equal members of Israel. Therefore, I would not describe the goyim who support Israel as "Zionists". Instead, I think a more accurate description for them is useful idiots.
Zionism is alive and thriving
Some Jews are aware of the unpleasant aspects to the word "Zionism", so they claim that Zionism ended in 1948 when Israel became established. They insist that there are no more Zionists in the world today; therefore, complaining about Zionism is as absurd as complaining about the Roman army.
However, Israel is not self-sufficient yet. Therefore, it does not make sense to say that Zionism ended in 1948. Israel is still in its developmental stages, so Zionism is still very active.
Israel requires billions of dollars every year from America and Europe. Also, Israel is still hiding behind America's military, as well as using America's military to destroy Arab nations.
The Zionists are still working very hard to ensure the river of money flows into Israel. They also work very hard to control the American and European media. They suppress serious critics of Zionism, which is why so few Americans realize that many Jews are complaining about Zionism.
The Zionists also struggle to to fool us into believing that Israel is a friend of America, and that we are providing freedom to the Iraqi people by bombing them.
In reality, the Zionists are using the American soldiers as attack dogs.
Since Israel is not ready to survive on its own, Zionism will be active for a long time in the future. Furthermore, since Iran, Syria, and other nations are serious, potential enemies of Israel, hundres of Zionists around the world may be struggling as you read this to find a way to fool the Americans into destroying those nations.
Is it wrong
to complain about Zionism?
If we define Zionism as the struggle to create Israel, then complaining about Zionism is complaining about the struggle to create Israel. This has nothing to do with Jews, Catholics, atheists, or any other race or political party. Therefore, anti-Zionism is not anti-Jew.
If a group of Mormons decide to create a nation for themselves in New Zealand, am I required to provide financial, emotional, and military support? Is Cindy Sheehan required to send her children to New Zealand to help develop the Mormon nation? If I complain that I do not want to support the creation of a Mormon nation, am I anti-Mormon?
If a group of Catholics decide to create a nation for themselves in Palestine, am I required to provide them with financial, emotional, and military support? Is Cindy Sheehan required to send her children to Palestine to help develop the Catholic nation? If I complain that I do not want to support the creation of a Catholic nation, am I anti-Catholic?
A hundred years ago a group of Jews decided to create Israel in Palestine. Why should any of us be required to support their activities? Why are we anti-Semitic when we complain that we are tired of giving tax money to Israel? Why should Cindy Sheehan be required to send her children to die for Israel?
Many Jews have no desire to support Israel, and if they can oppose Israel, so can us goyim.
Or, if opposing the creation of Israel is "anti-Semitic", then there is nothing wrong with being anti-Semitic.
The Goyist Movement
In the 1890s the Zionist movement was established to create the nation of Israel. If they can do this, why can't I?
I am officially announcing the Goyist Movement to create a new homeland in North and South America for intelligent goys. I want the Israeli army to drive all of the stupid goyim from North and South America. I also want Israelis to provide billions of dollars a year for my new nation. If the Israelis refuse to help me, they are anti-Goyist.
I want hate crime legislation to arrest Israelis who criticize the Goyist Movement. Anti-Goyism is a serious crime, so I am starting the Goyish Defense League (the GDL) to protect the innocent Goys from the evil anti-Goyicks.
Do I hate Jews for
destroying Europe and America?
Before the Zionists get mad at me, let me provide some more details on how I look at the world's situation.
As I try to explain in other documents, such as this one, life is a competitive struggle, and I am not interested in feeling sorry for the losers or hating the winners.
If you were to see a cat catch a mouse, play with it a while, and then eat it, would you hate the evil cat for torturing the innocent mouse?
How is the human world any different? I see Zionists constantly outsmarting Europeans, Russians, Americans, and Australians.
I see the Zionists as being analogous to an organization of cats who work together to catch thousands of stupid, unorganized mice. Why should I feel sorry for the mice? Why should I hate the cats?
Sure, you can complain that the Zionists are often committing immoral acts, and using all sorts of deceptive and treacherous methods to achieve their goals. But so what? Nobody is forcing the stupid goyim to fall for their treachery. If all the goyim were like me, the Zionists would have to find some other group to exploit.
Hundreds of millions of Europeans and Americans are being eaten by a few thousand Zionists, but is it accurate to say the reason is because the Zionists are evil? It is more accurate to describe the majority of Europeans and Americans as too mentally defective to take care of themselves and their nations.
I will not cry for the Europeans or the Americans if their nations are taken over or destroyed by Zionists, nor will I hate the Zionists.
As I describe in that previously mentioned document, the European immigrants to North America took the land from the natives. Today the goyim are in the position of the Native Americans, and the Zionists are the pioneers who are developing a nation for themselves at our expense.
When I was a child it was common for children to play a game called "Cowboys and Indians". A hundred years from now -- if Israel gets established and dominates the world -- Israeli children may play a game called the Zionists and Goyim.
Many thousands of years ago the people in the Iraq and Egypt were the most advanced societies on the planet.
They had a written language, arithmetic, and cities, while everybody else on the planet was living like animals. But their success lasted for only a few centuries.
For a while the Greeks were advanced, but that did not last long. Then the Romans became advanced, but that did not last long, either.
Eventually the Europeans rose to dominance, and at the end of World War II, America found itself in the position of world leader. But today we find Europe and America are disintegrating.
Why should I feel sorry for any of these failed societies? Feeling sorry for a nation will not help that nation, and it will not help me. Pity does not help anybody.
Why should I cry
for people who ignore me?
I spent a lot of time and effort trying to explain to people that the World Trade Center towers were blown up with explosives, and I tried to explain numerous other scams, but the majority of people ignore me, or ridicule me. Why should I feel sorry for them when they get eaten by Zionists?
I do not hate the Zionists. Rather, I am astounded by the pathetic mental qualities of the majority of American and European goyim. Very few goyim can think properly. All they do is entertain themselves. A few times I even wondered, "How am I related to these idiot goys? Or am I actually a Jew, and I was mixed up at the hospital by the stupid, goy nurses?"
The problems of America and Europe are self-inflicted. For example, consider the media. Many goyim complain that the Jews control the media, but as I explain in other documents, the Jews are not forcing us to buy the New York Times, Newsweek, or Scientific American. The dumb goyim are doing this voluntarily. And they purchase these publications even though I repeatedly tell them to stop funding the people who lie to them.
Nothing I say seems to have an effect. I could teach arithmetic to a dog faster than I could help the average goy.
The issue of illegal immigration is another example. Americans complain that millions of Mexicans are coming into the nation illegally every year. However, it does not take much intelligence to realize that they are coming into this nation because there are jobs everywhere for them.
Nobody is forced to hire illegal aliens. The American people are doing this voluntarily, but they refuse to take responsibility for their behavior. The hypocrisy and selfishness is incredible.
As an example, when Arianna Huffington was living in Santa Barbara, she was accused of having an illegal alien helping her to raise her child. Since Huffington was born wealthy, she cannot use the excuse that she was too busy working to care for her children. How can this nation take care of itself when the people who provide guidance are such selfish hypocrites?
Eventually the Mexicans will dominate America, but I will not feel sorry for the American people, nor will I hate the Mexicans.
What are we struggling for?
On one of his radio shows, Daryl Smith brought up the question, "What are we struggling for?" This is an important issue that everybody should consider before they try to expose 9/11, the Kennedy assassination, the attack on the USS Liberty, the Dyncorp sex slaves, or other crimes.
Why are we risking our lives to expose these crimes? Why are we working so hard and spending so much time and money to expose these crimes? Are we doing this for the mindless goyim who ridicule us as "conspiracy nuts"?
Some of the goyim have already tried to turn us into the FBI on the grounds that we are terrorists.
For example, an American woman showed several 9/11 videos to her visiting relatives. One of them asked if she could borrow the videos. Weeks later, when asked when she would return the videos, she was told that the videos were in Washington, DC. She sent them to the government as evidence that we are all terrorists.
If it were legal for Americans to arrest "terrorists", many of us would have been put in jail long ago by our relatives and neighbors. Are we struggling to help these imbeciles?
Is it surprising that a small handful of Zionists can get control of this nation? How many Americans have a brain that is functioning properly? How many of them are capable of discussing issues? How many of them can face reality?
A man sent me an e-mail complaining about one of my documents. Among other things, I told him that he should look into the Apollo moon landing, and I gave him a link to my Science Challenge. His response was:
I hate to brag, but I have a degree in physics (and in Computer Science, but certainly not in PolySci), and I can disagree with you endlessly on it.
If my science challenge is flawed, then show me the evidence. Boasting about a college degree is not providing evidence.
Sweep the USA in the trash and start over
Most Americans believe that the nation will improve if we remove George Bush from the presidency, but that will not do anything to make America a better place. Even with a different president, we still have the same crummy cities, the same corrupt and greedy corporations, the same corrupt unions, the same crummy school system, and the same crummy media.
Daryl Smith says that America needs a Mulligan, which is a golfing expression to start over. I agree. America is hopeless. We need to learn from our mistakes and redesign this nation. We need new attitudes, a better method of selecting government leaders, and a better school systems.
I am not struggling to keep America as it is and merely replace George Bush with John Kerry or Al Gore. Rather, I would like to see the nation become better. With the technology we have today, we can make an incredible world for ourselves. We no longer have to rush out every day to search for food and water. We could have beautiful cities, beautiful trains, wonderful gardens, and healthy food to eat.
I am not struggling to help the stupid goyim. Rather, I am hoping to reach that small number of goyim whose brains are functioning properly, and who would like to make a better world.
January 15, 2009 9:38 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Israel's relentless air attacks on a besieged Gaza, which have killed over 1,000 Palestinians and destroyed hundreds of homes, continue to take place away from the gaze of the international news media.
A country that claims to be the only multi-party democracy in the Middle East, Israel has barred all foreign journalists from entering Gaza, triggering strong protests not only from the United Nations but also from human rights groups and media organisations.
Speaking from Beirut, Mohamad Bazzi, a journalism professor at New York University, told IPS there are hundreds of journalists from around the world who have gathered in Israel trying to get access into Gaza.
Without access to the battlefield, they are having a difficult time verifying the claims by either side, he said.
"As the fighting continues and the civilian death toll rises in Gaza, the United Nations has warned of a humanitarian catastrophe and the world still does not have a full picture of the extent of that crisis," said Bazzi, who is also a board member of the Arab and Middle Eastern Journalists Association (AMEJA).
The New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) fired off a strong letter of protest last week to Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak criticising the restrictions on the international media.
"By preventing journalists from covering its military offensive in Gaza, Israel is betraying its own democratic principles. It is also denying the world access to fact-based reporting," says CPJ Executive Director Joel Simon.
He said Israel has a long history of allowing international journalists to cover conflicts.
"Why is it now restricting all access to a conflict zone? What is the legal basis for this restriction on the free movement of journalists?" he asked.
According to the CPJ, the Foreign Press Association in Israel appealed the ban to the Supreme Court, which suggested a compromise that would allow a small group of international journalists to file pool reports from Gaza.
The Israeli Defence Force (IDF) apparently agreed to allow eight journalists in through the Erez crossing in northern Gaza, but later scrapped the plan, "supposedly for security reasons, even as relief workers and others were admitted into Gaza".
"Although crossings have been opened more than once since the Israeli offensive on Gaza started, no journalists have been allowed to enter," Simon complained in his letter to Barak.
The letter also said there were more than 900 media personnel, mostly working for international news outlets, already in Israel who have been barred from crossing into Gaza for safety reasons.
"Israel has barred its own citizens from entering Gaza for the past two years, citing security fears. But the ban on international journalists is less than two months old and had been enforced sporadically until the latest military offensive," said Simon.
Meanwhile, the only 24-hour reporting has come from the Al-Jazeera satellite channel, whose reporters were present in Gaza long before the fighting began.
Bazzi told IPS that Israel has a history of a free and vibrant press, with news outlets that often challenge their government.
"Israel also has a history of allowing journalists to cover conflicts," he added.
During the Israeli occupation of South Lebanon from 1982 to 2000, the IDF took international journalists into the occupied zone.
And during the 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah, journalists had access to the battlefield.
"This is the first time that Israel has banned all access to a conflict zone. Israel has not provided a legal basis or an adequate explanation for this ban on journalists," Bazzi added.
U.N. Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information Kiyo Akasaka has urged the Israeli government to provide "immediate access for international media into Gaza" and reminded the Israelis of the right to information enshrined in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
An equally strong protest has come from the director-general of the U.N. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), Koichiro Matsuura, who also condemned the killing of a journalist on the first day of the Israeli offensive against Gaza.
Basel Faraj, a cameraman for the Algerian TV network ENTV and the Palestine Broadcasting Production Company, died from wounds following an Israeli air strike.
Matsuura called on Israel "to allow local and international media professionals to report on events" in Gaza.
But these protests have had no positive response from Israel, which has continued with its devastation of Gaza minus international media scrutiny.
On Thursday, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said he was "outraged" that another artillery shell had landed in a U.N. compound in Gaza even as he was on a visit to Israel.
Following his protest, Barak admitted it was "a grave mistake" and assured the secretary-general that "extra attention" would be paid to U.N. facilities, a frequent target of Israeli attacks, in the future.
Besides the rising death toll, mostly women and children, the casualties also include some 4,000 injured in the 19-day fighting between Israel and Hamas.
"I am sorry to report that the tragic horror continues, and will continue until the guns fall silent," John Ging, director of the U.N. Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) in Gaza, told reporters early this week.
Ging said his U.N. agency would continue to call for a media presence in Gaza "not only because the truth must be told, but also because those making important decisions must be able to base their information on the facts."
Both the United Nations and the humanitarian community in Gaza regretted the absence of a "vibrant and impartial press corps on the ground", Ging added.
January 15, 2009 9:39 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"and poor Dunc found himself in a hall of mirrors, and lost his mind. "
What's most sad is that these were the own words of our censor himself, he that wants the power to censor all of us lost his mind when he had follow a thread of more than two people engaging in a conversation.
January 15, 2009 9:42 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"and poor Dunc found himself in a hall of mirrors, and lost his mind. "
What's most sad is that these were the own words of our censor himself, he that wants the power to censor all of us lost his mind when he had follow a thread of more than two people engaging in a conversation.
January 15, 2009 9:42 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Can't you read you jackass. Nobody gives a shit about your rants. Get off this fuckin' blog.
January 15, 2009 9:42 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Inquiries with people uninvolved in the spat between Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice reveal that his version of the lead-up to America's vote on last week's Security Council resolution is closer to the truth than hers.
Last Wednesday, the only proposal on the council's table was a completely one-sided Libyan resolution. Since it was clear to everyone that the United States would veto it, Israel had no reason to worry. But then, Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, a former senior World Bank official, decided that this was the moment to make use of his Washington connections.
Fayyad persuaded the Americans to support a softened version of the resolution, which called for a prompt cease-fire, hoping that such a resolution would speed up the ongoing truce talks. He asked the British and French for help, and they agreed. Rice signaled her French and British counterparts, Bernard Kouchner and David Miliband, that she was on board.
European diplomats, UN officials and a senior PA official all said Thursday that as of last Friday night it was clear to almost everyone that the U.S., like the other 14 Security Council members, would vote for the softened resolution. They said Rice had promised as much to her European colleagues.
In Jerusalem, however, officials went to sleep thinking the Americans had only agreed to support a 48-hour humanitarian cease-fire. At 1 A.M., final confirmation came from New York: The U.S. had promised that no cease-fire resolution would be brought to a vote any time soon. An hour and a half later, however, it became clear that not only was the Security Council due to vote on a cease-fire resolution at any minute, but Rice had ordered America's UN ambassador to support it. Olmert promptly telephoned U.S. President George Bush to complain about Rice's behavior and demand that he restrain her. What Bush said to Rice remains unknown. What is known, however, is that the U.S. suddenly changed its vote from "yes" to "abstain."
The whole story would have ended well had Olmert behaved like a responsible adult and restrained his own impulses. Even his close associates admit that he would have done better to skip the public boasting about how he persuaded Bush to overrule Rice. Quite aside from the fact that this embarrassed the U.S. administration, Olmert's associates understand all too well that this story merely provides fresh ammunition to those who claim the Jews are the ones who really control America.
January 15, 2009 9:44 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I'm an old man, what do I know?? But what I know is that some Nazi's here with Condoms that want to Fuck our Great Country in the Ass talk about being Progressives, ... The mother of Progressives in the USA, is Mother-Jones, and what does she say about the OREO?? ..
Obama at AIPAC
Some key take-aways from Barack Obama's speech to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) today:
I will bring to the White House an unshakeable commitment to Israel's security. That starts with ensuring Israel's qualitative military advantage. ...I will ensure Israel can defend itself from any threat, from Gaza to Tehran. ...
As president I will use all elements of American power to pressure Iran. I will do everything in my power to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. Everything in my power to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. Everything.
That starts with aggressive, principled tough diplomacy with clear eyed understanding of our interests. We have no time to waste. ... We have tried limited, piecemeal talks, outsourced to other parties. It has not worked. It is time for the US to lead ....
I have no interest to sit down just for sake of talking. But as president I would be willing at time and place of my choosing, if and only if it advances the interests of the United States. It is time once again to make diplomacy succeed.
(Choice to Iran will be clear). If you abandon your nuclear program, your support for terrorism, and your threats to Israel, there will be economic incentives. If you refuse, we will ratchet up the pressure.
(And it will be clear to the world) that the Iran regime is the author of its own isolation, and that will strengthen our hand -- with allies, Russia, China ...
(A contact in the room observed that Mccain got a better reception two days ago. "Applause on Obama's Iran comments was very lackluster - and the cheers seemed to largely come from the student delegation there.")
Here's a full transcript of Obama's remarks as prepared for delivery (.pdf).
Highlights from liveblog of Obama speech below:
Extraordinary night last night. I want to publicly acknowledge Hillary Clinton for extraordinary race that she has run. ...She has made history alongside me for the past 16 months.
Provocative emails circulating around Jewish community in country. Let me know if you see this guy Barack Obama because he sounds pretty scary.
Today I will be speaking from my heart as a true friend of Israel.
I know that when I visit AIPAC, I am among friends, good friends. Friends who share my strong commitment that bond between US and Israel unbreakable today, unbreakable tomorrow, unbreakable forever ....
One of many things I admire about Aipac is fight for this cause from the bottom up .... to make sure bond between Israel and the US is rooted in more than our shared national interests, rooted in shared values and stories of our people. As president, I will work with you to ensure that this bond that is strengthened.
First became familiar with Israel when I was 11 years old. Had a camp counselor, who was American Jew, but he had lived in Israel. Faith family and culture, year after year, generation after generation. Story made powerful impression on me. I had grown up without a sense of roots. My father from Kenya, left when I was two. My mother white, from Kansas. In many ways I did not know where I came from. Understood Zionist idea that there is always a homeland at center of our story. I also learned about horror of the Holocaust, and terrible urgency it brought to need for state of Israel. My grandfather served in World War II, for months when he came home from Germany, he was in shock. ...
Like Eisenhower, each of must bear witness... We must mean what we say when we speak the words 'never again.' (sustained applause)
Just a few years after liberation of camps that David Ben Gurion established state of Israel. Just and necessary. Sixty years later, we cannot relent, we cannot yield, and as president I will never compromise when it comes to Israel's security. (applause)
Not when maps across Middle East that don't acknowledge Israel's existence, not when rockets raining down on Sderot. ....
I have long understood Israel's quest for peace and need for security. Never more than travels two years ago when went to Israel, flying on IDF helicopter, .....talked to people who never wanted something more simple and more elusive than secure future for their children.
I am proud to be part of strong, bipartisan consensus that has vowed to stand by Israel in face of all threats. That is a commitment Mccain and I share. Support for israel goes beyond party in this country.
But part of our commitment must be speaking up for Israel's security when Israel is at risk. None of us can be satisfied that [recent] foreign policy has made Israel more secure. Hamas controls Gaza. Iraq wrong war - Iran more dangerous. Iran emboldened and poses greatest strategic threat to US and Israel in a generation.
Question is how to move forward. There are those who would continue and intensify this failed status quo. Ignoring evidence our recent foreign policy has been dangerously flawed. Then there are voices that blame Middle East conflict for all region's extremism. Those that threaten Israel threaten us.
I will bring to White House an unshakeable commitment to Israel's security.
That starts with ensuring Israel's qualitative military advantage.
Will ensure Israel can defend itself from any threat, from Gaza to Tehran.
As president I will implelement a Memeorandum of Understanding to provide $30 billion in [defense] investments to Israel - not tied to any other nation.
I will always stand up for Israel's right to defend itself at the UN and around the world. (applause)
Real security can only come through lasting peace. That is In Israel's national interest, in America's national interest, and in the Palestinian peoples' interest. (applause)
I will help achieve the goal of two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security. And I won't wait until waning days of my presidency. I will take an active role to advance cause of peace from start of my administration (applause). ...
There is no room at the negotiating table for terrorist organizations. (applause) That is why I opposed allowing Hamas to run in 2006 presidential elections. Israel and the Palestinian Authority warned us, but this administration pressed ahead. The result is Gaza controlled by Hamas.
Egypt must cut off smuggling of weapons into Gaza.
Israel can also advance cause of peace by taking appropriate steps consistent with its security to ease freedom of movement - at checkpoints - as it agreed to do with Bush administration at Annapolis.
Israel's security is sacrosanct. It is non negotiable.
Palestinians need a state that is contiguous and cohesive and enables them to prosper. But any agreement with the Palestinian people must preserve Israel's identity as a Jewish state, secure in its borders, and Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, secure and undivided.
No illusions any of this will be easy. Most Israelis and Palestinians want peace.
US must be strong and consistent partner in this process, help committed partners achieve progress.
Threats to Israel start close to home but do not end there.
Syria has taken dangerous steps in pursuit of WMD which is why Israeli action entirely justified to end that threat.
Also believe US has responsibility to support Israel''s effort to renew peace talks with Syrians. We should never force Israel to negotiating table. But neither should we block negotiations when Israeli leaders think they serve Israeli interests.
Success requires full enforcement of UN SC res: It is time for reckless Syrian behavior in Lebanon to come to end.
There is no greater threat to Israel or peace than Iran. This audience is made up of both Republicans and Democrats. The enemies of Israel should have no doubt: regardless of party, Americans stand shoulder to shoulder in support of Israel's security.
The Iran regime supports violent extremists and challenges us across region. It pursues nuclear capability that could start arms race and... its president denies the Holocaust and threatens to wipe Israel off the map.
My goal will be to eliminate this threat.
Just as we are clear eyed about threat, we must be clear about barriers to effective policy.
We knew in 2002 that Iran was a threat - supporting terrorism, etc.... Instead we ignored it and invaded Iraq.
When I opposed the war I knew it would fan flames of extremism in Middle East. It has.
US and Israel are less secure (because of Iraq invasion).
McCain and I differ on that.
Iran has strengthened its position (because of US policy in Iraq). Those are the facts and they cannot be denied
Refuse to continue policy that has made US and Israel less secure (applause)
McCain offers false choice. ... I reject his logic because there is a better way.
Keeping all our troops in Iraq is precisely what strengthens Iran. It's a policy for staying, not a policy for victory.
I have proposed phased redeployment of our troops for Iraq. Get out as carefully as we got in carelessly.
As president I will use all elements of American power to pressure Iran. I will do everything in my power to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. Everything in my power to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. Everything (sustained applause).
That starts with aggressive, principled tough diplomacy with clear eyed understanding of our interests. We have no time to waste.
We have tried limited piecemeal talks - outsourced to other parties. it has not worked. Time for the US to lead (applause). ...
I have no interest to sit down just for sake of talking. But as president I would be willing at time of place of my choosing if and only if it advances the interests of the United States. (play on Rice's speech).
Time once again to make diplomacy succeed.
(Choice to Iran will be clear).
If you abandon your nuclear program, your support for terrorism, and your threats to Israel - there will be economic incentives.
If you refuse, we will ratchet up the pressure.
(And it will be clear to the world that that) Iran regime is the author of its own isolation, and that will strengthen our hand -- with allies, Russia, China, etc.
(ticks off support for every element in Iran counterproliferation act. including ban on gas imports.)
I introduced legislation a year ago to divest from Iran..... For some reason, McCain never signed on. Anonymous senator blocks the bill. It is time to pass this into law. So we can tighten sanctions on the Iranian regime. We should also tighten sanctions on Iranian banks and other assets....
We must reduce our dependence on oil. And Bush policies have driven up the price of oil. And we can join Israel to develop alternative sources of energy. (applause, applause, applause)
We should work with Israel - increasing scientific collaboration and joint R/D - surest way to ensure leverage is to stop bankrolling the Iranian regime.
There should be no doubt: I will always keep the threat of military action to defend our security and our ally Israel. Do not be confused.
Sometimes there are no alternatives to confrontation. If we must use military force, we are more likely to succeed and have more support at home and abroad if we have exahusted our diplomatic options. That is the change we need in our policy.
Tikkun Olam....obligation to repair this world.....American Jews are committed to social justice.....
(Jewish Americans joined African Americans in leading civil rights movement. ...)
Their legacy is our heritage. We must work together ... Jews and African Americans ... to end prejudice and combat hatred in all its forms. Join our voices together - and in doing so even the mightiest enemies will fall down. Now is the time to be vigilant to be facing down every foe. Just as we move forward in seeking future of peace.
Now is the time to stand by Israel as it writes the next chapter. ...
Now is the time to join together in the work of repairing this world.
Thanks everybody, God Bless You.
January 15, 2009 9:44 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Can't you read you jackass. Nobody gives a shit about your rants. Get off this fuckin' blog.
When good men remain silent, ... thats how all fucking dictatorships begin.
Mob banks, Mob bank hits, ... yes the MOB runs Bend, and BEND is a MOB town,
January 15, 2009 9:46 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Quite aside from the fact that this embarrassed the U.S. administration, Olmert's associates understand all too well that this story merely provides fresh ammunition to those who claim the Jews are the ones who really control America.
Move along, and pls whoever post this cease, or HBM & Dunc will suck your marrow when dead.
Move along.
January 15, 2009 9:49 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
And so AIPAC still continues to run the US and the world looks on in astonishment as 303 million Americans meekly accept instructions from this counter democratic pressure group the (original) American Zionist Committee for Public Affairs. Not only do they accept instructions on how to run their country but they allow their valuable tax dollars to be used to support the AIPAC agenda. As Bush and Rice jump so do ordinary Americans in what is claimed to be a democracy. I guess my concept of democracy is a little different from the American model.
January 15, 2009 9:50 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Today what's good for AIPAC is good for ameriKKA, and if you don't like it, fuck you your going to die.
January 15, 2009 9:53 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Even here in Bend Orygun, notable for nuttin except dimwits who bought worthless desert swamp land and dumb fucking 'christian bank tellers running Cracker Ass Banks'.
But WHERE did all the profits go?? Where is all the money?'
Where is all the S-1031 money that was used to front Zion-Ministry??
Where is all the money that MOSS used to front Christian Zionism Home Schooling?
Who the fuck put Moss, Neuman, Lyons, ... and others in positions that they could do fiduciary harm??
January 15, 2009 9:57 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
What's new now with OREO & Change, is that BUSH & RICE have to act stupid and say "What me an AIPAC whore??"
But OREO, like our Wyden or Merkley, they actually wear their AIPAC ownership on their sleeve as insiders in world dominion.
January 15, 2009 10:00 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
U.S. Muslims Call Obama “House Nigger”
Obama openly talking about understanding Zionism: “And I understood the Zionist idea that there is always a homeland at the center of our story.”
“SubhanAllah, and Muslims voted for this Zionist Kafir House Nigger?”
“As one brother had put it, Obama is a shiny toy in a child’s playground; everyone gets distracted by it and forgets the main issues. He plays the role of a Dajjal (deceiver) extremely well.”
The above is from one U.S. black muslim website, one of many that have popped up expressing a lot of dismay toward Obama, because he does appear to be siding with the Zionist Jews. Zionism, simply put, is a Jewish belief in their destiny to have a homeland, Israel, or “Zion”. Obamas choice for Chief of Staff, Rahm Emmanuel, is a Jewish Zionist and this is driving our Negro skinhead, redneck muslims nuts.
Obama is a lawyer. A very successful lawyer. This should tell anybody that he’s a very skilled liar, because all lawyers are liars. Depraved dishonesty and an utter lack of conscience are a requirement of the trade.
Keep that in mind whenever you read or hear anything he says. It’s what he actually does that matters and being an attorney, he plays every angle he can latch onto. This includes sucking in tons of money from foreign muslims to get elected, promising anybody anything as long as he can do it privately, that will give him some sort of advantage, and trying to please everyone who has a lot of power, or has something he wants.
Deceiver. I agree. Sounds like the black muslim whitey-haters are waking up. Obama is going to do what he deems most expedient. He’s a house nigger and he’ll go whichever way the wind blows.
January 15, 2009 10:02 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
A small but significant trial balloon went up late last year when Charles Winters received a presidential pardon. Winters delivered three converted World War II B-17 bombers to the nascent Israeli armed forces in the late 1940s. Co-conspirators Herman Greenspun and Al Schwimmer were fellow operatives within a vast network of nonprofit front organizations stealing, reconditioning, and smuggling surplus WWII arms [.pdf] scheduled to be scrapped under President Truman's War Assets Administration. Greenspun personally stole 58 crates (weighing 35 tons) of .30 and .50 caliber machine guns from the U.S. military for shipment from Hawaii to the Middle East in violation of the 1939 Neutrality Act. Mainstream media has generally portrayed Winters' posthumous pardon as "setting the record straight." His hometown newspaper trumpeted that Winters was "on the wrong side of the law, but on the right side of history."
Those concerned about the portrayal of Israel's history, including Hollywood film director Steven Spielberg, are among the many prominent individuals and organizations that lobbied for Winters' pardon last year. A similar coalition is pushing for the last-minute pardon of not only two American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) lobbyists indicted under the 1917 Espionage Act, but also Israel's most notorious spy. Former U.S. naval intelligence analyst Jonathan Pollard was sentenced to life in prison a quarter century ago for selling some of America's most closely held national defense secrets to Israel. As the final deadline looms, President Bush should carefully consider whether executive clemency for lawbreaking in the name of Israel achieves positive benefits or merely encourages ever more audacious challenges to the rule of law in America.
January 15, 2009 10:03 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
How Barack Obama learned to love Israel
Ali Abunimah, The Electronic Intifada, 4 March 2007
(EI Illustration)
I first met Democratic presidential hopeful Senator Barack Obama almost ten years ago when, as my representative in the Illinois state senate, he came to speak at the University of Chicago. He impressed me as progressive, intelligent and charismatic. I distinctly remember thinking 'if only a man of this calibre could become president one day.'
On Friday Obama gave a speech to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in Chicago. It had been much anticipated in American Jewish political circles which buzzed about his intensive efforts to woo wealthy pro-Israel campaign donors who up to now have generally leaned towards his main rival Senator Hillary Clinton.
Reviewing the speech, Ha'aretz Washington correspondent Shmuel Rosner concluded that Obama "sounded as strong as Clinton, as supportive as Bush, as friendly as Giuliani. At least rhetorically, Obama passed any test anyone might have wanted him to pass. So, he is pro-Israel. Period."
Israel is "our strongest ally in the region and its only established democracy," Obama said, assuring his audience that "we must preserve our total commitment to our unique defense relationship with Israel by fully funding military assistance and continuing work on the Arrow and related missile defense programs." Such advanced multi-billion dollar systems he asserted, would help Israel "deter missile attacks from as far as Tehran and as close as Gaza." As if the starved, besieged and traumatized population of Gaza are about to develop intercontinental ballistic missiles.
Obama offered not a single word of criticism of Israel, of its relentless settlement and wall construction, of the closures that make life unlivable for millions of Palestinians.
There was no comfort for the hundreds of thousands of people in Gaza who live in the dark, or the patients who cannot get dialysis, because of what Israeli human rights group B'Tselem termed "one cold, calculated decision, made by Israel's prime minister, defense minister, and IDF chief of staff" last summer to bomb the only power plant in Gaza," a decision that "had nothing to do with the attempts to achieve [the] release [of a captured soldier] nor any other military need." It was a gratuitous war crime, one of many condemned by human rights organizations, against an occupied civilian population who under the Fourth Geneva Convention Israel is obligated to protect.
From left to right, Michelle Obama, then Illinois state senator Barack Obama, Columbia University Professor Edward Said and Mariam Said at a May 1998 Arab community event in Chicago at which Edward Said gave the keynote speech. (Image from archives of Ali Abunimah)
While constantly emphasizing his concern about the threat Israelis face from Palestinians, Obama said nothing about the exponentially more lethal threat Israelis present to Palestinians. In 2006, according to B'Tselem, Israeli occupation forces killed 660 Palestinians of whom 141 were children -- triple the death toll for 2005. In the same period, 23 Israelis were killed by Palestinians, half the number of 2005 (by contrast, 500 Israelis die each year in road accidents).
But Obama was not entirely insensitive to ordinary lives. He recalled a January 2006 visit to the Israeli town of Kiryat Shmona that resembled an ordinary American suburb where he could imagine the sounds of Israeli children at "joyful play just like my own daughters." He saw a home the Israelis told him was damaged by a Hizbullah rocket (no one had been hurt in the incident).
Six months later, Obama said, "Hizbullah launched four thousand rocket attacks just like the one that destroyed the home in Kiryat Shmona, and kidnapped Israeli service members."
Obama's phrasing suggests that Hizbullah launched thousands of rockets in an unprovoked attack, but it's a complete distortion. Throughout his speech he showed a worrying propensity to present discredited propaganda as fact. As anyone who checks the chronology of last summer's Lebanon war will easily discover, Hizbullah only launched lethal barrages of rockets against Israeli towns and cities after Israel had heavily bombed civilian neighborhoods in Lebanon killing hundreds of civilians, many fleeing the Israeli onslaught.
Obama excoriated Hizbullah for using "innocent people as shields." Indeed, after dozens of civilians were massacred in an Israeli air attack on Qana on July 30, Israel "initially claimed that the military targeted the house because Hezbollah fighters had fired rockets from the area," according to an August 2 statement from Human Rights Watch.
The statement added: "Human Rights Watch researchers who visited Qana on July 31, the day after the attack, did not find any destroyed military equipment in or near the home. Similarly, none of the dozens of international journalists, rescue workers and international observers who visited Qana on July 30 and 31 reported seeing any evidence of Hezbollah military presence in or around the home. Rescue workers recovered no bodies of apparent Hezbollah fighters from inside or near the building." The Israelis subsequently changed their story, and neither in Qana, nor anywhere else did Israel ever present, or international investigators ever find evidence to support the claim Hizbullah had a policy of using civilians as human shields.
In total, forty-three Israeli civilians were killed by Hizbullah rockets during the thirty-four day war. For every Israeli civilian who died, over twenty-five Lebanese civilians were killed by indiscriminate Israeli bombing -- over one thousand in total, a third of them children. Even the Bush administration recently criticized Israel's use of cluster bombs against Lebanese civilians. But Obama defended Israel's assault on Lebanon as an exercise of its "legitimate right to defend itself."
There was absolutely nothing in Obama's speech that deviated from the hardline consensus underpinning US policy in the region. Echoing the sort of exaggeration and alarmism that got the United States into the Iraq war, he called Iran "one of the greatest threats to the United States, to Israel, and world peace." While advocating "tough" diplomacy with Iran he confirmed that "we should take no option, including military action, off the table." He opposed a Palestinian unity government between Hamas and Fatah and insisted "we must maintain the isolation of Hamas" until it meets the Quartet's one-sided conditions. He said Hizbullah, which represents millions of Lebanon's disenfranchised and excluded, "threatened the fledgling movement for democracy" and blamed it for "engulf[ing] that entire nation in violence and conflict."
Over the years since I first saw Obama speak I met him about half a dozen times, often at Palestinian and Arab-American community events in Chicago including a May 1998 community fundraiser at which Edward Said was the keynote speaker. In 2000, when Obama unsuccessfully ran for Congress I heard him speak at a campaign fundraiser hosted by a University of Chicago professor. On that occasion and others Obama was forthright in his criticism of US policy and his call for an even-handed approach to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
The last time I spoke to Obama was in the winter of 2004 at a gathering in Chicago's Hyde Park neighborhood. He was in the midst of a primary campaign to secure the Democratic nomination for the United States Senate seat he now occupies. But at that time polls showed him trailing.
As he came in from the cold and took off his coat, I went up to greet him. He responded warmly, and volunteered, "Hey, I'm sorry I haven't said more about Palestine right now, but we are in a tough primary race. I'm hoping when things calm down I can be more up front." He referred to my activism, including columns I was contributing to the The Chicago Tribune critical of Israeli and US policy, "Keep up the good work!"
But Obama's gradual shift into the AIPAC camp had begun as early as 2002 as he planned his move from small time Illinois politics to the national scene. In 2003, Forward reported on how he had "been courting the pro-Israel constituency." He co-sponsored an amendment to the Illinois Pension Code allowing the state of Illinois to lend money to the Israeli government. Among his early backers was Penny Pritzker -- now his national campaign finance chair -- scion of the liberal but staunchly Zionist family that owns the Hyatt hotel chain. (The Hyatt Regency hotel on Mount Scopus was built on land forcibly expropriated from Palestinian owners after Israel occupied East Jerusalem in 1967). He has also appointed several prominent pro-Israel advisors.
Michelle Obama and Barack Obama listen to Professor Edward Said give the keynote address at an Arab community event in Chicago, May 1998. (Photo: Ali Abunimah)
Obama has also been close to some prominent Arab Americans, and has received their best advice. His decisive trajectory reinforces a lesson that politically weak constituencies have learned many times: access to people with power alone does not translate into influence over policy. Money and votes, but especially money, channelled through sophisticated and coordinated networks that can "bundle" small donations into million dollar chunks are what buy influence on policy. Currently, advocates of Palestinian rights are very far from having such networks at their disposal. Unless they go out and do the hard work to build them, or to support meaningful campaign finance reform, whispering in the ears of politicians will have little impact. (For what it's worth, I did my part. I recently met with Obama's legislative aide, and wrote to Obama urging a more balanced policy towards Palestine.)
If disappointing, given his historically close relations to Palestinian-Americans, Obama's about-face is not surprising. He is merely doing what he thinks is necessary to get elected and he will continue doing it as long as it keeps him in power. Palestinian-Americans are in the same position as civil libertarians who watched with dismay as Obama voted to reauthorize the USA Patriot Act, or immigrant rights advocates who were horrified as he voted in favor of a Republican bill to authorize the construction of a 700-mile fence on the border with Mexico.
Only if enough people know what Obama and his competitors stand for, and organize to compel them to pay attention to their concerns can there be any hope of altering the disastrous course of US policy in the Middle East. It is at best a very long-term project that cannot substitute for support for the growing campaign of boycott, divestment and sanctions needed to hold Israel accountable for its escalating violence and solidifying apartheid.
January 15, 2009 10:07 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Now Bend Morons, you have to understand the power of money. Carter in his book "Palestine Peace Not Apartheid" , pg 209, "...(I)n the United States, Israeli government decisions are rarely questioned, voices from Jerusalem dominate in our media..." In other words, Zionists dominate the US media. "At the same time, political leaders and news media in Europe are highly critical of Israeli policies, affecting public attitudes." "Citizens in 15 European nations, indicate that Israel was considered to be the top threat to world peace."
In Arron David Miller’s book, “The Much Too Promised Land”, he states that “no ethnic group has the power and focus of the American-Jewish community.” “Today you cannot be successful in American politics and not be good on Israel.” London review of books, The Israel Lobby , by John Mearsheimer(U of Chicago)and Stephen Walt(Harvard U) (book endorsed by former Carter Security Advisor Brzezinski)“Thanks in part to the influence Jewish voters have on presidential elections, the Lobby also has significant leverage over the executive branch. Although they make up fewer than 3 per cent of the population, they make large campaign donations to candidates from both parties. The Washington Post once estimated that Democratic presidential candidates ‘depend on Jewish supporters to supply as much as 60 per cent of the money’. And because Jewish voters have high turn-out rates and are concentrated in key states like California, Florida, Illinois, New York and Pennsylvania, presidential candidates go to great lengths not to antagonize them.”
See the boasting by the Jews in Neil Gabler’s An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews Invented Hollywood and Hoberman and Shandler’s Entertaining America: Jews, Movies, and Broadcasting.
January 15, 2009 10:16 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
It is a litmus test that every candidate to the US Congress and the presidency have to go through; to prove unwavering loyalty to Israel, loyalty to America is always secondary. Those running for public office in the US can disagree on host of issues; from the war in Iraq to gay marriage, but dare any of them disagrees with Israel (We all know what happened to President Carter when he voiced a mild criticism of Israel). The loyal Israeli dogs in the media are waiting to tear apart the reputation of any candidate or public office holder who does not agree with Israel 100%. Candidates, as Obama just did, have to step on their conscious, lie, distort the truth and praise Israel as a pure democracy. They have to pledge the US treasury to support the illegal Israeli occupation of Arab Lands and its daily violation of international law. They have to be willing to send our soldiers to fight and die for Israel (as in Iraq, and the upcoming attack on Iran). They have to promise to make enemies around the world just to appease Israel. No candidate for public office in the US can afford to offend Israel. Those who do will be mollified by the media. Their political careers will be destroyed and the little mishaps, if any, in their past political lives will be displayed, amplified and distorted day and night in the so-called mainstream media.
American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) has a sole mission: To spy on America for Israel, -as did AIPAC member’s Larry Franklin, Stephen Rosen and Keith Weissman- and to destroy those who criticize Israel. Yet AIPAC is not registered as a foreign government’s lobby, as the US law requires.
Those who believe that AIPAC intimidates its opponents by leveraging the Jewish vote (2% of total Voters) or the vast Jewish political contributions to the process are only partially correct. The preferred weapon of choice at AIPAC’s disposal is the army of Jewish and non-Jewish reporters who pledged total loyalty to Israel for ideological or career-enhancing reasons. These loyal attack dogs can ruin the career of any politician in matter of days if dared to challenge any of Israel’s multiple fallacies.
Take John McCain’s initial acceptance of Rev. Hagee’s endorsement. McCain admitted doing so because Hagee’s strong support for Israel. Using the Jewish vote argument does not make mathematical sense in this case. Hagee called the Catholic Church “Great Whore” and “False Cult System” and this is profoundly offensive to Catholics. Yet, McCain chose to please 2% of the voters (Jewish) at the expense 20% of the voters (Catholics). How could 2% of the voters trump the 20%? It can only happen when the 2% have clout that is far more proportional to their numbers. AIPAC uses this clout in the so-called mainstream media to blackmail and destroy the critics of Israel. This is precisely what we have witnessed today at the AIPAC’s Annual Conference. Our spineless politicians were standing in line in false pretence praising Israel; trying to safeguard their political careers. First, it was Pelosi, Obama, Clinton, and then McCain, all clamoring to please Israel at the expense of our own national interest.
January 15, 2009 10:18 PM
Anonymous Patti Moss said...
American pragmatism in regards to Israel would demand that an American president has a concrete and consistent “national security strategy” designed for the United States of American and not the State of Israel. This does not exist today and Obama’s comments suggest that he will also fail to fulfill this necessity.
Consequently the United States is compromised from security standpoint because the US cannot operate as a just “sovereign” from a hegemonic point of view. The position of the US in regards to Israel is compromised because the “Security of Israel is sacrosanct”, which means that the security of Palestinians or Lebanese or Syrians or Jordanians or Egyptians or Iraqis and so on are not—their security is defined by the whim of Israel or as we have seen in Iraq the whim of the President.
In response to Obama’s comment in regards to Israel’s security being sacrosanct, we might have hoped to hear that their security must respect human rights and fall with in the bounds of international law and that they state their case before the UN. That Israel is not respected in the UN, is not built on anti-Semitism, though there undoubtedly is anti-Semitism to be found, the real issue has more to do with Israel’s actions in regards to the rights of Palestinians in general and because they are armed with atomic weapons they are in breach of the laws governing the nonproliferation of atomic weapons. In other words Israel’s WMD contradict the National Security Strategy of President Bush.
It is this denial of responsibility by the leadership of our nation that lacks all form for pragmatism. If security in the Middle East were the sacrosanct policy of the United States government then there would peace in the Middle East. So what one must find out is who is it that “wins” by this state of perpetual war and chaos? Certainly not us—because we stand on the very doorstep of total bankruptcy! Those who can be viewed as the winner—whose trail can be discovered by following the money—are the real enemies and they can be contained!
The existence of Israel is one thing; the imprisonment of entire people is altogether something else. That cannot be called “security” and it cannot not defended—not even by those who envision themselves as the “chosen people” of God. Israel with its history of the holocaust seems to be almost oblivious to its state sanctioned policies of “ethnic cleansing” and “ethnic imprisonment” or more properly termed “apartheid”—perhaps Jews believe its okay when they do it—maybe it is time for a Palestinian version of QBVII? We are at any rate not speaking of “sacrosanct” but rather perversion. If the US is going to obtain a state of pragmatism as opposed to a position of dogmatism then Israel will have to be told a few things they do not want to hear.
More critically, if the Jewish lobby threatens American interests then the Jewish lobby will in the long run be crushed and the conditions for this are rising rapidly. This can occur if the US dollar becomes so weak that the US begins to crumble and then there will arise American politicians that will blame the collapse of US power on Jews—these politicians will at first be unpopular but as the depression thickens they will win power. Jews perhaps ought to recognize that they do not really have any place to run other than the US (well there is of course Israel but undermining the US is part and parcel to undermining the future of Israel), which because they serve two masters, it will be argued that they are undermining us at the expense of Israel—which ultimately means that they are undermining the nation (Israel) they love as well.
Regardless, Israel operates as it does because it has no constraints placed on it by the US—ironically this is because American leadership “appeases” Israel. I say ironically because it is the recent accusations by President Bush and would be President John McCain who argue that Obama’s willingness to talk to the alleged “enemy” is guilty of appeasement. Such statements by the President and the would be president McCain merely show that these men do not understand “power” but rather represent the minds of provincial dogmatists. Thus when Israel takes it upon itself to invade Lebanon over the kidnapping of two soldiers and a few rockets it is totally out of proportion to “the threat”. Still the invasion was allowable because there is no American foreign policy constraint in place saying—if you take any unilateral military action you will be punished. A combination of the EU and the US does have the power to tell Israel either you behave as though you belong to this world or else you will pay financially. The price of Israel’s failed invasion and their inability to “conquer” Lebanon ought to send alarm bells in regards to Israel’s hawkish standpoint.
The pragmatics of the US in regards to the Middle East is obvious. American interests are to a high degree the same as that of the world—stability in the region means a constant price on oil, which again enhances sound principles for global stability and prospering trade and a constant price on oil means that which regulates its price are normal economic forces (war is not a normal economic force)—for example that the value of the dollar is strong (in parity with the Euro) and inflation in the US is low. The role of the US is not to be Israel’s little shoe shiner boy, but rather to be the master of diplomacy so that if peace is to be created then all parties in the Middle East must be brought together and a deal hammered out. Thus when Bush decided to attack Iraq he punishes the world as well as Americans and when Israel attacks Lebanon they too punish the world because it destabilizes the region and it increases the animosity towards the US because the world knows that Israel takes the action it takes with the blessings of America written all over it—so much for bringing democracy to the middle east. It also fuels Arabs with grounds to jack up the price of oil.
The BS that it is impossible to create a Palestinian State is simply not true. But the alternative to a Palestinian state is that Israel becomes a true democracy as opposed to a “Jewish State” for Jews and become a Democracy for People. Then the walling in of Palestinians would be undemocratic. Such a situation would mean that Palestinians vote as citizens of Israel and as such entitled to all of the rights entitled to Israelis. This would mean that policing the people with tanks and machine guns would also be illegal and the assassinations would be illegal and that people cannot simple be held indefinitely or tortured but would have to be arrested using “evidence” and in general Israel would have to abide by such principles as “habeas corpus” and “due process”. So Democracy in Israel wouldn’t be Democracy for Jews and Prison for Palestinians but rather Democracy for both.
Instead we have an apartheid regime that hides behind American cowardice—with the exception of Jimmy Carter who is refusing to appease Israel—here appeasement means that Israel is not held accountable for its apartheid policies. Thus had the US not appeased Israel then the “unilateral” invasion of Lebanon would have been met with immediate sanctions against Israel or appeasement is allowing Israel to have nukes while Iran is to be hunted down like a stray dog—or if we recalled Saddam Hussein’s “unilateral” invasion of Kuwait was met with immediate retaliation by the US while the total destruction of Lebanon by Israel was met with a 30 billion dollar paycheck complements of Uncle Sam.
It does seem that Obama has through his statements already undermined his credibility in future negotiation in the Middle East if he so happens to win the presidency. Still and in spite this obvious weakness, he’ll get my vote
January 15, 2009 10:20 PM
Anonymous hbm said...
since jews are only 2% of US population but owns over 40% of wealth,
are they the fittest? funny thing is they practice rand-ist
capitalism to make as much money as they can--banks, finance,
hollywood, media, technology, drugs, law, medicine, music industry,
ownership of sports franchises, retail, etc--but then promote
socialism--so as to hog 'social justice' themes and to control
government as well. so you have cutthroat hollywood jews who will
make and sell any movie to make billions off of us in the most crass
way.. then promoting liberal and even leftist agendas.
how do you explain this, stever? you are for meritocracy, yet the
main beneficiaries of meritocratism--the jews--prefer leftism and
liberalism as ideology. those who seek to rise highest, are most
ambitious, wanna enter the elitest of the elite, are hungry for most
power and money...
those people are for 'equality'. of course, they don't be equal to
us. they wanna have more power than us and then only impose their
of 'equality' on us dumb goyim.
that's where Obama comes in. superrich jews bought off a radical so
they can control 'people's movement' too.
another reason why jews love obama: obama owes the jews, and so he
will have to side with israel. somewhere down the line, muslims are
are gonna say 'obama, you jew-ass kissing nigger'. then, the jewish
press will say, 'look, all you negroes, those muslims and arabs
obama a nigger'. that way, jews hope that blacks will come to side
with jews over muslims.
on the one hand, jews are superrich and most powerful among us. but,
they are also greedy for 'victimhood' and sympathy, so they wanna
maintain their 'victim' status. since they are rich and powerful,
is a hard sell today. so, jews promote holocaustery(never mind what
they did as communists) and try to associate with victim groups like
the negroes. problem is lots of blacks don't like jews. many blacks
see jews as hustlers and exploiters of blacks. and, many blacks
come to sympathize more with muslims and palestinians. but, if obama
is pro-israel and if muslims call him 'nigger' over that fact, the
jewish media can have a field day. jewish media will say, 'look, we
jews love obama but muslims called him nigger'. gee, maybe blacks
side more with jews than with muslims...
jews are so sneaky, but they don't fool me.
stever, capitalism is owned by jews now. if you want power for your
people, you better go with national socialism(not National Socialism
as in Nazism). Also, libertarianism is stupid for whites because
about atomized individuals. white folks must unite into a racial,
cultural, and militant community. individualism must exist within
community, not as some abstract independent principle. We are
outside culture and heritage and race and nation. by 'national
socialism', i don't mean anti-capitalism but a mix of capitalism and
socialism for the good for the racial/cultural community you belong
(like how the Irish used government in big cities to gain and hold
you can't keep playing fair with jews since jews don't play fair with
you. you said it's fine for jews to be smart and make tons of money.
you never complained. you congratulated them for their rand-ian
success. so, what do these super successful jews do? they call YOU a
greedy 'racist' pig and say we need liberalism, political
open borders, and etc to destroy your white ass.
jews are for jewish power, blacks are for black powers, mexers are
mexican power, asians are for asian power. it's time for whites to
stop talking about color blindness and so on. all that is dead. at
one time, liberals and left championed color blind ideals against
white privilege, but now the liberals, leftists, and people of color
are for tribal and group power--and their numbers are rising while
white numbers are falling. so, it's time for whites to think of white
power. all this individual libertarian shit is nowhere. indeed, it
serves the interests of the left and people-of-color because while
they are united, all those libertarian white boys are atomized clods
whose greatest passion in life, 'leave me alone to smoke my bud'.
January 15, 2009 10:27 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Let me tell you something, when Adolf Hitler started his party, they had only four members. Only reason for Jewish power is that Jews own mass Medias, banks and two main parties. Jewish power is not real, its artificial, and when these effects will fade away, then Jews are in great danger. Internet is dangerous for Jews, because they don’t control it yet.
If I was what you just said, why then my blog is monitored by ADL and other Jewish organizations? Why Jews harass me and send death threats to me by mail?
January 15, 2009 10:32 PM
Blogger Quimby said...
Starve a troll guys.....
January 15, 2009 10:41 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
How about Scientology? That's some crazy shit.
January 16, 2009 6:43 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Does anybody read the long cut and paste rants that are plastering this site?
Why don't you anti/pro Israeli faggots meet at a coffee shop and stop boring the rest of us with all your bullshit.
The real anonymous.
January 16, 2009 6:52 AM
Blogger tim said...
>>Does anybody read the long cut and paste rants that are plastering this site?
Haha. Of course not. Who would read all that?
It's like someone used the bathroom and left the PR/Newswire faucet on.
When someone is trying to make a point, they are discriminating in what they post, so that they can have a chance to influence people.
Boring people with copypasta is not effective.
Someone's trying to do something here, and it has nothing to do with promoting an idea.
January 16, 2009 7:00 AM
Blogger IHateToBurstYourBubble said...
Tagged and ready to sell
One long insipid piece about BEND PR.
They're actually BRAGGING about it. It's a NEWS STORY on BEND PR.
January 16, 2009 7:17 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Even myself. From here forward, I, anonymous, have selected, and hereby reserved the handle "anonymous". Nobody else may ever comment under the anonymous handle, and then all comments from anonymous will be from me.
Well, that worked well... NOT!
Evidently, somebody else stole my 'anonymous' handle since last night, and commented using my 'anonymous' handle.
Just for the record, those comments were not mine.
But now, troops, I am back. To swim another day, through the vapid swamp of Zionist Cut-n-Paste, in search of a few small nuggets of wisdom.
January 16, 2009 7:33 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Visit Bend. Be insipid.
January 16, 2009 7:40 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Quimby said...
Starve a troll guys.....
January 15, 2009 10:41 PM
There's the one pearl (ok, nugget) of wisdom that I was searching for.
Starvation is a good thing.
January 16, 2009 7:43 AM
Blogger IHateToBurstYourBubble said...
Cali is screwed:
California might issue IOUs for tax refunds
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - California might delay tax refunds to more than 10 million taxpayers or even issue IOUs because the state is running out of money, authorities warned Wednesday.
It would be the second time the state has issued IOUs on tax refunds since the Great Depression, but the first time it would be felt widely because the delay comes in the middle of tax season.
The most populous state in the nation has a $41.6 billion deficit, and finance officials project the state will run out of cash in late February. The state controller will make a decision about the refunds by Feb. 1.
For Cheryl Hubbard, 62, a home care worker from Pasadena, a missing tax refund would throw another wrench in her already tight budget. She said her schedule at her $8-an-hour job has already been slashed by half because of the budget crisis.
"If we can't get our tax refunds, we can't pay our bills," said the grandmother, who is planning to use her refund this year to fix her car.
The state returned $10.7 billion to individuals and businesses last year, according to the Franchise Tax Board. The average state refund was $853 for individuals and $13,284 for businesses.
It's best for people expecting refunds to file early, said Lon Sobel, a professor at Southwestern Law School. But one of the forms that some need to complete their taxes, Form 1099, could be coming two weeks later this year, hampering attempts to file early, he said.
State Controller John Chiang has not said whether he will delay or issue IOUs on tax refunds. But Taylor noted that IOUs could bear up to 5 percent in interest costs to the state.
For two months in the summer of 1992, when lawmakers were embroiled in a fight over the state budget, California issued IOUs for many payments it had to make, including tax refunds and state worker paychecks.
State employees who received IOUs successfully sued, arguing that it violated the federal Fair Labor Standards Act. But few taxpayers felt the pinch because it happened in July, months after the majority of residents file their income taxes.
Issuing IOUs now could also invite lawsuits from individual taxpayers, said John Eastman, dean of the law school at Chapman University and an attorney who has represented anti-tax groups.
January 16, 2009 7:45 AM
Blogger Drunc McGeary said...
Eyewitness Account of Israeli Shelling of UN Gaza Compound
Date : 16/1/2009 Time : 14:35
NEW YORK, January 16, 2009 (WAFA)- At about 10 a.m. local on, the first Israeli shell, from a tank or artillery, crashed into the United Nations main centre in Gaza City Thursday, an hour after 700 Palestinians fleeing intense fighting crowded into the compound and UN officials informed Israeli liaison officers of the dangers of shelling in the area and that shrapnel was coming into the buildings.
“Before the direct strike, we were told, ‘yes we’ve registered that the shrapnel’s coming into your compound, we know the dangers, we’ve informed the operational people on the ground, don’t worry, you won’t be hit’,” the Gaza Director of Operations of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) John Ging, told a news conference in New York, speaking by video link from ground zero.
After the strike on the 20th day of the Israeli offensive launched with the stated aim of ending Hamas rocket attacks into Israel, the Agency, which supplies aid to 750,000 Palestinian refugees in Gaza, half the total population, redoubled its liaison efforts.
“We were highlighting that there were great dangers, particularly and noteworthy that we had five trucks full of fuel ready since early morning to be dispatched to re-supply various centres and also water pumping stations and sewage pumping stations and we alerted the Israeli Forces of their exact location,” Mr. Ging said.
Within an hour there was a large explosion and fire erupted in the workshop area where the trucks were parked. As the trucks were moved, six other rounds were fired into the same area and international staff identified them as burning like phosphorous.
“It looked like phosphorous, it smelled like phosphorous and it burned like phosphorous, so that’s why I’m calling it phosphorous,” Mr. Ging said, speaking 60 metres from the first explosion at the vocational training centre, and 150 metres from the second, voicing amazement that only three people were injured in both incidents.
“The place went up in flames. Our workshop was the part that was hit most severely. It went on fire, as did part of the warehouse. Of course, we had to take cover until we got reassurances that there wouldn’t be further firing...There were exploding petrol tanks in the garage itself,” he added, noting that the fire service took two hours to arrive because of the fighting in the area.
“Unfortunately, it was too late to save the warehouse where we had hundreds of tons of food and medicine that were to be dispatched today to our centres, the health centres and food centres.”
It took six hours to get the fire under control and it was still smouldering hours after that. Israel said it was responding to Hamas fire from the vicinity of the UNRWA headquarters. Mr. Ging stressed that there were no militants in or firing from the compound, calling for an independent investigation.
But he emphasized that the Israeli liaison officers with whom UNRWA works are “very sincere, very conscientious and very hard-working” and were obviously passing on the details and trying to reassure the UN.
“It presents us with a new challenge,” he said of the shelling. “This was the hub of our operations, the nerve centre of our operations… But of course we have to adapt to the new challenge and we’re opening up other warehouses outside the compound so that we can keep the operation going…
“The bottom line is of course that the humanitarian plight of the people continues to necessitate our efforts here, we have to keep going notwithstanding the dangers and the risks but also the new challenges that we face. I would put it to you this way, that we had a first hand experience here today in this compound of what the poor people of Gaza have been living with on a daily basis for the last 20 days and nights,” he added.
“So our appeal is not just for the safety of the UN staff and compounds and locations and convoys but even more important, the civilian population, the innocent men, women and children who continue to die and be killed in this conflict and injured in unacceptable numbers by any measure and of course the scale of destruction continues, you would expect when built-up areas are subjected to artillery and tank fire.”
January 16, 2009 7:48 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The local visitor association’s tagline, “Bend Sux Caca” conveys a message to the public that has a deeper resonance than the meaning of the words alone.
Yes, three more nuggets of wisdom. True words are hard to argue with.
Convey a message.
Deeper resonance.
Meaning of words.
January 16, 2009 7:48 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Drunc McGeary said...
Eyewitness Account of Israeli Shelling of UN Gaza Compound
Date : 16/1/2009 Time : 14:35
So, now when Dunc is sick at home and bored, he goes online to argue with Butter, buster, pussy and the host of anonys, and Dunc magically transforms into... Drunc!
Like a super hero or something...
January 16, 2009 7:52 AM
Blogger Drunc McGeary said...
One long insipid piece about BEND PR.
They're actually BRAGGING about it. It's a NEWS STORY on BEND PR.
Yes, and nobody will read it, because its long, and can be found in a bathroom, and lacks ideas that can be found on TV.
"Leaving on jetplane"
"Seen it once"
"Visit, but you'll not want to stay long",
"If its tourist season, why are they all still alive?"
January 16, 2009 7:53 AM
Blogger Drunc McGeary said...
"I Bend"
"Bend, Solitude for a price"
"It's your reality"
"Oregon's biggest ghost town"
January 16, 2009 7:55 AM
Blogger Drunc McGeary said...
When someone is trying to make a point, they are discriminating in what they post, so that they can have a chance to influence people.
When the fuck have you ever made a point? Discrimination? Ok, you used to be a loser reporter, and now your a loser something else. Why you bother to show up here everyday and pick on Bend in the abstract is bizarre. You say you have children, but you don't give a fuck about Bend.
When have you ever had a desire to influence anything? Sure long ago from the 'paper' you towered over all with your "paper sword", but quickly learned it was min-wage.
Today you appear here at BB2, and 2-4 times a day drop some insipid comments in code. Big guy, very influential.
A true clone of myself Ned Flanders.
Influencing people in Bend? Now there is an oxymoron, how to you influence a bunch of greedy grifters? A better question is why? The only preferential impulse in my mind would be a good kick in the butt and show them the door back to california.
You are an insipid simpleton if you think this rock is or was ever influential.
It's odd that only now are the old regular bores here starting to tell one another how to behave in the playground, and make rules of all things.
How fucking bizarre.
January 16, 2009 8:05 AM
Blogger Drunc McGeary said...
It would be the second time the state has issued IOUs on tax refunds since the Great Depression
Another tax on morons.
Who the fuck pays the IRS more than is due? ( Or state taxman )
So we have another 'tax' on stupid cali's, who would have guessed.
How about the old 'atlas shrugged' idea of just laying all dim gov-workers off, and then no cost?
The IOU the backbone of the modern public/private theft.
Long ago AIPAC (KKR JUNK BOND FRONT) looted almost all private pensions in the USA by buying companys, and stealing the pension cash and replacing with IOU's. By the 1990's KKR had litterally ran out of private companys to rob, the private pension was gone, from defined benefit to 'managed'.
The beauty of the system was that PUBLIC pension unions were the largest holder of KKR paper, they know all about substituting real money for IOU's.
So now here we are in 2009, and public employees of calis and giving the citizenry the IOU paper directly, so they can pocket the tax refund deposits and pay their salary and pension.
January 16, 2009 8:13 AM
Blogger Drunc McGeary said...
"If we can't get our tax refunds, we can't pay our bills," said the grandmother, who is planning to use her refund this year to fix her car.
This is horrible if granny can't fix her car, then she can't leave CALI and CUM to Bend and retire, then I'll not sell any granny comic porn, and Ill starve.
We must do something. The time to act is now!!!!
Cali's are my best customer, and endless stream of cali's is what keeps Bend Comics alive.
No tax refunds means no Bend vacation.
January 16, 2009 8:17 AM
Blogger tim said...
OK. I admit it. I have nothing to say.
I'll all snark and no useful information.
I don't even have any piss for the rock, so I fake it by pouring some Gatorade on it now and then.
January 16, 2009 8:25 AM
Blogger Drunc McGeary said...
PDX another 'BEND FEEDER' completely fucking imploding, ...
PDX prices tumble, backstory on Sienna
Posted by Ryan Frank, The Oregonian January 15, 2009 10:05AM
Categories: Real estate news daily
Olivia Bucks/The OregonianArchitects Gary Reddick, (right) co-owner of the firm, and designer Jeff Lamb (left) will launch a smaller firm.
I'm trying to wrap up a story for this weekend. So here's a quick and dirty top 5 list for you.
Send story ideas and investigative tips:, 503-221-8519.
1. RMLS report shows prices down 16 percent from peak: The global financial crisis and sagging consumer confidence continued to slam the Portland-area housing market in December when home prices tumbled back to December 2005 levels, according to a report released today. Read more.
2. Sienna Architecture Co. CEO on closing: Gary Reddick on the firm that began in 1951: "There's no attempt here to spin it otherwise than the move coming in response to an economic change of climate. We've been working all over the world: China, Vietnam, Jordan, Dubai. But that work has in all cases diminished and in others come to a screeching halt." Brian Libby has more from today's O.
3. Prices fall but no tax relief: Steve Law reports in the Portland Tribune on Oregon's odd tax system and the impact in market with declining values. The result: In a up market, your taxes don't rise as fast as they could. In a down market, your taxes don't fall either. The reason: The tax assessed value is typically 30 to 50 percent less than the market value. So if prices fall just 15 percent, your taxes won't fall. Law reports that about 2,700 property owners appealed their tax bills up from 1,078 last year. But most of those appeals likely won't prevail. Read more.
4. Condo owners v. the first-floor bar: The folks in the Elizabeth Lofts Condominiums continue their ongoing battle with the bar flys below in at Trust. This from a recent Oregonian story: Owners at a Pearl District condo building are suing the restaurant and bar below them, claiming it is noisy and continues to stay open past midnight. In a lawsuit filed in November, the owners association at the Elizabeth Lofts Condominiums say they had reached an agreement in October 2007 with "Trust . . . A Lounge," at Northwest Ninth Avenue and Everett Street, but that Trust breached that agreement. The agreement stated that the Trust agreed to close "no later than 12 a.m. on each day of the week" and that patrons wouldn't smoke on the lounge's patio, among other terms. The suit asks a court to order the business to close by midnight.
5. King of U.S. housing aid: Whatever your politics, you have to agree that Barney Frank is one of the great Washington characters. The New Yorker profiles him in the Jan. 12 issue. I haven't read it yet but my pod-mate Rich Read says it's a great read. It's worth knowing more about the guy who is shaping the TARP, part 2. Read the profile.
January 16, 2009 8:46 AM
Blogger Drunc McGeary said...
I don't even have any piss for the rock, so I fake it by pouring some Gatorade on it now and then.
We call it 'cali' piss, but a true sniffer knows sugar beet and dye.
January 16, 2009 8:51 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Condo owners v. the first-floor bar
It doesn't matter where you are CONDO == LAWSUITS
Always have always will.
Ergo we may propose that lawyers invented the condo, given that Bend Condo sales are what makes COVA,CORA,COBA tick-tick, ... We already know that team-1031 a who's who of Bend lawyers, ... were in the thick of developing condo lots.
More lawsuits, ...
I love Bend.
January 16, 2009 8:54 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
German pol decries ‘Jewish-Negro’ alliance
January 11, 2009
NEW YORK (JTA) -- A far-right politician in Germany characterized Barack Obama’s election as "the American alliance of Jews and Negroes."
The American Jewish Committee’s office in Berlin condemned the remarks made by Juergen Gansel, a deputy from the National Democratic Party, in a statement titled "Africa conquers the White House." Deirdre Berger, the office’s director, said she was shocked by Gansel’s "open expression of racism, anti-Semitism and anti-Americanism."
The far-right National Democrats are not represented in the Parliament but do hold two seats in two states in eastern Germany. The party’s anti-Semitic and anti-immigrant platform has attracted a following among disaffected youth and the unemployed, according to Deutsche Welle news.
In his statement, Gansel also condemned Germans’ enthusiasm for Obama.
"Many people in the ‘diverse’ republic of Germany have been swept up in Obama fever, which resembles an African tropical disease," he said.
January 16, 2009 9:01 AM
Blogger Drunc McGeary said...
I was wondering around at my wifes bookstore and found this jewel.
Black Jews
Monday, Sep. 27, 1937
In Jerusalem one day last week a young Jew named Aryeh Kotcher concealed something in his garments, got past a cordon of police without it being noticed, joined throngs of Jews praying at the ancient Wailing Wall. During a moment of silence, Aryeh Kotcher whipped out his shofar or ram's horn, let out a loud toot before police bore down and arrested him. Public shofar-blowing in Jerusalem is forbidden by law, for it infuriates Arabs, incites to riot.* But Jew Kotcher was happy because it was Yom Kippur, and his ritual blast on the horn had signalized, for Jews in Jerusalem as well as for Jews the world over, the end of Judaism's most solemn ten-day period of penitence.
With Rosh Hashonah last fortnight began the Jewish new year, according to the Jewish calendar the 5,698th since the Creation. For Orthodox Jews Yom Kippur, the last 24 hours of the ten-day observance, was a Day of Atonement, the only one of the year on which Mosaic law prescribes abstention from food and drink. Not comparable to any Christian celebration, Yom Kippur meant prostrations for the devout, an effort at self-purification based upon the concept that God was casting up for the year his accounts of the sins and the good work of His children. In Jewish synagogs at sundown, Yom Kippur ended with sermons and prayers by robed rabbis, and the blowing of the shofar by the most pious members of each congregation. Yom Kippur over, Jews looked forward to celebrating this week the Hebrew analog to Thanksgiving—the eight-day harvest festival, Succoth, in which good Jews build booths near their homes, deck them with fruits and produce, in memory of the days when Palestinians lived in open huts during their wanderings in the wilderness of Sinai.
Among the 2,000,000 Manhattanites who observed high holy days during the past fortnight were some 600 black Jews in Harlem. Of these a few are converts but most are Negroes of Semitic origin from Africa—chiefly Ethiopia, whose Coptic Church bears some Hebrew ritual traits. Harlem's only black Jewish synagog is run by a bearded Negro named Moshe Ben Moshe Ben Yehuda, who was born in Lagos, West Africa, but took the U. S. name of Wentworth Arthur Matthew. Rabbi Matthew is a D. D. from the University of Berlin, has studied in Palestine's Tel Aviv and at the Pittsburgh Bible Institute. He believes that black Jews are descended from Jacob, white from Esau, twin sons of Isaac, and that he in particular is of the Tribe of Judah since he bears racial markings mentioned in the Bible—a gap between his upper front teeth, big toes that overlap his foretoes. Although only 600 Harlemites go to Rabbi Matthew's synagog, he believes the Harlem Jewish community numbers some 3,500, basing his figures on hospital records of circumcised Negroes. Currently another Jewish Negro synagog is being built near Westbury. L. I., by the Moorish Palestine Talmud Torah. on land donated by Aaron Jacob.
* Originally the shofar was used to summon the Jews not only to festivals, but to battle.
January 16, 2009 9:04 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Now if we could only get a photograph of Obama's penis.
January 16, 2009 9:07 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Unless you live in Bend, you probably know that Barney Frank is going to re-write TARP in his own image, ... lets review who Frank is, and who he is owned by.
Have You Lost Your Mind or Just Been Bought Out by AIPAC?
Congressman Barney Frank
2252 Rayburn H.O.B.
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Barney Frank,
While you were espousing the freedom of speech and democratic principles of Israel to the House of Representatives on June 18, 2006, were you thinking of Hedy Epstein, the 84 year old Holocaust survivor and American who recently travelled to Israel and visited with Palestinians there? In your proclamation about the freedom in Israel which you mistakenly represented as the only democracy in the Middle East, were you thinking of how it felt for Hedy to be approached by Israel’s security force when she was leaving the country to return to the US and told she is a terrorist. Were you thinking of how the guards had turned their badges around so that she could not get their names while they forced Hedy to undress, while they penetrated her body, because she is a terrorist, because she met with Palestinians, because she listened to them. Is that the freedom you wish to applaud? To hear how it felt from Hedy herself, if you care, try .
I know you were not thinking of Professors like Nadera Shaloub Kevorkian, a noted scholar from Hebrew University, awarded for her outstanding research, a recipient of the Golda Meir award even though Golda Meir told us that “there are no Palestinians.” I know you were not thinking of her and how she is subjected to dehumanized searches, seen her children’s photos trampled on by the security, her undergarments twirled like flags in the air for all to see, had her computer and cell phone seized each time she travels outside her country of birth to the many lectures she is invited to give and for the numerous honors bestowed on her. Of course, to Israel and therefore to the American government she would be considered a terrorist. Why? because she is a Palestinian. That is why I know you were not thinking of her when you were standing before the US House of Representatives proclaiming Israel’s democracy as a model of freedom and diversity.
The blatant overt racism against Palestinians I saw in Israel harkened me back to the pre-civil rights US. The guilt-by-association with Palestinians that is alive and thriving in Israel today recalls US McCarthyism. Oh, it is true that women’s rights in Israel have improved and so have gay rights. But to treat that as diversity in the face of the extreme racism that drives the county against Palestinians is for an American Congressman not only dishonorable, but unjust and immoral.
Have you lost your mind or have you just been bought out by AIPAC? I stand with the multitude of Americans who look forward to the day when you and other Representatives and Senators bought by AIPAC discover that your loyalty is really to the United States and to global justice. With all that you have stood for over the years, I expected so much more from you.
Kathleen Barry, Ph.D.
Professor Emerita
January 16, 2009 9:13 AM
Blogger LavaBear said...
>>> I fake it by pouring some Gatorade on it now and then.
At least you could do Old English 800 or Mad Dog or something classy like that. But no, you go all gansta on us and drop Gatorade.
January 16, 2009 9:13 AM
Blogger Drunc McGeary said...
How Bend's Propaganda Machine Works
By Dr. James Zogby
January 16, 2009
Published by the Arab-American Institute.
As in past Mideast conflicts, both the media story line and political commentary here in the U.S. has closely followed Israel's talking points on the war. This has been an essential component in Israel's early success and in its ability to prolong fighting without U.S. pushback. Because it recognizes the importance of the propaganda war, Israel fights on this front as vigorously and disproportionately as it engages on the battlefield.
Here's how they have done it:
1. Define the terms of debate, and you win the debate. Early on, the Israelis work to define the context, the starting point, and the story line that will shape understanding of the war. In this instance, for example, they succeeded by constant repetition, in establishing the notion that the starting point of the conflict was December 19th, the end of the six-month ceasefire (which Israel described as "unilaterally ended by Hamas"). In doing so, they ignored, of course, their own early November violations, and their failure to honor their commitment in the ceasefire to open Gaza's borders. They also ignored their having reduced Gaza into a dependency, a process which began long before and continued after their withdrawal in 2005. Because they know that most Americans do not closely follow the conflict and are inclined to believe, as the line goes, "what they hear over and over again," this tactic of preemptive definition and repetition succeeds.
2. Recognize that stereotypes work. Because, for generations, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been defined with positive cultural images of Israel and negative stereotypes of Palestinians, Israel's propagandists have an advantage here that is easy to exploit. Because the story has long been seen as "Israeli humanity confronting the Palestinian problem," media coverage of any conflict begins with how "the problem" is affecting the Israeli people. As Golda Meir once put it, "We can forgive the Arabs for killing our children, but we can never forgive them for making us kill their children." And so, it was not surprising that, despite the disproportionate suffering of the Palestinians, media coverage attempted to "balance" the story, giving an extensive treatment, with photos of anguished and fearful Israelis and the impact the war was having on them. Early on, when media treatment mattered most, Palestinians were reduced, as always, to mere numbers or objectified as "collateral damage."
3. Anticipate and count on your opponent's blunders. Hamas' stupidity played into Israel's strategy. From the outset, Israel could count on the fact that Hamas would launch rockets and issue the kind of threats that Israel could then parley into sympathy in the West. Knowing that these would most certainly come, and could be exploited, was an advantage in their propaganda war.
4. Be everywhere, and say the same thing--and make sure your opponents remain as invisible as possible. Israel begins each war with a host of English-speaking spokespersons (many born in the West) available at any time for every media outlet (it's no accident, for example, that Israel has an "Arab" Consul General in Atlanta--that's where CNN is). The work of their propaganda operation, which spreads multiple spokespersons in venues across the United States with consistent talking points, guarantees success. At the same time, they are able to deny media access to Gaza, only allowing the Western reporters to operate near the war zone under IDF supervision, guaranteeing Israel the opportunity to shape every aspect of the story while removing the possibility of independent verification of the horror unfolding in Gaza.
5. Give no ground. Since half of the story will be determined by what political leaders say and do, the political apparatus in Washington is also pressed into service, ensuring that White House and Congressional leadership will "toe the line." Statements issued by Congress, therefore, reflect the talking points and, together, the Israeli spokespersons, the political commentators, and the Congressional statements serve as echoes of one another
6. Deny, deny, deny. When events and reality break through, contradicting the Israeli-established narrative, creating stories that run counter to the imposed story line, the propaganda machine works overtime to deny, deny, deny (saying quite boldly, "Who do you believe, me or your lying eyes?"), and/or concoct a counter-narrative that shifts the blame ("We didn't do it, they made us"). In this instance, that means asserting that the death of Palestinian civilians is always the fault of someone else, or that reporters or their opponents are staging the photos of grief (as if to say, "Arabs don't really grieve like we do").
7. The last refuge.... When all else fails, point to a few examples of outrageous anti-Semitism, generalize them, suggesting that that is what motivates critics. It stings, and may be over-used, but it can silence or put critics on the defensive.
January 16, 2009 9:17 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Slate asks "Who the Fuck is Obama"?
Criticisms, Political Pressure and Barack Obama
By Glenn Greenwald
January 16, 2009
Published by
Barack Obama's announced intentions on ABC News this Sunday regarding Guantanamo sparked substantial objections from civil liberties and human rights advocates. The result of those objections? From The New York Times:
President-elect Barack Obama plans to issue an executive order on his first full day in office directing the closing of the Guantánamo Bay detention camp in Cuba, people briefed by Obama transition officials said Monday.
Not only did Obama advisers quickly leak that Obama planned to do that--something he made no mention of on ABC or at any time before that--but they also made known that they have all but rejected the principal plan urged by the pro-war, anti-civil-liberties Brookings Institution and like-minded comrades (such as former Bush official Jack Goldsmith) for a Congressionally-authorized scheme of preventive detention to empower the President to indefinitely detain Terrorists inside the U.S. without having to charge them with any crimes:
In addition, people who have conferred with transition officials said the incoming administration appeared to have rejected a proposal to seek a new law authorizing indefinite detention inside the United States. . . .
In formulating their policy in recent weeks, Obama transition officials have consulted with a variety of authorities on legal and human rights and with military experts. Several of those experts said the officials had expressed great interest in alternatives to the military commission system, like trying detainees in federal courts, and appeared to have grown hostile to proposals like an indefinite detention law.
Why did Obama advisers rush forth on Monday to ensure publication of articles like this one with new announcements for Obama's plans for closing Guantanamo? The reason seems rather obvious, but in case it isn't, the NYT spells it out:
The president-elect drew criticism from some human rights groups Monday who said his remarks suggested that closing Guantánamo was not among the new administration's highest priorities. . . . .
Several said the officials appeared concerned that a proposal for a new law authorizing indefinite detention would bring the new administration much of the criticism that has been directed at the Bush administration over Guantánamo. A former military official who was part of a series of briefings at the transition headquarters in Washington said the officials had spoken about the indefinite detention proposal as a way of creating a "new Guantanámo someplace else."
There are still many vital details left unaddressed, beginning with what Obama meant in the interview when he spoke of the need for authority--what he called a new "process"--to detain accused Terrorists even when the evidence against them is "tainted." Critically, the NYT article does not indicate what Obama's views are regarding the largest concern prompted by his Sunday comments: namely, whether he favors the commonly advocated policy (also urged by Brookings/Goldsmith ) to create, upon the closing of Guantanamo, a new so-called "national security court" or other type of judicial process that allows "tainted" evidence (including torture-induced confessions) to be introduced, whereby the "new court" would--as Brookings/Goldsmith euphemistically put it--"reduce the burdens on and dangers to ordinary civilian courts and employ nimbler evidentiary and classification rules."
As the ACLU's Anthony Romero is quoted as pointing out in this morning's NYT article:
The devil is in the details. Just like we need specifics on an economic recovery package, we need specifics on a justice recovery package.
For those reasons, these new Guantanamo announcements are very far from a guarantee that Obama will do the right thing here. Still, these leaked responses to Sunday's criticisms are an important step forward, and they underscore the reasons why it is so vital to express criticism of Obama when he deserves it.
* * * * *
Politicians, by definition, respond to political pressure. Those who decide that it's best to keep quiet and simply trust in the goodness and just nature of their leader are certain to have their political goals ignored. It's always better--far better--for a politician to know that he's being scrutinized closely and will be praised and supported only when his actions warrant that, and will be criticized and opposed when they don't.
Right this moment, there are enormous pressures being exerted on Obama not to make significant changes in the areas of civil liberties, intelligence policy and foreign affairs. That pressure is being exerted by the intelligence community, by the permanent Pentagon structures, by status-quo-loving leaders of both political parties, by authority-worshipping Beltway "journalists" and pundits (such as the ones who wrote the wretched though illustrative "What Would Dick Do?" cover story for this week's Newsweek).
If those who want fundamental reform in these areas adopt the view that they will not criticize Barack Obama because to do so is to "help Republicans," or because he deserves more time, or because criticisms are unnecessary because we can trust in him to do the right thing, or because criticizing him is to "tear him down" or "create a circular firing squad" or "be a Naderite purist" or any of those other empty platitudes, then they are ceding the field to the very powerful factions who are going to fight vehemently against any changes. Do you think that those who want the CIA to retain "robust" interrogation and who want the federal surveillance state maintained, or want a hard-line towards Iran and a continuation of our Middle East policies, or who want to maintain corporate-lobbyist-domination of Washington, are sitting back saying: "it's not right to pressure Obama too much right now; give him some time"?
It's critical that Obama--and the rest of the political establishment--hear loud objections, not reverential silence, when he flirts with ideas like the ones he suggested on Sunday. This dynamic prevails with all political issues. Where political pressure comes only from one side, that is the side that wins--period.
* * * * *
We just witnessed the results of that dynamic with the ugly spectacle last week of a virtually unanimous Congress approving a completely one-sided Israel/Gaza Resolution. That Middle East war is an issue which, whatever else one might want to say about it, generates intense controversy, division and passion around the world. But not in the U.S. Congress. There, virtually the entire Congress (510 of the 535 members)--from the furthest left precincts of the Democratic Party to the furthest right-wing of the Republican Party, from all four corners of the U.S. and everywhere in between--looked at this war and just-so-happened to reach the same exact conclusion: not only is Israel 100% in the right, but the U.S. should involve itself publicly and squarely on Israel's side.
Does anyone actually believe that, in the absence of extremely effective political pressure, 510 ideologically diverse members of Congress--at exactly the moment when worldwide opposition to the Israeli assault is growing in response to documented civilian horrors--would all have jointly decided that Israel was right to bomb and invade Gaza and that it is in America's interests to insinuate itself on Israel's side? Even Governors, such as Democrat Martin O'Malley of Maryland, ludicrously popped up to follow the pro-Israel script.
That happens for one clear reason: because one side of the debate (the AIPAC faction) is strong and aggressive in its criticisms and pressure tactics and the other side (the faction wanting an even-handed U.S. approach) is not. Over the weekend, Juan Cole described this dynamic perfectly:
Europe has ceded dealing with the Israelis to the United States.
The people of the United States have ceded dealing with the Israelis to the US Congress.
The US Congress generally abdicates its responsibilities when faced with large powerful single-issue lobbies such as the National Rifle Association, the Cuban-American pro-boycott organizations, and the Israel lobbies.
So Congress has ceded Israel, and indeed, most Middle East, policy to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee and its myriad organizational supporters, from the Southern Baptist churches to the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs. The Israel lobbies take their cue on what is good policy from the Israeli government and the Likud Party.
So, US Israel policy is driven by . . . the Israeli rightwing. That is why Congress voted 309 to five to support Israel's war on the people of Gaza, with 22 abstaining.
If those who get angry whenever Obama is criticized have their way--and as anyone who writes about political issues knows, there is a small though quite substantial and vocal minority who get angry when they read criticisms of Obama--the Israel dynamic that Cole describes will drive every issue.
Just as Congressional Democrats have known for the last eight years, Obama will know that there is only a price to pay when he acts contrary to the Republican and Beltway "centrist" agenda, but no price to pay when he acts contrary to the agenda of his most ardent supporters (because they won't criticize him, because to do is to "tear him down," "help Republicans," act like a Naderite purist, etc. etc. etc.). That meek and deferential attitude--aside from being a wildly inappropriate and even dangerous way to treat a political leader--also ensures that one is irrelevant and taken for granted and one's views easily ignored.
When Obama does things that warrant praise--when he appoints someone like Dawn Johnsen as OLC Chief, or defies Beltway demands by going outside of the intelligence community to find his CIA Director--he should be praised. When he does things that warrant criticism--such as going on national television to talk about the need for a special process to allow the use of "tainted" evidence against Guantanamo detainees, or when he openly contemplates naming someone as CIA Director who supports rendition and torture, or when he votes in favor of warrantless eavesdropping and telecom amnesty--he should be vigorously criticized. When he makes statements without any apparent basis--such as Sunday's assertion that Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons--he ought to be made to account for that claim and show evidence for it. That's just basic accountability for a political official.
Like all politicians, Obama is not intrinsically good. Good things don't happen by virtue of the mere existence of his presidency. His presidency will be good only and exactly to the extent that he does good things. Pressure and criticisms make his doing those good things more likely (there is a quote from FDR, which I cannot find but am certain commenters will quickly cite, where FDR privately instructed his supporters to publicly criticize him for not doing X so that he would be able to do X more easily).
Obama is about to become one of the world's most powerful political leaders, if not the single most powerful. He begins with sky-high approval ratings, his political party in control of Congress by a large margin, and enjoys reverence so intense from certain quarters that such a loyal following hasn't been seen since the imperial glow around George Bush circa 2002. He's not going to crumble or melt away like the Wicked Witch if he's pressured or criticized. The far more substantial danger is that he won't be pressured or criticized enough by those who are eager to see meaningful changes in Washington, and then--either by desire or necessity--those are the voices he will ignore most easily.
UPDATE: The benefits of having a very smart, informed and active comment section can't be overstated. The very first commenter here points to this:
FDR was, of course, a consummate political leader. In one situation, a group came to him urging specific actions in support of a cause in which they deeply believed. He replied: "I agree with you, I want to do it, now make me do it."
Those who adopt the "stop-criticizing-Obama" mentality renounce that vital instrument for influencing the outcome of political events.
UPDATE II: At The Washington Monthly, Hilzoy amply documents why the one issue left unresolved by the Obama/Guantanamo leaks to the NYT--namely: whether to create a special, new process to allow use of "tainted evidence" against Guantanamo detainees--may be the most important issue of all. She argues eloquently why doing so would be a catastrophic decision. Obama, as reflected by his Sunday comments, is clearly contemplating something like that, and it's because of issues like this one that it's so vital that pressure on Obama be maintained, criticisms of him be voiced when merited, and praise be expressed only when earned.
There are no shortage of blogs and websites devoted to giddy cheerleading and constructing hagiographies for Obama, and those who dislike being exposed to criticisms of Obama will, in just eight short days, have still another ideal website to frequent. By contrast, this won't be a very good place to visit for those seeking that.
January 16, 2009 9:25 AM
Anonymous hbm said...
At least you could do Old English 800 or Mad Dog or something classy like that. But no, you go all gansta on us and drop Gatorade.
I just wack off and blow a wad of hook-nosed slanted head jew cum when I'm here, no piss for me, I leave these folks the see.
January 16, 2009 9:27 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Name Change: Lava Court Tenement now to be Putnam Ghetto
01/15/09 Bend
One of Bend's most prominent former citizens will be honored through the naming of a vibrant new condominium, rental housing and retail complex located in the heart of the downtown. Co-developers Housing Works and KemperCo, LLC today announced their joint mixed-use affordable housing community formerly designated as Lava Court will now be called Putnam Pointe after George P. Putnam.
Putnam was a former mayor of Bend and the publisher and editor of the Bulletin in 1912 and 1913. Scion of a prominent New York publishing family, he was an author, an Arctic explorer, and the promoter and husband of Amelia Earhart. He left Bend to become the private secretary for Governor James Withycombe in 1915. Putnam built an Oregon newspaper empire that included the Medford Mail Tribune and Salem's Capital Journal, later the Statesman Journal.
Because of the significant impact of this long-awaited mixed-use development will have for future generations, Housing Works and its partners wanted a name for the project that would add meaning to the community and honor Bend's past generations.
"George Putnam literally shaped Bend and shaped Oregon," said Laura Cooper, Chair of the Housing Works' Board. "He brought attention to this region with vision that was amazing for its time. The project has similar ambitions for attracting positive attention to and shaping the future of the community in bold and innovative ways."
The development is located on the corner of Lava Road and Oregon Avenue in Bend's downtown. Putnam Pointe is an innovative blend of commercial space and housing options including eleven for-sale condominiums. It has been recognized by Bend 2030 as consistent with that organization's vision for a well planned city.
Community discussion of the need to develop affordable workforce housing began in 2001 with the release of the City of Bend Affordable Housing Task Force's "Report to the Community". One of the report's recommendations was to increase the supply of affordable housing in the city through new construction. After meeting with various community leaders and with the support of the City of Bend, Housing Works developed a plan to construct workforce housing in the downtown core.
The developers of Putnam Pointe are Housing Works and KemperCo, LLC, an award winning Portland-based real estate developer. The organizations providing funding for the mixed-use building are the City of Bend, Bend Urban Renewal Agency, Oregon Housing & Community Services, Bank of the Cascades, Enterprise Community Investments, Inc., the Network for Oregon Affordable Housing, Housing Works, KemperCo, LLC, and the Hayden Enterprises Giving Fund.
Construction of Putnam Pointe began in February 2008 and is expected to be complete in April of 2009. The top floor condominiums, however, are scheduled to be offered for sale on February 21st through a lottery process. On the day of the lottery, applicants who meet the income requirements, agree to the long-term affordability terms and agree to owner-occupy the unit will receive 3 tickets to put in for the condominium of their choice. The first person selected for each of the units will then have the opportunity to enter into a purchase and sales agreement. For more details on qualifying to purchase a condominium and participation in the lottery process, contact Housing Works at 323-7411 or see the Lofts' web site at
January 16, 2009 11:13 AM
Blogger bruce said...
Wow some would call this anti-semitism, but the truth about ameriKKKa really hurts, just like here in BEND-ORYGUN, most lack a heart, a mind, or a soul.
That happens for one clear reason: because one side of the debate (the AIPAC faction) is strong and aggressive in its criticisms and pressure tactics and the other side (the faction wanting an even-handed U.S. approach) is not. Over the weekend, Juan Cole described this dynamic perfectly:
Europe has ceded dealing with the Israelis to the United States.
The people of the United States have ceded dealing with the Israelis to the US Congress.
The US Congress generally abdicates its responsibilities when faced with large powerful single-issue lobbies such as the National Rifle Association, the Cuban-American pro-boycott organizations, and the Israel lobbies.
January 16, 2009 11:15 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hmmm, ....
Strrrrrrrrrreeeeetttchhhhhh, ....
Hmmmmm, ...
(Oh, more Gaza shitfest.)
I think I'll go back to sleep now.
Wake me when it is Sunday morning.....
January 16, 2009 11:53 AM
Anonymous hbm said...
Bankrupt Circuit City Stores Inc., unable to work out a sale of the company, said Friday it will go out of business _ closing its 567 U.S. stores and cutting 30,000 jobs.
The nation's second-biggest consumer electronics retailer is the latest casualty of an unprecedented pullback in consumer spending that has driven other brands such as KB Toys, Mervyns LLC and Linens 'N Things into bankruptcy. Experts believe there will be more to come.
Damn, in a few more months we won't have any place to buy our Chinese shit from!
January 16, 2009 12:59 PM
Anonymous hbm said...
Co-developers Housing Works and KemperCo, LLC today announced their joint mixed-use affordable housing community formerly designated as Lava Court will now be called Putnam Pointe after George P. Putnam.
I don't mind them naming it after Putnam but "Pointe" is ridiculous. And what the hell is it the pointe of? It's not on the pointe of anything. I simply can't see the pointe to this.
January 16, 2009 1:02 PM
Blogger bruce said...
Hey Timmy, why can't we see stars in pictures taken of Earth from the Apollo missions?
(Nothing to do with Bend, just curious...)
January 16, 2009 1:29 PM
Blogger bruce said...
Re: "The top floor condominiums, however, are scheduled to be offered for sale on February 21st through a lottery process. On the day of the lottery, applicants who meet the income requirements, agree to the long-term affordability terms and agree to owner-occupy the unit will receive 3 tickets to put in for the condominium of their choice. The first person selected for each of the units will then have the opportunity to enter into a purchase and sales agreement."
Now that is particularly rich.
What is the BULL's spin going to be if no one enters the "lottery"?
January 16, 2009 1:32 PM
Blogger tim said...
>>Hey Timmy, why can't we see stars in pictures taken of Earth from the Apollo missions?
You can see from the picture that it was cloudy that night.
January 16, 2009 1:55 PM
Blogger bruce said...
Great snark.
January 16, 2009 1:58 PM
Blogger bruce said...
Israel shells house of physician talking to Israeli media, kills his family.
We are going to be the most hated people in the world.
January 16, 2009 2:10 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
tim said...
>>Hey Timmy, why can't we see stars in pictures taken of Earth from the Apollo missions?
You can see from the picture that it was cloudy that night.
?? We better not start on the Apollo moon hoax. This blog can barely handle the current Gaza crisis. Better stick with pussy farts and camel toe photo shots.
January 16, 2009 2:29 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
>We better not start on the Apollo moon hoax
I believe virtually everything I read, and I think that is what makes me more of a selective human than someone who doesn't believe anything.
January 16, 2009 3:02 PM
Blogger LavaBear said...
Mott the Hoople and the Game of Life. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Andy Kaufman in the wrestling match. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Monopoly, twenty one, checkers, and chess. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Mister Fred Blassie in a breakfast mess. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Let's play Twister, let's play Risk. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
See you in heaven if you make the list. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Hey Andy, did you hear about this one? Tell me, are you locked in the punch?
Hey Andy, are you goofing on Elvis? Hey baby, are we losing touch?
If you believed they put a man on the moon, man on the moon
If you believe there's nothing up my sleeve, then nothing is cool
Moses went walking with the staff of wood. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Newton got beaned by the apple good. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Egypt was troubled by the horrible asp. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Mister Charles Darwin had the gall to ask. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Hey Andy, did you hear about this one? Tell me, are you locked in the punch?
Hey Andy, are you goofing on Elvis? Hey baby, are you having fun?
If you believed they put a man on the moon, man on the moon
If you believe there's nothing up my sleeve, then nothing is cool
Here's a little agit for the never-believer. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Here's a little ghost for the offering. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Here's a truck stop instead of Saint Peter's. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Mister Andy Kaufman's gone wrestling (wrestling bears). Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Hey Andy, did you hear about this one? Tell me, are you locked in the punch?
Hey Andy, are you goofing on Elvis? Hey baby, are we losing touch?
If you believed they put a man on the moon, man on the moon
If you believe there's nothing up my sleeve, then nothing is cool
If you believed they put a man on the moon, man on the moon
If you believe there's nothing up my sleeve, then nothing is cool
If you believed they put a man on the moon, man on the moon
If you believe there's nothing up my sleeve, then nothing is cool
If you believed they put a man on the moon, man on the moon
If you believe there's nothing up my sleeve, then nothing is cool
January 16, 2009 3:23 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Bigger than we thought? Are they talking about Homer's dick?
The Wall Street Journal
Jan. 16, 2009
The U.S. government, recognizing that the banking crisis is larger than originally thought, is laying the groundwork for a second phase of its rescue attempt with plans to tackle the toxic assets gumming up the system.
Officials at the Treasury, Federal Reserve and Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., in consultation with the incoming Obama administration, are discussing a range of options, according to government and transition officials. One plan would create a government bank that would buy up bad assets. Another would standardize efforts to have the government guarantee banks' assets against further losses.
January 16, 2009 3:42 PM
Blogger bruce said...
As you know Eckert is a good old Jewish family name but did you know about 'Jewish Mormons'??
I'm a cannanite, and we from the same tribe as Moroni, gaps between my teeth and webbed feet exactly like in the bible, well the old testament.
Ergo I can't be anti-semite because I'm a Jewish Mormon.
January 16, 2009 3:46 PM
Blogger Drunc McGeary said...
Why does everybody ignore me??
My name may be McGeary, but I too come from a family of 'Irish Jews'.
I can trace my ancestry back to Cannanites, and we have gapped teeth enlarged second toes exactly as described in the bible.
Thus I too cannot be construed an anti-semite by this board.
January 16, 2009 3:49 PM
Blogger Drunc McGeary said...
Europe has ceded dealing with the Israelis to the United States.
The people of the United States have ceded dealing with the Israelis to the US Congress.
The US Congress generally abdicates its responsibilities when faced with large powerful single-issue lobbies such as the National Rifle Association, the Cuban-American pro-boycott organizations, and the Israel lobbies.
What out the comic union is about to become the number PAC in the USA.
January 16, 2009 3:51 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The U.S. government, recognizing that the banking crisis is larger than originally thought, is laying the groundwork for a second phase of its rescue attempt with plans to tackle the toxic assets gumming up the system.
The first phase was xmas bonuses and payback to elect OREO.
Now that the first $350B is bend gone, we'll have to start now working on what we promised to do the first time.
Its fucking critical, we only got 3 more days, or we can't blame BUSH!!!!!!!!
January 16, 2009 3:53 PM
Anonymous hbm said...
I resemble this remark
Rabbi Matthew is a D. D. from the University of Berlin, has studied in Palestine's Tel Aviv and at the Pittsburgh Bible Institute. He believes that Mormon Jews are descended from Jacob, white from Esau, twin sons of Isaac, and that he in particular is of the Tribe of Judah since he bears racial markings mentioned in the Bible—a gap between his upper front teeth, big toes that overlap his foretoes.
January 16, 2009 3:58 PM
Blogger bruce said...
The Bend-1031 boyz 100% fund the HAGEE team, so dear to Bend Oregon, aka Westside Church.
Apr 27,2007
Iran: The religious right's new bugbear
by Bill Berkowitz
Are conservative Christian evangelicals gearing up to join the attack-Iran brigade?
As the launching of the Iraq War marked its fourth anniversary on March 19, it is worth remembering that during the lead up to the invasion a number of conservative evangelicals voiced their support for the war: Richard Land, president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission for the Southern Baptist Convention, the nation's largest Protestant denomination, maintained that Bush's action met criteria for a just war; the National Association of Evangelicals, which represents several dozen denominations encompassing more than 30 million American evangelical Christians, openly supported the war; Mike Evans, who heads the aggressively pro-Israeli Jerusalem Prayer Team, pointed out that war with Iraq could be a "dress rehearsal for Armageddon," the fulfillment of Biblical Prophecy.
These days, while the Bush Administration and beltway neoconservatives doggedly crank up the volume against Iran, they are again being joined by several notable conservative Christian evangelical leaders.
Hagee Leading the Charge
Pastor John Hagee
On Sunday March 11, Pastor John Hagee, the founder of Christians United for Israel, received a rousing reception during his address at the opening dinner plenary of the annual American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) conference.
Hagee warned the crowd that "Iran poses a nuclear threat to the State of Israel that promises nothing less than a nuclear Holocaust." Hagee claimed that the situation is like 1938, only "Iran is Germany and [President Mahmoud] Ahmedinejad is the new Hitler."
Hagee added: "We must stop Iran's nuclear threat and stop it now and stand boldly [with] Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East."
A few weeks earlier, Hagee met with Senator John McCain, a leading contender for the Republican Party's 2008 presidential nomination. Hagee has been leading the charge of conservative Christian evangelicals urging President Bush to deal more robustly with Iran.
"Hagee's appearance at AIPAC indicates the growing organizational strength of the Christian Zionist lobby for apocalyptic war and the rise of corresponding Jewish factions both within AIPAC and within Israeli politics that are pushing for dramatically expanded war in the Mideast," Bruce Wilson, the co-founder of Talk To Action, told me in an e-mail interview.
John Hagee, the pastor of the 18,000-member San Antonio, Texas-based Cornerstone Church and the head of a multi-million dollar evangelical enterprise, "seems to believe such a conflict is both inevitable and necessary," The Jewish Week noted in early March.
Hagee, who founded Christians United for Israel (CUFI), a Christian Zionist lobbying group last year, is the author of a number of Christian-themed novels, as well as the recent "Jerusalem Countdown: A Warning to the World," which maintains that biblical prophecy is currently playing itself out in the Middle East.
"The end of the world as we know it is rapidly approaching," Hagee wrote in "Jerusalem Countdown." "Just before us is a nuclear countdown with Iran followed by Ezekiel's war (as described in Ezekiel, chapters 38 and 39), and then the final battle -- the battle of Armageddon."
In a recent series of articles focused on Hagee, Talk to Action's Bruce Wilson described him as someone that "has built a career on aggressive support for hard right to fringe right Israeli politics and is now making inroads towards convincing the mainstream American Jewish community that he and CUFI are the best tactical allies Jews and Israel can expect to find."
"Pastor John Hagee's warmly received AIPAC speech illustrates the extent to which political leaders who espouse ideology that in the 1960's was considered to be scandalously close the extreme end of the political spectrum can now expect to broadcast their views from a national stage," Wilson told me.
Recruiting Evangelical Allies for a Showdown Against Iran
Joel Rosenberg is another conservative Christian evangelical advocating some type of Bush Administration action against Iran. In late February, Rosenberg, who was raised in an Orthodox Jewish family, reported on his website that a number of conservative Christian evangelical leaders were beginning to show an interest in Iran, particularly as the situation in the Middle East relates to passages in the Bible.
Rosenberg's latest novel, "The Ezekiel Option," is "about the threat of a Russian-Iranian alliance to destroy Israel based on the Biblical prophecies found in the Book of Ezekiel, chapters 38 and 39." These prophecies "describe what Bible scholars call the war of Gog and Magog. Russia and Iran form a military alliance with Lebanon, Syria and a group of other Middle East countries to destroy Israel in what Ezekiel described as the last days."
In January, during a trip to the Middle East, Rosenberg said that he "brief[ed] several hundred Arab and Iranian pastors and evangelical leaders on the latest geopolitical developments in the region," and that he taught "on Ezekiel 38 and 39 ... prophecies that most Christian leaders in the region are unfamiliar with."
Back home, Rosenberg has discovered a growing interest in developments in Iran amongst evangelical Christian leaders. While flying to New Mexico he "happened to sit next to" Focus on the Family founder Dr. Jamews Dobson, one of the most politically powerful conservative evangelical leaders in the U.S. Dobson, who "had been in Washington for meetings with high level administration officials to discuss Iran, Iraq and the latest developments in the Middle East," told Rosenberg that he was becoming more "concerned about the Iranian nuclear threat, and has been studying Ezekiel's prophecies."
Rosenberg also reported that Kay Arthur, a "world renowned Bible teacher," had also developed an interest in "the military alliance ... between Russia and Iran and how this might relate to Ezekiel's prophecies." Arthur recently invited Rosenberg to her headquarters in Chattanooga, Tennessee, "to teach on the Biblical description of the `War of Gog and Magog' and to record a series of radio and TV programs to explain these prophecies in light of current events."
He also "spent several days with a team of Iranian Christian pastors" that "have a satellite television ministry which is seen by between 4 and 7 million Iranian Shiites every day." Rosenberg discussed "Bible prophecies about Iran with them and help[ed] them develop a plan to communicate `God's love and plan for Iran' through their live satellite broadcasts, as well as figure out how to answer the many phone calls and emails they are sure to get from inside Iran once such programs are broadcast into the country."
According to Rosenberg, the Iranian Christian pastors "see a showdown with Iran coming, and they feel passionately about reaching their fellow Iranians with the good news of Christ's love."
"Will there be a war in the region this year or next?" While acknowledging that "it's too it's too early to say," Rosenberg claimed that 2007 is "the Year of Decision." President Bush and Congressional leaders "will need to decide soon just how they're going to handle the Iranian nuclear threat," [and] Church leaders also need to decide just how they are going to handle the Iranian threat, as well ... after all, time is short, and the stakes are high."
Last July, at Christian United For Israel's coming out party in Washington, D.C., John Hagee stated that "The United States must join Israel in a pre-emptive military strike against Iran to fulfill God's plan for both Israel and the West ... a biblically prophesied end-time confrontation with Iran, which will lead to the Rapture, Tribulation ... and [the] Second Coming of Christ."
During a September 18, 2006 interview with WHYY's Terry Gross, Hagee talked about the Russian/Iranian alliance that for the past ten years has been "plot[ing] and plan[ning] Israel's destruction." Hagee charged that "Iran's nuclear weapons have been produced with Russian scientists. The Islamic Arabs are using the Roadmap to Peace to get all of the land of Israel they can get. And when Israel finally says, `Enough!' you're going to see the beginning of the implementation of Ezekiel's war in 38:39. The critical point is the church is raptured before this war begins. I am telling you that makes this message one of the most thrilling prophetic messages you've ever heard in your life. You could get raptured out of this building before I get through finished preaching. We are that close to the coming of the Son of Man."
In a statement Jane Hunter and Rabbi Haim Dov Beliak, co-founders of the website, said that "Hagee's call in his speech for victory for Israel and America (which appears to refer to Iran) is not necessarily the call for military victory which his audience might have heard (a chilling prospect nonetheless). Hagee's "victory" is coded language for Armgadeddon, which Christian Zionists see as the end-times battles set in Israel, when Christians are raptured to heaven and Jews lose -- unless they're happy to convert."
If President Bush unleashes a pre-emptive military strike against Iran, there is little doubt that Pastor Hagee and Joel Rosenberg will be standing behind him.
January 16, 2009 4:02 PM
Blogger bruce said...
Ahhhhh, coded messages just like this board, so a 'win for israel' is not peace what it really means is that israel is destroyed and baby-jeebus comes to BEND to pickup the entire 1031 flock of fraud parasites, all 80k, ...
-> Good Shit
In a statement Jane Hunter and Rabbi Haim Dov Beliak, co-founders of the website, said that "Hagee's call in his speech for victory for Israel and America (which appears to refer to Iran) is not necessarily the call for military victory which his audience might have heard (a chilling prospect nonetheless). Hagee's "victory" is coded language for Armgadeddon, which Christian Zionists see as the end-times battles set in Israel, when Christians are raptured to heaven and Jews lose -- unless they're happy to convert."
January 16, 2009 4:09 PM
Anonymous hbm said...
I see it now, I see the light, it didn't matter about taking out the $10M loan from clients, cuz baby-jeebus will be here by Jan-20, 2009, to take us all to heaven, ..
Hagee's "victory" is coded language for Armgadeddon, which Christian Zionists see as the end-times battles set in Israel
January 16, 2009 4:10 PM
Blogger bruce said...
Re: ...the toxic assets gumming up the system.
Also known as bets gone bad. Fucking take the loss like a man, assholes. Man up.
Oh, I forgot, you just want us taxpayers to bail you out and make sure you get your fucking annual bonus.
I'm starting to agree with Buster that Obama is just Bush with blackface on. Fucking disgusting. Our country is on the way out.
PS Just met our new mayor. Be afraid, very afraid. It might be time to think about moving on.
January 16, 2009 4:18 PM
Blogger Quimby said...
>> Also known as bets gone bad. Fucking take the loss like a man, assholes. Man up.
NO SHIT! Gee Mr. Bank Manger, I can't pay my mortgage because I have some toxic assets clogging up my system....can you print me some money please?
Thieving bastards....there is NO OTHER EXPLANATION.
January 16, 2009 5:13 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
PS Just met our new mayor. Be afraid, very afraid. It might be time to think about moving on.
Yes, the Mayor has much influence over the quality of your life here in Bend.
And Obama has much influence over your life in America. And Obama has become Bush the 3rd, so you really should be going.
May I suggest Mexico? If you don't get shot by drug lords, you could get a nice tan. And Trudy could find a nice job to support you.
January 16, 2009 5:45 PM
Blogger bruce said...
May I suggest Mexico? If you don't get shot by drug lords, you could get a nice tan. And Trudy could find a nice job to support you.
Another friendly Realtor(TM) that wants to build our way out of this mess?
January 16, 2009 5:47 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Another friendly Realtor(TM) that wants to build our way out of this mess?
Just another old geezer trying to do his small part in moving the riff-raff along...
Just keeping the immigrants from Utah immigrating to other locales more suitable for their ilk....
But the Realtor slam is a might bit creative, cretin. That one was also used on the Gaza-Israel troll with the spam-fest-appalooza....
January 16, 2009 6:03 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I was playing with my dick tonight and blew a wad on the wall and it said 'hbm'. What does it mean??
January 16, 2009 6:35 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
January 15, 2009
Dear Mt. Bachelor Season Pass Holders:
Since my last letter at the end of November we have been through quite a stretch. One of the latest openings in our history, epic mid-December snow fall and conditions, the windiest and stormiest holiday period in recent memory, a historic ice storm, and by the end of the MLK holiday weekend what will be nearly two weeks of high pressure, sunshine, and warm temperatures – today reminds me more of April than January. It's just another ho hum winter in Central Oregon!
In this letter I will give you an update on our safety and conduct initiative, share some of the feedback we have received, and review season pass use and turnstile tips and guidelines.
Safety & Conduct Initiative
In general, I have been pleased to see the level of awareness and consideration displayed by so many of our guests and staff. However, there have been several dozen infractions documented so far this season (primarily related to closed areas for lift work and avalanche control, and conduct issues within lodges and lift lines). This tells me we have much more work to do communicating the expectations. I believe as we continue to educate, build awareness and hold guests and staff accountable for their actions we will see our measurable performance in this area improve. I thank everyone in advance for their continued assistance helping us provide a safe, comfortable and enjoyable environment for all when they visit Mt. Bachelor.
Your Feedback
The good: more timely lift openings and fewer stops, improvements in guest service, grooming (alpine & Nordic), friendlier and more helpful staff, better snow removal, accurate online snow and weather reports, flow and maintenance of terrain parks, holding guests and staff accountable to conduct expectations, cleanliness, renewed focus on safety, lift maze organization at Pine Marten and Sunrise, parking organization, food quality, variety and value.
The bad: snow removal at times over the holiday, lift lines/crowding when Westside lifts are down due to weather, phone snow report timing, moving terrain parks to Chipper, elimination of the late morning Super Shuttle run, not enough bump runs, frozen web cams and weather instruments, lift maze organization at Skyliner and Outback on busy days.
The ugly: power outages 12/29 and 1/1, our coordination of the response to the power outages, lift grease falling from terminals and towers in the rain.
We hear you. We have made many changes and there will likely be more as we make best efforts to improve the overall experience at Mt. Bachelor, but we know not every decision or initiative will be perfect, or an immediate success. We are working hard to evaluate and tweak how things work and get done so we can achieve the end goals of being more efficient while we make this a truly wonderful place to ski and ride. Please keep the feedback coming – send us a note at with your observations and comments.
This season we have instituted more consistent lift ticket and season pass checking. We are experiencing a heightened degree of season pass misuse than in the recent past. The penalties for misuse of a season pass are severe, including financial restitution, suspension or revocation of pass privileges for up to two years, and criminal prosecution. Mt. Bachelor has a zero tolerance policy regarding season pass/lift ticket misuse, fraud and theft of services. As such, effective immediately, we require all season passes and lift tickets to be clearly visible, easily accessible and made readily available for inspection by Lift Access staff at every lift for every ride on the mountain, and by Nordic staff upon their request. Clear plastic armbands are available at the season pass office in the Guest Services Building in West Village, base area lifts and the Nordic Center desk for those who did not receive one this fall. This consequence is a result of the actions of a small group of people, but it is a necessary inconvenience if we are to improve the situation. Again, thank you in advance for your cooperation in this effort.
Here's to a snowy and safe return to winter. If you have questions, thoughts or comments, please feel free to drop us a note at
Thank you for being a Mt. Bachelor season pass holder.
See you on the slopes,
Dave Rathbun
President & General Manager
Mt. Bachelor, Inc.
January 16, 2009 6:39 PM
Blogger bruce said...
Re: But the Realtor slam is a might bit creative, cretin
Hardly creative at all. But I should have known better, because Realtors(TM) want people to stay, not leave.
So what are you doing to make our little city any better than a dust bowl?
January 16, 2009 6:46 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
>So what are you doing to make our little city any better than a dust bowl?
Absolutely nothing. Say it again.
January 16, 2009 6:48 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
So what are you doing to make our little city any better than a dust bowl?
Are you serious?? LOL
Come BP, I know that even you know how to read!!!
Okay, now this time read it more s-l-o-w-l-y:
Just another old geezer trying to do his small part in moving the riff-raff along...
Just keeping the immigrants from Utah immigrating to other locales more suitable for their ilk.... shootin fish in a barrel!
January 16, 2009 6:52 PM
Blogger tim said...
>>Gas Prices Raise in Bend
Like donuts, I guess. Must be yeast in the gas.
January 16, 2009 7:11 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The end is near, everybody steal from everybody, Jeebus is coming soon, the rapture will happen in Days the end days in Israel are here, and baby Jeebus will take us to heaven. Take all the money you can from 1031 clients it will not better in heaven
Birth Pangs of a New Christian Zionism
By Max Blumenthal
January 2009
Washington, DC
Max Blumenthal: With little to lose and everything to gain, Obama has lifted high the cross. But are there invisible strings attached?
Over the past months, the White House has convened a series of off-the-record meetings about its policies in the Middle East with leaders of Christians United for Israel (CUFI), a newly formed political organization that tells its members that supporting Israel's expansionist policies is "a biblical imperative." CUFI's Washington lobbyist, David Brog, told me that during the meetings, CUFI representatives pressed White House officials to adopt a more confrontational posture toward Iran, refuse aid to the Palestinians and give Israel a free hand as it ramped up its military conflict with Hezbollah.
The White House instructed Brog not to reveal the names of officials he met with, Brog said.
CUFI's advice to the Bush Administration reflects the Armageddon-based foreign-policy views of its founder, John Hagee. Hagee is a fire-and-brimstone preacher from San Antonio who commands the nearly 18,000-member Cornerstone Church and hosts a major TV ministry where he explains to millions of viewers how the end times will unfold. He is also the author of numerous bestselling pulp-prophecy books, like his recent Jerusalem Countdown, in which he cites various unnamed Israeli intelligence sources to claim that Iran is producing nuclear "suitcase bombs." The only way to defeat the Iranian evildoers, he says, is a full-scale military assault.
"The coming nuclear showdown with Iran is a certainty," Hagee wrote this year in the Pentecostal magazine Charisma. "Israel and America must confront Iran's nuclear ability and willingness to destroy Israel with nuclear weapons. For Israel to wait is to risk committing national suicide."
Despite his penchant for extreme rhetoric, or perhaps because of it, Hagee endeared himself to key members of the Israeli right. With the help of former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who once spoke at a massive pro-Israel fundraiser at Cornerstone Church, Hagee has raised at least $8.5 million for Israeli social work projects. And as a result of Hagee's influence in the Lone Star State, reflected by his enormous wealth--he reportedly rakes in more than $1 million a year from his television ministry--and his close relationship with the previously omnipotent and now disgraced former House majority leader Tom DeLay, Washington's Republican leadership is just a phone call away.
Hagee recently united America's largest Christian Zionist congregations and some of the movement's most prominent figures--including the Rev. Jerry Falwell, Gary Bauer and Rod Parsley, an Ohio preacher instrumental in launching Republican Ken Blackwell's gubernatorial campaign--under the banner of CUFI, creating the first and only nationwide evangelical political organization dedicated to supporting Israel. Hagee says he would like to see CUFI become "the Christian version of AIPAC," referring to the vaunted pro-Israel group rated second only to the National Rifle Association as the most effective lobby in Washington.
But while Hagee is the public face of CUFI, he remains tethered to his ministry in the Texas plains, far from the wheeling and dealing of inside-the-Beltway culture. To advance his agenda on the Hill, Hagee has tapped David Brog, a seasoned and articulate lawyer who has been Republican Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter's chief of staff, and who boasts myriad connections in Republican Washington. Besides Brog's political acumen, there was another characteristic Hagee found appealing: He is Jewish.
"I think while there are some differences between us as far as our religious views," Brog told me about Hagee, "what matters more, and what is of much deeper significance, is everything that we share. We share a love for Israel and a love for America. And we share an understanding of the war on radical Islamic terror, and that makes us brothers."
As Hagee's political point man, Brog has instantly emerged as an important operative on the Christian right and an effective advocate shielding the movement from institutional Jewish criticism whenever an evangelical leader makes a gaffe. After a series of wildly impolitic remarks by Pat Robertson, including the suggestion that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's descent into a comatose state was God's punishment for the Gaza withdrawal, Brog used an interview with the conservative National Review to defend Robertson as "a good man." When Anti-Defamation League president Abraham Foxman lambasted the Christian right as a dire threat to America's Jewish community, Brog scolded Foxman in a lengthy Wall Street Journal op-ed. "There are very serious threats facing American Jews today, and they have nothing to do with social conservatives," he wrote.
January 16, 2009 7:34 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Thieving bastards....there is NO OTHER EXPLANATION.
AIPAC contributed more than you folks and thus they own the sysytem, and thus MADE-OFF, well he made-off, and will never spend a night in jail.
January 16, 2009 7:37 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
It's funny reading all this shit to know that the NRA is more powerful than AIPAC.
Then how come 'we' as NRA members aren't the ones running the banks?? How come all the pols are all over themselves trying to prove who is more loyal to Israel??
If NRA was the #1 source of power in the USA, then NRA members by the fact of being armed, would be laying down the TARP terms, rather than having a who-is-who of AIPAC officials running the financial's.
Lastly, NRA, your only #1 as long as AIPAC wants to assert they're #2 in terms of raw political power in the USA.
If the NRA is #1, then why did OREO win?? Yeh, right.
January 16, 2009 7:40 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Just another old geezer trying to do his small part in moving the riff-raff along...
BP, just arrived, he hasn't even taken his boots off, and already thinks he owns this town, sort of reminds me of a carpet-bagger in the south post civil war, they all came from the north to get shit not tied down.
BP is look for something to steal, but hasn't found it yet, but soon we'll all know his grift.
January 16, 2009 7:42 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Summit 1031 just pulled off the biggest heist of Bend wealth in history, and its important to know, who they were, and where the money went.
Christian Zionists by We Hold These Truth’s test, but they would prefer to be called, evangelicals, dispensationlists, Judeo-Christians, or even "the Christian Right."
Unfortunately, their unity of purpose is confused about, and is not centered on Jesus' words; Jesus has to defer to the needs and desires of Israel. Because they enthrone Israel, Judeo-Christians have an endemic capacity to be misled on political issues, including war.
For instance they oppose abortion of unborn children, but never discuss or observe the violent killing of Arab children in a war zone, nor do they object to Israel's massive state sponsored abortion program. We have clearly explained their logic in a new DVD called The Roots of Christian Zionism.
January 16, 2009 7:46 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
World Zionism and its Neo-Con think-tanks have switched tactics of promoting fear of terrorism, as with Day911, to a new paradigm… fear and distrust of all Muslims, including the neighbor and his children. Christian Zionists are the most susceptible to this phobia.
January 16, 2009 7:47 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The new Obama Administration will be under huge pressure from those who financed it to make only a show of downsizing the Iraq War. Neo-Conservatives who wrote The Project for the New American Century, calling for war in Iraq, and international banking interests will pressure Obama to continue and even escalate warring sanctions and occupations of Islamic states. He has already opined that he favors staying in Afghanistan, and Iraq will likely be stretched out.
Those Obama is considering for his key appointments seem to indicate the Jewish voters knew what they were doing when they voted for him, and Muslims may have been grasping at straws. Both these are small groups compared to the many millions of Christian Zionists who voted against Obama in fear.
January 16, 2009 7:48 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
No matter what Obama’s intent, we must not forget that he is a politician. And whatever is inside him will be pressed hard to be sublimated to the Neo-Conservatives. A key was his choice of Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, who is a Zionist to the core.
January 16, 2009 7:49 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
One of the most bizarre tangents on Bend-Zionism, and the 1031 theft is that Moss of CACB run's the Zion 'home schooling' network, ...
IT ALL STARTED in the early 1980’s when I noticed that the academics of the American school was headed downward, and the education of my own children was being dumbed down. There was very little to turn to in those days. And private schools were so expensive. But after much searching, I finally found a private church school that my husband and I could afford for our 2 children.
At that time my girls were in the 2nd and 6th grades. And at the end of their school year, I pulled them out of the local public school and enrolled them in a private church school. In the early 1980’s home schooling was rare and virtuallly unknown, and it was not yet a household word.
Our girls attended the church school for 2 years. During the first year I was a staff Assistant Teacher. And the following year I became a staff Teacher and the school's Assistant Administrator. But there was more to come.
Within that year the Pastor of the school decided to close the school. And that meant that I needed to look again for a school for my children. I knew that I could not send my girls back to public school. So I did something that was unspeakable at that time. TEACH MY CHILDREN AT HOME. This was in the 80’s and at that time it was thought to be illegal. Now it is known to be legal in all states of the USA.
I suppose, you could say, that I am one of the PIONEERS of Homeschooling.
It was just a matter of time when families began to come to me and ask a lot of questions and wanted me to teach them to do the same for their children. It was then that I saw the need to begin an ACADEMY for Homeschooling children and their families, to make it easy for these children to enter into colleges and universities and to receive High School Diplomas.
YES… after many months Zion Academy of America became an official school and is now recognized across America as a leader in the field of education. Thousands of students have been enrolled, and many have graduated, attending various colleges and universities across America.
Zion Academy of America was conceived in 1985 and officially birthed in 1987. It's humble beginnings started in Fort Worth, Texas and operated locally for over 10 years. It is now nationally recognized distance learning school. Now located near Seattle, Washington, Zion Academy is serving student families across America and beyond it's borders.
Personally, our children graduated with honors from the program. Both children completed the College-Preparatory / Honors courses. Mikki, our oldest daughter, became a corporate executive assistant, married and gave us 2 beautiful granddaughters. She now works in Zion Academy as the Principal and Office Manager. Our youngest daughter married, and they have 4 children. She is Zion Academy's Admissions Counselor. All 6 grandchildren are in Zion Academy of America.
Zion Academy of America is high in its standard of academics. And I can personally attest to the excellence of the curriculum and that it works. Thousands of families have been blessed through Zion Academy of America. I hope and pray that you will be, too.
January 16, 2009 8:01 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
But the Realtor slam is a might bit creative, cretin. That one was also used on the Gaza-Israel troll with the spam-fest-appalooza....
This is how&why the BP will always be our pussy, put him in a corner, and you become a Realtor, could be worse he could have called you an AIPAC-HO.
January 16, 2009 8:09 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
So why would Neuman want to run 'zion ministries' and 1031 at the same time?
Why would a busy banker like moss want to run 'zion home schooling'.
January 16, 2009 8:11 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Christians are the biggest (dumb fucks ) suckers in the world, newbies usually meet people in a community via their kids and other parents.
When you control the church, and home school, then its easy to send them to the right 1031-exchange, and to the right bank, and donate to the right zionist group.
January 16, 2009 8:13 PM
Blogger LavaBear said...
Press Releases
Umpqua Bank Acquires the Insured Deposits of Bank of Clark County, Vancouver, WA
January 16, 2009
Media Contact:
LaJuan Williams-Dickerson
Office – 202-898-3876
Bank of Clark County, Vancouver, Washington, was closed today by the Washington Department of Financial Institutions, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) was named receiver. To protect the depositors, the FDIC entered into a purchase and assumption agreement with Umpqua Bank, Roseburg, Oregon, to assume the insured deposits of the Bank of Clark County.
Bank of Clark County will reopen on Tuesday, due to the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, as branches of Umpqua Bank. Depositors of the failed bank will automatically become depositors of Umpqua Bank. Deposits will continue to be insured by the FDIC, so there is no need for customers to change their banking relationship to retain their deposit insurance coverage.
Over the weekend, customers of Bank of Clark County can access their insured deposits by writing checks or using ATM or debit cards. Checks drawn on the bank will continue to be processed. Loan customers should continue to make their payments as usual.
As of January 13, 2009, Bank of Clark County had total assets of $446.5 million and total deposits of $366.5 million. At the time of closing, there were approximately $39.3 million in uninsured deposits held in approximately 138 accounts that potentially exceeded the insurance limits. This amount is an estimate that is likely to change once the FDIC obtains additional information from these customers.
Umpqua will not assume the approximately $117.8 million in brokered deposits. The FDIC will pay the brokers directly for the amount of their insured funds.
Customers with accounts in excess of $250,000 should contact the FDIC toll free at 1-800-822-9247 to set up an appointment to discuss their deposits. This phone number will be operational this evening until 9:00 p.m., PST; on Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 6 p.m., PST; and on Sunday from noon to 6:00 p.m., PST; and thereafter from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., PST.
Customers who would like more information on today's transaction should visit the FDIC's Web site at Beginning Monday, depositors of Bank of Clark County with more than $250,000 at the bank may visit the FDIC's Web page, "Is My Account Fully Insured?" at to determine their insurance coverage.
In addition to assuming the failed bank's insured deposits, Umpqua Bank will purchase $30.4 million of assets comprised of cash, cash equivalents, marketable securities and loans secured by deposits. The FDIC will retain the remaining assets for later disposition.
The transaction is the least costly resolution option, and the FDIC estimates the cost to its Deposit Insurance Fund will be between $120 and $145 million. Bank of Clark County is the second FDIC-insured institution to be closed this year. Bank of Clark County is the first bank to fail in Washington since Emerald City Bank, Seattle, on July 2, 1993.
January 16, 2009 8:58 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
paul doh we are all about to burst our bubbles.
January 16, 2009 9:00 PM
Blogger LavaBear said...
Umpqua Bank Issues Statement on News from FDIC
Umpqua Holdings Corporation to Acquire Insured Deposits of Bank of Clark County From FDIC
PORTLAND, Ore.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Umpqua Holdings Corporation (NASDAQ: UMPQ), parent company of Umpqua Bank and Strand, Atkinson, Williams & York, Inc., today issued the following statement regarding the news that Umpqua Bank will assume approximately $186 million of insured deposits from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), acting in its capacity as receiver for Bank of Clark County.
“As one of the nation’s strongest community banks Umpqua is well positioned to acquire the insured deposits of Bank of Clark County from the FDIC,” said Ray Davis, Umpqua Holdings Corporation president and CEO. “As a community bank with a significant presence in Portland and Vancouver, Umpqua has always been committed to the financial health of the communities we serve. This is a critical opportunity to protect the insured deposits of Bank of Clark County customers.”
January 16, 2009 9:01 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Bank of Clark County
So what kind of 'heads up' did we get on this??
Interesting that Umqua has been chosen as a winner by the choosers of winners and losers.
January 16, 2009 9:03 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Top 5: Bank of Clark County shut down
Posted by Ryan Frank, The Oregonian January 16, 2009 20:22PM
Categories: Real estate news daily
Sorry for the late post today. I was in a race to finish up a story for the weekend about the state's response to the housing crisis. Look for it in the Sunday Business section.
For now, here's your Top 5 real estate stories for the day.
1. Washington state shuts down Bank of Clark County: My pod-mate Jeff Manning has the story. The bank's heavy investments in real estate helped drag it down. From Jeff's story: The bank was heavily exposed to the faltering real estate sector through loans to builders and developers. Construction and development loans accounted for more than 36 percent of the bank's total portfolio. Mike Worthy, the bank's CEO, said in early 2008 that the collapse of the residential sector was stunning in its speed, made worse by the widespread presence of speculators with hopes of flipping houses for big bucks. But he voiced confidence at the time that his bank would weather the storm. Read more.
2. Portland low risk for huge future price drop: The PMI Group Inc., the mortgage insurance company, reports the Portland region has a low risk of having lower home prices in two years. The risk of that occuring is 22 percent, the firm said. The firm didn't give figures for the Bend area but it's map shows it at a high risk for having lower prices in two years.
Read the report. (Hat tip to Salvador Del Cid)
3. Grim Oregon outlook for commercial construction: The DJC reports on state economist Tom Potiowsky's message to the AGC's annual business meeting in downtown Portland today: When it comes to commercial construction activity in Oregon, he said, "2009 is going to be tougher than 2008." Potiowsky hinted that the portion of the federal economic stimulus package expected to help the construction industry might not have as widespread an impact as some might hope. Read more.
4. Bank of America, once big winner, now in trouble: BofA once looked like the new titan. Now, CEO Kenneth D. Lewis faces of list of questions about his deal to take over Merrill Lynch. Read more from the Times.
5. DeFazio on TARP II: The outspoken Oregon congressman appeared on the radio show Marketplace again to talk TARP: You know, what did we get for $350 billion? I mean, that's the question my constituents are asking. And that's now the question my colleagues -- even those who supported it -- are asking. And we're talking about, right now, debating a bill to put very significant restrictions on the future expenditure of funds. If only they had put those conditions in at the time and not put in the sort of uber-loophole which gave Henry "Hank" Paulson the authority to do anything and everything he wanted to do with that money -- and he sure did. It's DeFazio at his best: When he's angry. Read more.
January 16, 2009 9:06 PM
Blogger LavaBear said...
>>>Interesting that Umqua has been chosen as a winner by the choosers of winners and losers.
I'm wondering if they are angling to be too big to fail within the region with the quote: "financial health of the communities we serve." And the FDIC bought in.
There isn't a week that goes by without Umpqua being a player in the NOD's.
January 16, 2009 9:08 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
This is the earliest I found on Reuters at 9:30pm, .. EASTERN, ... wait til friday night, avoid the run-on-banks, and now til tues, ..
Washington state bank closes, Umpqua takes over
Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:33pm EST
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WASHINGTON, Jan 16 (Reuters) - Regulators closed Vancouver, Washington-based Bank of Clark County on Friday, with Umpqua Bank assuming customers' insured deposits.
Bank of Clark County had $446.5 million in assets and $366.5 million in deposits, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp said in a statement.
Umpqua Bank, a subsidiary of Umpqua Holdings Corp (UMPQ.O), agreed to assume insured deposits of the Bank of Clark County, which will reopen on Tuesday as branches of Umpqua Bank.
The FDIC insures up to $250,000 per account through 2009 and individual retirement accounts at insured banks.
But Bank of Clark County had about $39.3 million in uninsured deposits in 138 accounts that may exceed the insured limit, the FDIC said. It added that "is likely to change once the FDIC obtains additional information from these customers."
Customers with insured deposits can access their money over the weekend by check, teller machine or debit card, the agency said.
The bank's failure is expected to cost the FDIC's Deposit Insurance Fund between $120 and $145 million, it said. (Reporting by Susan Heavey; Editing by Gary Hill)
January 16, 2009 9:08 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
When are we going to stop being the United States of the AIPAC?
[ AIPAC ain't Jewish, and they ain't Israel, they're 100% US nutcases ]
by W. Christopher Epler (Bill)
First, let's get some things straight. The AIPAC doesn't lobby (i.e., "dictate") for the State of Israel; they lobby ONLY for the lunatic right wing fringe of Israel. Said differently, they lobby for a gaggle of extremist, billionaire religious fanatics.
Israel's Labor Party, for example, is certainly not “represented” by the AIPAC, nor are internet sites like J Street (among MANY others!) who passionately speak for that large and honorable part of the Jewish Community (in and out of Israel) who want to end the bloodshed with diplomacy and compromise – not the rationalized genocide of the AIPAC.
This matter would be basically insoluble if the war mongering AIPAC was the true and complete voice of Israel, but the good news is that they aren’t. Indeed, this incredibly costly smoke-screen illusion is their ultimate power -- not their blood money bribes of nearly our entire government or murder in the name of God “justifications”.
If and when Americans finally take it in that a relatively small number of VERY rich and VERY right wing Israeli's are controlling the entire Middle East through their bought and paid for control of America's foreign policy, we should feel an indescribable shame that we have allowed our country to be reduced to an obedient pit bull of a relative handful of elite/fundamentalists from ANOTHER COUNTRY!
Surely, once a critical mass of patriotic Americans finally wakes up and sees the "neocon cabal" for what they were (and still are), we will tell them to take their blood money bribes and stick it where the sun doesn't shine.
My God, do we still even know how to spell words like morality and rationality (obviously, our mouse-souled congress doesn't!), at the same time we allow ourselves to be bought body and soul by these ultra right wing fanatics?
Also, we should also NEVER forget that the State of Israel DIDN'T EVEN EXIST before Palestine was "internationally raped" by paper decrees in 1948 (a carry over of the infinitely arrogant and genocidal “British Empire”) which told them their country was no longer their country, but a host, merely, for (surprise! surprise) “another country”.
However, they keep being punished for remembering that fact – although you can be certain that even after a thousand years they will never forget it.
The extra layer of this tragic and unending blood bath is that not only does the American Congress bend over on cue for the AIPAC, but this lobby continues to successfully propagandize the B.S. that they are lobbying for the entire State of Israel and the entire Jewish Community.
However, they are merely lobbying for THEIR OWN AGENDAS, just like the KKK or skin head fascists would be lobbying for their agendas if they had brainwashed the planet that they are "America's voice". America's voice, hell! They're just a bunch of immoral barbarians who represent only a miniscule percentage of Americans -- and exactly the same thing is true for the AIPAC
Our end of this is to realize that our (DLC = RNC) "government" has mostly sold their souls to the AIPAC, so dealing with this Heart of Darkness is going to have to come from apolitical, activist, patriotic Americans.
And oh yes, please don't be taken in by the everlastingly recycled rationalization that unless we let them TOTALLY dictate America's foreign policy, Israel will be pushed into the sea (their favorite image, for some reason). "Pushed into the sea?" I think not since they have intimidated our government to load them up with several times over more atomic weaponry than the entire Islamic world combined!
Self evidently, Israel should be vigilantly self protective about a nuclear attack, but how realistically probable is such an event, since half the planet would be decimated in mater of hours if any country was insane enough to attempt it -- thanks to the mountainous stockpiles of “made in America” atomic nukes, etc.
Hence, it’s imperative to see that's not the only issue and never has been. The “other” issue was put into words by someone who objected to a much milder submission of mine that (God forbid!) suggested some real world "diplomacy" instead of this endless, lose/lose carnage.
His response (you better sit down for this) was that if the Palestinians really wanted diplomacy, why doesn't another Arab country just take them all into their country? Duh!
So even though before 1948, Palestine was 100% PALESTINE, this self righteous (and haven’t you noticed that all AIPAC “justifications” are always nauseatingly self righteous?) psycho was saying they should all “just leave” so the country can be totally Israel.
January 17, 2009 3:08 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
[ AIPAC ain't Jewish, CIA ain't christian, and Mossad ain't Jewish. ]
Well, did the other shoe just drop and is THIS is secret agenda of the AIPAC?
Of course, none of this justifies murder in "either direction" (which is what makes it lose/lose for the pitiful political pawns of both groups), but it would be criminally naive to discount a TOTAL take over agenda of Palestine by extremist right wing Israeli's.
God willing, once Bush's "kill a Muslim for Christ" insanity no longer gives a green light to the AIPAC, Obama will supply a negotiated level playing field and this tragic horror show will finally come to some kind peaceful and even win/win resolution.
And THEN we'll kick the AIPAC out of America’s foreign policy decisions once and for all! Gee, wouldn't it be nice if AMERICAN'S determined their OWN foreign policy -- not a fraternity of billionaire religious fanatics from another country?
How ashamed our genius constitutional forefathers must be of us, since they constructed fire wall after fire wall to keep inviolate the Church and State separation, and here we are caving into exactly what they tried to protect us from -- except it's even worse since our government of elite dem/pug puppets (with courageous exceptions who prove the rule) keeps sucking up to an acronym from another country! Time to kick the bums out. Time to be AMERICANS again.
And time to give our very, very best shot to pouring oil on these infinitely troubled waters. My God, too much death, too much greed, too much mutual massacre . . . and too many dead and dying children.
Enough! Enough! Enough!
January 17, 2009 3:10 AM
Blogger bruce said...
Christian Zionist 'BUSH' Lobby Gives Obama His Marching Orders
By Michael Collins Piper
THE POWERFUL JEWISH LOBBY in Washington is already issuing marching orders to President-elect Barack Obama. One of the most influential voices of the lobby has published an array of “working papers” designed to tell the president how he must maintain the “special relationship” between the United States and Israel, increase pressure on a variety of Arab and Muslim states that are perceived as dangers to Israel, and generally assure that Israel’s interests will always be first and foremost in the conduct of U.S. foreign policy, not only in the Middle East but around the globe.
The Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), a particularly vocal force in the Jewish lobby, published an entire edition of its Journal of International Security Affairs (dated fall 2008), sending the official word to Obama. JINSA was founded by one Stephen Bryen who—along with a host of other well known names connected to JINSA—was once investigated by the FBI on charges of espionage for Israel.
A variety of articles in the journal addressing “Middle East Policy and the Next President” and “Iran, Iraq and Beyond,” make it clear that JINSA—best known as a nest of the infamous “neo-conservatives” who misdirected U.S. foreign policy during the outgoing Bush administration, sparking the war in Iraq and continuing to clamor for action against Iran—wants Obama to pursue Bush-style policies.
AIPAC is particularly obsessed with using U.S. military and economic power to force Arab and Muslim nations to “reform” from within. Talk of “democracy” flows freely within AIPAC’s assorted essays, demanding that Israel’s neighbors conform to the Western version of democracy. But when the Palestinian people voted the Hamas movement into power in the Palestinian Authority in the occupied West Bank and the Gaza strip, AIPAC and other elements in the Jewish lobby immediately began calling for the United States to reject that freely elected government.
Now, of course, Hamas is largely only in control of the beleaguered Gaza—which many refer to as “ghetto”— and the Palestinian statehood movement has been eviscerated, at least for now. This makes AIPAC and the lobby for Israel quite happy, for Israel has long encouraged U.S. policies—and helped create conditions—that have the effect of “divide and conquer” in the Arab and Muslim world.
Israel is not like any other nation in the world, in that it seems to thrive best (and enjoys the benefits of) having its neighbors quarreling among themselves and rent within. Other nations prefer neighbors that are peaceful and internally secure. Israel wants its neighbors in chaos, because this prevents them from waging war against Israel, either individually or united. And although in the wake of the debacle in Iraq, which led many Israelis and their allies in the United States to suddenly proclaim that the Iraq war should never have been waged, the fact is that Israel and its U.S.-based agents-in-place were the prime movers behind that war and it was Israeli intelligence that was providing what critics now recognize was the “bad intelligence” that led the Bush administration to “mistakenly” conclude that Iraq was working toward an assembly of nuclear weapons to rival that of Israel.
The Israelis and their American spokesmen evidently now believe that if they tell the “big lie” often enough—the lie that Israel’s interests played no part in orchestrating the debacle in Iraq—that it will make Americans forget that Israel was the foremost advocate of the war in the first place.
However, the evisceration of Iraq by the United States is part and parcel of a long-standing Israeli national security policy aimed toward “balkanizing” the Muslim world.
Yet, AIPAC, in its journal, is now working to perpetuate the myth of Iraqi nuclear weapons and suggesting that Iraq’s weapons were transported into Syria, another nation which has been on the “wish list for war” of Israel and its lobby in America. And AIPAC makes it clear that the destruction of Iran’s nuclear development program is a “must.”
AIPAC is not the only Israeli lobby unit sending the message to the new president. Commentary magazine, long affiliated with the American Jewish Committee, has—in recent issues—been trumpeting a similar bellicose refrain directed at Obama. The editorial director of the Jewish lobby journal is John Podhoretz, a longtime close personal and political associate of the ubiquitous William Kristol, editor of the Weekly Standard magazine, which is the most infamous voice of the neo-conservative, hard-line pro-Israel elements operating in the media, in the think tanks, and in official policy making and national security and intelligence circles in Washington.
Their fathers, Irving Kristol and Norman Podhoretz, are two of the founding fathers of the neoconservative network, both Trotskyite Marxists who announced their “conversion” to conservatism during the latter days of the Cold War, banging the drum for intensified U.S. support for Israel.
A complete overview of the neo-conservative power structure and its rather bizarre origins in the days when American Jewish communists like Kristol and Podhoretz turned on the Soviet Union when then- Soviet chief Josef Stalin began moving against Jewish and Zionist elements inside Russia can be found in The High Priests of War and The Judas Goats, two works by this author.
Whether President Obama intends real change, as he promised, or whether he will advance the Israeli agenda (which saw its power expand exponentially in the Republican administration of George W. Bush) remains to be seen. But “the lobby” is making its voice heard and Obama knows that he better not ignore it.
January 17, 2009 3:24 AM
Blogger bruce said...
Pussy the following is largely not true, ECKMANS money all came from her husband, he has bought her six prior elections in the last 25 years, cuz shes a bored house-wife, she 'black-mailed' Telfer to get the vote, as she had to be mayor. Trumor in the grape-vine is she'll be out in six months, as she always gets bored. She's a control freak, and right now 'MONEY MOMMAS' ( her big biz ) is bleeding so she's doing this for distraction, but she's a kept woman not unlike you, and she just jumps from hobby to hobby. Dangerous, no she's a joke.
Former Mayor Kathie Eckman, who is trying to unseat Councilor Linda Johnson, has raised the most of any candidate: $19,446. More than a third of that money has come from Eckman and her husband, Paul, but a large amount has also come from a handful of political action committees, including the Bend Firefighters Association, Deschutes County Republican Central Committee, Central Oregon Association of Realtors and Central Oregonians for Affordable Housing, a builders’ group.
January 17, 2009 3:29 AM
Blogger bruce said...
From AIPAC to the Cuban Exiles
Is Obama Turning Right?
This week, Senator Barak Obama traveled to Florida and spoke to Jewish and Cuban-American audiences. In those speeches, he embraced the right-wing policy positions of the American Israel Political Action Committee (AIPAC) and the hard-line program of the most reactionary elements of the Cuban exile community.
Senator Obama was for many years considered pro-Palestinian, but a year ago when he spoke sympathetically about the suffering of Palestinian people, he quickly backed off his statements under pressure from the Israeli lobby. His surrender to AIPAC this week is particularly troubling because it comes at a time when more and more Americans - including Jewish Americans - are awakening to the fact that the Israeli lobby is a threat to both America and Israel, because its unwavering support for the expansion of colonial settlements and its resistance to serious peace negotiations serve to block the two-state solution which could otherwise be within reach.
Last year, George Soros wrote in the New York Review of Books that the power of the Israeli lobby should be challenged by the creation of a new Jewish lobby in America, one committed to peace and justice. Just such a group was recently formed in Washington, D.C., calling itself "J Street." Former President Jimmy Carter has warned that the occupation of Palestine is creating an Israeli apartheid.
On May 7, Carter appeared on Jay Leno's "Tonight Show" and explained the need to negotiate with Hamas, negotiations that are opposed by the Israeli lobby and by the U.S. administration. He noted that Hamas prevailed in an internationally-supervised Palestinian election that had been sponsored by America and Israel. Carter pointed out that a recent Ha’aretz poll found that 64% of Israelis favor negotiations with Hamas. Yet Senator Obama has now fallen in line with AIPAC, ruling out negotiations with Hamas, and adopting the language of the Bush administration in calling Hamas a "terrorist organization."
Occupation invites resistance. To demand an end to resistance as the price of discussing the occupation is to invite endless casualties. As Ralph Nader has pointed out, the American media makes much of the primitive rockets fired at Israel by Palestinians, while minimizing the use of heavy weaponry and helicopter gun ships by the Israelis in Gaza, one of the most densely populated areas on earth. Over the last year, Palestinian civilian casualties outnumber Israeli civilian casualties nearly 400 to 1.
In his speech to the Cuban exiles, Senator Obama said he was willing to meet Raul Castro, but declared that members of the exile community would have to have "a seat at the table." This is the sort of precondition which Obama had previously ruled out, and the likelihood of Castro sitting down with exiles is beyond remote. Obama said that the release of political prisoners would have to be on the agenda, yet the exiles' notion of who is a political prisoner consists largely of those who not only resisted the regime, but who took money from the American government, and coordinated their efforts with those who supported the overthrow of the regime. (See " Cuba: U.S. Diplomat is Accused of Delivering Cash to Opposition," N.Y. Times, 5/24/08.)
While Obama spoke in favor of allowing Cuban-Americans to more frequently visit their families in Cuba and to send money to them, these reforms are widely popular in the exile community. Most tellingly, Obama failed to oppose the Bush Administration's ban on ordinary Americans traveling to Cuba on educational tours, tours that until 2004 allowed thousands of Americans to visit Cuba, and to come to their own conclusions about the Cuban Revolution.
Worse yet, the same Senator Obama who only a year ago supported ending the embargo declared that the embargo would continue until Cuba knuckled under to American demands.
In 1959, Cubans overthrew a dictator who was in partnership with the Mafia and who allowed Cuban workers and natural resources to be exploited by giant American corporations. In response to their nationalizing American assets, the Cubans faced nearly fifty years of U.S. sponsored invasion, embargo, sabotage, terrorism, and attempts to assassinate their leaders.
Yet Obama spoke not a word of how the restrictions of political liberty in Cuba are linked to Cuba's struggle to maintain independence in the face of relentless attempts by a succession of U.S. administrations to use their great power to bring Cuba to heel.
Senator Obama spoke not a word of the accomplishments of the Cuban Revolution, the world-class health system, the high quality education, rural development, cutting edge research on infectious diseases, and the provision of thousands of Cuban doctors to the most disease-ridden, God-forsaken corners of the earth.
Senator Obama essentially gave the same kind of speech on Cuba that we have heard from American Presidents for the last fifty years. Where is the "change" that we have been waiting for, that we have been promised so repeatedly?
We have been down this road before. In 2004, progressives lined up behind Senator Kerry, and progressive organizations made no demands upon him. The anti-war movement folded its tents. After this early and unconditional surrender on the part of the American left, Senator Kerry moved sharply to the right .The Democratic Convention was militaristic in form and corporate in policy. The candidate who had called himself "anti-war" wound up running against Bush's war policy from the right, calling for tens of thousands more troops, and criticizing Bush for having pulled back from Falluja simply because of the massive civilian carnage. Yet for all of this appeasement of the right, Kerry lost the election. Shortly thereafter, Bush leveled Falluja, and four years later American forces have been bombing major cities in Iraq.
Greg Kafoury is a trial lawyer and political activist in Portland, Oregon. He can be reached at
January 17, 2009 3:44 AM
Blogger bruce said...
Obama’s Team: Pro Biz, Pro War
Perhaps you should stop trying to put small businesses under by posting lies to your blog. Bond Street Market has been sold to new owners. NOT GOING OUT OF BUSINESS- just SOLD!!! Maybe this is a difficult concept for you, but when you write that the store is out of business, people stop going there!!! Get your facts straight, guy....
Burn down the malls
Burn down the malls
Burn down the shoppin' malls
I said Burn down the malls
said burn down the shoppin' malls
burna burna burna burna down shoppin' maaalls
Hey you ever get the feelin that America is turning into some kinda sit-com?
lowest common denominator
shopping mall marketing strategy from hell?
You ever get that feeling?
Well I got that feeling right now
and it's kinda getting under my skin
so get some gas-o-line
Burn down the malls SAY IT
Burn down the malls LOUDER
Burn down the malls
You know it just started out as a kind of corner store
Then it turned into a shopping center
Oh I remember the shoppin' center openings man
they used to have those big lights shinin' up
but now...
Now, where do the old folks go?
Where do the young kids go?
What's America, what's America turning into?
I say
Burn down the malls
Burn down the malls
Burn down the malls
Nero had the right idea-
fiddle while you burn...
Now another thing is kinda gettin' on my nerves...
another thing that's kinda gettin' on my nerves is this
national 21 drinking age
Huh? what do ya think about that?
A bunch of malarky
whatever malarky is man
it's a whole bunch of it..
you know if Reagan finally gets the war he's lookin for
you think he's gonna be draftin' 21 year olds?
No man they're gonna be draftin' 18 and 19 year olds
but ya cant buy beer
you can get married and screw yourself up real good
but ya can't buy beer
ya can charge 8 million dollars on the mastercharge
but ya can't buy beer
you can vote for one fool or another
but ya can't buy beer
'cause this is America
America that's run by the lowest common denominator
the money
how many units did ya move Mojo?
how many things of apple juice did ya sell?
c'mon suckers- c'mon feel it
Burn down the malls
Burn down the malls
Burn down the malls
Alright all you weirdo's out there
all you moralistic twisted evil little icepickers
you say "we wanna censor rock and roll"
we wanna decide what you read
what you watch
what you listen to
ooo ooo ooo Mr. Falwell
oooh Miss Tipper Gore
wait till i got you on the floor
we gonna tie you up inside of a shopping mall
then we're gonna then we're gonna
we're gonna have a war on drugs
a war on drugs
we outta have a war on war you suckers
we outta have a war on this senseless condominium
new car helllll
Burn down the malls
Burn down the malls
Burn down the malls
When I look out into your eyes out there,
When I look out into your faces,
You know what I see?
I see a little bit of Elvis
In each and every one of you out there.
Lemme tell ya...
Elvis is everywhere
Elvis is everything
Elvis is everybody
Elvis is still the king
Man o man
What I want you to see
Is that the big E's
Inside of you and me
Elvis is everywhere, man!
He's in everything.
He's in everybody...
Elvis is in your jeans.
He's in your cheesburgers
Elvis is in Nutty Buddies!
Elvis is in your mom!
He's in everybody.
He's in the young, the old,
the fat, the skinny,
the white, the black
the brown and the blue
people got Elvis in 'em too
Elvis is in everybody out there.
Everybody's got Elvis in them!
Everybody except one person that is...
Yeah, one person!
The evil opposite of Elvis.
The Anti-Elvis
Anti-Elvis got no Elvis in 'em,
lemme tell ya.
Michael J. Fox has no Elvis in him.
And Elvis is in Joan Rivers
but he's trying to get out, man!
He's trying to get out!
Listen up Joanie Baby!
Elvis is everywhere
Elvis is everything
Elvis is everybody
Elvis is still the king
Man o man
What I want you to see
Is that the big E's
Inside of you and me
Man, there's a lot of unexplained phenomenon
out there in the world.
Lot of things people say
What the heck's going on?
Let me tell ya!
Who built the pyramids?
Who built Stonehenge?
Yeah, man you see guys
walking down the street
pushing shopping carts
and you think they're talking to allah,
they're talking to themself.
Man, no they're talking to ELVIS!
You know whats going on in that Bermuda Triangle?
Down in the Bermuda Traingle
Elvis needs boats.
Elvis needs boats.
Elvis Elvis Elvis
Elvis Elvis Elvis
Elvis needs boats.
Aahh! The Sailing Elvis!
Captain Elvis!
Commodore Elvis it is.
Yeah man, you know people from outer space,
people from outer space they come up to me.
They don't look like like Doctor Spock.
They don't look like Klingons,
all that Star Trek jive.
They look like Elvis.
Everybody in outer space looks like Elvis.
Cause Elvis is a perfect being.
We are all moving in perfect peace and harmony towards Elvisness
Soon all will become Elvis.
Everything everywhere will be Elvis.
Why do you think they call it evolution anyway?
It's really Elvislution!
Elvis is everywhere
Elvis is everything
Elvis is everybody
Elvis is still the king
Man o man
What I want you to see
Is that the big E's
Inside of you and me
That's right ladies and gentlemen,
The time has come!
Time has come to talk
To that little bit of Elvis inside of you.
Talk to it!
Call it up!
Say "Elvis, heal me!"
"Save me, Elvis!"
"Make me be born again
in the perfect Elvis light"
That's right!
You've got that Elvis inside of ya
and he's talkin to ya
He says he wants you to sing!
Everybody's got to sing like the king!
Like the king
Get that leg going now
Get your lip too.
Not no fool Billy Idol lip either
Yeah, we're rockin now!
Elvis is with us.
He's with us and he's speaking to us.
He says "Peoples!"
"Everybody got to sing!"
Elvis is everywhere
Elvis is everything
Elvis is everybody
Elvis is still the king
Man o man
What I want you to see
Is that the big E's
Inside of you and me
Elvis is everywhere
Elvis is everything
Elvis is everybody
Elvis is still the king
Man o man
What I want you to see
Is that the big E's
Inside of you and me
The land of the free
Home of the brave
Trying to put me in a too early grave
I ain't gonna fight in your stinking war
So go ahead and tear down my door
You can't make me kill another man
You can't make me drop bombs on this land
You can't make me a part of all your killing
My free will just ain't willing
The people of Iraq, they ain't my enemy
the Mesapotamians ain't done nothing to me
I hate this murdering, I hate this stinking war
I ain't gonna be George Bush's whore
You can't make me kill another man
You can't make me drop bombs on this land
You can't make me a part of all your killing
My free will just ain't willing
Get the troops out of Haiti cause poverty ain't no crime
They'll never help themselves if we conquer and divide
What they need is victuals, TV and ESPN
They don't need invading just a friend
You can't make me kill another man
You can't make me drop bombs on this land
You can't make me a part of all your killing
My free will just ain't willing
You can't kill me
I will not die
Not now not ever
No never
I'm gonna live a long, long time
My soul raves on forever
Time has come
We will not wait
We storm the gates at dawn
Busting out of here
Into the world
Sing our victory song
You can't kill me
I will not die
Not now not ever
No never
I'm gonna live a long, long time
My soul raves on forever
(Aim-A-Flame Johnson)
I stand alone
Out on the road
I know flesh will rot
But the renegade and crazy free
Will not forgot
You can't kill me
I will not die
Not now not ever
No never
I'm gonna live a long, long time
My soul raves on forever
(Ya know, there's people out there who want to ban books
they want to ban my records
they want to tell me what I can drink
and where I can drink....
And a bunch of pissed off people
pontificating about the evils of rules and regulations
McDonalds, politics, etc.)
You can shoot my body full of holes
but you can't kill the spirit of rock 'n roll
Wake up boys!
This is your life!
Come on son
well the vice principles always in your face
tellin you what to do.
That brainless twit can kiss my ass
Liberate a six-pack
I ain't goin' back cuz
Highschool is a prison
and you, you gotta get free!
Hey mom
the school prom
makes no history
Let me tell you
Well the fool go crazy and are ready to ride
it's your life,
you decide!
are you gonna explode
and make a cheerleader drool
or stay at home and be a fool
Cut your F(?) up to eleven
Blast 'em all, straight to heaven
Highschool is a prison
and you, you gotta get free!
Hey mom
the school prom
makes no history
I got a little history lesson for you
Let me tell ya'
Put some X-Lax in your english teachers food
Wanna see you runnin' through the halls
stark raving nude!
(???)rock is in your hand son
boy you better roll
You gotta make the shot
scream and drool
electrify their souls
Boy let me hear that you failed 'em
Son it's gonna be your (?)
Highschool is a prison
and you, you gotta get free!
Hey mom
the school prom
makes no history
Highschool is a prison
and you, you gotta get free!
Hey mom
the school prom
makes no history
History in the making,
This is the sound of my brain.
Then I said, this is the sound of my brain on Don Henley!
Then I said, 1 2 3 4...
He's a tortured artist
Used to be in the Eagles
Now he whines
Like a wounded beagle
Poet of despair!
Pumped up with hot air!
He's serious, pretentious
And I just don't care
Don Henley must die!
Don't let him get back together
With Glenn Frey!
Don Henley must die!
Turn on the TV
And what did I see?
This bloated hairy thing
Winning a Grammy
Best Rock Vocalist?
Compared to what?
But your pseudo-serious
Crafty Satanic blot
Don Henley must die!
Put a sharp stick in his eye!
Don Henley must die!
Yea yea yea
Quit playin' that crap
You're out of the band
I'm only kidding
Can't you tell?
I love his sensitive music
Idiot poetry, swell
You and your kind
Are killing rock and roll
It's not because you are O L D
It's cause you ain't got no soul!
Don't be afraid of fun
Loosen up your ponytail!
Be wild, young, free and dumb
Get your head out of your tail
Don Henley must die!
Don't let him get back together
With Glenn Frey!
Don Henley must die!
Put him in the electric chair
Watch him fry!
Don Henley must die
Don Henley must die
No Eagles reunion
The same goes for you, Sting!
1 2 3 4
There's a plague on the planet
And they went to law school
A bunch of hornswagglers
Treat us like fools
Know who I'm talkin' about
Let me hear you shout
Destroy all lawyers!
Destroy all lawyers!
Bunch of evil weasel poseurs!
Destroy all lawyers!
Watch them push them papers
And bend them laws
Will the chump with the most money
Buy them all?
Grab them by their tails
Spit in their eyes
Well they charge you by the minute
While we get paid by the hour
What I want to know
Is how they steal all this power?
I wanna see them explode
In every zip code
Destroy all lawyers!
Destroy all lawyers!
Bunch of evil weasel poseurs!
Destroy all lawyers!
They got, they got their own bar
Where they drink pints of greed
Let's spay and neuter 'em
So that they can't breed
So let us ??
Is at the bottom of the sea
They're not even new
Yea they're worse than devil
Gonna blow up the planet
Charge God double
Wanna see 'em explode
In every zip code
Destroy all lawyers!
Destroy all lawyers!
Bunch of evil weasel poseurs!
Destroy all lawyers!
She was a drunk divorced floozie
Goin' a hundred and twenty miles per hour
With her A-rab-play-boy-toy
Down by the Eiffel Tower
The driver just drank eight bottles of wine
Ain't seen her kids in a long, long time
She's just a jet set party girl
Gone to meet her maker
That nobility crap
Don't stop the undertaker
Car catapulted into a concrete cave
She fell in with a bad crowd
Now she's in her grave
It was a pitiful public display
of unwarranted grief
A sure sign that
our emptiness is complete
No matter what you say
it wasn't no tragedy
And son you can't blame
the paparazzi
She won the female lottery
And she lived the fairy tale
Married big ears
But as princess she failed
She birthed him two heirs
to the throne
But she couldn't keep the
royal member happy at home
She was a drunk divorced floozie
Gallivanting in France
She died in the backseat
Unzippin' Dodis pants
A buncha non-working rich pigs
So camera shy
They got drunk, drove fast & proceeded to die
She was a drunk dee-vorced flooz-ee
Down in Hamlet, North Carolina
They had a chicken plant sure did explode
Them tar heels trapped like burnin' rats
Cuz the boss man chained the door closed
My mama was born in
A town called Hamlet
Sleepy little place on the Seaboard line
My papa worked on the railroad
And my granny went out her mind
One day the railroad
It went busted
Like Richmond County ain't broke enough
So this Yankee carpetbagger
Figured to make a little money on Hamlet's bad luck
Buildt a brand new chicken fixin' plant
And they paid that minimum wage
But the boss man said no unions
Or he'd move his plant far away
Merele Etta Johnson
She was late for work
Heard a thunderin' roar out on the highway
Musta been NASCAR over at Rockingham
Or just Merle Etta's judgment day
8:15 in the mornin'
Chicken plant burst into flames
People trampled, squashed and burned up
Just to keep the profit margin
One iota higher
everybody gotta work in this world
Some folks lucky-some folks ain't
But that bastard that chained the doors shut
I'm gonna rip him through p!!!!!!
When I was a little boy
With a buzzsaw hair cut
Go down to Hamlet, watch the trains
Now the tourists stop on the ighway
Get a little look at the chicken plant workers' remains
Down in Hamlet, North Carolina
They had a chicken plant sure did explode
Them tar heels trapped like burnin' rats
Cuz the boss man chained the door closed
My mama was born in
A town called Hamlet
Sleepy little place on the Seaboard line
My papa worked on the railroad
And my granny went out her mind
One day the railroad
It went busted
Like Richmond County ain't broke enough
So this Yankee carpetbagger
Figured to make a little money on Hamlet's bad luck
Buildt a brand new chicken fixin' plant
And they paid that minimum wage
But the boss man said no unions
Or he'd move his plant far away
Merele Etta Johnson
She was late for work
Heard a thunderin' roar out on the highway
Musta been NASCAR over at Rockingham
Or just Merle Etta's judgment day
8:15 in the mornin'
Chicken plant burst into flames
People trampled, squashed and burned up
Just to keep the profit margin
One iota higher
everybody gotta work in this world
Some folks lucky-some folks ain't
But that bastard that chained the doors shut
I'm gonna rip him through p!!!!!!
When I was a little boy
With a buzzsaw hair cut
Go down to Hamlet, watch the trains
Now the tourists stop on the ighway
Get a little look at the chicken plant workers' remains
Give me a big ugly G boys.Redneck renegade banging sticks together.They was bringing homemade wine made out of elephant testicles and shit.Now the original Redneck back in caveman cro-magnum big dick days.The days that everybody had a big dick.All women had motives in their pussies,nobody had a job.It was a glorious time on a planet Earth.Are u ready to hear my sideways super cycle goodbye??Im ready to shout Alabama Bama Dama,Are ya ready boys?? YEAHHHH!!!
Bubba butter in left hand skinner,in meantime Gyle exploded.
And i fired a gun and started to run and everybody reloaded.And got my truck and go get drunk,Jingle Jungle i fear.When out of nowhere seen a bear but they won't let him intefere.They all have little bitty brains,great big guns.IM ON A REDNECK RAMPAGE!!TURN UP THE YELLOW FLAME!IM ON A REDNECK RAMPAGE!CURTAIN DOWN!GIVE ME PAIN!
Got some dynamite in case i heard a fight,a big ole Bluegrass six.Yes i love to button down,can't say a friend the modelmakes me sick.Im a far mind fool,kicked outta school,my family tree was stuck.In a minimum wage renegade,,master of sidecuts.They got great big guns,little tiny brains.
(COME ON JOEY! ~guitar solo~)
Got some little white pills for a man Bill.For a family ass kicking contest.Im out in the woods up to no good,hunting down a piece that i left.Im behind an outhouse,facing to the south and i commence to fornicate.Im out in the sticks,Im king of the hicks,a really hillbilly potentiate.They got little bitty brains,great big guns!IM ONA REDNECK RAMPAGE!TURN UP THE YELLOW FLAME!
I ain't going to act my age.
Im on a redneck rampage!
She didn't act underage your honor!
AIPAC, the Bank of Bend.
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DOC TYPE: Deed of Trust / Mortgage CONSIDERATION: $182,500 DATE REC: 1/16/2009 3:06:18 PM
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DOC TYPE: Deed DATE REC: 1/16/2009 12:19:34 PM
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DOC TYPE: Appointment/Substitution of Successor Trustee DATE REC: 1/12/2009 11:05:13 AM
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DOC TYPE: Appointment/Substitution of Successor Trustee DATE REC: 1/9/2009 2:49:12 PM
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DOC TYPE: Appointment/Substitution of Successor Trustee DATE REC: 1/9/2009 10:38:23 AM
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DOC TYPE: Appointment/Substitution of Successor Trustee DATE REC: 1/8/2009 3:35:32 PM
REFERENCES: 2006-036806
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DOC TYPE: Deed of Trust / Mortgage CONSIDERATION: $356,296 DATE REC: 1/8/2009 3:35:32 PM
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DOC TYPE: Deed of Trust / Mortgage - Modification / Amendment DATE REC: 1/5/2009 12:01:28 PM
REFERENCES: 2007-048694
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DOC TYPE: Deed of Trust / Mortgage CONSIDERATION: $396,000 DATE REC: 1/2/2009 2:47:12 PM
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DOC TYPE: Deed of Trust / Mortgage - Modification / Amendment DATE REC: 1/2/2009 1:28:50 PM
REFERENCES: 2007-042601
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DOC TYPE: Appointment/Substitution of Successor Trustee DATE REC: 1/2/2009 10:53:05 AM
REFERENCES: 2006-020170
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DOC TYPE: Deed of Trust / Mortgage - Modification / Amendment DATE REC: 12/29/2008 12:23:11 PM
REFERENCES: 2001-051159
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DOC TYPE: Deed of Trust / Mortgage CONSIDERATION: $788,000 DATE REC: 12/26/2008 3:19:20 PM
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DOC TYPE: Deed of Trust / Mortgage CONSIDERATION: $400,000 DATE REC: 12/24/2008 11:57:26 AM
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DOC TYPE: Deed of Trust / Mortgage - Modification / Amendment DATE REC: 12/22/2008 12:10:58 PM
REFERENCES: 2004-061499
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DOC TYPE: Appointment/Substitution of Successor Trustee DATE REC: 12/22/2008 10:57:24 AM
REFERENCES: 2005-089679
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DOC TYPE: Deed of Trust / Mortgage - Modification / Amendment DATE REC: 12/19/2008 4:02:43 PM
REFERENCES: 2006-057536
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DOC TYPE: Deed of Trust / Mortgage - Modification / Amendment DATE REC: 12/19/2008 4:02:43 PM
REFERENCES: 2006-076325
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DOC TYPE: Deed of Trust / Mortgage - Modification / Amendment DATE REC: 12/19/2008 4:02:43 PM
REFERENCES: 2006-069394
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DOC TYPE: Deed of Trust / Mortgage - Modification / Amendment DATE REC: 12/19/2008 4:02:43 PM
REFERENCES: 2006-069396
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DOC TYPE: Appointment/Substitution of Successor Trustee DATE REC: 12/19/2008 10:53:29 AM
REFERENCES: 2007-055226
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DOC TYPE: Appointment/Substitution of Successor Trustee DATE REC: 12/19/2008 10:53:29 AM
REFERENCES: 2008-013413
2008-049249 IMAGE
DOC TYPE: Deed of Trust / Mortgage CONSIDERATION: $216,000 DATE REC: 12/17/2008 11:39:04 AM
2008-049244 IMAGE
DOC TYPE: Deed of Trust / Mortgage - Modification / Amendment DATE REC: 12/17/2008 11:14:40 AM
REFERENCES: 2006-070543
2008-048849 IMAGE
DOC TYPE: Mortgage Fixture Filing Termination DATE REC: 12/15/2008 10:06:39 AM
REFERENCES: 2007-055228
2008-048716 IMAGE
DOC TYPE: Mortgage Fixture Filing Termination DATE REC: 12/12/2008 10:50:09 AM
REFERENCES: 2008-013414
2008-048453 IMAGE
DOC TYPE: Deed of Trust / Mortgage - Modification / Amendment DATE REC: 12/10/2008 2:59:29 PM
REFERENCES: 2006-043640
2008-048187 IMAGE
DOC TYPE: Deed of Trust / Mortgage CONSIDERATION: $228,000 DATE REC: 12/8/2008 3:55:21 PM
2008-048081 IMAGE
DOC TYPE: Appointment/Substitution of Successor Trustee DATE REC: 12/8/2008 10:52:16 AM
REFERENCES: 2004-047232
2008-047818 IMAGE
DOC TYPE: Deed of Trust / Mortgage - Assignment / Subordination DATE REC: 12/4/2008 2:24:24 PM
REFERENCES: 2008-047817
2008-047817 IMAGE
DOC TYPE: Deed of Trust / Mortgage CONSIDERATION: $194,655 DATE REC: 12/4/2008 2:24:24 PM
2008-047708 IMAGE
DOC TYPE: Completion Notice DATE REC: 12/3/2008 3:32:20 PM
2008-047645 IMAGE
DOC TYPE: Mortgage Fixture Filing DATE REC: 12/3/2008 1:49:22 PM
2008-047644 IMAGE
DOC TYPE: Assignment of Rents DATE REC: 12/3/2008 1:49:22 PM
2008-047643 IMAGE
DOC TYPE: Deed of Trust / Mortgage CONSIDERATION: $1,600,000 DATE REC: 12/3/2008 1:49:22 PM
2008-047316 IMAGE
DOC TYPE: Appointment/Substitution of Successor Trustee DATE REC: 12/1/2008 10:15:46 AM
REFERENCES: 2002-024245
2008-046376 IMAGE
DOC TYPE: Appointment/Substitution of Successor Trustee DATE REC: 11/20/2008 4:00:21 PM
REFERENCES: 2003-048818
2008-046272 IMAGE
DOC TYPE: Deed of Trust / Mortgage - Assignment / Subordination DATE REC: 11/20/2008 12:15:38 PM
REFERENCES: 2006-061165
2008-046220 IMAGE
DOC TYPE: Appointment/Substitution of Successor Trustee DATE REC: 11/20/2008 10:37:28 AM
REFERENCES: 2005-065126
2008-046144 IMAGE
DOC TYPE: Deed of Trust / Mortgage - Modification / Amendment DATE REC: 11/19/2008 3:21:00 PM
REFERENCES: 2007-000908
2008-046042 IMAGE
DOC TYPE: Deed of Trust / Mortgage - Modification / Amendment DATE REC: 11/18/2008 4:03:51 PM
REFERENCES: 2002-036003
2008-046022 IMAGE
DOC TYPE: Appointment/Substitution of Successor Trustee DATE REC: 11/18/2008 3:52:29 PM
REFERENCES: 2006-079437
2008-046020 IMAGE
DOC TYPE: Appointment/Substitution of Successor Trustee DATE REC: 11/18/2008 3:52:29 PM
REFERENCES: 2006-079438
2008-045884 IMAGE
DOC TYPE: Deed of Trust / Mortgage CONSIDERATION: $446,000 DATE REC: 11/17/2008 4:01:45 PM
2008-045883 IMAGE
DOC TYPE: Deed of Trust / Mortgage CONSIDERATION: $417,000 DATE REC: 11/17/2008 4:01:45 PM
2008-045224 IMAGE
DOC TYPE: Appointment/Substitution of Successor Trustee DATE REC: 11/12/2008 11:26:07 AM
REFERENCES: 2008-012740
2008-045215 IMAGE
DOC TYPE: Mortgage Fixture Filing Continuation DATE REC: 11/12/2008 11:20:15 AM
REFERENCES: 2004-010794
2008-044998 IMAGE
DOC TYPE: Appointment/Substitution of Successor Trustee DATE REC: 11/10/2008 10:55:23 AM
2008-044765 IMAGE
DOC TYPE: Mortgage Fixture Filing Termination DATE REC: 11/6/2008 3:56:48 PM
REFERENCES: 2006-062743
Hello, I do not agree with the previous commentator - not so simple
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