Voters are deeply pessimistic about the state of Britain today, believing that society is broken and heading in the wrong direction, a Populus poll for The Times has found.
[ If you have traveled in Britain in the last 20 years you would know that the UK leads the USA in demise by 15 years. Now the British are finally finding their lives unbearable. Malaise & Demise is the future of Bend, so studying those on an accelerated slippery slope of decline is very important in order to understand our future. During the last decade Britain experience also a housing boom, the political elite opened the door to millions of immigrants that created a 'housing demand' and the majority of people enjoyed virtual equity, but today like Bend, they're under-water and very "pissed off" at the outcome of the 1998-2008 Real Estate Ponzi Bubble. ]
Nearly three fifths of voters say that they hardly recognise the country they are living in, while 42 per cent say they would emigrate if they could.
But worries over the pace of social change and dislocation are balanced by the belief that life will get better, according to the survey undertaken at the weekend.
It suggests that 70 per cent believe that society is now broken, echoing a Conservative campaign theme of the past two years, while 68 per cent say people who play by the rules get a raw deal and 82 per cent think it is time for a change.
The snapshot of Britain also confirms, however, that the battle between the parties has tightened with Labour two points up at 30 per cent.
Women, working-class people and Tory voters were more likely to say that they hardly recognise their own country.
Overall, 64 per cent think that Britain is going in the wrong direction and just 31 per cent believe it is on the right track.
This is a widely used measure of mood in the United States where 57 per cent of people think America is going wrong and 37 per cent believe it is on the right track.
[ Probably always been this way 2/3 saying that life sucks, and 1/3 saying that life is great. Well we know who has the good paying job, and who is getting shafted. Today's Bend the 1/3 are gubmint workers with the best pay and benefit, the 2/3 are the under-employed. Then there is the handful of elites like Hollern and Moss that rule the plantation and give orders to the Gubmint workers. Slavery in simply a new form, nothing new under the sun. ]
It is not all gloom. Three fifths (60 per cent) of those polled say they look to the future with optimism, against 38 per cent who are looking forward with anxiety. While 45 per cent say Britain’s best years are behind us, 50 per cent say that they are still to come.
More than half the public (55 per cent) say that their children’s lives will be better than their own, while 37 per cent say that they will be worse.
Voters’ main fire is directed at political institutions: 73 per cent say politics is broken in Britain and 77 per cent say there are far fewer people in public life that they admire than there used to be. The poll suggests anger at MPs who have had to repay expenses. A third say that they will vote against their local MP if he or she had been required to repay money.
[ Interesting that most blame for the demise is on immigrants. That the ruling party 'Labour' caters to immigrant votes. That the welfare class is now the most powerful voting block. I really think that Orygun could well elect 'poly-tickians' who provide the best 'comfort', e.g. food-stamps, free housing, free transportation. In other words destroy all incentive to work. We never really had jobs in Orygun, its now an exhausted resource state. Its funny that so many come to retire, but their children have no hope of employment. So in many ways I think that Bend is full of immigrants like Britain, and their spawn is like Bend children from California. Bored and un-employed. Bend is desert, its not the British isles, and Bend never ruled the world. But we ( city taxpayers ) have spent 100's of millions recruiting retirees to move here and buy houses ( Hollern ) too big for themselves. Now our poly-tickians cater to these retirees whose concern is their spawn is pampered. Should be an interesting future in Bend. In summary while HOLLERN & MOSS may have made Billions on the 1998-2008 Ponzi scheme of promoting "Bend as Paradise", the immigrants did not make this city a better place. ]
David Cameron claimed yesterday that his generation of Tories were better placed than the Government to “fix broken politics”, and unveiled new rules that would bar former ministers in the private sector from lobbying government for two years.
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7 years ago
Your rants might have more power if you spell checked first. Sheesh.
"The majority of the USA society are pussy's [obsessed with spelling]" - clint eastwood
Hell yes, ...behind every nanny is another pussy afraid of their own shadow.
Rest my case.
No real purpose to the rants, but do feel that its essential to rub the good people of Bend in their own shit.
Of course none of this is true because a mis-spelled word is evidence that everything in Bend is just fine.
Move along, .. move along.
I think that's an essential problem with Bend. This obsession with perfection, in god's image, ... spell checking. Everybody's got to have an angle, or a grift.
Have you ever considered that some of are just simply mad what you newbie assholes have done to our good town?
I will give this christian hustle a '10', I mean had they pulled this off it could have been a BendClassic(tm) hustle.
I think all over Bend their are Pastor's beating their chests saying "YEH".
I would like to say something about 'christians' and children.
Haiti is a third world country, like ALL third world country's children is all you got for welfare and old age.
Parents need to have children to look out after them.
Not like our Bend or USA in general, where a child is gone at 18 years of age and thereafter gives a shit for his parents.
In 90% of the world, the real world not the KLEPTOCRATIC-PSYCHOPATHIC-CHRISTIAN world, I'm talking the real world.
In the real world parents love their children, its all they got. They don't got no SUV, or bank account at CACB, or HOLLERN mansion on AWBREY. All these 3rd world folk have is their children.
Here is Bend land there is this thought that USA self-righteous asshole christians can just lie through there teeth and waltz off with peoples kids. Make no mistake that people of the 3rd world love their children.
But HELL this is BEND, this is home of christian-zionism, right wing nut cases that think that palestinians love to see their children killed by IDF force's paid and supported by the USA.
NOPE folks this Haiti fiasco is a great example of USA christian-zionism getting caught with its pants down.
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